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'''''Brave New World''''' is the current{{when}} epic written by fanfiction author, [[Ri2]], and the sequel to ''[[Latias' Journey]]''. In this world, many, many years have passed since the events in ''Latias' Journey'', sending our main protagonists, Ash and Pikachu into the familiar world of ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]''.
The plot is heavily inspired by the ''[[Paper Mario (franchise)|Paper Mario]]'' game, ''[[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]]''. Although, not so much inspired as it is a [[Darker and Edgier]] retelling...With [[Recycled in Space|Pokemon!]] Ash, reborn as a Lucario, and Pikachu, Reborn as a [[Captain Obvious|Pikachu]], travel to find the Crystal Stars before the [[Big Bad]].
Like Ri2's other fanfiction, this one has its healthy share of comedy, romance, action, [[Complete Monster|psychopaths]], and [[Nightmare Fuel|stuff that WILL''will'' keep you up at night]].
Character sheet can be found [[Brave New World (fanfic)/Characters/Fanfic|here]]. Fridge Brillance and Horror can be found [[Brave New World (fanfic)/Fanfic/Fridge|here]]
Currently still being written. Can be read [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4319623/1/Brave_New_World here].
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=== The story includes the tropes: ===
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Bellum not only abused Lily for a good portion of her life (Or unlife, based on how Ghost Pokemon work), but she's been verbally abused, mentally, constantly crushed, but the worst has to be {{spoiler|when Bellum attaches magical chains to her, meaning, no matter how hard she tries, she can NEVER LEAVE.}}
** {{spoiler|She shaped Lily while she was in the egg to look and have the same powers as Fantina, her hated rival.}}
* [[Actually a Doombot]]: Chobin/Arackaiser makes this excuse for his failure in the Tree of the Beginning arc. Leo says its a lame excuse but that's actually what happened. [[Expendable Clone|sort of.]]
* [[Affably Evil]]: Admittedly, while Tarantulas may seem like a total psycho, he does have the occasional gentlemanly side with the patients he's horribly mutilated. It's mostly based on his mood.
** [[Big Bad|Oblivion's Shadow]] also has shades of this. He's fairly notable as being the most polite, well-mannered and reserved person in the entire series. He's actually fairly comparable to [[Complete Monster|Deoxys]] from Latias' Journey, except {{spoiler|that he has shades of being a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]].}}
** Barbedo is unusually for this trope not an antagonist; he was the most vicious and monstrous pirate to ever live, and he got worse after he and his crew were cursed with immortality. To everybody's surprise, Barbedo's friendly enough to Team Aurabolt when they meet him, {{spoiler|handing over the Star Badge animating him without any fuss, agrees to a fight for his ship and takes his defeat to Tiny in a drinking contest with good humor.}} He's unapologizingly brutal and loves being the worst sort of pirate, but his friendly demeanor and fondness for his [[True Companions|crewmates]] make him likable in spite of that.
** {{spoiler|If you can get past the fact that Ford is a sinister creature who has taken fighters and been draining their powers over the course of years}}, he's really quite nice and charming.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Blackarachina has one in Tarantulus. "…Is this seriously happening? Am I seriously being propositioned by a creepy evil cyborg Ariados using unbelievably cheesy and outdated pickup lines?"
* [[JustAll AsAccording Plannedto Plan]]: Cherry an {{[[[Seers]] oracle}} is quick to remind everyone that she foresaw whatever just happened (usually) and no matter how strange the events are they are part of [[The Plan]].
* [[All Webbed Up]]: {{spoiler|Ash, Richie, Tiny, Cruse, Cherry and Rebecca at the talons of Denchu}}
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]:
** If one were to believe Sasha this is the case among Absol to such a degree that they mate first and get to know their mate later. She can't get her head around doing opposite, and the rest of the team find this as weird as her eating their dead enemies.
** The Temple of Mew, staffed by [[Good Bad Girl]] and lead by a literal [[Memetic Sex Goddess]]. Lilly is unnerved by it but Fatiana and Bow are very pious.
