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** Barry the Chopper, though he occasionally does good things.
** In the first anime, Zolf J. Kimbley plays this completely straight, as he loves to cause explosions and makes people living bombs, because it amuses him. He confirms this during his showdown with Scar.
{{quote| '''Scar:''' And what is it you fight for?<br />
'''Kimbley:''' Nothing.<br />
'''Scar:''' 'Nothing'?! You mean to tell me you sacrificed all these people, for NOTHING?!? }}
* Ali al-Saachez from ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]'' makes no secret that the many atrocities he's committed (including but not by any means limited to mass murder) are for his own personal enjoyment, and because [[Blood Knight|he finds peace "boring"]].
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* [[Psycho for Hire|Luciano Bradley]] from ''[[Code Geass]]'', one of [[The Empire|Britannia's]] most elite knights, whose every single action and line of text indicate that he's just doing it for the joy of hurting people.
* In the very first chapter of the ''[[Berserk]]'' manga (as well as the very first episode of the anime) there is the Baron of Koka Castle. As soon as he hears about the arrival of the Black Swordsman (our protagonist Guts), he goes on to slaughter the town he's been tyrannizing, even though the townsfolk have nothing to do with Guts at all(and, in the manga, Guts is, at the moment, imprisoned and tortured, so the Baron may have been able to get it over with right there had he bothered to give an order to dispose of Guts).
{{quote| '''Baron:''' Gold... Prisoners... I don't care about such things. All I wish to see are humans within a fiery apocalypse, trying to escape. All I wish to hear is the sound of snapping bones crushed under the hooves of horses. I don't even need an excuse. None at all.}}
** Of course, this could also be interpreted as wanting to show Guts that resistance against the Apostles is, in his own words, pure folly.
** Later in the manga (but earlier story wise), we meet Wyald, another apostle, who considers this his personal philosophy. Even the brutish, bloodthirsty thugs from the military unit he leads are ''terrified'' of the guy.
** Let's not forget the big one of the entire series : {{spoiler|Femto's rape of Casca. The action - which was the very '''first''' action he did upon obtaining [[Reality Warper|the incredible powers]] [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|of a demon lord]] - played no role in the sacrifice during the Eclipse because both Guts and Casca were expected to die at the end of it all anyway. The only motive whatsoever that Griffith/Femto could have possibly had to doing this [[Forced to Watch|right in front of Guts]] was to spite him and (probably) punish Casca [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!|for pitying him and leaving him behind]]. Even if you are one to believe that he did it [[WMG|to achieve a particular purpose later on,]] you can't say that Griffith didn't thoroughly enjoy making these two suffer in [[Cold-Blooded Torture|an excruciatingly painful way]] just for the hell of it.}}
* You'd think [[Ax Crazy|Munekata]] from ''[[Medaka Box]]'' would be this, with this little (paraphrased) speech:
{{quote| "I don't kill for no reason, I have ''reasons to kill''. I'll kill you because I don't want to fight you. I'll kill you because you're in my way. I'll kill you because the weather's nice. I'll kill you because my phone's batteries are low. I'll kill you because I had a good dream. I'll kill you because I'm in a hurry. And I'll kill you for no reason at all. (To Medaka in particular) ''I'll kill '''you''' because the chairman told me '''not to'''''."}}
** {{spoiler|--except he's [[Axe Crazy]], not ''[[Chaotic Stupid]]'': he knows killing is wrong and has both a [[Jerkass Facade]] and horrific rumors of his killing prowess to keep people away.}}
** [[Complete Monster|Kumagawa]], though, probably is a straight example. It is technically possible, that he might want [[Revenge]] against the rest of the world, but so far all of his actions were aimed towards torturing other characters, because he could (up to and including intending to return one of his most dangerous enemies to life to hurt him some more). Also, the main character of the series considers Kumagawa the main exception from her character-defining belief that no human is truly evil (rather than twisted by circumstances) and unworthy of trust.
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* [[Creepy Twins]] Hansel and Gretel from ''[[Black Lagoon]]''. Gretel does an [[Evil Laugh]] when Eda asks her why they're still after Balalaika even though they killed the guy who hired them and then she replies "We don't have a reason. We do it because we ''want'' to."
** Balalaika herself might as well qualify. She explains in the Japan arc that her motives are basically war and destruction.
{{quote| '''Revy:''' She's the kind who prefers war over sex.}}
* While Mukuro of ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]'' does have a reason for doing what he does (Changing the ugly world into a pure and beautiful sea of blood, starting a world war, etc.) no other explanation other than he did it [[For the Evulz]] can be made for how during his fight with Tsuna he possessed his friends' bodies, knowing Tsuna wouldn't attack them, and spent some time having Tsuna's friends beat him up, stating (and laughing) all the while that Tsuna "makes a good sandbag".
* Resident [[Ted Baxter]] Prussia of ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' does almost everything he does just for this, but most notorious are the times he realizes he's all alone on Valentine's and Christmas...so naturally, it's time to start [[Ship Sinking|sinking some ships]].
