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{{quote| '''Generally cynical [http://community.livejournal.com/roguereport/4592.html#cutid1 recap] of [[The Thrawn Trilogy]]:''' For the second time, Zahn also sets up information for later novels of his already; this time, mentioning to Pellaeon his plan for creating a clone that will be grown fast to childhood, and then let to grow naturally for the last ten years. Possibly on a hidden, secure planet in the Unknown Regions.<br />
People who have not yet read ''[[Hand of Thrawn|Spectre of the Past]]'' and ''[[Hand of Thrawn|Vision of the Future]]'' should take note of this. People who have read them will undoubtedly get that really awesome spine-shiver that is accompanied with an "OMG that's so awesome" feeling. You know the one I'm talking about. Yes you do. }}
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* Even if you were spoiled to hell and back by the advertising blitz beforehand: in Episode I, when that door opens, and Darth Maul is standing there looking like Satan himself -- and he busts out the ''double-bladed lightsaber'' --was there any other reaction than, "Holy crap"?
** I think what happens directly after Maul shows up adds a lot to the awesomeness. When the doors open to reveal Maul, Amidala and her troops look good and ready to wet themselves, until the Jedi step forward...
{{quote| '''Qui-Gon Jinn:''' "We'll handle this."<br />
'''Amidala:''' * who can't wait to get the hell away from Maul* "...we'll take the long way (around)." }}
* When Obi Wan {{spoiler|jumped out of the shaft in the Theed palace and chopped Darth Maul in half}}.
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* Or the time General Grievous had him hanging over a ledge on Utapau, and he used the Force to shoot the general with a blaster (complete with [[Bond One-Liner|irreverent comment]] afterward)? When Luke's hanging over a precipice, it means he's had the stuffing kicked out of him, and he's barely going to survive this encounter. When Obi-Wan is hanging over a precipice, it means he's about to kick ass.
* Windu also gets one in ''Revenge of the Sith'', in his duel with Palpatine. He'd even would have won, had Anakin not shown up. The dialogue that preceded was also awesome(for both!):
{{quote| '''Mace:''' In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest. <br />
'''Palpatine:''' I ''am'' the Senate!<br />
'''Mace:''' Not yet! }}
** Only Palpatine was most likely toying with Windu the whole time, as he had just butchered the three other Jedi Masters.
** The above dialogue is even better in the trailer:
{{quote| '''Mace:''' In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you are under arrest.<br />
'''Palpatine:''' Are you threatening me, Master Jedi? *Ignites lightsaber and lunges. Cue the most badass and ominous music ever used in a ''Star Wars'' trailer* }}
** Ah, but then we would not have seen Palpatine become the [[Large Ham]] he was ''born'' to be. Palpatine announces the birth of [[The Empire]] and the death of freedom to the Senate... who respond with ''a standing ovation''. Your Majesty, your ascent to [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastardhood]] is complete. The horrified-sounding [[Ominous Latin Chanting|ominous chorus]] in the background doesn't hurt, either.
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** Yoda's decapitating of the clones about to kill him on Kashyyyk. One moment, he's on the floor, seemingly defenseless after feeling the deaths of so many Jedi, and the clones are readying their blasters. The next, the clones are lying dead on the floor and Yoda is deactivating his lightsaber.
** How about the fantastic confrontation in Palpatine's office?
{{quote| '''Palpatine:''' At last the Jedi are no more...<br />
'''Yoda:''' Not if anything to say about it ''I have''! * Force pushes Palpatine so hard he goes flying across the room and lands ass over head* <br />
'''Yoda:''' At an end your rule is... and not short enough it was. }}
** Before that Yoda casually knocks out Palpatine's two guards with a wave of his hand.
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** "[[Never Tell Me the Odds]]," quite possibly the most badass line in the entire series.
* Luke informs Yoda that he's just not strong enough in the Force to raise his starfighter from the swamp. Yoda then raises the starfighter out of the swamp, accompanied by triumphant music and spirited beeping from R2-D2.
{{quote| Luke: I don't believe it! <br />
Yoda: ''That'' is why you fail. }}
*** So very very true
Line 156:
** The Rebels also named a captured Star Destroyer after the guy.
* Death Star battles seem to be powered by [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. Watching Lando & Company come blasting out of Death Star 2 with their hair on fire is just awesome.
{{quote| '''Lando''': [[Battle Cry|YAA-HAH!!]]}}
* Palpatine's "Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be ''quite operational'' when your friends arrive..." It's just the way he says it, a mockery of a friendly old man's concern.
** Also, absolutely everything else Palpatine says in that conversation, including but not limited to "''[[The Chessmaster|Everything]]'' [[The Chessmaster|that has transpired has done so according to]] ''[[The Chessmaster|my]]'' [[The Chessmaster|design]]".
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** As someone who saw the films in order, there's the impact of seeing the lightning for the first time. Palpatine gives some death threats etc, and you expect some big lightsaber fight or force choking or what have you. Instead, out of freaking nowhere he starts shooting LIGHTNING at Luke. While the lightning has been downgraded and made much more commonplace since then, back then not even Darth Vader could do it (now we know why, but the EU wasn't as developed at the time). It made the Emperor a grade-A badass.
* After Vader has failed repeatedly to lure his son to the Dark Side, he finally discovers Luke's [[Berserk Button]]:
{{quote| Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... Sister. So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the Dark Side, then ''perhaps she will''.}}
** The music cue that played at that moment especially made it powerful.
** Luke's cry of "Never!" and then nearly taking Vader's head off in the duel was also awesome.
Line 178:
** "You should have bargained, Jabba. That's the last mistake you'll ever make." C'mon! How badass is that!?!
* '''THE ENTIRE BATTLE OF ENDOR IN SPACE'''. Some specific moments are
{{quote| Lando: Yes, I said '''''closer!''''' Move as close you can, and engage those Star Destroyers at point blank range!<br />
Ackbar: At that range we won't last long against those Star Destroyers!<br />
Lando: We'll last longer than we will against that '''Death Star'''! ''And we might just take a few of them with us!'' }}
** Commander Merrejk's total "Oh God we're dead" moment while Piett's shouting to "intensify the forward batteries" of the ''Executor'' and Merrejk sees off in the distance the out of control A-Wing coming straight for them.
{{quote| Piett: ''Intensify the forward firepower!''<br />
Merrejk: '''''TOO LATE!''''' }}
* With all the Luke/Vader action, it is easy to forget Han. In a flash of genius, he gets the men in the base to come out by pretending the Rebels have surrendered, only to jump them outside.
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** Also, arguably, the only bit Lucas himself has in tying the original series to the prequel trilogy. Watch the death scene again, and it's arguable that Vader finally realizes that he was always whining about other people limiting him, but it was always him -- in staring at his ruined stump of a hand, just like Luke's, it's got to be a little apparent to him that Luke's been through almost exactly the same kind of life he had, but worse on every level, all without giving in to the Dark Side.
** This is even better in the NPR radio adaptation, with Brock Peters' incredible delivery in this exchange:
{{quote| '''Palpatine:''' Put me down!<br />
'''Vader:''' I will put you down. Down the reactor shaft! Down to your death!<br />
'''Palpatine:''' I am your master!<br />
'''Vader:''' Darth Vader's master, BUT NOT ANAKIN SKYWALKER'S! }}
* Luke gives his father a proper send-off, while the magical musical Force theme plays for the last time, and then we see people across the galaxy celebrating freedom. And two dead Jedi watch in approval... except there are actually three Jedi who can now rest knowing the evil they fought is gone. (And then we get the credits, which despite the great music become a Dethroning Moment of Suck about 20 seconds in when you realize [[Awesomeness Withdrawal|it's over]].