*** Also, the Sisterhood of Bountiful Gracia is about as 'strict' as it in regards to sexual practices
** [[Chaste Hero|Pikachu]] has to get horrendously drunk before he'll mate with his love interest.
*** He seems to be in the minority, however, as people like Aaron are only too happy to oblige their wife's desire.
* [[And I Must Scream]]:
** {{spoiler|Ford's}} ultimate fate at the end of the Mt Battle Arc. {{spoiler|And, He's given to a Golem Troll as a Red Herring. To eternally sit on the mantle place... and Mrs. Golem's Bad cooking. }}
** Everyone who gets soul-eaten by Leviathan or killed at the hands of the Nihilators.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{spoiler|Manaphy}}, who gets beaten up and down with silly ease once our heroes break his {{spoiler|Heart Swap}} gimmick.
** Also {{spoiler|Ford}}. Who, unlike his Paper Mario counterpart, {{spoiler|Grubba}} does not get a chance to go [[One-Winged Angel]], or even have a proper fight with the heroes. Lampshaded by Leo during the next arc.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Aeon of Team Quantum. The rest of his team are already here, but he pushes the trope far when he puts {{spoiler|Team Ebony}} through a downright horrid [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]. It grants them time-based powers and fearlessness at the cost of traumatizing them. Even his teammates were disgusted.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: According to Richie, Light of Justice is a type III; a [[Nice Guy]] with a noble goal who wants to be Richie's best friend. He just happens to be a [[Knight Templar]]. {{spoiler|Thus, it isn't surprising that he is the reincarnation of N, King of Team Plasma. Also, when the Light of Justice hears of the true extent of the Nihilator's crimes, he wants to put aside the gathering of Arceus' plates to focus on the Nihilator's destruction, and is certain that his organization and Team Getem can put aside their conflict to defeat an organization that is truly evil.}}
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: Frequently, but one case in particular stands out in relation to Lily and the above trope.
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* [[The Atoner]]: Father Yamiri, who was a rather unsavory sort before his undeath and joining the Arcean Order. He is remarkably [[Angst? What Angst?|angst-free]] about this.
** Of course, the fact that it happened four hundred years ago may have given him the time to get over any angst.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Chobin. Dear God Chobin.
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Chobin'''Oh! Oh! Can I rape her and molest her body just as a Beedrill molests flowers to harvest their sweet, sweet honey nectar of sweetness that is deliciously delicious and enjoyed by Ursarings, especially if those Ursarings are being Pedobears and harvest other kinds of honey too that is from another kind of flower that is not a plant but a Pokemon unless it is a Grass type which can often be flowers and isn't actually honey at all? Her horrible disfiguring disfigurement of ugliness is turning Chobin on,"}}}}
* [[Badass]]: Once more, Wes shows just how awesome he can be.
** In a sharp turn to what we're used to, Ash himself is as much, if not more so. When he's not being the familiar [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|lovable doofus]] out of combat, of course.
* [[Badass Boast]]: {{spoiler|The trolls accidentally think that Briney is someone called Wodin One Eye, a one eyed deity of death and terror to almost all of them. Briney's response? "Oh, I'm not him. ''I'm much worse.''"}}
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Leo once he works off some basement fat -- evenfat—even before then, he managed to beat the crap out of Ash via [[Confusion Fu]].
* [[Badass Mustache]]: Ash uses a disguise that has such awesome facial hair, it fools Team Rocket. Of course, it ''is'' Team Rocket...
** [[Badass Grandpa|Briney]] on the other hand, has a truly awesome mustache that may just double as a blade. Tellingly, his very mustache is a [[Shout-Out]] to Whitebeard...this may give you an idea of how much of a Badass he is.
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*** And when {{spoiler|his mustache is removed via Shadow Lugia smashing him through THIRTY FIVE battleships, Briney loses his mustache. (don't worry, he gets it back) This is apparently traumatic enough for him to [[Tear Jerker|shed a tear.]] He dosen't appear to care much about the fact that he lost an arm in the same attack though... (he gets that back too.)}}
** The first time Briney and Scotty speak over video chat, their first impression of each other is "my mustache is better than his."
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Father Yamiri, who between the friendly-but-wise demeanor, explosive ofuda, and hugeass mace, seems to be a fusion of a Western [[Good Shepherd]], a Shinto shrine priest, and a [[Dungeons and& Dragons|D&D]] battle cleric.
* [[Battle Butler]]: Butler, [[His Name Really Is "Barkeep"|naturally]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: The ''very sight'' of Oblivion's Shadow to Ash. This is a very, ''very'' bad thing.