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* Assuming one character's interpretation is correct, {{spoiler|Pariston}} of ''[[Hunter X Hunter]]'' falls into this. Despite showing he can do so easily, he's making not attempt to win {{spoiler|the election for Chairman of the Hunter's Association}}. Instead, he's merely dragging the race out as long as possible so he can take advantage of his position to {{spoiler|use especially dangerous monsters in the next Hunter's Exam.}}
* [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]: In {{spoiler|Meakashi-hen, the killer begins with a motivation - avenging the boy she was [[Ax Crazy|madly]] in [[Yandere|love with]]. However, after killing said boy's little sister (who she was meant to be protecting in his stead), she breaks down screaming, which turns into her regular, sinister laughter}}:
{{quote| "Oh, what the hell? {{spoiler|I knew it all along. The fact that this side of me has been a demon all along!}}"}}
** {{spoiler|She then goes on to dispose of the bodies, attempt to kill her twin sister's love interest (with her imprisoned sister listening from the other room), but ends up sparing him and killing her sister to escape from the police. Then she stabs her now dead sister's love interest. Just because the demon makes her.}}
*** {{spoiler|She ''thinks'' the demon makes her. She's just delusional, which wasn't her fault to begin with.}}
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* Nearly all depictions of [[Batman]]'s arch-nemesis, [[The Joker]], who might as well be the trope incarnate.
** Example: In one issue of ''Gotham Adventures'', the comic based on ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'', Harvey Dent, the criminal [[Two-Faced|Two-Face]], has reformed and is starting a romance with his lawyer Grace Lamont. Joker hints to Harvey that Lamont is dating Harvey's friend Bruce Wayne, and is just seeing Harvey out of pity. Then he gets his assistant Harley Quinn to leak to a newspaper that Lamont is planning to marry Bruce and delivers the newspaper to Harvey. One breakdown, jailbreak, attempted murder and broken heart later, Batman asks the Joker why he caused such a horrible disaster. His response?
{{quote| '''Joker:''' ''[[But for Me It Was Tuesday|It was]] [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Tuesday]]. *[[Put the Laughter In Slaughter|maniacal laughter]]* ''}}
** Even when he is out for money, he only really wants it to fund his sadistic plans. One of the first things he does in Brian Azzarello's ''[[Joker]]'' is to rob a bank. While he does get a decent of amount of cash, he considers the robbery itself to be ho-hum at best, due to a lack of carnage.
* Victor Zsasz, a Batman foe who, even more than the Joker, just likes to kill people. That's it. Unlike the Joker he does not have schemes, plans or esoteric motivations, he just likes to kill. When Black Mask, the criminal mastermind who managed to take control of ''all'' crime in Gotham City after the ''War Gamrs'' crossover, tells him he has potential for greater evil as a part of Mask's criminal empire, he asks Zsasz what he would like to do. Zsasz's reply is simple: "I like to hurt people."
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* ''[[Daredevil]]'''s Bullseye. It's the reason why Kingpin and other crime lords hire him. The cops have a hard time figuring out when he kills because he was hired to and when he kills because he felt like it. He even recently claimed he probably has more money than ''Norman Osborn'' yet doesn't feel the need to spend it and continues killing "because it's fun".
** Sometimes, he'll even kill his client's own mooks just to entertain himself when he's bored, as lampshaded in the film version when the Kingpin finds Bullseye sitting in his office with the still warm corpse of his security guard.
{{quote| '''Kingpin''' (motioning at the body): ''Was that really necessary?''<br />
'''Bullseye''': ''Necessary? No, it was fun.'' }}
* Whenever Sabretooth isn't [[Psycho for Hire|carrying out a job]], he's either tormenting [[Wolverine]] or slaughtering random innocents. Sometimes he does those things anyways even when he is on a job.
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* The "Reaver-Cleaver" killer from ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'' confesses to one of the protagonists that he only does what he does because it's fun, being amused at having gotten away clean with killing a man in a drunken hit-and-run and just kept on killing to see how far he could push his luck.
* Cletus from [[The Authority]]
{{quote| "I didn't get involved in this because I'm some cackling super-villain who gets off on hurting people or anything."<br />
Cletus: "Hell, ''I'' did." }}
** Kaizen Gamorra from the very first [[Warren Ellis]]' arc. When asked why he orders his armies to invade major cities, he answers Gamorra -nation is built on terrorism, because ''Terror is its own reward''. In addition, just before his [[Karmic Death]] thanks to Midnighter, he whines: ''I just wanted to have some fun.''
* [[Justice League of America|JLA]] villain Prometheus had this exchange with [[Lex Luthor]] during "World War III", the last arc of [[Grant Morrison]]'s run on ''JLA''.
{{quote| Lex Luthor: [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check|You could make yourself very wealthy patenting some of this equipment, Prometheus.]]<br />
Prometheus: Money isn't what motivates me. If I want something, I just take it. I'm in this for the buzz. }}
* In the third ''[[Batgirl]]'' series, the final arc dealt with the Reapers, a semi-cult of college students with advanced combat armor who had been running around Gotham for a few weeks. In their final battle, after Batgirl had foiled their individual schemes for money and power, Batgirl asked them why they were doing any of this in the first place. The response was the simple "because we ''can''."
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* The evil scientist from ''[[The Human Centipede]]'' [[Squick|wants to join together three peoples' digestive systems]]. Why? Well, why the hell not?
* Castor Troy from ''[[Face Off]]'' ought to qualify.
{{quote| '''Troy:''' You're not having any fun, are you, Sean? Why don't you come with us? Try terrorism for hire, we'll blow some shit up. It's more fun!}}
* Kathryn's reason for destroying her [[Ladykiller in Love]] stepbrother's relationship in [[Cruel Intentions]].
{{quote| '''Kathryn:''' You were very much in love with her. And you're still in love with her. But [[It Amused Me]] to make you ashamed of it. You gave up on the first person you ever loved because I threatened your reputation. Don't you get it? You're just a toy, Sebastian. A little toy I like to play with. And now you've completely blown it with her. I think it's the saddest thing I've ever heard.}}
** At least, she ''says'' that's the reason to Sebastian. It's heavily suggested that [[Green-Eyed Monster|jealousy]] in regards to [[Flirty Stepsiblings|her twisted relationship with Sebastian]] was the actual driving force at work. In that light, "For the Evulz" is a ''less'' creepy reason.
