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A Cure for Love: Difference between revisions

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* [[Asshole Victim]]: {{spoiler|Higuchi is killed and his Death Note stolen.}}
* [[Backhanded Apology]]:
{{quote| '''Matt''': She called him 'Kira-sama' today. She looked like someone had shoved some dog shit down her throat as she said it, but she said it all the same.}}
* [[The Baroness]]: {{spoiler|V}}
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: {{spoiler|Misa and Rem force Astraea to arrange things so that Light will regain his Kira memories.}} [[Oh Crap|They shouldn't have done that.]]
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* [[Creator Provincialism]]
* [[Crossword Puzzle]]: [[WAFF|Light and L do one together]] in [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me the deleted scenes]:
{{quote| '''Light''': OK, 5 across. Dunderhead, 7 letters...<br />
'''L''': Matsuda.<br />
'''Light''': Ha. Not funny. I think it's...Ryuzaki...no, sorry, my mistake, it must be halfwit.<br />
'''L''': The answer is always the obvious one, Light-kun. I think you're making a mistake.<br />
'''Light''': Right and down...<br />
'''L''': Is that an offer or are you asking? This is a ridiculous crossword. Have we two, apparently the greatest minds of our age, really been reduced to doing a quick crossword?<br />
'''Light''': It's the best we have. Stop being a child.<br />
'''L''': Do you like the crossword more than me?<br />
'''Light''': It talks less.<br />
'''L''': And afterwards you can wipe your arse with it.<br />
'''Light''': You're speaking in English again.<br />
'''L''': I thought that you liked it when I talked.<br />
'''Light''': No, that's a misunderstanding on your part. }}
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: {{spoiler|Light curbstomps the leaders of Astraea with a sudden and inevitable betrayal and then assumes control of their organization}}.
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* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: {{spoiler|Misa and Rem force Astraea to "help" Light regain his Kira memories.}} [[Oh Crap|They ''really'' shouldn't have done that.]]
* [[Evil Is Not Well Lit]]:
{{quote| '''L''' (to Light): Did you forget where the light switch was or are you endeavouring to save on our carbon footprint?}}
* [[Evil Overlord]]: Light {{spoiler|succeeds in [[Take Over the World|taking over the world]] and is worshipped as a [[God-Emperor]], however his [[Sanity Slippage|mental]] [[Despair Event Horizon|state]] [[Functional Addict|is such]] that he's been relying on [[Beleaguered Assistant|Mikami]] more and more to do all the administrative duties of ruling the world...}}
* [[Evil Overlord List]]: Rule #1: In a [[Genre Savvy]] and [[Pragmatic Villainy|practical move]] Kira's Legions of Terror are not [[Faceless Goons]] and he has all his [[Mooks]] wear helpful "Hello my name is..." nametags in case they step out of line.
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* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: when Misa approaches Astraea they are not at all impressed and if not for Rem they would have killed her. However most of Astraea's members [[Squee]] over the original Kira.
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]]: Matt is surprised when he meets [[The Dreaded|Kira]] and finds it's just some guy mot much older than he is.
{{quote| '''Matt''': [[Lampshade Hanging|I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't you.]]}}
* [[Faking the Dead]]: {{spoiler|V}}, also {{spoiler|L}} in the alternative plotline ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me]''
** [[Death Faked for You]]: Rather than explain to the Yagami family the [[Awful Truth]] L simply tells them that [[Metaphorically True|Light was killed by Kira.]]
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]:
** [[Backstory|Light:]] {{spoiler|at a young age he noticed [[Humans Are Bastards|how shallow, stupid, and unjust people were.]] [[Malicious Slander|It was often gossiped about in their neighborhood]] that [[The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter|he looks nothing like his parents]] and their gossiping brought his mother shame and Light internalized that it was his fault (even though he knew it wasn't) and that there was something wrong with him and [[It Got Worse]] from there.}}
{{quote| '''Light''': [[Playing with a Trope|"It was a boring story, sorry if you were expecting some deep and meaningful tale of woe. My childhood was fairly uneventful.]] [[Disproportionate Retribution|I suppose I get hung up on innocuous things]] [[It's All About Me|which you don't want to hear about."]]}}
** V: {{spoiler|She was a victim of a human trafficking ring and had a child by rape when she was 12 (a child that would later be stolen from her by Wammy’s House.) L discovered the human trafficking ring and also how V had arranged their deaths, and so recruited her to be an [[Professional Killer|assassin]] for Wammy's House. But because she is an assassin they wouldn't let her talk to her son or let him know she was his mother and still alive.}} Also there are hints that {{spoiler|she might have been in love with [[Death by Origin Story|A who committed suicide.]]}}
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Light (as Kira) and L.
