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{{quote| '''Blade''': There are worse things out tonight than vampires. <br />
'''Karen''': Like what? <br />
'''Blade''': ''Like me''. }}
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
** Whistler gets a few good ones in the first two installments.
{{quote| Blade: Still heavy (referring to UV Flashlight).<br />
Whistler: But you're so ''big''. }}
** Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity. He's played by [[Ryan Reynolds]], after all.
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Deacon Frost makes a sport of killing off his familiars when they displease him. Subverted, however, when he prepares to test Blade's sword on his minion's arm (Quinn), only to reveal that he's just kidding.
** The movie definitely gives the impression that it's just Quinn though. The guy is a complete screw-up, being a one-man [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]] who's more interested in sluts than Frost's master plan. Frost kills and sacrifices minions left, right, and center. Quinn's arm WILL GROW BACK, as he's already lost two arms over the course of the film.
{{quote| Frost: (holding Blade's sword) Hold out your arm, Quinn. Now.<br />
Quinn: Deac, I... (obeys)<br />
Frost: (winds up) Just Kidding. (bro-punch to the chest)<br />
Quinn: (Beat) AHAHAHAHA He was just fuckin' with me, man! He was just fucking with me. }}
* [[Big Bad]]: Deacon Frost
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* [[The Cavalry]]: In the first film Blade is pinned to a wall and surrounded by badguys, when Whistler bursts through the wall holding 2 machine guns and delivers the line "Catch you fuckers at a bad time?".
* [[The Chosen One]] - invoked by name:
{{quote| Whistler: You're the key. He needs your blood. The blood of the Daywalker. You're [[The Chosen One]].}}
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: It becomes apparent that they ran out of their CG budget. {{spoiler|Frost's death}} actually looks like a cartoon animation, and the one [[Dragon Lady]] whose head explodes looks like a balloon just popped.
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!|Damn It Feels Good To Be A Vampire]]: Expressed in the first film, implied in the others; being a vampire turns you into an [[Always Chaotic Evil]] bloodthirsty psychopath, but you will look good forever, join a secret society that secretly rules the world, and live and be encouraged to live an eternal un-life of absolutely debauched sex, violence, partying and hedonism. Basically one of the reasons the film works; it both captures the sheer utter bastardy of the nosferatu race and yet perfectly illustrates ''why'' people would want to be such evil bastards in the first place.
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* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Dagon was a Philistine god, not a Babylonian god. The chief gods in Sumerian/Assyrian/Babylonian mythology (insofar as such things can be reckoned, given all the city-specific cults) were Anu, Marduk, Ea and Enlil.
* [[Fantastic Slur]]
{{quote| Blade: You give Frost a message from me. You tell him it's open season on all suckheads.}}
* [[Fast-Forward Gag]]: The [[Car Chase]], unintentionally, presumably because Los Angeles didn't want to have an actual car chase for some reason.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Deacon Frost. With everyone.
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* [[Alien Blood]]: In the second film; caused by [[Executive Meddling]] from the censors. For some reason they needed to have some of the characters bleed green to get an R rating, even if there's gallons upon gallons of red-coloured gore anyway.
* [[Amoral Attorney]]: In ''Blade 2''
{{quote| You're human?<br />
Barely; I'm a lawyer. }}
* [[Anti-Villain]]: In the second movie, some of the Blood Pack. Nomak is also a bordering example... while distinctly villainous, his danger to humans is more incidental than intentional, as he focuses on vampires when he can.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: Blade's teaming with the Bloodpack in ''Blade II''.
* [[Food Chain of Evil]]: Reapers have knocked vampires off the top and whilst they do attack the occasional human, vampires are currently their main source of food. The situation is lampshaded by Whistler.
{{quote| '''Whistler''': "They're just shitting bricks cause they're no longer top of the food chain." }}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Blade kills one vampire by staking it in the crotch in the opening scene.
* [[Intimidation Demonstration]]: As Nyssa approaches Blade before their duel, she whirls her blades around to display her swordsmanship. The scene can be viewed [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA0Ch2_2o7I#t=0m43s here].
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* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Blade busts out a vertical suplex in the second film. Later, Nomak hits Blade with the [[Randy Savage|Savage Elbow Drop]].
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: Novak is a "carrier" for the Reaper condition, but carriers by definition are not affected by their carried disease/gene defect. Novak clearly has ''some'' of the traits of the other Reapers. He has their general appearance, split jaw, heart shield, and drug addict-like appetite for blood. The only difference seems to be that he has retained his intelligence.
* ~[[You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With~]]:
{{quote| '''Blade:''' You obviously... do not... know who you are ''[[Precision F-Strike|fucking]]'' with!}}
* [[You Will Be Spared]]: See CMOF. Probably one of the funniest bits in ''Blade 2''.
* [[Zombie Infectee]]: Lighthammer hides his bite in the second movie until he starts to turn.
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* [[Four Lines, All Waiting]]: Is it about vigilante Blade versus [[Les Collaborateurs|human law enforcement]], the upcoming vampire apocalypse, Blade's attempt to create his ''own'' apocalypse via [[The Virus]], or Blade vs. [[Dracula]]? Concentrating on any [[Two Lines, No Waiting|two of these plotlines]] would have worked, but not four. Wesley Snipes was reportedly very upset that the core character was lost in the plot shuffle.
* [[Have You Tried Not Being a Monster?|Have You Tried Not Being A Jerk]]: In ''Trinity'':
{{quote| Why can't you be nice?}}
* [[Hero Harasses Helpers]]
* [[Hero Secret Service]]: The Nightstalkers
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