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{{quote|''TG: and hey you might even be able to help your past dream self wake up sooner without all that fuss you went through<br />
TT: I think the true purpose of this game is to see how many qualifiers we can get to precede the word "self" and still understand what we're talking about. ''|'''Dave Strider and Rose Lalonde''', ''[[Homestuck]]''}}
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** There's also Dr. [[McNinja]]'s clone who had lived a peaceful life as a farmer. His name is [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Old McNinja]].
* The [[Portal Network|wormgates]] in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' could link one input to multiple outputs, creating "gate-clones". The most extreme case was a scientist named Gav, who went through a clone-gate with nearly a billion outputs, and is now an [[Me's a Crowd|entire marketing demographic]].
{{quote| Gav-285074072: "There are still over 900 million Gav-clones out there. My activities of the last year can only be understood statistically."}}
** Also, at one point [[Mad Scientist|Kevyn Andreyasn]] managed to go back in time to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]. The timeclone accomplished this, and then retired.
** Kevyn did the gate-cloning trick once before, but only made one copy of himself. The original was killed soon thereafter. [[Rule of Funny|Kevyn puts down the successful suicide mission on his resume]].
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* The comic ''[[The Dreamer]]'' features 21st century and 18th century version of several characters, most notably the main character Beatrice Whaley (and so far it is hinted that there are others as well).
* In [[Homestuck]] there's many alternate versions of characters who come from Doomed Timelines, including {{spoiler|Davesprite}}, who's Dave from an alternate future who came to the past and {{spoiler|prototyped himself}}. Also, {{spoiler|in the post-scratch session}} there are alternate versions of the kids, as well as their ectobiological parents.
{{quote| TT: I think the true purpose of this game is to see how many qualifiers we can get to precede the word "self" and still understand what we're talking about. }}
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