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** And the only reason ''Rope'' was filmed in that many shots was because film cameras of the time could only hold 10 minutes of film. If not for the limitations of tech, Hitchcock would have filmed in [[The Oner|one continuous take]].
** ''Rope'' wasn't quite real-time. [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0040746/trivia Quoth IMDB:]
{{quote| Although the film lasts 80 minutes and is supposed to be in "real time", the time frame it covers is actually longer--a little more than 100 minutes. This is accomplished by speeding up the action: the formal dinner lasts only 20 minutes, the sun sets too quickly and so on. The September 2002 issue of Scientific American contains a complete analysis of this technique (and the effect it has on the viewers, who actually feel as if they watched a 100-minutes movie).}}
* ''[[Rashomon]]'' has the big huge gate set, but aside from that, it's pretty minimalistic. Eight actors, one horse, one baby, a set that consists of a wall with gravel in front of it, and a bunch of location shooting in a forest that really could be anywhere. A big production compared to some, but put it up against ''[[Ran]]'' or ''[[Seven Samurai]]'', and it's amazing how little there is to the production.
* ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]'' is a gangster jewelry heist film with one strange twist: ''it doesn't actually show the heist!'' In fact, the movie doesn't show much of anything. With the vast majority of the film set in an empty warehouse that is serving as the gangsters hideout, we don't get to see the elaborate planing of the job or the shootouts that ensued, instead we get to see is the crooks sitting around discussing the aftermath.
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