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* [[I Was Just Passing Through]]: [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|No, Light doesn't really miss L.]] He just wants his crappy CD player back. [[It's the Principle of the Thing]].
* [[If It's You It's Okay]]: Light [[Heroic BSOD|is a bit traumatized]] when he realizes he is attracted to L. L rationalizes it for him this way:
{{quote| '''Light:''' I am sorry though. Really. I think I was confused.<br />
'''L:''' You ''were'' confused?<br />
'''Light:''' Hmm.<br />
'''L:''' But you're not anymore.<br />
'''Light:''' No. Well, a little. Mostly embarrassed and... [[There Are No Therapists|maybe I should see a psychiatrist?]]<br />
'''L:''' [[Even the Guys Want Him|Do I really have that effect?]]<br />
Line 140:
'''L:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|And the Spartans. Remember the Spartans.]] }}
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: This moment from Chapter 16:
{{quote| ''Sometime ago, Matsuda had left a post-it on one of the laptops in which he'd accidentally managed to wedge a biro into the CD drive in an attempt to extricate something.'' <br />
''"Pen is stuck in drive"'' <br />
''Only the 'pen' and 'is' were written too close together. L now had a 'penis stuck in drive' post-it stuck on his laptop screen. He was considering framing it.'' }}
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Souichiro believes that forcing Light to spend a week with his family will [[Cure Your Gays|cure him of any gayness.]]
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** Later {{spoiler|Light's drug problem}}.
** From, ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me]'', the deleted scenes or alternative plotline [[Super Dickery|in which L]] is gone. {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead|He faked his death]]}} [[Antagonist in Mourning|leaving Light a broken mess.]] Light kills a bottle of sake as he commiserates with [[Voice with an Internet Connection|Near over the voice connection.]] [[What Did I Do Last Night?|Light wakes up the next morning with a massive hangover and realizes, to his horror, that Near stayed on the line all night and heard everything...]]
{{quote| '''Near:''' You snore.}}
** The content of Light's drunken ramblings was apparently quite disturbing as Near relates this to {{spoiler|L}} by way of Mello:
{{quote| '''Mello''' (to {{spoiler|L}}): [[I Love the Dead|I get the impression that he's going dig up the grave]] and crack open {{spoiler|your}} coffin like some fucked up [[Wuthering Heights (novel)|Heathcliff.]]}}
* [[Irony]]: Mr. Yagami thinks L is corrupting Light.
** When Light is mocking Near by trying to guess what the N stands for he unknowingly guesses his real name (or at least something close to it).
** Also:
{{quote| '''Matt''' (to Light): [[Hypocritical Humor|You're socially a bit awkward, y'know?]]}}
** Sayu wants Kira dead because [[Metaphorically True|L told her that Kira killed her brother.]]
** This:
{{quote| '''L:''' [[Blatant Lies|Light Yagami is dead]] and there's nothing I can do to help him now.<br />
'''Mello:''' You can't blame yourself, L. [[No Longer with Us|He's in a better place.]]<br />
'''L:''' Pffff... [[Deadpan Snarker|Yes. He certainly is.]] }}
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* [[Kick the Dog]]: Light {{spoiler|kills Watari and Misa and keeps L drugged up for about a week. Later when L regains his senses he pretends to be all forgiving [[Kiss of Death|and gives him a hug]] … [[Cold-Blooded Torture|and then throws him down onto a bed of broken porcelain.]]}}
* [[Kill You Last]]: Light says this to L [[Open Mouth, Insert Foot|without really thinking about what he said]] [[Murder Is the Best Solution|because killing people who annoy him has almost become an automatic response]]:
{{quote| '''Light''': [[Friendly Enemy|You're not trying to do something stupid are you?]]<br />
'''L''': I'm not doing anything stupid, Light. Apart from speaking to you.<br />
'''Light''': Good, because I would hate to kill you.<br />
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* [[The Not-Secret]]: 1) Light and L's "secret" relationship. 2) L, Astraea, Matt... pretty much everyone [[Selective Obliviousness|but the Kira Taskforce]] knows that Light is Kira.