** [[Chaotic Evil|Paul]] is this for Dawn. Merely catching a glimpse of him causes her to [[Burning with Anger|completely flip out]].
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Sam and Max can do this by virtue of [[Crazy Awesome]], like when Mewgle trapped them in a game (a JRPG Turn based combat) and the pair of them triggered a [[Limit Break]] each, despite the fact that Mewgle deliberately avoided adding them in his game.
** Articuno can freeze ''fire''. Being a lower-tier ice goddess, this should be impossible for her, according to Lily. The power of shadow allowed her to surpass that rule.
** Pikachu used to think that one could not push sound waves back with one's one sound waves.
** Justified with Fichina's landscape: apparently the mages there like screwing over the laws of physics because they have the magical clout to do so.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Ash and Pikachu are ''introduced'' this way when they rescue Mathias from barbarians.
{{spoiler|In true Sam and Max fashion, their car when they're caught in treasure town. }}
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** Leo calls the barrage they flew through during the battle with the Arachonoblast.
* [[Call Back]]: {{spoiler|Lugia's cycle of nightmares that's keeping him Shadow is highly similar to the one in the prequel, but it's not induced by [[Big Bad|Deoxys]] this time.}}
* [[Care Bear Stare]]: Aura Purge. It consists of bombarding the enemy with so many happy feelings they give up being evil.
* [[The Cavalry]]: {{spoiler|Also in true Sam and Max fashion, The Rubber Pants Commandos.}}
* [[Chaste Hero]]: Ash and Pikachu.
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** {{spoiler|Don't you mean Briney's ''Golden Dream'', or rather ''Peeko XII''?}}
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: The Nihilators' ''modus operandi''. Oblivion's Shadow sometimes uses it as a power source.
* [[Corrupt Church]]: Judgement, the Nihilator [[Expy|expies]] that Team Getem is dealing with. However, [[Eviler Than Thou]] kicks in and Richie admits that Judgement is a club for [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]]s [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|who ultimately think]] [[Utopia Justifies the Means|they're helping the world]], while the Nihilators are [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s. It is later revealed they are led by the reincarnated members of [[Pokémon Black and White|Team Plasma]]. {{spoiler|Within the organization, the Light of Justice, who was N in his human life, believes in the goals purely, while the seven Sages undoubtedly have more less-than-holy goals.}}
* [[Crapsack World]]: TREASURE TOWN. It's says something that it makes places like [[BioshockBioShock (series)|Rapture]] and [[Borderlands|Pandora]] look liveable.
** [[Running Gag|Not as bad as Genocide City...]]
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Half the cast, Leo in particular.
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** {{spoiler|Fantina and Bellum show us how it's really done. [[Overly Long Gag|For about three freaking pages.]]}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Most notably, Ash and Raiki. Team Rocket gets a little of this. However, given the [[World of Badass|setting]], one has to assume that any first-glance moron who's still breathing is probably one of these.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: Oh boy. Have fun seeing this happen to {{spoiler|almost every major protagonist from the series, The Legendary Birds, Darkrai and Cresselia}} during Ash's flashbacks. Things don't get better during the story proper.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Latias vs Redwing. Latias reveals that she removed all of Redwing's flight feathers during his monologue.
** {{spoiler|Brodie tries to face off with the passengers on the Enchanted Express. Who consist of both Team Aurabolt, Team Getem and some of the most powerful mages in the world. It goes about as well as you would expect.}}
* [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]]: Several. From Hissa' Yamatorochi power which makes her shadow grow six heads, to {{spoiler|a [[Magitek]] supercomputer beneath Pokemon Square}} that could ''cut the continent in half.''
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]] / [[Don't Fear the Reaper]]: Darkrai, the god of death and causer of nightmares is more than willing to help the Heroes if it's within his power.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: To both Pokemon, and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
* [[Dead All Along]]...[[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence|Sorta]]: {{spoiler|Misty}}
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* [[Disney Villain Death]]: Redwing, after his flight feathers are pulled out by Latias.
* [[The Ditz]]: It's gonna take a lot more than the rebirth of the universe for Chimecho to get any brighter.
** Until the reveal {{spoiler|that he's actually a Ditto named Mondo and actually fairly intelligent}}
* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: Or Frost Giants.
