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* In ''[[Cold Comfort Farm]]'', a satirical novel about a young woman who goes from the city to live with her backward relatives on the titular farm, Flora Poste has read [[Weird Al Effect|all sorts of novels about young women who go from the city to live with their backward relatives on farms]]. She thus correctly guesses that they'll have names like Seth, Amos, and Judith, identifies Aunt Ada Doom as "the Dominant Grandmother Archetype", and keeps an eye peeled for subversions and exceptions.
* In the ''[[Lord Peter Wimsey]]'' mysteries by [[Dorothy L. Sayers]], characters discourse at length about how their situations would be different if they were in a detective story. It sometimes helps: in ''Gaudy Night'' when Harriet receives a phone call summoning her back to the college:
{{quote| She remembered Peter's saying to her one day:<br />
'The heroines of thrillers deserve all they get. When a mysterious voice rings them up and says it is Scotland Yard, they never think of ringing back to verify the call. Hence the prevalence of kidnapping.' }}
::She rings back to check, and discovers that the call was a fake. (Dorothy L. Sayers, ''Gaudy Night'', ch. 18, p. 349).
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** In the sequel ''Claws That Catch'' this is taken to a slightly surreal extreme when some conflicts between various alien technologies cause them to hallucinate that they are anime characters. One of the main characters laments the fact that he is clearly a secondary character since as anime characters the hero is clearly identifiable.
* The ''[[Artemis Fowl]]'' books have a strong "action movie" sensibility -- several of the characters are fans of action movies and are shown to compare their own experiences with the genre.
{{quote| ''A spinning kick, Butler. How could you?''}}
** Invoked in ''The Opal Deception,'' when Holly asks Artemis to think like a videogame character in order to divise a solution to their predicament (being attacked by trolls). Artemis decides to think like a character in a war game, tries to create a list of exploitable weaknesses that the trolls possess, and forms a plan based around their hatred of bright lights.
* Peter Pevensie demonstrates a degree of [[Genre Savvy]] in [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]]'s ''[[The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe]]'', particularly when -- after Edmund suggests the robin they are following might be leading them into a trap -- he observes that in all of the stories he has read, robins are creatures of good.
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* Harry Dresden in ''[[The Dresden Files]]''. Not exactly harmed by such details as ''Dracula'' having been written to educate people about how to kill a certain kind of vampire.
** Lampshaded in ''Dead Beat'':
{{quote| "The trick was to figure out which movie I was in. If this was a variant on ''High Noon'', then walking outside was probably a fairly dangerous idea. On the other hand, there was always the chance that I was still in the opening scenes of ''The Maltese Falcon'' and everyone trying to chase down the bird still wanted to talk to me. In which case, this was probably a good chanceto dig for vital information about what might well be a growing storm around the search for The Word of Kemmler."}}
** A failure of [[Genre Savvy]] is lampshaded later in the book. When {{spoiler|Sue, the reanimated T. Rex}} eats a ghoul, the ghoul does nothing but scream and throw up its hands to shield itself. Butters points out that never did any good [[Jurassic Park|in the movie]], and Harry notes he must not have seen it.
** Also Nicodemus. At one point, Harry tries to trick him into telling him his master plan, but Nicodemus sees right through it, causing Harry to suspect he's read the [[Evil Overlord List]].
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** Frankly everyone in ''Mundementia One'' is genre savvy, though Charles is still trying to fully gain his.
* A few characters in the [[X Wing Series]] are at least a little genre savvy.
{{quote| '''Wedge''': [[Noodle Implements|We'll need a wheeled transport, one of the flatcam units our pursuers are carrying, and four sets of women's clothing.]]<br />
'''Hobbie''': Boss, please tell me you're not putting us in women's clothing.<br />
'''Wedge''': [[Blatant Lies|Very well. I'm not putting us in women's clothing]].<br />
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