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{{quote| ''Moronic crapfest? Yes. Nonsensical stupidity? Yes. A class-action lawsuit waiting to happen? Yes. The reason we get so much hate mail? Yes. It's asinine and juvenile and is nothing like our other projects and makes us look like complete and total jackasses.''<br />
''But is it fun? Hells yeah.'' }}
{{quote|'''Pointy Hat Guy #1:''' "But...they're innocents! He's controlling them!"<br />
'''Phoenix:''' "Yeah. And we're kicking their asses!"|''Overheard during the RFU gang's initiation battle with the Truthkeeper, "The Beginninning"''}}
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* [[Day of the Jackboot]]: Due to our heroes screwing up, again, Hitler succeeds in becoming Hitzer and taking over the world.
* [[Economy Cast]]: Lampshaded in "RFU Gear Solid 2" when Phoenix (Raiden) gets fed up with Inferno being the President ''and'' Otacon:
{{quote| '''Inferno:''' Look, have you ever tried to do a parody this big when you've got a cast of about six major characters? ...Some changes need to be made to the source material.<br />
'''Phoenix:''' Such as?<br />
'''Inferno:''' I was already established in the role of Otacon from back in “RFU Gear Solidâ€\x9D, so obviously, I needed to reprise that role in the sequel. But my name is James, and the president’s name is James, so I’m doing double-duty, as well as playing myself every now and again, making it triple. Bryllin did double-duty as Scott Hawking and Peter Stillman. And Weasel’s playing all three Snakes.<br />
'''Phoenix:''' Still...<br />
'''Inferno:''' Listen here, bitch boy. While you're screwing around playing n00by McGee, the rest of us are pulling triple duty, so get your ass back out there and progress the friggin' plot! }}
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: The Omega Blade after it's given back to Weasel by Slash Hazard.
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* [[Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]]: Trying to prevent Hitler from gaining a magical artifact stolen from [[Dragonball Z]] results in him gaining said artifact. Another attempt to steal the artifact results in him using it.
* [[I Knew It!]]: Phoenix forcing the Ninja to scramble for code names and settling on "John Doe" results in a nigh-prophetic guess at the cancellation of [[John Doe|the Fox series of the same name]] (bear in mind "RFU Gear Solid 2" was written in late 2002/early 2003, in the early days of Fox's Chronic New Series Rescheduling Syndrome).
{{quote| '''Weasel's Annotation:''' Did I call that one or what? Fuck Fox.}}
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Lampshaded in "What, Like the Back Seat of a Volkswagen?" and [[Call Back|called back]] in "[[Metal Gear|RFU Gear Solid 2]]":
{{quote| ''"You've worn the same t-shirt everyday since 1994. And you spent the last year in a shadow dimension where time flows differently, so technically, you've been wearing the same shirt for several hundred years now. And, well, it smells."''}}
* [[Mind Screw]]: As if the AI Colonel Codec scene in ''[[Metal Gear]] Solid 2'' could get any <s>worse</s> more hilarious, "RFU Gear Solid 2" extends it with a smattering of previous RFU quotes, increasingly in(s)ane [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]], and a [[Zeta Gundam]] reference in Al Bhed.
* [[Mooks]]: Often Nazis or vampires. Preferably [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Vampire or Robot Nazis]] because at least they aren't all "Strudel Strudel Volkswagen."
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* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]: In "Little Continuity Busters", a series of hiccups in the timestream forced our heroes to travel through history, ensuring that certain events happened, and making a few extra stops along the way.
* [[Shout-Out]]: All over the place, mostly to comic book series, cancelled FOX shows, and ancient [[Game FAQs]] users and memes. Sometimes, they ''blend'':
{{quote| '''[[Deadpool]], taking on [[Friday the 13th (film)|Jason]] in "Little Continuity Busters":''' [[Chars Counterattack|THE 'POOL GUNDAM'S NOT JUST FOR SHOW!]]}}
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]]: Stupid Hitler fused with Dragonball Z's Frieza forming an eternally respawning Hitzer!
* [[Telepathy]] and [[Mind Over Matter]]: Just some of the many powers possessed by Truthkeeper.
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