Line 210:
*** If I remember correctly, Yoda doesn't squeeze it, he catches it, then reverses it. TWICE (once for Dooku, once for Palpatine).
**** He catches two Force Lightning uses from Dooku. The first one he reverses. The second one he catches, squeezes into a little ball and then '''casually extinguishes it by closing his hand''':
{{quote| '''Yoda:''' Much to learn you still have.}}
** Also it was shown being deflected for the first time in Attack of the Clones by Obi Wan. "I don't think so."
** Mace Windu takes it one step further by ''blocking it with his lightsaber and '''deflecting''' it back at Palpatine''.
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**** Those two lines are just precursors to the awesome of the Onderon War scene. Charging through entire ''armies'' of enemies and diffusing tons of traps that lie in your way between you and the Queen is what comes just after. And best of all, after basically an entire game of [[Mooks]] displaying [[Suicidal Overconfidence]] and trying stupidly to kill you for the bounty on Jedi, they ''finally'' begin to give you a Jedi's due respect and cower at the mere sight of your rampage.
** Peragus itself is a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for the HK-50s. Arriving on the station unprepared, a single assassin droid manages to improvise, in a matter of days, a way to quietly slaughter practically all organic life in the ''[[Everybody's Dead, Dave|entire complex]]''.
{{quote| ''Mocking Query: Coorta? Coorta? Are you dead yet?''}}
*** Made more awesome when you consider that the droid did everything indirectly, managing to get everyone killed in ways where the blame was always placed on someone else. A [[Chessmaster]] if I ever saw one.
* Preliminary reports indicate that KOTOR II will become ''even more awesome'' when The Sith Lords Restoration Project is finally finished. In the meantime, a few moments deserve special mention.
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** An HK-50 droid gets one if you play through the prologue - even [[Final Fantasy VII|Sephiroth's]] fire walk isn't this [[Badass]].
*** Also, the combined [[Rule of Funny|hilarity]] and [[Rule of Cool|sheer awesomeness]] of his interactions with the Exile are possibly the best reason to choose [[The Dark Side]] in this game. Read the dialogue below and be awestruck (alternatively: horrified) at the way that a Dark-side Jedi Exile can spread enough suffering and misery to impress even a ruthless assassination droid. Keep in mind that this droid was built by {{spoiler|Darth Revan. ''Darth motherfucking Revan''. When he was a ''Sith Lord''}}.
{{quote| '''HK-47''': Statement: Master, I must say it is a pleasure working side by side with you.<br />
'''Exile''': If you have a long-winded explanation for why, indulge me.<br />
'''HK-47''': Statement: Just when I believe my photoreceptors have recorded the last potential aspect of your cruelty to my memory core, you commit a new atrocity that leaves me analyzing its impact for days.<br />
'''HK-47''': You are like a delightful random cruelty generator, master, poisoning all you touch with your presence. You are a testament to all organic meatbags everywhere.<br />
'''Exile''': Stick with me - you'll pick up a few things.<br />
'''HK-47''': Statement: I have already learned a great deal, master, and I am anxious to learn more about lying, betrayal, and new ways to harm innocents. }}
*** It's a real shame that the HK-50 factory was cut from the game, because the whole thing was an incredible continuous moment of awesome for HK-47.
{{quote| '''HK-50 #1''': Confused Query: Where are you going?<br />
'''HK-50 #2''': Ineffectual Command: We command you to stop.<br />
'''HK-47''': Statement: But you said so yourself. You have just admitted your own weakness. Conclusion: You have just shown me your soft, meatbag-like underbellies, and said, 'HK-47, please shoot me repeatedly there until I die.' Statement: You cannot stop me, you cannot harm me. }}
** Speaking of the prologue, T3-M4 jury-rigs the crippled Ebon Hawk and brings it in for a safe landing in deserted mining colony...after navigating through an asteroid field. ''By himself''.
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** The mere fact that she is able to walk right next to all four masters and not a one of them ever notices unless it's pointed out to him,
** Kreia's {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}} for Light Side players, which also doubles as [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]. After you gather the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, {{spoiler|they tell you that you are a liability, and must be cut off from the Force if the Jedi are to have any hope of survival. Once they have you in stasis, in walks Kreia, who is, SURPRISE, still fully Sith. Here's the awesomeness: she Force pushes all three back, pushes Vrook again when he tries to get up, she chews them out, and then kills all three of them at once with Force drain.}} Crazy awesome. Then she yells this.
{{quote| '''Kreia:''' Step away! She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again.(...) How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy—faced war and death on such a scale. If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side—it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death. Revan knew the power of such places… and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others… of Jedi, promising them power, and turning them to the dark side. The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion… culminating in a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from—save one. (Turns to the Exile) And this is what I sought to understand. How one could turn away from such power, give up the Force… and still live. But I see what happened now. It is because you were afraid.<br />}}
** If you take the darkside path {{spoiler|and kill the Jedi Masters yourself,}} Kreia sends you off to Dantooine to find the "Last of the Jedi." What you find instead is {{spoiler|an empty chamber, since you've just about driven them into extinction.}} Kreia then enters, explains the situation, and asks if {{spoiler|killing the Jedi}} calmed your rage. Your answer is invariably no. "Then you have failed me," she remarks coldly. "Completely and utterly." She then {{spoiler|''drains the life from you, and chews you out for leaving nothing but death, destruction, and the end of everything in your wake.'' All you're left with is the hope that maybe you'll learn ''something''.}}
{{quote| '''Kreia:''' I have taught you to feel the Force again, shown you the contrast, and yet ''still'' you do not understand! ''This'' is what you have wrought: countless murderers, slayers, assassins, born of war that has, as always, ''taught the wrong lesson.'' You showed them life without the Force -- and instead of showing them truth, power, all you showed them was how the galaxy may die. ''You'' are responsible for all of this; even now, events spiral towards destruction, and there is nothing that can be done because you refuse to listen, to ''understand!'' You have seen the effects you have on those close to you, heard the echoes scream across dead planets, and watched as your strength has grown, yet it is for nothing. To {{spoiler|have the Jedi Council brought low by such a failure}}, there is no victory in that. You have not heard a thing I have taught, and for all I have said, you have never learned to listen.<br />
<br />
Vrook was right to come here, though he did not recognize the connection until too late. This place will hide you from the Sith for a time -- enough to do what must be done. (Bitterly) You were my last hope; the only one who could change what is to come. And now you have left me with nothing. I shall teach you no longer: our bond remains, but that is all.<br />
<br />
'''Kreia:''' Stay here and die, apprentice, among the wreckage of all that remains of the Jedi. It is a fitting grave, until the Sith come to end you... {{spoiler|to end everything}}. And as you lie here, I pray that you will listen... and finally awaken. }}
** {{spoiler|When you beat her as the final boss, you think you've won. Bam! She's now triple-wielding lightsabers with her mind!}}
Line 316 ⟶ 319:
* On the Star Forge when Malak sends his entire army to attack you. This is an awesome moment because he admits that he isn't sending them at you out of any hope that they'll kill you, because he knows they don't stand a chance against you. He's only doing it to buy time for him to prepare for the final showdown.
