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Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive: Difference between revisions

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* [[Naruto|Sasuke Uchiha]] is seen doing this at the beginning, just to show how much of a [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Disney Anti Hero]] he was. Oddly, after his genuine [[Face Heel Turn]] he doesn't do it again until some time after {{spoiler|joining Akatsuki}}.
** This is [[Lampshaded]] in an early episode of [[Naruto the Abridged Series|the abridged series]]:
{{quote| '''Sasuke:''' "I'm sorry, I was practicing my Gendo Ikari impression."}}
** Shikamaru also does the tip-to-tip style while he's planning. It gets mistaken for a hand sign.
** Tsunade did this on occasions.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* [[Lampshaded]] in ''[[Just Shoot Me]]'':
{{quote| '''Nina:''' Are you planning something devious?<br />
'''Dennis:''' Of course. Why else would I be doing this? }}
* ''[[Profit]]''. Look at the picture!
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