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** Zand has one that he doesn't let anyone even touch. Probably becuase it has his [[Dead Little Sister]] in it.
* [[Ass Shove]]: {{spoiler|The Captain}} does a version with explosive.
{{quote| {{spoiler|The Captain}}: SUPER SECRET ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE: ONE THOUSAND YEARS ''(rams explosive twixt the buttocks of {{spoiler|Snelly}})'' '''OF DEATH'''! ''(Explosive explodes)''}}
* [[Audible Sharpness]]: Averted by [http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=117&view=findpost&p=42972 the introduction of The Captain's kukri].
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Tends to happen when Decaia's [[Berserk Button]] is set off, namely after seeing happy couples.
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** Raehn experiences a minor one after accidentally 'killing' Decaia, breaking the Toa Code as a result. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for her, he survived.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: [[The McCoy|Ramanox]] and [[The Spock|Keinju]] [[Discussed Trope|discuss]] this trope in a debate. [[The Fettered|Ramanox]] is all for it and states that one must keep their own [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] [[Honor Before Reason|over all]] [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|by not killing]], concluding that [[He Who Fights Monsters]] will go into full effect for "[[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]" applying when fighting [[Big Bad|Makuta]]. [[The Unfettered|Keinju]] fires back that the [[Hopeless War]] cannnot be won permanently without [[Dirty Business]] and concludes that while Ramanox' [[The Hero|toa]] are [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] and have their own place in the world, there is no leeway for [[Honor Before Reason]] in war and that [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|Shell Shocked Veterans]] like Ramanox should know to [[Shoot the Dog]] now 'n' be [[The Fettered]] later.
{{quote| "[[There Are Two Kinds of People in the World|I'm no toa, I'm a soldier]]," [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Keinju]] [[The Stoic|remarked casually]]. "[[Deadpan Snarker|You have shown wholly ludicrous capability in mixing the two up]]. The difference is that a [[The Fettered|toa]]," his eye glinted again, "Will put [[Honor Before Reason]]. [[The Unfettered|A true soldier]] will [[Shoot the Dog|throw honor to karzhani and save reason at any cost]]. [[No-Nonsense Nemesis|And honor," the De-Toa stated coolly, "Looks like it deserves precisely that here]]. If we show we are better than [[Evil Overlord|Makuta]], then we will be [[Doomed Moral Victor|indubitably superior in morality to him]]. [[Deadpan Snarker|We'll also]] [[Martyr Without a Cause|be in karz]]," added Sarusuma nonchalantly. "[[I Did What I Had to Do|It is the soldier who will ultimately win here in that he will save the island]]." }}
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: Sulov Koskium is forced to make one when the Great Mine explodes as he looks for a squadmate in it. A plinth lands on his left hand and pins it. While the plinth itself is not a problem, the fact that moving it would cause a cave-in of the rubble pocket he ends up in is. Sulov contacts his squadmates, waits for them to find him, has them tell him why his left hand is hurting (all sources of light were put out as the rubble fell), and then calmly orders one of them to sever his arm at the wrist.
** To extrapolate: While Sulov wouldn't have been without help, the pinning plinth had slammed down onto his left hand and opened several arteries. He would've bled out if it wasn't stopped. As such, it was necessary for his body to be moved.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: The Stronin of BZPRPG III is much nicer and morally just than the Stronin of the Old BZPRPG.
* [[Indy Ploy]]: Invoked after The Captain attacks a foe with a grenade aboard [[Cool Boat|The Infernavika]] and [[The Captain|Lohkar]] reappears in time to see the end result:
{{quote| '''Lohkar''': ...Would you mind telling my why my ship is on fire?<br />
'''The Captain''': OH, DON'T WORRY! ''[[Talking Is a Free Action|(Continues to blast away at foes)]]'' [[All According to Plan|THAT'S ALL PART OF THE PLAN!]]<br />
'''Lohkar''': ''(Skeptical glance to toa in question)'' What plan?<br />
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* [[Split Personality]]: Fragarach is the justice-abiding split personality created from [[Complete Monster|Darylhii's]] locked up emotions.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: Yasurek gives one:
{{quote| '''The Captain''': ''(Doffs cap in self-pleased manner)'' I should think this most awesome loot came from a downed toa in the approximate area of a tailor's ''(points with piandao scabbard in direction of tailor's where Yasurek [[Mugging the Monster|reverse mugged]] a toa)''.<br />
'''Yasurek''': ''(Shifts around a bit uneasily)'' Um, yeah, those knocked out toa have all the good loot, [[Blatant Lies|especially since I had absolutely nothing to do with any of the unfortunate events that led to his knocked out state]]. }}
* [[The Prophecy]]:
{{quote| "At the [[Darkest Hour]],<br />
[[Story-Breaker Power|In unrivaled power]],<br />
The [[Big Bad|greatest foe]] will stand.<br />
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