* It's not often that the player gets to achieve a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] in dialogue, but the conversation with Atris allows you to virtually dethrone her on the debating field- whatever way you please. Here's just one way in particular:
{{quote| '''Exile:''' Our teachings do not mean we should stand by and watch others die.<br />
'''Atris:''' There was no guarantee that marching to war would have saved the Outer Rim. In fact, quite the opposite.<br />
'''Exile:''' We could have waited, but defeating the Mandalorians after they had won would have been difficult.<br />
'''Atris:''' There are victories other than physical ones: the real victory lay in th-<br />
'''Exile:''' The triumph of the Jedi teachings is a cold thing when there is no one left alive to appreciate them.<br />
'''Atris:''' You do not kno-<br />
'''Exile:''' You are correct- I do not know. And neither do you.<br />
'''Atris:''' (Enraged) How ''dare'' you? The Mandalorian Wars should have been your grave and ''Malachor V is where you should have died!''<br />
'''Exile:''' Your anger... is it because you secretly wish you'd had the strength to follow me to war?<br />
'''Atris:''' (Flustered) What? What do you mean?<br />
'''Exile:''' I can see it in you - you wanted to fight by my side, but you were too scared to defy the Council. }}
** "Have you been reading the history of the ''blind''? [[This Is Sparta|Revan. Won. The. War.]]
Line 331 ⟶ 334:
* The battle of Dantoonie in the second game, especially if you have Tier 3 versions of stun, horror, or lightning. There's really nothing quite as satisfying as seeing an entire army spring up... then stopping them (quite literally if you use lightning) dead in their tracks. Of course, those three force powers are just awesome by themselves in any crowded room.
* In the first game, a PC that has embraced the Dark Side deep enough can actually beat Jorak on Korriban at his own little game by giving the right answer to a trick question he technically has no way of knowing.
{{quote| Neither. A true Sith never dies.}}
* With The Sith Lords Restoration Mod now out, several very awesome things have been restored. One of them involves Kreia teaching you how to fight. She does this by having you fight against Visas with increasingly difficult limitations: first, with one lightsaber, then with two, and then ''unarmed''. Note that you do all of this without items ''or'' Force powers, and Visas heals between each and every fight.
* It's possible to actually ''turn HK-47 to the light side'' by performing Light-sided actions in front of him while still choosing enough Dark-sided actions to unlock his bonuses. Sure, he still acts the same, but seeing HK with a blue background on the party select screen is something to behold. The same applies for G0-T0.
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== [[Dark Forces Saga]] ==
* While it's tempting to say [[Memetic Badass|anything Kyle Katarn does]] I have to give an example. In ''Jedi Outcast'' while Admiral Fyyar is [[Evil Gloating|doing the big speech about while awesome he is]], Kyle destroys his ship's shield generator with a well-aimed lightsaber toss.
{{quote| '''Fyyar:''' "Worlds will tremble! Stars will shatter!" <br />
'''Kyle:''' "Your shields will fall." }}
* Also, the first time you do the forward jumping attack (I think that's what it was) with the lightsabre on some feckless [[Mook|Stormtrooper]]. You end up doing this forward front flip with a crazy twist in mid-air, and at the top of your arc, you ''punch your lightsabre through the top of the guy's head.'' Yes, it ends up being one of your [[Awesome Yet Practical|standard moves]] after a while, but that first time? ''INSANITY.''
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* In the prequel novel to the games, Kyle Katarn is a stalwart Imperial soldier, one of the billions who believes that the Empire really ''is'' a just government. As his last test before graduation from the Academy, he leads a squad of stormtroopers in the assault on a Rebel base. Despite heavy casualties, the battle is a success and most of the rebels are killed. Katarn is promoted and given the Imperial equivalent of a Medal of Honor at his graduation ceremony. Soon after, he is informed that his father was killed by rebels, and is given leave to grieve for him. While on a pleasure cruise, he runs into one of the rebels that he spared at the base, a woman named [[Action Girl|Jan Ors]]. Through a recording supplied by a rebel propaganda droid, she shows Kyle that the Empire was actually responsible for his father's death. Kyle's response? He doesn't say a word. He just takes the Imperial medal off of his uniform, and [[Heel Face Turn|throws it down the trash chute]].
* Back to Jedi Knight II, there's a section of Kejim where an idiot Stormtrooper sets off a volatile container near a bridge. Kyle has to cross the bridge while it starts collapsing from the damage; just as Kyle crosses it, it violently explodes. Cue this exchange:
{{quote| '''Jan:''' What happened?<br />
'''Kyle:''' Just another day at work, Jan. }}
* Come on. How can people miss out on that one level where Kyle fights a bunch of Reborn alongside Luke Skywalker? The game already does a great job immersing you in the Star Wars universe and playing as a Jedi to boot. But it added icing to an already awesome cake by having you fight alongside one of your boyhood heroes as well.
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== Miscellaneous ==
* There have been several games which show how the Empire struck back at Yavin Base after they lost the Death Star, and [[Depending on the Writer|none of them really agree on what happened]]. However most of them keep this scene where, with all resistance crushed, stormtroopers corner [[Cool Old Guy|General Jan Dodonna]] in the command centre:
{{quote| The surprise is ''mine'', bucketheads! [[Stuff Blowing Up|(Detonates Rebel command temple)]]}}
== Comic Books ==
* Pretty much the entirety of Dark Horse's ''By the Emperor's Hand'' is a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Mara Jade, especially the final arc in which she infiltrates Black Nebula's base, fools the villain of the piece into thinking she has incredible technology to help her win consistently in his casino (which he can then buy from her mysterious backers), and eventually kills him {{spoiler|with a lightsaber embedded inside a bust of [[Magnificent Bastard|Xizor]], [[Karmic Death|to whom he had been the Understudy]]}}. But the greatest crowning moment of all has to be issue three, wherein {{spoiler|Mara escapes from Ysanne Isard's clutches and makes her and all of Imperial Intelligence look like utter fools.}} Perhaps the best line to represent this moment is:
{{quote| '''Mara Jade''': "Ysanne Isard...you've left your datapad plugged in."}}
* The ''Knights Of The Old Republic'' comic series (a prequel to [[Knights of the Old Republic|the game]]) is basically a series of incredible awesome punctuated by a ridiculous number of [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Crowning Moments of Awesome]]. These include:
** In the first story-arc, ''Commencement'', [[Comedic Hero|Zayne]] and [[Deadpan Snarker|Gryph]] escaping ''five'' homicidal Jedi Masters and making it into the underworld of Taris; the ''Last Resort's'' escape from the planet; the ''Last Resort's'' arrival at the Taris asteroid, rescuing [[The Hero|Zayne]] and [[Action Girl|Jarael]] from [[Broken Pedestal|Zayne's former Master]] Lucien Draay; and best of all {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes|Jarael's rescue of Zayne from all five Masters]] complete with his lightsaber and ominous red spacesuit}}. Zayne even gets one in the epilogue when he {{spoiler|contacts the Masters, with little trace of the old [[Comedic Hero]] about him, and gives them a chilling [[We Will Meet Again]] speech, ending with "And if I do end up collapsing the Jedi Order, just remember one thing. You started it."}}
Line 372 ⟶ 375:
** When Zayne tries to save Raana Tey in Knight's of Suffering; Think about it; This is the woman who helped kill his friends, framed him for murder, persauded his girlfriend to try and kill him, and who helped destroy his life more then almost all of the other masters (except Lucien). The fact that he was able to forgive her for all of that was just incredible.
