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{{quote| ''You gotta be nuts, too. And you're gonna need a crew as nuts as you are!... Who do you got in mind?''}}
This is the story of a crew of expert thieves as they prepare and execute multiple very difficult heists across several movies. It's called ''Ocean's Eleven'' because the leader's name is Danny Ocean, and there are eleven of them. Originally a remake of [[Oceans 11|the 1960 film]] starring [[Frank Sinatra]] and the [[Rat Pack]], it went on to [[Adaptation Displacement|displace]] the original and spawn two sequels, imaginatively titled ''Ocean's Twelve'' and ''Ocean's Thirteen''.
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** George Clooney being told to lose weight ([[Dyeing for Your Art|he had gained a lot]] for ''[[Syriana]]'') in ''Thirteen''
** Danny delivers this gem to Bank ([[Al Pacino]]):
{{quote| [[The Godfather|What I want; what's most important to me]] is that Reuben gets his share of the hotel restored.}}
* [[Author Existence Failure|Actor Existence Failure]]: George Clooney is on the record as stating there will never be another Ocean's movie since Bernie Mac has died. (Not that another is ''needed'', but still)
* [[Acceptable Targets]]: "C'mon, we can beat this guy--he's rich and he's ''French''." {{color|white|In-Universe}}
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* [[Celebrity Paradox]] / [[Your Costume Needs Work]]: Tess, played by Julia Roberts, impersonates Julia Roberts--badly--to pull off the heist in ''Twelve''.
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]] / [[Those Wacky Nazis]]: When Reuben (who's Jewish) is describing why it's impossible to rob a casino.
{{quote| '''Reuben:''' They've got enough armed personnel to occupy Paris! ...okay, bad example.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** In ''Eleven'', the pine tree air freshener.
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* [[Conspicuous CG]]: In one scene, the statues in the art museum in ''Twelve''.
* [[Description Cut]]: When Danny and Rusty go to recruit Livingston:
{{quote| '''Danny''': How are his nerves?<br />
'''Rusty''': OK. Not so bad that you'll notice.<br />
*cut to Livingston being a neurotic, skittish control freak while working surveillance with the FBI* }}
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: In the third film, two massive tunnel boring machines are used to simulate an earthquake in Bank's casino. They're alleged to be responsible for the Channel Tunnel -- the second is even captioned as "the one that dug from the French side" -- but the "Chunnel" was actually dug using ''eleven'' such machines, and most of them are still under the English Channel, sealed into cul-de-sacs alongside the transport lines. Another was auctioned off on [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3599191.stm ebay]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Benedict is feared because of his tendency to ''completely destroy'' the livelihoods of anybody who wrongs him, and everybody related to them as well. While doing recon on him, Linus informs Rusty that Benedict not only had the last guy who cheated in his casino put away for ten years, but he also had the bank seize the guy's house before bankrupting the tractor dealership of the guy's brother-in-law. As Reuben describes Benedict;
{{quote| '''Reuben''': He'll kill you, and then he'll go to work on you.}}
* [[Dolled-Up Installment]]: ''Twelve'' started out life as a stand-alone heist flick about two dueling master thieves, and was turned into an ''Ocean's'' installment when the first film's massive popularity required a sequel as quick as possible. The role of the protagonist was split between Danny (master thief), Rusty (relationship with Europol agent), and (to a certain extent) Linus.
* [[DVD Commentary]]: On the director and writer track for ''Ocean's Eleven'', they comment a few times on the fact that there are probably only three people who bother to listen to these things.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: In ''Thirteen'' Benedict joins the crew in taking down Bank because Bank is an annoying rival.
* [[Evilly Affable]]: Willy Bank in ''Thirteen,'' especially when he's muscling Reuben out of his share of the casino.
{{quote| '''Reuben:''' ''[sarcastically]'' You gonna throw me off the roof now?<br />
'''Bank:''' I don't ''want'' to. }}
* [[Fake Brit]]: American Don Cheadle as Cockney Basher Tarr. No audience member has yet been fooled.
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* [[Gambit Roulette]]
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: In ''Eleven.''
{{quote| '''Rusty:''' I wonder what Reuben will say.<br />
[Cut.]<br />
'''Reuben:''' You're outta your God damn minds! }}
* [[Give Me Back My Wallet]]
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: It's right in the title, even!