* [[Not So Different]]:
{{quote| '''Sayu:''' I guess I'm frightened. And angry. Kira killed my family, not just Dad and Light. He killed all of us. And I have no time for L and his 'investigation.' If it wasn't for him then they'd still be alive. But then, Dad and Light believed in him. They thought he'd defeat Kira. [[What the Hell, Hero?|I'm angry at him because, well, you expect this from Kira; killing is what he does. But L has betrayed my family.]]}}
** And:
{{quote| '''L''' (to Mello): Kira is vengeance. Selfish vengeance. [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|You're just two people who have thrown their toys out of their cot because they feel injured.]] Kira is angry at the world as he saw it and you're angry at him.<br />
'''Mello:''' I'm nothing like Kira.<br />
'''L:''' No, you're the same. Same motivation, different scale of destruction. }}
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* [[Out-Gambitted]]: {{spoiler|V by Light. However she does manage to [[Heroic Sacrifice|protect her son]] by [[Half Truth|ommitting the fact]] that Kira has made [[Murder by Mistake|a literal error in judgment]].}}
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Matt for {{spoiler|V}} and Mello and Light for L:
{{quote| '''Matt''': I know you're Kira or whatever... [[Sarcasm Mode|this is me impressed.]] Doesn't change the fact that if you start any funny business with her, I'll shoot you through the fucking wall. I'm quicker than you and your little Diary of Death. OK?}}
** Also:
{{quote| '''Light''': It was you, wasn't it? You fucking tried to kill him!<br />
''' {{spoiler|V}}''': I'm sorry, Light.<br />
'''Light''': Not going to cut it, {{spoiler|V}}. I thought that you didn't want to kill L.<br />
''' {{spoiler|V}}''': I don't.<br />
'''Light''': If you touch him, I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you. }}
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* [[Rape Leads to Insanity]]: It's implied that this is why {{spoiler|V}} is so [[Axe Crazy]].
* [[Rapid Fire Name Guessing]]:
{{quote| '''Light''': I wonder what N stands for... 'Nobody', 'Notus', 'Nomad', 'Nincompoop', 'Norman', 'Nemo', 'Neo'... 'Norris', '[[Irony|Nathaniel]]', 'Noah', 'Ned', 'Nando', 'Napoleon', 'Nelson', 'Nickelodeon', 'Nicodemus'... <br />
'''L''': Near... It stands for Near, Light. Remember it. I'm glad that you're showing an interest though, for I never expected any less of you. However, I am most insulted on his behalf that you think that he could be named after [[Finding Nemo|a lost fish]] or [[Keanu Reeves]]. }}
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: [[Passive Aggressive Combat|L does this indirectly]] when he asks Light's help to figure out what a criminal is going to do next and then gives Light his own psych file to read.
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* [[The Runaway]]: Mello and Matt from Wammy's House. {{spoiler|Light too, sort of, from L and his family. He's fleeing L having him committed but he has a place to go- he takes control of Astraea and then [[Take Over the World|takes over the world.]]}}
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Light becomes more and more batshit as he's torn between his duties as Kira and his love and loyalty for L. [[It Got Worse]]:
{{quote| [[Madness Montage|"There was a tree which grew out of a wall below Light's window. It looked like it was bursting through but was probably holding the whole sorry mess together at the same time. It twisted like a cobra. Violent attempts to kill it, the blunt sliced ends to thick trunks just led to many children; thinner branches crawling upwards. It refuses to die. In the summer it had purple flowers."]]}}
** [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Light's heavy notebook usage]] and {{spoiler|his new drug addiction}} isn't helping. Also L has this for a while too after {{spoiler|Watari dies}} until he gets [[Bored with Insanity]] later. It's also revealed {{spoiler|that L's "insanity" was being caused by Light drugging him.}}
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: {{spoiler|Matt}} to Astraea.
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* [[Sex Face Turn]]: When Kira returns, Light is much more reluctant to kill L now that they've been sleeping together.