** [[The Man Behind the Man|Haazen]] gets one during [[The Reveal]] of his plan- he's launched a coup against the Jedi Council, has seized control of of the Republic fleet in orbit and is using it to rain down destruction on his enemies, and [[Knight Templar|Lucien]] [[Unwitting Pawn|Draay]] has his head against the wall weeping while he calmly explains his masterstroke. Then a bolt from one of the ships blows out the window Haazen is standing by, shredding his cloak and knocking everyone else off their feet, but when the smoke clears Haazen is still standing there, now revealed to be clad in Sith armor and looking like [[Satan]] surrounded by the fires of hell.
{{quote| Haazen: The Prophecy of Five is fulfilled. Let the fire of truth rain down. }}
* Exar Kun in [[The Sith War]] - he waltzes into the Galactic Senate while Ulic Qel-Droma is on trial, freezes the entire chamber in place with a Sith spell, forces the head of the Galactic Republic to say they are all weak pawns of the Jedi (and then drops him, possibly dead, into a puddle of his own goo), duels (and trivially murders) his former master on the Senate Floor, is so unimpressed by a former fellow student of his trying to attack him that he just throws her across the room rather than waste his time fighting her, and waltzes right back out again (with Ulic), leaving the entire room still frozen in abject horror. It's pretty difficult to top, as far as 'you are all utterly impotent to stop me' moments go.
* In one of the ''Star Wars: Empire'' comics, we had [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Able Able One Seven Oh Seven], a clone trooper who survived in a jungle for twenty years. That he survived is awesome itself, but he really accounted for himself well when the Rebellion and the Empire landed on his world, and later joined the Alliance.
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** But the shooting's still not as awesome as what happen right before, when one of them, an ex-Mandalorian named Hondo Karr, picks a fight with said Sith Lord ''with a knife'', which provided the distraction for the shooting.
* Admiral Gar Stazi turn the trap laid by the Imperial fleet over its head and able to steal the Advanced Star Destroyer in ''[[Star Wars Legacy]]'' 21. Him also giving badass retort to Valan's offer to surrender also makes him living up his name of [[Badass|GAR]].
{{quote| Also in legacy Cade Skywalker (luke's great-grandson) gets a hold of a powerful sith artifact called the murr talisman. and the sith lord that inhabits the talisman offers cade all the power needed to take over teh galaxy...and he literally just gives the sith lord a big "screw you" and destroys the talisman with out a second thought.}}
* Boba Fett clears out a flying Imperial concentration camp for a pittance, just to prove he's Boba motherfucking Fett. He even guns down the Mengele analogue who charges at him with a lightsaber, reminding him that "Jedi weapon doesn't make you Jedi". Then, when the Captain threatens to blow up the ship with them both on it, Fett just turns and walks away, promising to find and kill him later...luring the Captain out of the pilot's seat so Fett can kill him. Boba Fett is ''[[Badass]]''.
** There was also the time that Fett and Vader went [[Back-to-Back Badasses]] to slaughter a neverending wave of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and assorted scum looking to make names for themselves. Why didn't Fett join them? Because he is that rare breed of person who doesn't fear Vader, but ''respects him.''
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** The way that Fett kills Vizsla counts, too. After a [[How Much More Can He Take?|brutal fight]] that leaves both men injured and weakened, Jango slashes Vizsla's belly open with his gauntlet blades. Vizsla, holding his guts in, snarls that a little wound like that won't kill him. To which Fett, lying back in the grass, replies no, but {{spoiler|''they'' will. Vizsla turns just in a time to see a nasty lion like creature pouncing on him}}. Cue [[Gory Discretion Shot|off panel screams]] fading away into a gurgle.
* The climax of the [[Alternate Universe]] story''Star Wars Infinites: A New Hope'' has Yoda taking control of the Death Star, shooting a ton of Imperial ships with the superlaser before finally having it [[Colony Drop]] right on Palpatine's palace.
{{quote| '''Yoda:''' Coming to see you, I am. Now.}}
* ''[[X Wing Series|Requiem For A Rogue]]'' is commonly seen as a weaker plot for its very [[Off-Model]] art, some rather pointless deaths, and general weirdness - however, it's hard not to find Wedge's undbending defiance in the face of the Dark Jedi who brought him back to life and could kill him effortlessly awesome.
* There's a comic story where Darth Maul is resurrected and fights Darth Vader. Maul completely outfights him, while claiming he lacks the hatred to win. As he goes to finish it, Vader activates his lightsaber so that ''it goes through him'' and Maul. Cue this exchange.
{{quote| '''Darth Maul:''' What could you hate enough to destroy me?<br />
'''Darth Vader:''' {{spoiler|Myself.}} }}
* A rather [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|chilling]] Moment of Awesome occurs in the backstory of a rebel general named Roons Sewell. After a hard childhood on the streets, he finds his place in a theater, and meets the love of his life there. Everything goes well until the Empire shuts down the theater mid performance due to the play's "subversive themes". Tension turns to violence and Sewell's lover is killed, though he escapes. The next day, he places her body in a speeder outside of her mother's house and has a neighborhood child deliver the message. Imperial officers immediately burst out of the mother's house and jump in their speeder to chase Sewell down, not noticing the chain wrapped around the speeder's repulsorlift. When it's yanked out, they crash and spill out onto the ground. Sewell approaches one ([[Laser-Guided Karma|possibly the officer who had come to the theater]]), picks up the man's blaster, places it to his temple and says [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner|"Perhaps this will give you some appreciation for the classics."]]
Line 401 ⟶ 404:
* The recently released ''Agent of the Empire'', starring 'good imperial' Jahan Cross. Though only one issue has come out so far, the very concept behind it (Jahan Cross being the Star Wars equivalent of James Bond) is awesome.
** That one issue even includes a few Bond-style lines:
{{quote| '''Pew (a parody of Q)''': The problem with you, Agent Cross, is you almost never return the equipment in the condition it was given you.}}
** Oh, and he's an old friend of {{spoiler|Han Solo}}, from their training days together at the Imperial Academy. That's almost makes Agent Cross a Moment of Awesome simply by association.
** Even the text on the front cover comes across as awesome:
{{quote| Stormtroopers are the Empire's hammer. {{spoiler|''This man'' (Agent Cross) ''is its scalpel''.}}}}
* From [[Dark Empire]]: "The Sarlacc found [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Boba_Fett me] [[Back From the Dead|somewhat indigestible]]."
Line 417 ⟶ 420:
** Another ''[[New Jedi Order]]'' example: Ganner at the well of the World Brain: "[[You Shall Not Pass|None shall pass]]."
** Yet another NJO example: Admiral Pellaeon, Thrawn's former [[Bastard Understudy]] gets to deliver this line:
{{quote| "Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back." (Yes, ''[[The Empire|that]]'' [[The Empire|Empire]].)}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard|Grand Admiral Thrawn]]. Not the ridiculously brilliant strategies for conquering planets, or a [[Xanatos Roulette]] putting the entire galaxy in terror simply by making it appear that he'd come back from the dead. Rather, it was a fairly quiet moment in ''The Last Command'' when everyone expects him to give a [[Mook]] the [[You Have Failed Me]] treatment when a technical issue allows Luke Skywalker to escape his clutches. Instead, he listens to the officer's explanation of how he tried, and nearly did, overcome the flaw inherent in the system, and promptly promotes the man and assigns him to find a way to deal with the issue. Everyone who witnessed the moment instantly had a personal loyalty and respect for Thrawn that [[Bad Boss]] Darth Vader had never inspired. (Sorry, Needa. You were just serving under the wrong guy.)
