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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Twilight Princess]]'', Gorons won't let you into their mine until you defeat their leader in a sumo match.
* In ''~[[Assassin's Creed~]]'', [[Richard the Lion Heart|King Richard]] declares Trial by [[Boss Battle]] when [[Player Character|Altaïr]] accuses Robert de Sable of leading a massive conspiracy. At the end, Richard believes that God wanted Altaïr to win, and he must have been telling the truth; Altaïr takes the skeptical approach and tries to convince the king that he was just the superior fighter.
* In ''[[Neverwinter Nights 2]]'', you have to sit through a mostly pointless trial by judge. Pointless because whichever way the judge rules, the losing party will invoke the right of Trial by Combat to give you a [[Boss Battle]].
** Of course, there are advantages to winning (you're legally exonerated for the crime for which you were framed), and losing (you basically admit that you did it). People react appropriately.
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