* [[Doom Magnet]]: Team Nightshade, more often than not, ruins people's lives instead of helping them.
* [[Doorstopper]]: This fanfic is so far at 59 chapters and '''1,965,453''' words. For comparison, ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'', the thickest book in the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' series, was only about 255,000 words.
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: Buzz to Jessie.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Team Aurabolt, full stop.
** <ref> is a transplanted human soul in an animal's body, adopted by members of another species (one of which he knows is supposed to ''actually'' be his mom), has three adopted children before admitting he even has a thing for the girl said children consider their mother, {{spoiler|and regained the memories of watching all his friends systematically killed and his own [[Unstoppable Rage]] that wiped out a couple of innocent deities during a previous apocalypse.}}</ref>
** <ref> is a swordsmon who basically knows full well that his job description inevitably ends in "killed in action", has a stick longer than his sword jammed up his ass when it comes to the samurai code, is probably the only [[Only Sane Man|remotely normal one present]] in a team full of -- let's be honest here -- ''wackos'', and is being gleefully [[Shipper on Deck|shipped]] by one of his teammates with a deadly assassin.</ref>
** <ref> is an overweight, underage nerd with delusions of grandeur and a desire to attain immortality. He sees the world as an extension of video games (and is often ''right'' to everyone else's horror), exhibits masochistic tendencies, and has a thing for a dead girl.</ref>
** <ref> has [[No Social Skills]] -- little grasp of civilized social conduct, and has little patience for what she does know. She sees no problem with eating the team's kills, or racking up a slightly higher body count than strictly necessary.</ref>
** <ref> is an infant whose mother was killed right in front of him and his egg dropped from an airborne rocket onto a Steel-type's head. His traumas have rendered him halfway into a perpetual Shadow state, and he screams loudly if anyone other than Ash approaches his bubble of personal space. It's hinted on more than one occasion that he actively ''hates everything'' with the exception of Ash. He got better thankfully.....And then discovered that his father betrayed Pokemon Square and his mother is now a Shadow Pokemon. He didn't take it that badly though.</ref>
** <ref> Lily... [[Freudian Excuse]] doesn't even begin to describe her childhood; joining a cadre that faces unspeakable horrors on a nigh-daily basis is a step up for her. She's slowly learning social protocol since joining the team, but her most persistent teachers in this are Leo and her imaginary (?) friend B.</ref>
** <ref> [[Badass Grandpa|Briney]]'s wife was murdered by thugs, and he has since [[Eye Scream|torn out one of his eyes]] and replaced it with hers to aid his long-running [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]. He is deeply paranoid enough to psychically intrude on the thoughts of everyone around him on a regular basis -- and one must realize that he hangs out in [[Wretched Hive|Treasure Town]], so he's probably not getting anything G-rated there.</ref>
** <ref> Dawn had her vocal cords torn out at birth, was raised to be an assassin, betrayed by her best friend, had her entire clan and family slaughtered by said betrayer, had half her skin burned off and was left to die by said betrayer, has done a few... favors to unsavory characters while tracking him down, and was put through weeks of indescribable torture which ended with a mathematical equation that crushed her will to live and turned her Shadow. She is now in unending servitude to Pikachu; as with Lily, this is a ''considerable'' step up from her life thus far.</ref>
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: Even more so than the first book, it seems. {{spoiler|Keep in mind the world has already been annihilated and rebuilt once, so as long as [[Deus Ex Machina|the right deities]] are still intact by the end...}}
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Team Aurabolt has fought a few, like Yamatorochi and one of Tarantulas's creations. Giratina is still an Eldritch, and other beasties like the Gaiavore are sure to show up later. Additionally, it seems lately that {{spoiler|Lily's "imaginary friend" B is not only quite real, but some sort of extradimensional...''something'' that can directly ''see love'', but at least he/she/it appears to be a friendly one.}}
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* [[Emotionless Girl]]: Lily can be considered this. She HAS emotions, she just doesn't know how well to use them.
** A closer example would be the ninja Buneary, {{spoiler|though even she's starting to loosen up a bit since she joined the team.}}
* [[Enfante Terrible]]: Chobin. Judgement ranks him as the 3rd evillest person in the world for being a depraved psychopath since his infancy.
