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* [[False Reassurance]]: If you're a criminal and The Punisher promises you something like "scratching your name from his list"... you better talk anyway, even if you are sufficiently [[Genre Savvy]] to recognize what that means, as being shot right after giving him the necessary information is still preferable to his [[Cold-Blooded Torture|other methods]] [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|of loosening tongues]].
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Mamma Cesare is at least eighty years old. [[Squick|Both Fisk and the reader are given a view of her naked body]].
* [[FarmersFarmer's Daughter]]: In the "Welcome To The Bayou" [[Punisher]] story, Frank runs into one of these (on a gas station in the middle of nowhere, but the idea is the same), who is a) dressed in far-too-revealing clothes and b) "crazy as a shithouse rat". She also turns out to be part of a family of inbred cannibal hicks.
* [[Follow the Leader]]: Almost single-handedly kick-started the [[Darker and Edgier]] trend of the late 80s and on through the 90s, and remains one of the few such series/characters to have retained his popularity and effectiveness after it died out (though Lord knows he's had his share of [[Dork Age|Dork Ages]]).
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: Mrs. Pearse
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