* [[Lost in Transmission]]: Virtually the canonical example:
{{quote| '''Linus:''' (receiving instruction)<br />
'''Rusty:''' ...Don't use three words when one will do; don't shift your eyes. Look always at your mark, but don't stare. Be specific but not memorable; be funny but don't make him laugh. He's gotta like you, and then forget you the moment you've left his sight. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't, under ''any'' circumstances --<br />
'''Livingston:''' (off screen) Rust, can you come here a sec?<br />
'''Rusty:''' Sure thing. (leaves)<br />
'''Linus:''' ... }}
** That section is also a pretty awesome [[Shout-Out]] to Hamlet's advice to the players.
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* [[Money to Burn]]: Happens here too, but rather than inside a casket in an oven, it happens during a shootout when it gets caught in the crossfire courtesy of a flamethrower.
* [[Motive Rant]]
{{quote| '''Rusty:''' I need a reason. And don't say money. Why do this?<br />
'''Danny:''' Why not do it? I just left the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking Teen Beat cover boys. Because the house always wins. Play long enough, the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes, you bet big, and then you take the house. <br />
'''Rusty:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|...Been practicing]] [[Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic|that speech, haven't you?]]<br />
'''Danny:''' Little bit. Did I rush it? I felt like I rushed it.<br />
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* [[Nice to the Waiter]]: Benedict. Rusty notes that he knows the names of most all of his employees, and we hear him asking about their personal lives as he enters the casino. This is part of Benedict's need to be knowledgeable about everything and everyone associated with his casinos.
* [[Noodle Implements]]: The various characters and scenarios Rusty forsees needing for the job in ''Eleven.'' A [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0240772/trivia?tr=tr0745020 little research] can explain these terms.
{{quote| '''Rusty:''' Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boesky, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever.}}
* [[Noodle Incident]]
{{quote| '''Reuben Tishkoff''': Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it.<br />
'''Danny Ocean''': That was our pleasure.<br />
'''Rusty Ryan''': I'd never been to Belize. }}
* [[No Endor Holocaust]]: Just think about what shutting off all electricity in Las Vegas for 30 seconds would do. Think about people with pacemakers, think about cars that crash in the sudden darkness.
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* [[Precision F-Strike]] Some of Yen's only dialogue in English.
** Also the final conversation with Benedict in Ocean's 13
{{quote| '''Terry Benedict:''' You think this is funny?<br />
'''Danny Ocean:''' Well, Terry, it sure as shit ain't sad. }}
** Reuben gets one as well early in ''Eleven'', noting that even if somehow Danny and Rusty were able to get into the vault and walk out with $100+ million, "you're still in the middle of the fucking desert!"
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* [[Running Gag]]: Rusty is eating something almost every time he's on screen. Pitt said the idea behind this was that Rusty was so busy he didn't have time to eat otherwise.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]:
{{quote| '''Willie Bank:''' This town might have changed, but not me. I know people highly invested in my survival, and they are people who really know how to hurt in ways you can't even imagine.<br />
'''Danny Ocean:''' Well, I know all the guys that you'd hire to come after me, and they like me better than you. }}
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: Willie Bank's belief that his riches allow him to go against the code amongst guys who "shook [[Frank Sinatra|Sinatra's]] hand", thus giving Reuben a heart-attack, are what sets of the plot of the third movie.
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* [[Shout-Out]]: In the elevator, Linus hits the floor buttons [[THX 1138|1, 1, 3, and 8]]
* [[Squick]]: Used In-universe in ''Eleven'', Rusty gets a case of this when he pays off the stripper for getting him the keycard for Benedict's casino.
{{quote| '''Rusty Ryan:''' Thanks. Say hi to your mother for me.<br />
'''Stripper:''' Say it yourself. She's on in five minutes. (leaves)<br />
'''Rusty Ryan:''' ([[Beat]]) (pulls face, leaves) }}
* [[Slow Electricity]]: In the remake, when they use the EMP, there is the obligatory shot of the lights going out block by block.
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* [[Throw It In]]: The [[Running Gag]] of Rusty eating something during a scene came from Brad Pitt's penchant to eat close to shooting rather than on breaks, so Steven Soderbergh decided to just let him eat on-camera.
* [[Title Drop]] Happens one film too late:
{{quote| '''Benedict''': Apparently, I'm not the only one looking for ''Ocean's Eleven''.}}
* [[Title In]]: Played with for shits and giggles in all three films.
* [[Trojan Horse]]: A ''very'' elaborate one. See below.
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* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: The team has to do this at least once in all three films when something doesn't go according to plan.
* [[X Called. They Want Their Y Back.]]: Danny's response to Rusty's snark about his clothes as he's leaving prison for the second time.
{{quote| '''Rusty''': I hope you were the groom.<br />
'''Danny''': Ted Nugent called. He wants his shirt back. }}
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