* [[Enhance Button]]: Chobin wants one but a mook says cameras don't work that way.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: {{spoiler|Invoked by Light of Justice.}} He thinks Team Getem is [[Not So Different]] in their goals but they refused every offer to join forces. {{spoiler|Once the Nihilators are exposed}} he believes he will be successful this time. "it is not unreasonable for enemies to join forces against a common foe, is it?"
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: Gardevoir, which is different to [[The Grotesque|how she was in Latias' Journey.]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Everyone Calls Him Pikachu]]: Where all other Pokemon have regular names, Pikachu is actually ''named'' "Pikachu" (family tradition -- hetradition—he has to earn his own name).
** Gardevoir as well.
** Pikachu's little brother Pichu freaks out when Delia is pregnant with a third egg, because unless he earns his name rather quickly there'll be two Pichus running around and he doesn't want to be renamed Pichu One or Pichu A.
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** What, no mention of the main cast? Considering how the work is essentially a reskin of [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]], it doesn't take [[Amateur Sleuth|Pennington]] to figure out which member of Team Aurabolt corresponds with which member of Mario's party (or for that matter some of the story's antagonists and the main antagonists from the same game)...
** Captain Briney is also heavily themed by Whitebeard of One Piece fame; it starts with him being a terrifying badass in the second worst city in the world and a VERY familiar mustache, and as the chapters go by, he comes constantly close to matching Whitebeard in raw Badassery.
** Ritchie shows up, and just like the anime he's a shameless carbon copy of Ash. And like everything else, this is [[Rule of Funny|taken to its logical conclusion]] by having Ritchie's ''[[Similar Squad|entire team]]'' [[Expy|Expys]]s of Ash's, and they're on a parallel quest to save the world from another crazy apocalyptic cult. Ash and Tiny are not amused.
*** On another note, Lu, Dawn's counterpart on Team Getem, is a [[In the Hood|hooded]] [[Gratuitous Italian|italian]] [[Professional Killer|assassin]] who used to belong to a noble family that was killed by a 'Rodrigo Borjia'. [[Assassin's Creed II|Sound familiar?]]
** And now we have one of '''[[Dan Green]].''' {{spoiler|He doesn't last long, sadly.}}
** {{spoiler|Viers, formerly known as Midboss is an expy of Midbus from [[Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]}}
*** {{spoiler|With a little bit of Mid-Boss from [[Disgaea: Hour of Darkness]]}}
* [[Face Fault]]: All the time! Mostly because of [[Cloudcuckoolander|Leo]].
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Suicine, Raikou and Entei have turned from their duties and now serve the [[Big Bad]] for power! Just like last time. They're hinted to be mind controlled this time around though.}}
* [[The Faceless]]: Oblivion's Shadow.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: One half of Shivhel is beautiful. The other half......[[Body Horror|Not so much]].
* [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]]: The cast assumes throughout the book that the Nihilators they kill go here. Turns out they do...{{spoiler|but then Lily reveals that they end up as the [[A Hell of a Time|aristocracy]] there, which inverts the trope by making it their own personal ''heaven''.}}
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** Leo gets one out of {{spoiler|''[[The Stoic|Dawn]]''}} when he reveals he's {{spoiler|an ordained cultist nun.}}
** Likely to be uttered by you at least a few times per chapter.
* [[Just As Planned]]: Cherry an {{[[[Seers]] oracle}} is quick to remind everyone that she foresaw whatever just happened (usually) and no matter how strange the events are they are part of [[The Plan]].
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: "They were all very cute, and reminded Latias somewhat of Mew, Celebi and Jirachi…which also meant that they had to possess some awesome power, since the cute ones always did."
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: {{spoiler|Judgement and Ritche's team.}} The former are a nice, if deluded, bunch, and one of them, Silverbolt, is even praised as a 'true knight' by none other than Sparky. {{spoiler|They show up to help fight the Nihilators.}}
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** Apparently, a subsection of Team Rocket, {{spoiler|[[Time Travel|Team Quantum]] , is apparently trying to ensure the best possible outcome for the future, so far by protecting Team Rocket from [[Heel Face Mole|T-Bone's]] attempted selling out to Pokemon Square. }}
** {{spoiler|Chapter 55 reveals just how further Team Quantum's actions are. They have been manipulating events since the previous world, all so their Perfect Future can happen}}
* [[Gambit Roulette]]: Played for laughs. Cherry initates a long term master plan of vengance {{spoiler|on Todd, for taking risque photos of her without paying royalties.}} The only reason it works is because she's a pen point oracle.
