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Earth Is the Center of the Universe: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Independence Day]]'', a supposedly unstoppable race of alien invaders that has conquered dozens of worlds meets its match in [[Will Smith]], Jeff Goldblum and a laptop computer.
* ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'' casts Earth as an intergalactic neutral zone, making it ''the'' hub for galactic travel, intrigue and fugitives.
{{quote| '''K:''' Ever seen the movie ''[[Casablanca]]''?<br />
'''J:''' Yeah.<br />
'''K:''' Same thing, except no Nazis. }}
** This handily explains just why [[The Men in Black]] enforce [[The Masquerade]] on humanity specifically: can't risk the neutral zone stop being neutral.
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** It should be noted that the Doctor himself is a gargantuan [[Weirdness Magnet]], and that his fondness of Earth may be what draws a lot of stuff here. And several aliens display a variant on the [[Insignificant Little Blue Planet]] attitude, in that Earth is invaded/chosen to be blown up/whatever because no one else would miss it.
** This tendency got a brief [[Lampshade Hanging]] in the fourth series finale. As the Doctor is interrupted while saving worlds left and right from interdimensional doom...
{{quote| '''The Doctor''': [[Techno Babble|We've lost the magnetron]]! And there's only one planet left...oh (''laughs'')...guess which one.}}
*** And another lampshade is hung in "The Empty Child"- The Doctor laughs about how you can barely go a week without bumping into Earth. Rose notes that it's every time they run out of milk.
** In "Planet of the Ood", they're in the year 4126, and Earth is at the centre of a massive multi-galactic empire.
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** The Goa'uld found Earth's native population, abducted, and enslaved them. Furthermore, much of ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' deals with Earth trying to defend itself from the Goa'uld coming back.
*** The trope is lampshaded in "Deadman Switch":
{{quote| '''[[Punch Clock Villain|Aris Boch]]:''' Contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is ''not'' the center of the universe.}}
** According to ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'', the city was built on Earth before the Ancients left for the Pegasus Galaxy. Likewise, the Wraith are interested in getting to Earth since it would be a richer feeding ground than any that they know about.
** In ''[[Stargate Universe]]'' the point of origin for dialing into ''Destiny'' is not the local stargate's but infact Earth's.
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