* The sociopathic door gunner from ''[[Full Metal Jacket]]''. While machine-gunning Vietnamese peasants from his helicopter:
{{quote| '''Joker:''' How can you shoot women and children?<br />
'''Gunner:''' Easy. You just don't lead 'em so much! ''(cackles)'' Ain't war hell? }}
** "[[Madness Mantra|Get some! Get some! Get some! Get some! Get some! Get some! Get some!]]"
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* Hannibal Lecter, the quintessential psychopathic [[Serial Killer]], at least in ''[[Silence of the Lambs]]'', ''Manhunter'', and ''[[Red Dragon]]''.
* The three killers from ''[[The Strangers]]''.
{{quote| "Why are you doing this to us?"<br />
"Because you were home." }}
* Lola from ''[[The Transporter]] 2'' is outright [[Ax Crazy]]. When the hero asks her why she slaughters people nearly at will she says, "Because it's fun".
* ''[[The Warriors (film)|The Warriors]]''.
{{quote| '''Swan''': Why'd you do it? Why'd you waste Cyrus?<br />
{{spoiler|'''Luther'''}}: No reason. I just ''like'' doing things like that. }}
* ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'': The Wicked Witch of the West. Hey, bitch stole her shoes - that shit don't fly in the merry old land of Oz.
* Michael Myers from the ''[[Halloween (film)|Halloween]]'' films is never given a concrete motivation (they're always retconned) and Dr. Loomis, his psychiatrist, is convinced that Myers [[Made of Evil|is pure evil]], plain and simple. Moreover, he isn't even shown to enjoy his actions. Apparently, he murders people for literally ''no reason'', which makes him all the more frightening.
{{quote| '''Doctor Loomis''': I met him fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six year old child with his blank, pale, emotionless face... the blackest eyes, the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil.}}
* Despite the (former) picture above, [[The Matrix|Agent Smith]] is an [[Averted Trope|aversion]]. He may do a huge amount of evil things, but he does them for a simple reason:
{{quote| '''Agent Smith:''' More.}}
** In the first film Agent Smith's motivation is simply entirely self-serving: "I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it." In the sequels his motives start sliding to that direction. It's clear at the very end of the trilogy that for all the philosophical nihilistic extracurricular motives he claims to be acting on, Smith doesn't really understand WHY in hell he is doing what he does, but he DOES seem to [[Evil Laugh|enjoy himself in the process]].
{{quote| Bane: (Being assimilated into Smith.)"Oh, God..."<br />
Agent Smith: "Mmm. 'Smith' will suffice." }}
* Daisy Pringle, a [[Creepy Child]] from ''[[The Wicker Man]]''.
{{quote| '''Daisy''': The little old beetle goes 'round and 'round. Always the same way, y'see, until it ends up right up tight to the nail. Poor old thing!<br />
'''[[Only Sane Man|Sgt. Howie]]''': 'Poor old thing'? Then why in God's name do you do it, girl? }}
* The truck-driver in ''[[Duel (film)|Duel]]''.
* Played straight rather well with [[Our Angels Are Different|Gabriel]] in ''[[The Prophecy (film)|The Prophecy]]''.
{{quote| '''Gabriel:''' I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.}}
* Chad in ''[[In the Company of Men]]''. When asked why he manipulated a deaf woman into a love triangle, he says "Because I could."
* Alex from ''[[A Clockwork Orange (film)|A Clockwork Orange]]'' has no other motive for his rape and ultraviolence than that he enjoys it. This actually brings him into conflict with the rest of his gang when they start to insist that their crimes yield a more substantial payout.
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* Orin Scrivello from ''[[Little Shop of Horrors]]'' amputates a girl's jaw just so he can give her a hideous prosthesis.
* This is discussed in ''[[Scream (film)|Scream]]'', which was big on lampshading various horror film Tropes. Randy points out how about halfway through the film that in most horror movies "Motives are incidental." The eventual killer does have one (rather flimsy) motive for the carnage he unleashes, but does lampshade this fact.
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|Billy:}}''' I don't really believe in a motive, Sid. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive? Did we ever find out why Hannibal Lector liked to eat people? Don't think so! [[Lampshade Hanging|See, it's much scarier if there's no motive.]]}}
** Also, {{spoiler|Stu (the second killer) has the following exchange with [[Final Girl|Sidney]]}}:
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Sidney'''}}: (over phone) So {{spoiler|Stu}}, what's your motive- I mean {{spoiler|Billy}}'s got one, the police are on the way. What're you gonna tell them?<br />
{{spoiler|'''Stu:'''}} Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive. }}
* Several of the villains in ''[[8mm]]''. The rich old man who commissioned the snuff film? According to his lawyer, "He did it because he could." Machine, the man who actually committed the murder, sums it up horrifically:
{{quote| '''Machine''': Mommy didn't beat me. Daddy didn't rape me. I'm this way because I am. There's no mystery. Things I do, I do them because I like them! Because I want to!}}
* Played with in both the novel and film ''[[No Country for Old Men]]''. [[Complete Monster|Anton Chigurh]], to any of his victims would definitely appear to this and even to the viewer at first sight. However, it's stated that he has morals and values that make sense only to him. This is part of what makes him so frightening.
** How about unlike most other examples in this page, the Anton rarely even enjoys what he's doing. Just utter indifference most of the time, the rest of the examples at least get a kick out of it for their atrocities.
* Arguably, [[The Princess Bride (film)|Count Rugen]]. Sometimes it's out of curiousity but mostly not.