* [[Gender Neutral Writing]]: When describing [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|The Ruler of Evil]], something that is [[Running Gag|of course]] [[Lampshaded]].
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Pretty much everyone, hero or villain, with the possible exception of the barbarians.
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*** And then he {{spoiler|Gives the action figure imprisoning Ford to some random bridge troll Golem under the impression that it [[Tempting Fate|couldn't possibly come back to bite everyone in the ass.]]}} Granted he wasn't exactly in his most sane mind at the time.
** Viers and Chobin also reference tropes.
* [[Good Bad Girl]]: The Temple of Mew is ''staffed'' by these. It's their Sacred Doctrine, seeing how their deity is a fertility goddess and all.
* [[The Good, the Bad, and The Evil]]: Team Aurabolt and Pokemon Square are the Good, the Nihilators are the Evil, and Giovanni is positioning Team Rocket as the Bad.
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]: Zorro and his crew.
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* [[Happily Adopted]]: Ash to an extent, though he was already an adolescent at the time of his soul transplant.
** Junior, Collette, and Sapphire were adopted by Ash and Misty, and are all pretty happy with this arrangement. Matthias is adjusting fairly well to life with the Thunderblades as well.
** Given their species and that of their father, either May or MaxMax—possibly -- possibly both -- wereboth—were adopted. Neither have any problems with this.
** In an inversion, that Tiny was adopted by Ash is probably the ''only'' thing in the world he could stand.
** {{spoiler|Dawn}} has clear memories of watching her biological mother murdered immediately after birth, and her adoptive mother coming to her rescue. She's pretty clear about considering the latter to be her mother for all practical purposes.
** Note that all of these adoption cases were by completely different and often [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|genetically incompatible]] species, and pokémon seem to be able to form coherent memory while still in the egg. So it's not like the fact that they were adopted is any [[Oblivious Adoption|particular secret]].
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: It was lukewarm at first to be sure, but after one story arch {{spoiler|Dawn}} becomes very happy indeed. In fact, she immediately shoots down each and every attempt of her master to free her.
* [[Harmless Freezing]]: Ash, being an Aura using Steel Type, survives getting frozen solid by Bellum, as have Leo and {{spoiler|Dawn}} at one point or another. Most everyone else.....aren't so fortunate. In fact, when Bellum unleashes Sheer Cold against the team, Leo notes that it will only leave Ash alive.
** When {{spoiler|Shivhel unleashes her ice wave, everyone caught by it came inches away from dying. They were luckily saved by the summoning of Surtrit.}}
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** On the note of said legal entailments, {{spoiler|Sasha can't use her Priestess Cloak against the Nihilators.}}
** {{spoiler|Lugia isn't very happy about being turned Shadow.}}
* [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility]]: Naturally, several times. Don't ask Briney (Metang) about Peeko (Wingull).
** How the hell did Norman (Slaking) end up with a Combusken and a Treecko for kids?
*** {{spoiler|Turns out Max is an adopted illegitimate child.}}
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* [[I Am Legion]]: {{spoiler|The Sorceror turns out to be a colony of Unknown}}
* [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place]]: Taken to the logical extreme with [[Running Gag|Genocide City]].
* [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]: When Lily is one spell away from finishing off Bellum, she noticies her friends are in grave danger and the old witch invokes this on her. If she would rather have vengance than save her friends than she's no different from her evil mother. The prospect is so terrifying she spares Bellum.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Suggested by Leo to break {{spoiler|Dawn the Ninja Buneary}} out of her {{spoiler|evil form}}. Pikachu doesn't think it'll work. {{spoiler|It kind of does, but not really.}}
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: Either Leo gushes about this upon seeing one, or he [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|makes one.]] Can sometimes borderline with [[Deus Ex Machina]].
* [[I'm Taking Her Home with Me|I'm Taking Him Home With Me!]]: Valerie the reporter "adopts" Grobnar son of Grobnar.
* [[Inner Monologue]]: There actually weren't that many until Briney came aboard, but now he has [[Deadpan Snarker|way too much fun]] abusing psychic powers to butt in on these.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Most notably Chobin who ''is'' insane. Viers, formerly Midboss, is also like this but he'll start making sense if you think about it long enough.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Mercifully, the subject is changed before we get any details of Molly/Fat Pete -- aPete—a Chatot and a ''human skeleton''.