{{quote| "[Pellaeon] stood there beside the newly minted lieutenant, feeling the stunned awe pervading the bridge as he watched Thrawn leave. Yesterday, the Chimaera's crew had trusted and respected the Grand Admiral. After today, they would be ready to die for him. And for the first time in five years, Pellaeon finally knew in the deepest level of his being that the old Empire was gone. The new Empire, with Grand Admiral Thrawn at its head, had been born."}}
** In a terrific callback, in the ''Hand of Thrawn'' series taking place ten years later, Lando tries the same escape tactic against a Star Destroyer, musing that it had worked so well for Luke ten years earlier... and the Star Destroyer counters it effortlessly. The new lieutenant obviously did his job.
** The man even dies with a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. After spending 3 books being an undefeatable master strategist obsessed with the artwork of the species that he's so handily defeating, he's killed simply by a knife stabbed into his back by his bodyguard. Pure white uniform, crimson blossom of blood..
{{quote| '''Thrawn''': But... it was so artistically done.}}
** He gets a great moment when Joruus takes over his flagship to go capture Leia on Coruscant. Thrawn asks if he has the power to do it and C'baoth asks him if he doubts the power of the Force. Thrawn's response is pure [[Magnificent Bastard]].
{{quote| '''Thrawn''': Not at all. I merely present the problems you and the Force will have to solve if you continue with this course of action. For instance, do you know where the Coruscant sector fleet is based, or the number and types of ships making it up? Have you thought about how you will neutralize Coruscant's orbital and ground-based defense systems? Do you know who is in command of the planet's defenses at present, and how he or she is likely to deploy the available forces? Have you considered Coruscant's energy field? Do you know how best to use the strategic and tactical capabilities of an Imperial Star Destroyer?}}
* Admiral Daala is one of the least impressive of the EU's villains, but she arguably gets the best example of this when, having locked the leaders of the warring Imperial faction in a big conference room, and tried in vain to get them to get along, {{spoiler|she finally gives up, loudly denounces them, and gives the order to [[Board to Death|fill the room with poisonous gas]], having brought a gas mask and provided Pellaeon with one beforehand, leaving the two of them the leaders of all the remaining Imperial forces}}.
* The ''X-Wing'' novels have their share, with a prominent one being in ''The Bacta War:'' when the SSD Lusankya realizes that over three hundred proton torpedoes and concussion missiles are locked on it. Stackpole's dialogue left a lot to be desired, but that moment oozed "win."
Line 430 ⟶ 433:
*** On the other hand, the awesomeness of how Booster and Iella figured out what she was up to in ''Isard's Revenge'', tracked her down on the refurbished ''Lusankya'', and trapped her in her old quarters can only be surpassed by Iella's delicious [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] moment, followed by shooting Iceheart right in the gut. Made even better by the fact that in between those, she actually 'terrified Isard into a rash attack'' by revealing she wouldn't have a [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]] thanks to how much intelligence information and [[Blackmail]] she had on members of the government--instead [[Loophole Abuse|she'd be tried in military court for piracy since had tried to steal a vessel]], then [[Laser-Guided Karma|locked up in the very ship she'd made into a prison]], [[And I Must Scream|alone and cut off from all human contact with only droids to look after her]].
** [[Crazy Awesome|Lara Notsil.]]:
{{quote| ''I am the unseen, the unknowable, the unstoppable.''<br />
''No computer can stand before me. Gates open for me. Back doors are revealed to me. Knowledge willingly spools itself out for my inspection. I am the Jedi of the electronic world.''<br />
''I have found evil aboard Tedevium. I have found corruption. Like the Jedi, I shall cut it down.''<br />
''Examine these files. Test them for integrity. You will find they are the truth.''<br />
''Go where these files lead you.''<br />
''Do what you must do, as I do what I must do.''<br />
''Signed, White Lancer.'' }}
*** But the fact that a book later she almost single-handedly brings down Warlord Zsinj from within his flagship, fools him into a losing gambit, eliminates his alien experimentation program and frees the prisoners, and then has the gall to send a message to General Solo and the rest of the New Republic fleet right under his nose is truly a reason to punch the air and cheer.
{{quote| '''Lara Notsil''': "''Iron Fist'' is now in the Selaggis system with her hyperdrive inoperable... I recommend you come by and take a look. Oh, bring your fleet too."}}
*** She'd be a [[Mary Sue]] if not for her very believable character flaws and development (such as borderline insanity, and it getting worse, not better) and the fact that she doesn't completely take over the story, still allowing Wedge and the other heroes to play their parts and achieve victory. Instead she just comes across as an utterly cool and admirable role model (natch, for a [[Star Wars]] woman), and all this after doing a [[Heel Face Turn]].
** Myn Donos gets one as well just for rediscovering his sense of humor.
{{quote| '''Donos''': "Pretty. What do we blow up first?"<br />
'''Wedge''': "Write that down. That should be the Wraith Squadron slogan." }}
** Another moment occurs in ''Wedge's Gamble'', where Wedge and the future Mrs. Winter Celchu hijack a solar mirror orbiting Coruscant from the ground and turn it into a [[Kill Sat]], with spectacular results. The reactions of the hapless mirror crew are just icing on the cake at this point. Say what you will about Stackpole's writing style, but the man knows how to do [[Stuff Blowing Up]] properly.
** In ''Wraith Squadron'', Kell Tainer and Runt use false signals to trick the enemy into thinking that the ''Millennium Falcon'' happens to be damaged and escaping the hidden Folor base being raided. They pull this off long enough to let the last of the personnel transports escape... and then mock the Imperial captain over an open channel.
{{quote| '''Kell''': "Consider yourselves humiliated. And welcome to Folor. Out."}}
*** Later in the same book, Voort "Piggy" saBinring boards an enemy craft solo armed with only a jury-rigged starfighter laser cannon and captures it ''all by himself''.
**** Not that inconsiderable, considering that Piggy is a 2 meter tall (tall as Chewbacca) much-wider [[Pig Man|porcine]] killing machine, and said laser cannon is powerful enough to make all the water in your body flashboil instantly, effectively making you into a wet explosion and passing right on through you like a rock through wet kleenex.
Line 451 ⟶ 454:
**** Piggy also scored a another [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] in Solo Command, when he was in a meeting with Admiral Ackbar. A lieutenant came into the room, brainwashed by the Big Bad, shot Piggy in the stomach, before turning to attack the admiral. Piggy, with a massive burnt gut wound, pulled out his vibroknife, and cut the lieutenant's blaster apart. When the lieutenant didn't even care and started to strangle of the Admiral, Piggy ''picked up the Admiral's desk, and rammed the desk against the wall'', causing not only the brainwashed lieutenant's head to smush, but ''to bow out the other side of the wall, knocking unconscious the ensign leaning on the other side''.
** ''Starfighters of Adumar'': Wes Janson challenging one of Cartann's pilots before Wedge can... then proceeding to kick his ass after staking the whole fight on blocking the guy's first blow.
{{quote| '''Wes''': "I punch. You suffer. Got it?"}}
*** ''[[X Wing Series|Starfighers of Adumar]]'' was ''awesome''. Remember that point where Red Flight was [[Last Starfighter|outnumbered four to thirty?]]
*** Lately I read it again and found a quieter one where Wedge finally tells one of the [[Blood Sport]]-obsessed Adumari that what they see as honor ''is not honorable''. Since then, I haven't been able to hold any [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] in high respect.