* [[Serial Killer|Scorpio]] from the [[Dirty Harry]] series starts out asking for ransom money, but as time goes on is implied to be more so motivated by the "fun" of committing his crimes.
{{quote| '''Scorpio''': {{spoiler|I've changed my mind. I'm going to let her die! I just wanted you to know that. You hear me? I just wanted you to know that before I killed you!}}}}
* "Ghidorah", of the "[[Godzilla]]" series of films, for his debut movie "Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster". He's just here to destroy Earth for seeming kicks, like he apparently has for countless planets, including Mars. We're never given a reason why he's been doing this, nor do we know where he's originally come from.
** He was later enslaved by various alien races in the subsequent movies afterwards.
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*** That whole episode was essentially one big [[Shout-Out]] to George Orwell's ''1984''.
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'', we have this dialogue between Martha and a [[Monster of the Week|Toclafane]]:
{{quote| '''Martha:''' But why? Why come all this way just to cause all this death and destruction?<br />
'''Toclafane:''' Because it's ''FUN''. }}
** While he hasn't always been as open about it as in his John Simm incarnation, [[The Master]] has always been more interested in screwing with the Doctor than actually taking over the world. In ''The Sea Devils'', he flat-out admits he's only working with the villains so they can get rid of "the human race of which you are so very fond."
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* Similarly, a villain in the ''[[Torchwood]]'' episode "Countrycide", when asked the reason for his actions, simply responds "Because it made me happy."
** And there's this quote from a charming recurring villain in "Exit Wounds":
{{quote| '''Captain John Hart:''' Do I mean fun or carnage? I always get those two mixed up.}}
* Dr. Mikoto Nakadai in ''[[Super Sentai|Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger]]'' is an [[Evil Genius]] who is utterly bored with life... until he discovers that tormenting the heroes and plotting widespread death and destruction is just the kick he's been missing.
* Similarly, in the ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' episode "The Benders", Sam gets captured by a family of cannibal hillbillies, and Dean allies himself with a female county cop (whose brother was captured by the same hillbillies) to get him back. At the end, the female cop asks the hillbilly patriarch why they killed her brother, and he answers, "Because it was FUN." She shoots him off-screen.
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*** Angel and Spike have a conversation in ''[[Angel]]'' concerning how they committed atrocities [[For the Evulz]] -- but in different ways. Spike loved killing for the sake of it and didn't bother to give his victims another glance. Angelus couldn't look away from his victims and relished their suffering.
*** Spike could also be considered a subversion. While he enjoys killing humans as individuals, he actually likes human society in general (with [[Sex Pistols]] being his favorite rock band) and doesn't want to see it destroyed.
{{quote| '''Spike''': "The thing is, I ''like'' this world. You've got Manchester United, dogracing, and ''people''. Millions of people, all walking around, like Happy Meals on legs."}}
** One episode of Angel had a twist on this; the demon possessing a small boy did all his crimes [[For the Evulz]], but the boy was a complete psychopath who trapped the demon in his mind and resisted control attempts, then burned things and killed people anyway (even after a successful exorcism) because he didn't see any reason not to. The demon was absolutely ''terrified'' by this, since demons see doing things out of a belief in evil as a valid reason but the boy lacked even that.
** Hauser, a former employee of Wolfram and Hart, believes in evil.
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* Every villain in the 1960's ''[[Batman (TV series)|Batman]]'' TV show. Has even ''one'' of them ever tried to commit a subtle and/or profitable crime?
* In the ''[[Firefly]]'' episode "Our Mrs. Reynolds" {{spoiler|Saffron}} implies she might be this, {{spoiler|after Mal questions her about why she needed such a convoluted plan.}}
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Saffron}}''': "You're assuming the payoff is the point."}}
* [[Professional Wrestling]]: [[WWE|The Big Bossman]] practically sprinted past the [[Moral Event Horizon]] and dove into [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsterdom]] for no reason whatsoever, other than that he enjoyed it.
* In ''[[Kamen Rider Kuuga]]'' The [[Big Bad]] was quite different from other final bosses of [[Kamen Rider]], no speech about his desire to win the game, all he wants to do is fight Yosuke and even as he died fighting him. He didn't whine about how a mortal beaten him, just smiling as he watches Yuusuke being so violent.
* A rather light example in ''[[The Goodies]]'': Bill's just signed up to do a row of extremely violent shows for the BBC. Graeme and Tim, bewildered, simply ask why he'd join up for such 'immoral, gratuitous violence'.
{{quote| '''Bill:''' Oh, don't worry, I have a perfectly good reason.<br />
'''Graeme:''' Oh really? What's that?<br />
'''Bill:''' ''I like violence! (jumps Graeme, beginning to strangle him)'' }}
* {{spoiler|Jim Moriarty}} from ''[[Sherlock]]'': he threatens to blow up a series of bombs in London just because he was bored and to get Sherlock's attention.
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* One episode of ''[[The Pretender]]'' has Jared try to get into the mind of a serial killer to try and find his latest victim. He almost [[Logic Bomb|Logic-Bombs]] himself because he can't understand the reasoning behind the killer's actions. The killer helpfully informs him that there is no reason; he kills because he wants to.
* When {{spoiler|Methos}} from the [[Highlander (TV series)|Highlander tv series]] finally tells Duncan about his days as an evil marauder back in the depths of time, he sums up his motives as a combination of this and [[Evil Feels Good]].