* [[Sherlock Scan]]: Near deduces the following about Kira from speaking with Light on the phone:
{{quote| '''Near:''' Kira, if it was Kira, sounded like a Japanese male in his late teens to early twenties... Slim build. He was probably wearing a suit since he was definitely wearing a tie. Irritable.}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: There are ''tons.'' Matt hums the ''[[Star Wars]]'' "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8 Imperial March]" when [[Big Bad|Kira]] enters [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness|the meeting room.]] Also when Light gets a scar on one of their misadventures of getting shot at he grumbles in his [[Internal Monologue]] that it makes him look like ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]''. Also in the [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me deleted scenes] Mello compares Light to the [[Byronic Hero]] Heathcliff of ''[[Wuthering Heights (novel)|Wuthering Heights]]'' and his [[Freudian Excuse]] [[Fridge Brilliance|is similar in this ficverse.]]
** "[[Resident Evil|Matt had just been spectacularly killed by a zombie riding a unicycle.]]"
Line 267:
* [[The Sociopath]]: Light, B, and {{spoiler|V}}.
** [[Lampshaded]] when L gives Light [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|his own psych file to read]]:
{{quote| ''"...any therapy would likely further enable his abilities to manipulate others. His intelligence and superficial charm, combined with his pathologic egocentricity and internalised morality, make him a dangerous individual deserving of clinical management and incarceration. He is driven by some, as yet, undefined goal. Kira's targeting of criminals gives a certain mask of sanity and 'goodness' in terms of his reasoning, but, due to his narcissism and deep-rooted antipathy, I doubt that they are exclusively or will remain his true aim of attack. At this point in time I would score him high for the Factor 1 scale of emotional psychopathy on the PCL-R, though his neurosis are not fully incapsulated within those criteria. He appears, at times, to show feelings of strong empathy, despite his apparent incapability to love." Light slammed the folder and the words shut. "[[Angrish|What a load of utter rubbish. I don't care. Really. I couldn't give a flying fuck."]]'' }}
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: {{spoiler|After Light regains his Kira memories but still considers L to be his "partner" in destroying Astraea.}}
* [[Song Fic]]: To [[The Smiths]]
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* [[Spy Catsuit]]: V and Wedy.
* [[Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male]]: played straight when Misa gives Light a [[Forceful Kiss]] and everyone laughs. Averted earlier when L warns Light just how dangerous [[Stalker with a Crush|Misa's "crush"]] is:
{{quote| '''L''': It must have quite distressing to come home and find your family murdered only to watch the perpetrator evade justice... However, considering that psychological trauma, she is most definitely and unsurprisingly unbalanced. She exhibits signs of erotomania in relation to you, Light-kun.<br />
'''Light''': I wouldn't go that far... It's a crush. I can handle it.<br />
'''L''': Yes, by avoidance. I dealt with a case where the victim handled it in the same way as you're doing. Didn't end well.<br />
'''Light''': They died?<br />
'''L''': No, but 56 other people did when their stalker decided that their deaths would be an appropriate tribute.<br />
'''Light''': Oh, that's comforting. }}
Line 288:
* [[Tragic Villain]]: {{spoiler|V}} and Light.
* [[Transparent Closet]]:
{{quote| '''Light:''' I'm not gay.<br />
'''L:''' Oh, my apologies, I forgot that you're the sexual scourge of womankind. You obviously only have sex with me because you roll over in your sleep and misjudge the distance. Maybe you're sleepwalking... or maybe the term, 'sleepfucking', would be more appropriate. Maybe you're completely unaware of what you're doing.<br />
'''Light:''' It happens. }}
* [[Trash of the Titans]]: L resorts to just throwing off the huge stacks of paperwork, trash, and finger puppets from the hotel's (taskforce HQ's) coffee table in order to find his lollipop.
Line 312:
* [[Yaoi Guys]]: Light and L, Matt and Mello
* [[Yes-Man]]: Mikami. Light notes that his vocabulary is limited to "Yes, Kami."
{{quote| '''Matt''': He's always prissy, sitting at his desk like, 'I'm the king of you' to everyone and then Kira prances in and ol' Miki's literally throwing himself on the ground all, 'Take me up the arse, oh mighty one.' Bloody eejit.}}
* [[You Are Grounded]]: L is amused when this happens to Kira.
* [[You Got Murder]]: Astraea sends L a letter laced with sarin.
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