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* Several ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' games have this, especially the 3D ones. A notable example is the Egg Golem boss from ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'', where the boss is positioned in the center of a floating ring of platforms with quicksand below. Falling down there in Sonic's version of the boss isn't immediately fatal, but Eggman's mech will sink if it comes in contact with the sand instead of one of the lower platforms.
** In ''[[Sonic Advance 3]]'', the Twinkle Snow area boss is one of the game's [[That One Boss|toughest challenges]], as the player must constantly climb an array of [[Temporary Platform|falling platforms]] while the boss [[Rise to the Challenge|relentlessly pursues from below]], hoping that the platforms will strike the mech and damage it. Without falling off in the process, of course.
** Lava Reef Zone from ''[[Sonic 3 and Knuckles|Sonic and Knuckles]]''. After an [[Auto -Scrolling Level|auto scrolling segment]], you have to dodge Robotnik's bombs from rocks floating in a lava pit. While he's attacking, everything in the lava pit moves towards him, including you, [[Tactical Suicide Boss|but also including the bombs]]. (However, once you find the fire shield--which allows you to walk on the lava unharmed--in the boss arena, the boss fight becomes much, much easier.)
* Most ''[[Wario Land]] 2'' and ''3'' bosses, because falling down and having to redo part of the level is the only punishment the game could give Wario due to his complete invincibility to any damage. Basically, each boss would have one attack which is basically to throw Wario out the arena and have him find his way back. Some more normal examples are the last real boss in Wario Land, fought on an invisible floor only the boss can stand on (so Wario has to jump on the boss repeatedly) as well as the Psycho Beaver and Mutant Mouse bosses in the sequel.
* ''[[Ys]]'' has this in spades, especially [[Final Boss|final bosses]]. During the battle with Dark Fact, a piece of the platform disappears everytime you hit him.
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