{{quote| Killing was all I knew. Is that what you want to hear? I killed. But I didn't just kill fifty, I didn't kill a hundred. I killed a thousand. I killed TEN thousand! And I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengeance, it wasn't for greed. It was because... I liked it.}}
== Music ==
* ''Folsom Prison Blues'' by Johnny Cash:
{{quote| "But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die."}}
* Voltaire's "When You're Evil" pretty much sums up the trope.
{{quote| And it's so easy when you're evil<br />
This is the life, you see<br />
The Devil tips his hat to me<br />
I do it all because I'm evil<br />
And I do it all for free<br />
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need }}
* My Chemical Romance's "I Never Told You What I Do For A Living"
{{quote| It ain't the money<br />
And it sure as hell ain't just for the fame<br />
It's for the bodies I claim<br />
And those only go so far }}
* "Only a Lad" by [[Oingo Boingo]] discusses Johnny, who appears to have been born this way, despite society's attempts to suggest otherwise (Primarily as an excuse not to deal with it.)
{{quote| His teachers didn't understand,<br />
They kicked him out of school at a tender, early age just because<br />
He didn't want to learn things,<br />
Had other interests...<br />
He liked to burn things! }}
** Johnny ''does'' have motives occasionally, but they are so absurd that they hardly count. (He once shot a neighbor in the leg ''just so he could steal her radio''.)
* Such Horrible Things by Creature Feature:
{{quote| I'm not a bad man<br />
Even though I do bad things, very bad things, such horrible things<br />
But it's not quite what it seems, not quite what I seem<br />
Ah hell, I'm exactly what I seem. }}
* French by [[OFWGKTA|Tyler, the Creator]]:
{{quote| I'm openin' a church to sell coke and Led Zeppelin<br />
And fuck Mary in her ass.. ha-ha.. yo<br />
I'm fuckin' Goldilocks up in the forest<br />
In the three bear house eatin' their muthafuckin' porridge<br />
I tell her it's my house, give her a tour<br />
In my basement, and keep that bitch locked up in my storage<br />
Rape her and record it, then edit it with more shit }}
* ''The Bright Young Things'' by [[Marilyn Manson]] is this meets [[The Hedonist]], referencing the titular "Bright Young People" of 1920s London.
{{quote| We set fashion, not follow<br />
Spit vitriol, not swallow<br />
Good for nothing but being<br />
Everything that's bad }}
* "The Curse of Milhaven" by Nick Cave is a prime example.
{{quote| I keep telling them they're out to get me<br />
They ask me if I feel remorse and I answer, why of<br />
Course!<br />
There is so much more I could have done if they'd let<br />
Me! }}
* Sinner by [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzNqHgBCItU a) Judas Priest] doesn't seem to give a motive to the subject of the song beyond enjoyment of his (or her) own sin (evulz), the same can be said of the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlTupfMZP1Q b) Drowning Pool] song of the same name. Also note that no particular preference is given to any one [[Seven Deadly Sins|sin]] in particular over the others.
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* ''[[Vampire: The Requiem]]'' has the Crassus family. It's a horrible, horrible example to retype here, so just check it out on their section on the Requiem article.
* Fiends in [[Dungeons and Dragons]]. As the Witch-queen Iggwilv explains in the ''Demonomicon'':
{{quote| "To understand a [[Chaotic Evil|demon]] is to know what drives it. All demons crave carnage and absolute ruin, but to what end? Unlike [[Lawful Evil|devils]], demons do not commit acts of violence from a philosophical desire to foment evil for its own sake. The desires of a demon are less existential. More instinctual."}}
* In the [[Magic: The Gathering]] set ''Ravnica'', the Rakdos Cult is populated entirely by [[Always Chaotic Evil]] demons and supplicants, whose entire reason for doing their actions is [[For the Evulz]]. Interestingly, in the magically-enforced government of Ravnica, there ''needs to be'' that sort of group as part of the government... even if it spends most of its time trying to destroy said government.
* Most agents of the Wyrm in ''[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]'' don't have a whole lot of motive for what they do. A fair amount of the Pentex book is scary not because of the malevolence on display, but because most of it seems to have no motive at all beyond "yay Wyrm".
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** ''[[Richard III]]'': He tells us in the very first speech of the play that he's going to be a villain because he has nothing else with which to occupy himself.
** Aaron of ''[[Titus Andronicus (theatre)|Titus Andronicus]]'' does everything he does over the course of the play because he simply likes being evil.
{{quote| Ah, why should wrath be mute and fury dumb?<br />
I am no baby, I, that with base prayers<br />
I should repent the evils I have done;<br />
Ten thousand worse than ever yet I did<br />
Would I perform, if I might have my will.<br />
If one good deed in all my life I did,<br />
I do repent it from my very soul. }}
* Ursula in the stage version of ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'', from her [[Villain Song]] entitled "I Want the Good Times Back".
{{quote| I wanna taste their tears<br />
I wanna hear their screams<br />
I want that special rush<br />
You get from crushing<br />
Hopes and dreams }}
Line 429:
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'': As a Horde character, many players may enjoy engaging in particularly Orcish behaviour towards the Alliance. It was also part of the game's history, that the reason why Blizzard removed the ability of the two factions to communicate with each other, was because of how savage and profane player communication could become during combat. Given that the Alliance could be considered the "jock," faction, [[WoW]] provided an environment where the average Horde gamer could release and work through the sorts of psychosocial dynamics that probably led to the Columbine Massacre, without actually entering a real classroom with a gun.