{{quote| '''Wedge''': "Circular thinking. I'm honorable because I kill the enemy, and I kill the enemy for the honor. There's nothing there, Cheriss. Here's the truth: I kill the enemy so someone, somewhere - probably someone I've never met and never will meet - will be happy. [...] I told you how I lost my parents. Nothing I ever do can make up for that loss. But if I put myself in the way of people just as bad as the ones who killed my family, if I burn them down, then someone else ''they'' would have hurt gets to stay happy. That's the only honorable thing about my profession. It's not the killing. It's making the galaxy a little better."}}
** There's a Moment of Awesome for ''the entire squadron'' in ''[[X Wing Series|The Krytos Trap]]'' after they're told they won't be able to help the people of Thyferra or go after the prisoners aboard ''Lusankya''. Led by Corran Horn, {{spoiler|the entire squdron goes on to ''quit so they can go ahead and do it anyway.''}}
** Speaking of Horn... Just off hand, I can remember TWO incidents in which he essentially comes back from the dead. The first time, during the first X-Wing book, he winds up being saved by a ship that travels much faster than an X-Wing in hyperspace, so not only does he get back home before the rest of the squadron (who, unwillingly, left him to die) but he decides to play a prank on his superior officer with a "Don't feel guilty about leaving me behind" speech. Even coming back from the dead in time to {{spoiler|save Tycho from wrongful imprisonment/execution}} doesn't top that.
Line 461 ⟶ 464:
** Booster Terrik gets another in ''Isard's Revenge'': delivering a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] to [[Smug Snake|Borsk]] [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Fey'lya]] after he dared to try and use Asyr's ([[Faking the Dead|apparent]]) death for political gains, while at the same sullying her sacrifice by putting a dead criminal in her tomb since he claimed [[Death Equals Redemption]] and [[I Did What I Had to Do|the Ends Justify The Means]]. Seeing a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]], [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell]] <s>Hero</s> [[What the Hell, Hero?|Antagonist]] moment like this, after what comes close to being Fey'lya's [[Moral Event Horizon]], has never been so satisfying. Unless it was when Fey'lya first got brought down by Leia and Karrde through an [[Engineered Public Confession]] in ''Dark Force Rising''.
** Face Loran gets a simlutaneous [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] and CMOF while impersonating Imperial Captain [[Small Name, Big Ego|Darillian]]. His cover almost, ''almost'' slips in front of [[Big Bad|Admiral Trigit]], but he keeps it in place just barely with a totally [[Large Ham|OTT monologue]] about Darillian's unrequited love for '''Ysanne Isard.'''
{{quote| ''Thank you, thank you. Performances every hour, on the hour. Imperial madmen a speciality.''}}
** This leads to the second one, where the Wraiths are discovered in a battle, as having been faking Darillian. They destroy all the enemy forces, and turn back aground, reporting to the superiors that they were ambushed, and brilliantly escaped as the only survivors. Since they people who discovered the deception were at the battle, they kept cover. Repeat: They murdered the enemy forces. Turned around, and claimed it was an ambush that only they survived. This is right up there with succesfully arguing for someone to take sympathy that you're an orphan, when you just murdered your parents!
* In ''[[Shadows of the Empire]]'', [[The Rival|Xizor]] manages to make ''Darth Vader'' look like an idiot ''in front of the'' '''Emperor'''. To elaborate: Xizor tips off Vader about a Rebel base. Vader takes credit for it in front of the Emperor. Vader is sent off to pulverise said Rebel base. Xizor drops in on the Emperor for drinks and casually mentions giving the info to Vader. Vader phones in to report mission accomplished. The Emperor makes Vader ''thank'' Xizor. While ''[[Humiliation Conga|kneeling]]''.
{{quote| It was good that they could not see his face when he spoke. "[[The Empire]] owes you...''thanks'', Prince Xizor."}}
** Fortunately, Vader gets his own back when he turns up evidence that Xizor is behind the assassination attempts on [[Papa Wolf|Luke Skywalker]].
{{quote| '''Vader''': You have two standard minutes to recall your vessels, and to offer yourself into my custody.<br />
'''Xizor''': I will not! I will take this up with the Emperor.<br />
'''Vader''': He is not here. ''I'' speak for [[The Empire]], Xizor.<br />
'''Xizor''': ''Prince'' Xizor!<br />
'''Vader''': You may keep the title. [[[Dramatic Pause]]] For another two minutes. }}
** Leia throwing off Xizor's [[Love Is in the Air|date-rape pheromones]]. And [[Groin Attack|kneeing him.]]
Line 480 ⟶ 483:
** In the Tales from the New Republic anthology, Fett takes on an entire Imperial garrison to recover a target he is after - although the quarry escapes. Years later, Fett finds him as an old man, telling stories about Boba Fett to a group of orphans (one of whom asks if Fett is a good guy or a bad guy). After the story is over and the children leave, Fett emerges from the shadows, [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|tips the man for his story (saying it may provide "an answer to a little girl's question") and leaves him in peace]].
*** Not just a tip. A credit chit worth tens of thousands of credits--equaling the exact bounty that had been placed on the man's head. This story, written before the prequel movies, also becomes [[Fridge Brilliance]] in light of [[Attack of the Clones]], when you see why Boba Fett has a soft spot for orphans.
{{quote| '''Vergere''': ''We are playing the same game we have been playing ever since Myrkr: we are playing "Who is Jacen Solo?"<br />
'''Jacen''': ''If that's the game, I can end it right now. I know who I am Vergere. No matter what you do to me. No matter what torture you put me through. If I never touch the Force again. It doesn't matter. I know.''<br />
'''Vergere''': ''Do you?''<br />
'''Jacen''': ''Yes. I'm a Jedi.'' }}
** Jacen's best [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] occurs earlier in Traitor, actually, and I can't believe everyone seems to have missed it: when he makes the living armor out of amphistaffs and looks at the Yuuzhan Vong warriors headed towards him, with the immortal line, "I'd like you to meet some friends of mine." Followed by a fantastic [[Curb Stomp Battle]].
Line 489 ⟶ 492:
* Jaina Solo actually got one in ''[[New Jedi Order|The New Jedi Order]]'', back when the Expanded Universe's current female disenfranchisement complex was still in its infancy. At the climax of ''Destiny's Way'', {{spoiler|she took on Yuuzhan Vong [[The Dragon|Warmaster Tsavong Lah]], with the final result that her lightsaber ended up embedded in his neck}}.
* Minor example in ''The New Rebellion'':
{{quote| '''Mara''': Overconfidence can get a man killed.<br />
'''Han''': I know. I'm counting on it. }}
** Bigger example from ''[[The New Rebellion]]'': Wedge, in command of a small taskforce going up against Imperial Star Destroyers, realizes the enemy ships are controlled by droids, and tricks the primitive AI into thinking he's on their side. They move into a defensive position, and then Wedge gives the all-clear to let 'er rip.
Line 504 ⟶ 507:
*** Mara also had one in ''Vision of the Future'': {{spoiler|remote-control crashing her personal ship, the ''Jade's Fire'', into the Hand of Thrawn complex's hangar bay}}.
*** Vision of the Future give an additional one to a character that was not very well respected by most of the main characters manages to talk an officer into using his warship to save Han.
