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Final Fantasy VIII/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Squall Leonhart ===
{{quote| ''"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us."''}}
A skilled soldier who acts as the main character. Though he is one of SeeD's most accomplished students, his cold and professional demeanor ostracizes him from everyone else. He has a friendly rivalry with Seifer, and specialises in the notoriously awkward gunblade.
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=== Rinoa Heartilly ===
{{quote| ''"Look into my eyes... You're-going-to-like-me... You're-going-to-like-me... Did it work?"''}}
A member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls". Her outgoing and happy-go-lucky attitude contrasts sharply with Squall, as does her lack of actual battlefield experience. She strikes up a relationship with Squall and becomes determined to crack his shell. She wields a boomerang-esque weapon called a Blaster Edge.
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=== Zell Dincht ===
{{quote| ''"Why don't you try to show a little more passion...? You know, like me!"''}}
A fellow SeeD who works alongside Squall and Selphie. Though he appears to be a comic-relief goof at first, he is actually a highly competent soldier with a deep knowledge of world history and a lot of integrity. He uses no weapon in battle, preferring instead to use martial arts.
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=== Selphie Tilmitt ===
{{quote| ''"Destroy everything!"''}}
A [[New Transfer Student|transfer student]] to Balamb Garden who ends up working alongside Squall and Zell. She is surprisingly perky and upbeat for a soldier, but behind her smiling face lies a psychotic, destructive streak that surfaces during times of stress. She is one of the more observant and practical members of the party. Also, she likes trains.
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=== Quistis Trepe ===
{{quote| ''"You know, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them."''}}
Squall's instructor at Balamb Garden. Beautiful and intelligent, she is adored by the student base to the point where she has a fan club. However, behind her perfect appearance lies an insecure human who struggles to control her own emotions, and who has unrequited feelings for Squall.
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=== Irvine Kinneas ===
{{quote| ''"Thanks for the support, but I never miss my target."''}}
An expert SeeD sniper who joins the Balamb Garden party on an assignment. He likes to style himself as a cool, unflappable gunman and complete ladies' man. However, this is just a façade so he can cope with the suffocating pressures of his job. His true personality is much more shy and dorky.
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=== Seifer Almasy ===
{{quote| ''"I've always gotta be doing somethin' '''big!''' I don't wanna stop. I'm gonna keep running! I've come this far... I'm gonna make it to the end, to the goal!"''}}
One of Balamb Garden's top students, and Squall's rival. Though he is just as competent as Squall, he lacks the detachment necessary for a soldier and frequently disobeys orders when his temperament flares up. Though he is outgoing and honest, his single-minded pursuit of his dreams leads to him failing the SeeD examination, and further disaster.
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Squall. Their designs also make this very obvious--Squall is brunette, Seifer is blond; Squall wears black, Seifer wears white; Squall has more feminine features, Seifer has a very strong jaw; and they have opposite scars.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Until the ending.}}
{{quote| "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!"}}
** Of course, in that context, Seifer is referring to the concept of [[Romanticism]] rather than [[I Thought It Meant|actual romance]].
** Notice how in the second fight with Seifer, when he's about to whip out [[Limit Break|Demon Slice]], he quips, "Ready to die, '''Squall'''?". He's only targeting Squall.
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=== Laguna Loire ===
{{quote| ''"I speak with passion, from the heart! That's what matters most."''}}
A Galbadian soldier who dreams of becoming a world-renowned journalist. His dorky and excitable demeanour obscures his extensive combat experience and natural courage. He uses a machine gun in battle and is the main character in the flashback sequences that Squall's party experiences throughout the game.
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=== Kiros Seagill ===
{{quote| ''"You cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I'd say you're about a -3 on the manliness scale."''}}
One of Laguna's best friends and fellow Galbadian soldier. He has a sharp wit and often pokes fun at Laguna, but also trusts him with his life.
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=== Ward Zabac ===
{{quote| ''"......"''}}
A Galbadian soldier and the third member of Laguna's unit. His intimidating appearance on the battlefield contrasts sharply with his caring demeanour outside of it. He is rendered mute after suffering a serious injury to his throat during battle.
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=== Edea {{spoiler|Kramer}} ===
{{quote| ''"You must fight to the end! Even though it may bring tragedy to others!"''}}
A vain and power-hungry Sorceress who uses her brainwashing magic to seize control of Galbadia. SeeD is assigned the task of assassinating her. {{spoiler|She is the wife of Cid Kramer, and has become possessed by the malevolent Sorceress Ultimecia}}.
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=== Cid Kramer ===
{{quote| ''"I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves."''}}
The headmaster of Balamb Garden, and one of the original founders of SeeD.
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=== Ellone ===
{{quote| ''"You cannot change the past, but seeing it once more is enough."''}}
A mysterious girl who shares a connection with Squall, Laguna and SeeD. She is hunted by various factions during the game, most notably by Sorceress Edea. {{spoiler|She possesses a supernatural ability that allows her to send a person's consciousness into the past, and is the source of the mysterious flashbacks that Squall's party has been experiencing}}.
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=== Raijin & Fujin ===
{{quote| ''"Hey, jus' like Fujin said, ya know!? We're with Seifer. Always have, always will."''}}
Seifer's [[Those Two Guys|partners-in-crime]]. Raijin often slurs his speech and ends his sentences with "y'know", while Fujin speaks in monotone. Along with Seifer, they make up the self-proclaimed Balamb Garden Disciplinary Committee.
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=== Biggs & Wedge ===
{{quote| ''"I was demoted because of you! I'm only a lieutenant now! I'll get my revenge!"''}}
Two Galbadian soldiers who encounter Squall again and again, each time leaving with both their pride and career prospects severely damaged.
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=== Ultimecia ===
{{quote| ''"This is reality. No-one can help you."''}}
Ultimecia is an evil, all-powerful Sorceress from the future. She seeks to cast the almighty Time Compression magic, which would combine the worlds of the past, present and future into a single point and enable her to rule over all of time itself.
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