** Here's a humorous example from the [[Black Comedy]] that is the Forsaken:
{{quote| '''Undercity Champion''': I punched a penguin on my way in here.<br />
'''Argent Confessor Paletress''': Oh, my. Do you feel remorseful, at least?<br />
'''Undercity Champion''': Nah, not really. I just wanted to see the look on your face. [[Evil Laugh|(laughs)]] }}
* [[Monster Clown|Kefka]] from ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' is the result of crossing this trope with [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]. Thanks to the Magitek experiments he's undergone, his mind has rotted to the point that destruction and death are the only things that bring meaning to his life, so he destroys and kills everything and everyone he can because it's the only thing that puts a smile on his face. [[Complete Monster|And boy does it ever.]] Towards the end, it's possible that the only reason he stops playing this trope straight is because he's so ridiculously powerful that it just isn't fun anymore. Without the Evulz to drive him, he no longer has any use for either the world or even his own existence.
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* Minions (especially brown ones) from [[Overlord]] might also count toward this trope - they simply enjoy killing and crashing everything (this is evident from their constant remarks, like "Kill, kill!" or "Burn, burn!").
* Doctor Neo Cortex in ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]''.
{{quote| '''Coco Bandicoot:''' Cortex, why do you keep doing stuff like this?<br />
'''Doctor Neo Cortex:''' Well, actually it's pretty fun. You should try it. Y'know, riding around in huge, rumbling machines and whatnot? Very stimulating. }}
** Perhaps in the new games, but in the original three Neo Cortex was always all about [[Take Over the World|World Domination]].
* The killer in ''[[Persona 4]]'' decides to cure a ''serious'' case of [[Small Town Boredom]] with murder and (attempted) rape. In his own words:
{{quote| "I did that stuff 'cause I could. And it got interesting, so I watched."}}
* Rugal Bernstein from ''[[King of Fighters]]''. Some of his plans have a reasonable motivation, but he usually just does evil because he's amused at how low he can sink. Why do you think he killed all those people he then made into decorative bronze statues? Because he could.
* The [[Evil Matriarch]] Hilda from ''[[Fire Emblem]] 4''. Most of her acts seems to derive from her lust of power. But [[Break the Cutie|torturing her sister in law Tiltyu to death and then her daughter too]]? That's simply done [[For the Evulz]]. Also, when her husband was very much disdainful towards child hunting so they can be sacrificed to an evil god, she goes ahead and supports it wholeheartedly. For what? [[For the Evulz]].
Line 470:
* Most villainous contacts in ''[[City of Villains]]'' use you as a tool in their [[Evil Plan]], for some petty thefts or revenge plots, or trying to further their own (and, in some cases, your) agendas. Westin Phipps, on the other hand, poses as a charity worker and sends you to do things like kidnap an inspirational schoolteacher, destroy textbooks, and ''[[Moral Event Horizon|poison food supplies]]''. Why? [[Complete Monster|For no reason other than to crush the hopes of the downtrodden poor]]. People are split over whether or not he's evil enough to make even villains uncomfortable.
* Murray, the Demonic Talking Skull from the ''[[Monkey Island]]'' series fits this trope quite nicely.
{{quote| "What! Murray, I did you a favor!"<br />
"Yes, thus making my betrayal all the more evil! Muhahaha!" }}
* The first mission of ''[[Ace Combat]] X: Skies of Deception'' has [[Enemy Chatter]] showing that some Leasath chair forcers are raining bombs on a defenceless city just because they can spare the ordnance.
* ''[[Mass Effect]]'': The Reapers plan to purge the galaxy of all intelligent life, including mankind, because... that's simply what they've been doing for ages.
{{quote| {{smallcaps|"Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. ... The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Organic civilisations rise, evolve, advance and at the apex of their glory, they are extinguished."}}}}
** It should be noted that this is game one of a planned trilogy, their motives right now may appear to be "for the evulz" but by the end of the third game it's likely that there will be an actual reason given.
** And in ''[[Mass Effect]] ''2, their secondary motivation has been revealed to be {{spoiler|reproduction. By way of ''melting'' the most appropriate races into primordial porridge. This porridge is then used as the primary ingredient for a gargantuan cyberorganic gestalt of the entire species in question, that then becomes the core of a new Reaper.}} While the biological imperative of this motivation is typical, the sheer absurd horribleness of it is probably Lulz related.
Line 483:
* Nene in ''[[Blue Dragon]]'' has an actual ultimate plan: he tricks {{spoiler|your party into powering up their magic so he can steal it and save himself from a wasting disease}}, but in order to pull this off, he simply cackles and invokes this Trope at every one of their meetings. At a certain point, it starts to seem like he just sits around brainstorming new ways to make the heroes mad.
* In ''[[Elder Scrolls]] IV: [[Oblivion]]'' there is the Dark Brotherhood which the ''player'' can join by murdering someone who doesn't deserve to die. The first time you 'sleep rather soundly' after doing so and consequently meet Lucien Lachance and ask him about the Dark Brotherhood, he remarks:
{{quote| Lucien Lachance: '''We kill for profit, for enjoyment and for the glory of our Dread Father Sithis."}}
** Some of the victims are slain for revenge, for selfish gain of whoever pays, to (assumably) remove someone seen as a threat or to send a powerful message to the Brotherhood's enemies. Even the murder of Baenlin on your second mission, the harmless old man who doesn't seem to have done ANYTHING to deserve dying in the 'accident' you staged, is explained. {{spoiler|His nephew Caenlin moves into the house soon after the hit is complete. If you talk to him and/or read the black horse courier article about Baenlin's death, you'll likely assume Caenlin used the hit to claim his inheritance.}} However, there are a few instances where there is no hint in that direction. For example, in one mission you are sent to a fancy manor where five guests have been lured to by a false promise of hidden gold. No matter how much you socialize with the guests and how much information you get them to tell you about themselves(and each other), at no point do you get any slightest clue about why someone would pay the Dark Brotherhood for their deaths. Quite frightening, if you think about it.