{{quote| '''Gavrison''' I have often heard it said that Calibops are long on words and short on deeds. Sometimes, though, it is the words that must come first. }}
* Chapter 11 of ''Inferno'': Luke finally calling out Jacen on [[Character Derailment|all the stuff he did during the course of the series]], including the massacre of the Jedi Academy earlier in the book + basically telling Ben to go assassinate the former leader of the Alliance, and ''literally rendering him immobile'' during the conversation (Jacen was force-pushed into his chair and pinned there). Keep in mind that Luke is still grieving over his wife's death and doesn't yet know the full details of that duel.
{{quote| '''Luke''': This has nothing to do with Mara. And you're lucky it doesn't. If she were here - if she had known what you were using Ben for - [[Mama Bear|there'd be pieces of you scattered along the entire length of the Hydian Way]].}}
** I want to point out here that Mara ''did'' find out all this, and it led her to her death in the already-mentioned duel (read ''Sacrifice'' for that), but not without a [[Tear Jerker|tearjerking]] [[Final Speech]]:
{{quote| '''Mara''': You think...you've won, but Luke will crush you...and I refuse...to let you...destroy the future...for my Ben.}}
* In the very next novel, Fury, we have Jagged Fel tricking Alema Rar into force-snatching his blaster. We then find out it's set to explode if it's taken from him...
** Lando pulled a similar trick in ''Exile'' in which Alema steals his cane...at which point he orders it to shock her.
Line 517 ⟶ 520:
** From that same book, Wedge Antilles in a ''damaged'' droidless ship taking down ''an entire squadron of coralskippers''. An entire squadron! By himself! ''Jedi'' can only do that when they have superior firepower or tricks! Blackmoon Eleven: The Greatest Pilot Of All Time.
*** Made even awesomer (and a CMOF) by current Rogue Squadron (Wedge's old command) Leader Gavin Darklighter (a pilot Wedge trained way back when) not knowing who he's talking to and having the following discussion with his old CO:
{{quote| ''Gavin: Blackmoon Eleven, what did you think you were doing going after an entire squadron?''<br />
''Wedge: My job.''<br />
''Gavin: That's "my job, SIR".''<br />
''Wedge: *grinning* My job, SIR.''<br />
''Gavin: Son, if you develop piloting skills in proportion to your nerve, someday they'll call you [[Irony|the greatest pilot of all time]].'' }}
** Wedge in general is win in that duology. He's consistently, intensely brilliant, [[Xanatos Speed Chess|quick on his feet]], able to see through deceptions, and daring.
{{quote| The tactic he needed clicked into Wedge's mind. In the span of a second, he evaluated it, tested it for major weaknesses, dismissed the weaknesses as irrelevant because of the Yuuzhan Vong's current state of confusion, and decided that he could probably use the tactic again - once - at a later time.}}
* Alan Dean Foster's ''The Approaching Storm'' has one for Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luminara Unduli, and Barris Offee, when they have to entertain a group of Ansionian trader nomads as part of their diplomatic mission. Barris performs some stunning lightsaber gymnastics, Anakin sings a beautiful melody his mother used to sing him, Obi-Wan tells a spellbinding story, and Luminara does a sand show that ends up with her floating a meter above the ground with a virtual sandstorm swirling around her.
** They all get another one towards the end when the four of them take on ''two'' armies of rival Ansionians, defeating both, ''[[Technical Pacifist|without killing a single combatant]]''.
Line 529 ⟶ 532:
** There's also one for Mon Mothma, where she basically calls Luke out for acting like Leia's the only one who's missed her calling by not becoming a Jedi, and assuming there isn't anything he might be able to learn from her.
** The third book, ''Showdown at Centerpoint'' has a series of [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Crowning Moments Of Awesome]] for Anakin, Jacen and Jaina, ages 7, 9 and 9, respectively. New Republic Intelligence agent Belindi Kalenda sums the list up nicely for the childist Admiral Ossilege:
{{quote| '''Kalenda''': The plain fact of the matter is that you have a [[Lost Technology|repulsor]] down there because a seven-and-a-half-year-old boy found it for you, and turned it on. It is no longer in the hands of our enemy—and our enemy is in the brig—because that boy and his siblings managed to walk through a working force field, repair a disabled starship, fly that ship into space, and shoot down a pursuing spacecraft flown by a professional military pilot.}}
** And, of course, when [[Lost Superweapon|Centerpoint Station]] is about to fire a blast that will kill upwards of eight billion people, seven-year-old Anakin manages to align the repulsor and intercept Centerpoint's shot [[Just in Time|at the last possible moment]]. Even as a little kid, that boy was [[Badass]].
** Don't forget, Han manages to bring an obsolete ship to a survivable landing, if not the most graceful. Bear in mind that half the systems were blown out, and he had to blow some more to make this work.
Line 557 ⟶ 560:
*** Made even better by that damaged TIE bomber crashing into Kai's hovercraft, killing her, just after Tenel Ka dived overboard.
* Simultaneously a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]], when Han shuts down the arrogant Imperial commander early on in ''Destiny's Way''. She brags about how [[The Empire]] would never have had the kinds of problems with the Yuuzhan Vong that the New Republic was having, as they would have mobilized their entire fleet at the first sign of trouble and then would have swiftly and mercilessly crushed the opposition. Han fires back by pointing out that [[The Empire]] would have done nothing of the sort and instead would have wasted god knows how much on a [[Awesome but Impractical|massively impractical superweapon]] that would have either not worked or would have had [[Achilles Heel|some design flaw]] that an enemy ace could exploit and destroy, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|would have given it a stupid, grandiose name to boot]].
{{quote| That's not what the Empire would have done, Commander. What the Empire would have done was build a super-colossal Yuuzhan Vong-killing battle machine. They would have called it the Nova Colossus or the Galaxy Destructor or the Nostril of Palpatine or something equally grandiose. They would have spent billions of credits, employed thousands of contractors and subcontractors, and equipped it with the latest in death-dealing technology. And you know what would have happened? It wouldn't have worked. They'd forget to bolt down a metal plate over an access hatch leading to the main reactors, or some other mistake, and a hotshot enemy pilot would drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up. Now that's what the Empire would have done.}}
*** Automatically a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] purely for the term "Nostril of Palpatine".
* ''[[Jedi Academy Trilogy|I, Jedi]]'' is full of them.
** When Corran takes on Exar Kun and is all but broken from being utterly [[Mind Rape|Mind Raped]], Mara Jade strolls in like a [[Big Damn Heroes|Big Damn Hero]] and saves him by giving Kun an ''epic'' [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] / [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]. The most delectable part is when she reels off [[The Long List]] of every Imperial baddie she's ever worked with / against, and describes how they would have thought Kun -- the undying, ancient Sith Master -- to be a ''total incompetent.''
{{quote| '''Horn''': If that's how you repay debts I'll gladly [[Taking the Bullet|catch blaster bolts for you]] any day.}}
** The way he teaches Remart Sasyru the art of the clever comeback.
** His whole campaign to break the pirates' morale.
Line 573 ⟶ 576:
** Chak Fel's painful humility. He doesn't want to give up command, particularly to General Drask, but he's a pilot, not a commando officer, and Drask can command more effectively. Doubled when Drask tells Fel it will be a joint command, for no reason other than that it will let Fel keep a little of his pride.
** Dean Jinzler, overlapping with [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]], letting go of his anger for his sister and embracing his heritage.