** The stark contrast from ''Morrowind's'' [[I Did What I Had to Do]] Morag Tong can be very disappointing for people coming to Oblivion from that game. Of course, the Dark Brotherhood are in ''[[Morrowind]]'' too, albeit as NPC antagonists, specifically set up as the [[Chaotic Evil]] [[Evil Counterpart|counterpart]] to the [[Lawful Neutral]] Morag Tong. The disparity ''is'' deliberate.
Line 497:
** It goes deeper than that, though. Terumi has stated that if he is not hated, he would cease to exist. Therefore, he had to be as Troll-ish as possible and make as many people hate him. It's a double-subversion, however, because Terumi himself ''enjoys'' inflicting sufferings here and there.
** He actually put it best himself when explaining his motives to [[Badass|Hakumen]]:
{{quote| '''Hazama/Terumi''': Seriously, I can't believe you just asked me that! OK, all right, fine! How about this reason? Seems as good as any. I do all the wonderful things I do because I want to see the miserable look on the faces of people like YOU when you're wallowing in despair, dismay, grief, frustration, misery... [[Faux Affably Evil|all sorts of other unpleasant nouns]]... I guess you could say I'm bored. [[Complete Monster|At least misery is interesting]].}}
* Seems to be almost the entire motivation for the witches in ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'' {{spoiler|especially the Voyager witches Bernkastel and Lambdadelta.}} [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|But when you live for a thousand years, your sources of entertainment eventually start to run out.]]
* My own personal theory on how any why [[Kaizo Mario World]] was born. If so, it worked.
Line 504:
* In the second ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]'' game, it's never explained why {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Darkrai]]}} wanted to {{spoiler|cover the world in darkness aside from destroying both space and time in order for his evil plan to work.}}
* {{spoiler|Iris Sepperin}} of [[Rosenkreuzstilette]] states that {{spoiler|she made the organization of RKS fight against the Holy Empire just for her own amusement. She also [[Complete Monster|amuses herself with other people's suffering]], such as Zorne's when she killed her father whom she was desperately trying to get to accept her as his real daughter, and Grolla's when she had arranged for her long-dead grandfather to be brought back by her father as [[The Grim Reaper]]}}.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Iris''': I was born with [[Magnificent Bastard|absolute power and unparalelled brains]]. Now, when someone knows everything there is to know about something, they get bored with it. That's the reason why I chose to stage this little revolution: [[It Amused Me|to make this world just a little less boring]].}}}}
* [[Affably Evil|Reaver]] in [[Fable II]]: "There's something rather [[Evil Feels Good|edifying]] about hurting people."
* Bulnoil in ''[[Brigandine]]'', due to being a [[Card-Carrying Villain]]. He wants to summon Ouroboros to engulf Forsena in chaos... for no reasons other reasons aside of he's a huge dickhead.
Line 521:
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'':
** The lich Xykon, the [[Big Bad]], is simply out to be as evil as possible, and often goes out of his way to commit atrocities just 'cause it's fun. The result is the bizarre twist of an <s>[[Affably Evil]]</s> [[Faux Affably Evil]] [[Complete Monster]].
{{quote| '''Xykon:''' ...sure, I could've just blasted you all from above with fire and lightning and such... But I've always felt that when it's really important, it's worth to go that extra mile. Don't you agree?<br />
<Last moving warrior in the room commits ritual suicide for the horrible deeds she did because of Xykon's tricks> }}
** Xykon was like this even as a mortal, but he got ''even worse'' when he realized that, as a lich, he could no longer taste coffee. Killing and torturing people are now the only pleasures Xykon has now that he can no longer enjoy a good or bad cup of coffee.
** Belkar may also qualify in his more [[Perfectly Cromulent Word|murderiffic]] moments. Especially when he tries to get a Paladin to murder him in cold blood surely so she'd fall because of how funny it would be.
** General Tarquin is a really odd case. He ''thinks'' he's [[Above Good and Evil]], but for some reason he keeps doing things in the most evil (and often [[Obviously Evil]]) way possible. Often it's quite possibly just to get what he wants regardless of who is hurt, but sometimes there's no logical reason for it at all.
{{quote| "But you can't make an omelette without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others."}}
* Bun-bun of ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' fame is sometimes this. A lot of the time, he's after something (money, strippers, alfalfa hay), but sometimes, he just wants a bit of a laugh. A sadistic one. Ka-CLICK.
* In the second ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|Dungeons and Discourse]]'', Dmitri's character in ''[[Dresden Codak]]'' excuses stopping to eat the [[Our Souls Are Different|philosophical]] [[The Heartless|zombies]] with "[[Stupid Evil|Evil for Evil's sake]]." {{spoiler|Then he kills off the entire party with the [[Exclusive Enemy Equipment|Dungeon Boss's]] [[BFS|mega-weapon]].}} Again, [[For the Evulz]].
Line 535:
*** During his [http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/158 trial] in issue 6 Richard says that he feels he's on a path like Cale is.
* Black Mage from ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]'' frequently has this as the motivation for his behavior. [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/11/04/episode-350-first-impressions/ Here's just one example out of many.]
{{quote| '''Dwarf Villager:''' By Moradin's beard! Why do only our homes and children burn!<br />
'''Black Mage:''' Because it seemed excessively cruel! [''winks''] }}
* Cyndi of ''[[Penny and Aggie]]'' toys with others' lust for her, and manipulates people into abandoning their friends or into [[Moral Event Horizon|eating disorders and suicide attempts]], simply because it amuses her: "I do like to play." Best summed up by Penny:
{{quote| '''Penny''': She never tries to win. She just tries to make everyone '''else lose'''.}}
* [[Juathuur]] averts this trope, and explicitly evokes it [http://oneway.juathuur.com/1/?strip_id=254 here]. The comic, as a whole, makes a point that no one is evil 'just because', everyone has his reasons.
* This is the motivation for easily half the people and events involved in ''[[Ansem Retort]]''. Axel even explicitly stated that this is why Zexion should steal tax dollars from his constituents to finance Axel's wedding: just to prove he ''could''.
Line 561:
* Dr. Heiter in [[Human Centipede the Musical]], even more so than his film counterpart.
* [[That Guy With The Glasses]] did a sketch about the Joker from ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' trying to come up with an origin story. After several rather ridiculous attempts, he decides to forsake the attempt altogether.
{{quote| '''Joker''': "Argh, that will never work! You know what? I'll just say I'm an asshole!"}}
* In [[Dragon Ball Abridged|Dragon Ball Z Abridged]], it seems that this is part of Vegeta's motivation for his presence on (and subsequent attempt at destroying) Earth.
{{quote| '''Vegeta''': "Say goodbye to your planet, Kakarot!"<br />
'''Goku/Kakarot''': "That's not very nice."<br />
'''Vegeta''': "{{smallcaps|Of course not! I'm f** king evil!}}" }}
* Veronica Carter of [[Shadowhunter Peril]], through a technicality, falls under this category. When she originally existed in Fan Fiction, Veronica was a psychotic vampire who had bullied her three siblings into working for her in her quest for total destruction of everything, murdered her rebellious little brother's best and only friend, killed and drained blood from the bodies of humans well after she was full satisfying her thirst, and went on a celebratory trek across of vandalism across the country after she killed her own army and attacked the opposing one (keep in mind that her idea of vandalism is burning everything she sees). Her reasoning for all this is because she "was just bored".
Line 577:
* Although eponymous ''[[Invader Zim]]'' does have a motive, it's obvious from his actions, particularly in flashbacks, that he's more concerned with the evulz than anything else.
** Especially since his actual mission is to observe and report. His decision to conquer and destroy is all for the heck of it. Well, and his ego.
{{quote| '''Zim:''' Well... back to my filthy evil, I guess.}}
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|Shego]] from ''[[Kim Possible]]''. her entire family is classic [[Lawful Stupid]]. When Kim, visiting another superheroic team composed of Shego's old family, points out that having a huge TV screen in their base that the villain can appear on any time he likes for spying purposes is a huge security flaw, Shego's response is an annoyed "Why do you think I left?!"
{{quote| '''Hego:''' The more we fought evil, the more Shego liked it.<br />
'''Ron:''' The fighting?<br />
'''Kim:''' The evil. }}
* The anti-fairies in ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'' go out to cause bad luck, for no other reason than to go out and cause it.
Line 604:
** Except his aerobics.
* In ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]'', though Lex Luthor ''does'' have a legitimate master plan, he explains this as his motive for the part where he tricks the League into thinking they were destined to become like their [[Knight Templar]] [[Alternate Universe]] selves.
{{quote| '''Luthor:''' That's right, conspiracy buff, I spent seventy-five million dollars on a fake presidential campaign ''just to tick Superman off.''}}
* Skeletor in the original ''[[He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]]'' certainly qualifies. His motive was simply that he enjoyed being evil. He waxed rhapsodic about how much he loved evil. He found joy in any act of nastiness, no matter how petty or arbitrary, and was repulsed by anything good or nice. (Of course, being an '80s cartoon character, he never did anything ''really'' evil like, say, trying to kill anyone. But given how much fulfillment he found in even the smallest acts of evil, maybe he didn't feel the need to.)
* Eris from ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]]''. Even though her actions are justified since she is the goddess of chaos after all, she seems to enjoy way too much what she does, and the worst part is that most of the time her goals are just petty or meaningless, like ruining a kung-fu tournament or tormenting the main characters while they aren't even bothering her.
* Mr. Black in episode 401 of ''[[The Simpsons]]'', "Kamp Krusty", as demonstrated by his toast to the three juvenile delinquints he is employing as camp counselors:
{{quote| '''Mr. Black:''' ''(Raising his glass)'' Gentlemen-- to evil.}}
* [[The Itchy and Scratchy Show|Itchy]] kills his Best friend Scratchy for this. A good example is a cartoon where Itchy [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit|pretends to commit suicide by jumping in a well]] so he can shoot Scratchy when he comes down to save him.
* Gnorga, the Queen of Trolls in ''[[A Troll in Central Park]]'', who likes to watch babies cry just for fun and even goes so far as to sing [[Villain Song|a song about]] this being her motivation.
Line 622:
* [[Complete Monster|Katz]] from ''[[Courage the Cowardly Dog]]'' ''lives'' for this trope, to the point that [[Nightmare Fuel|it's actually frightening]].
* Many villains in [[Megas XLR]] live by this trope. Two explicitly notable examples include Gerrkek the Planet Killer and Ender.
{{quote| '''Ender:''' My name is Ender. I end things. People, planets, galaxies.}}
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': Azula may have her eyes set on the crown and other external motivations, but a lot of times she seems to just enjoy being an evil bastard.
* [[Complete Monster|The Coachman]] from ''[[Pinocchio (Disney film)|Pinocchio]]'', who actually kidnaps naughty young boys, brings them all to Pleasure Island, turns them all into donkeys, and locks them all up in crates headed either for the salt mines or the circus just for the fun of it! And to make matters worse, he's actually a [[Karma Houdini]]!
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