{{quote| '''Jinzler''': "I am an electronics technician, like my father before me."}}
* [[Star Wars/Allegiance|Allegiance]]: When the Hand Of Judgment stormtroopers find out that Luke and Han are with the Rebellion, Han tries to dissemble by telling them that they're only [[Not in This For Your Revolution|sort of]] involved; they respond with "So you're only ''sort of'' traitors?" Luke reminds them that ''they'' are deserters, which is exactly the wrong thing to say, and Han defuses the situation by talking about how he was in their boots once, he left the Empire for similar reasons, how the Empire has betrayed its own ideals, and how the Rebel Alliance isn't out to break down order but to change things the only way that they can be changed. Other things too. He reflects what the stormtroopers had said back at them, and he says various things that actually reflect on ''him'', and his own uncomfortable semi-participation in the Rebellion. Han in the end manages to get the Hand of Judgment more or less on his and Luke's side.
* Joruus C'Baoth had a few. First up was his opinion on "Power" speech. Next up was using the force to reconfigure a person's mind. Then finally, outsmarting Thrawn and managing to what was basically seizing control of Wayland.
Line 580 ⟶ 583:
** In ''Betrayal'' he breaks out of an (admittedly cushy and low-security, but still monitored) prison cell using a tumbler of water, a video game, and a wheeled chair. By planning carefully, memorizing how his captors respond to what he does, timing things to the half-second, and moving very quickly when he gets the chance. After that he locks his captors and the security detail into that cell and thinks that now all he has to do is find a locker room, shed these clothes and substitute them for a local uniform, find a hangar, and steal something with a hyperdrive. All while evading members of Intelligence. He calls this task ''Easy'' - and it must have been, since his next appearance has him in an X-Wing, easily evading every attack coming at him. And identifying his attacker as his daughter ''because of her flying style'', despite not knowing that she would be there.
*** Luke Skywalker [[Face Palm|Face Palmed]] when he heard that someone had tried to detain Wedge.
{{quote| '''Thrackan''': "General Antilles, acting as Chief of State and Minister of War for Corellia, I hereby order you to communicate with your daughter Syal and do your genuine best to persuade her to follow whatever course of action I recommend to her. Is that clear enough?" <br />
'''Wedge''': "Go to hell." <br />
'''Thrackan''': "Antilles, you've refused a direct order given during a military crisis, and I have it on record. Should I choose to, I can have security agents haul you away right now. I can conduct your trial within the hour and have you executed by morning." <br />
'''Wedge''': "Of course you can. You could also have me assassinated in a time of peace for having nicer hair than you. If I worried about that sort of thing, I'd never get any sleep." }}
** In ''Exile'', he meets with Jacen, who can't get a good sense of him through the Force - just an impression of confidence and patience. Later he gets fired from being the Admiral controlling the Corellian military because he's too moral, too willing to seek peace and strongly against assassinating good rulers to put bad ones who like Corellia in their place. He makes a complex decision in a quarter second. For a moment he feels panic, but realizes that he's now a target for assassination, which ''calms him down'', so he is able to compose himself and give a smile "like he was a rancor and they were meat". Then he considers the situation, realizes that it would wrap up his story in a narratively tidy way if he was killed just after formally handing his power over to his replacement, and works with his wife, daughter, and family friends to avoid that.
Line 596 ⟶ 599:
** How can the showdown between Luke and the Hidden One not be mentioned? Luke manages to show the hidden sect the folly of their isolation, beat the Hidden One in a massive Force battle, and then has his son finish him off with logic! Pure win.
** In ''Allies'', Raynar Thul, perpetual [[Butt Monkey]], executes a awesome one-liner before fighting off five Mandalorian Supercommandos off with a apprentice:
{{quote| '''Raynar Thul''' [[Casual Danger Dialogue|I am Jedi Thul.]] [[False Reassurance|I have not fought for real in many years.]] [[Blatant Lies|I should be a pushover.]] [[Bring It|Come get me.]]}}
** Luke, after meditating for several days (and being quite weak), notices a strike team of Sith Warriors coming to kill him and his son. What do they do? [[Curb Stomp Battle|Take them all down.]]
*** The battle ends with Luke, in a single, split-second opening, cutting the leader of the Sith strike team (with powers and skills the equivalent of a Jedi Master) ''into four pieces.'' She looked away ''for an instant'' and that was all she wrote.
Line 649 ⟶ 652:
* What does it say about the series when [[The Scrappy|Jar Jar]] gets a Crowning Moment Of Awesome courtesy of a cloak borrowed from Anakin and an unexpected friendship with a swamp monster?
** Get ''another'' one in a later episode were he takes out three tanks by himself, and it's not because he's [[Obfuscating Stupidity|clumsy]]
{{quote| "He's not a senator, he's a PLAGUE!"}}
* Two Words: DROID FIGHT!
* [[Heroic Sacrifice|"Do we take prisoners?" "I don't..." * boom* ]]
Line 670 ⟶ 673:
* In ''Cargo of Doom'' Anakin has the walkers ''land on the enemy ship.''
* ''Dooku Captured'':
{{quote| '''Ashoka''': [[Sarcasm Mode|Oh really?]] Which part did you have "under control"? The blocked entrance? The poison gas? Or the gundark that's ''right behind you?''}}
* ''The Gungan General'': Opens with {{spoiler|Obi-Wan and Anakin unconscious in a cell.}} The corresponding webcomic reveals {{spoiler|Turk successfully [[Out-Gambitted]] on two of the best Jedi knights in the galaxy. When they switched out their drugged drinks, ''his pet'' simply poisoned ''all the air in the room''.}}
** Do we even need the webcomic? According to the show itself, {{spoiler|ALL of the drinks were drugged, as everyone with a drink started to pass out before it cut to commercials.}}
Line 682 ⟶ 685:
* While not as incredible as her battles in the other series were, Shaak Ti had a quick one in ''ARC Troopers'' where she single-handedly cut down five heavily-armored droids in about 10 seconds.
* Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and his clone officer Capt. Keeli during their last stand on Ryloth.
{{quote| '''Ima-Gun Di''': Captain Keeli!<br />
'''Keeli''': I'm not finished yet, Sir...we can do this, General!<br />
'''Ima-Gun Di''': Then let's make the end memorable! }}
** And their battle cry earlier; "For the Rebuplic! For the Twi'Leks!" [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|General Di]] is making their last stand because He'd promised the Twi'Leks emergency aid and it hadn't come. [[I Gave My Word|This is his way of saying sorry for somebody else being incompetent]].
Line 698 ⟶ 701:
* In season 4, Anakin takes down a sensor station by using The Force while swimming.
* {{spoiler|Tarpals'}} [[Heroic Sacrifice]], made so that the Gungans can take down Grievous.
{{quote| '''Grievous''': Tell me, how does dying feel?<br />
{{spoiler|'''Tarpals'''}}: Not dying. ''Sacrifice''! }}
* Captain Rex's speech to [[General Ripper|General Pong Krell]] in "Darkness on Umbara".
Line 720 ⟶ 723:
* If you haven't yet watched [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6im4BocgR0 Art of the Saber], go do so, and weep.
* While [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esUnYDeoW6s this] may not be as impressive a battle as some of the previously mentioned fanworks, it has one quote that is truly badass.
{{quote| {{spoiler|Darth Vader}}: You believe you know the dark side? ''I'' am the dark side!}}
* Well, if we're mentioning fanworks, then we ''gotta'' bring up ''[[Darths and Droids]]'', simply for making Jar-Jar ''likable''.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZM4Hkw5CPk Concrete Hustle]. SERIOUSLY.
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