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Valerie the Kirlia, who not only waltzes out into a pitched battlefield to interview [[Sociopathic Hero|Nuken]] of all people, but when he brushes her off in lieu of mauling a [[Mook]] she frees him up for the interview by [[Your Head Asplode|slaying it herself]]. Her followup is to abduct an enemy soldier right off the frontline for an interview.
* [[It Gets Easier]]: Leo has this after killing a Nihilator, before quickly realising that said person really deserved it. [[Word of God]] says that it was parodying Cody and Yolei's turmoil from killing Digimon from [[Digimon Adventure 02]].
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** He has a tendency to address unimportant question in this way; one might think he's channelling [[One Piece|Oda Eiichiro]].
*** Have fun trying to figure out what using Illusionary Televisions to steal Illusionary Signals via Illusionary Cameras even MEANS, let alone how it works.
* [[Kansas City Shuffle]]: Maelstrom's three pronged attack. First it throws airships than a shadow aura with the heroes thinking that each is the real attack. No, the real one comes after when they're weakened.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{spoiler|Any Nihilator that gets killed is given a positive afterlife by Giratina for their service towards her. Whether any exceptions will be made is unknown.}}
* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|Manaphy is killed by Kyogre, who he enslaved with the Blue Orb.}}
Line 257:
'''[[Not So Above It All|Sasha]]''': It makes sense to me.<br />
'''[[Seen It All|Yamiri]]''': It seems perfectly plausible. }}
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: {{spoiler|Lily and Dawn}}'s lives take a significant step up when they join the party, getting out of their respective [[Trauma Conga Line|Trauma Conga Lines]]s and all. Both are [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|very grateful]] for the change.
* [[Living Forever Is Awesome]]:
** Anyone that joins Dexoy's crew is offered [[Immortality]]. Even after traveling to the far reaches of the omniverse and living for millenium they still enjoy it.
** {{spoiler|Giovanni and the [[Terrible Trio]] have lived since the Catacylsm a thousand years ago. None of them have any complaints.}}
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: And you thought the previous book had a huge cast.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: {{spoiler|Darkari and Oblivon's Shadow}} have a non-aggression treaty, but the former manages to send his high priestess help the heroes, while wearing her priestess robes, and convince the latter that it doesn't break their treaty. It works because she wasn't actually fighting anyone that worked for him. All the mooks she killed worked for Shivhel instead.
* [[Lovable Nerd]]: Leo IS this trope. His first act of heroism is beating the villain in ''Dungeons and Dragons''.
** Tracey geeks out with Leo a few times every time they meet.
Line 278:
* [[Mind Screw]]: Your constant companion throughout the book.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: {{spoiler|Lily}} refers to Leo as her "significant other" while he's in crossdressed disguise. Fantina gets the wrong impression.
* [[The Mole]]: A heroic version, {{spoiler|May took a considerable [[Took a Level Inin Badass|level in badass]] since the first book and infiltrated Ford's tournament operation to save her father.}}
** Another heroic version, {{spoiler|Sasha}} has been spying on Team Aurabolt on Darkrai's behalf since the beginning. This Mole came clean about this however, and to be fair there hasn't really been any conflict of interest.
** A more tragic version, {{spoiler|T-Bone of Team ACT was a Mole for Team Rocket (the Iron Masked Marauder, in fact), and in attempting to infiltrate the Monkey King's army for them, got Allen killed and Charlie captured and brutalized. [[Black and Gray Morality|It's hard to blame him for this]], too, since Team Rocket blackmailed him into joining to save his wife and child.}}
Line 288:
* [[Name's the Same]]: [[The Strategist|Max Maple]] and [[Sam and Max Freelance Police|the other Max]]. So far they haven't met, but it's pretty much inevitable to happen ''eventually''.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Among pirates, the nicer the hat the higher the rank. Barbedo even credits his 'king of the pirates' title to his captain hat.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Marianne causes Bow to evolve by mistake, making her much more powerful than before.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking it Legendary Birds]]: Great job {{spoiler|killing almost everyone that Ash cared about on an impulsive and heavily flawed reasoning. Too bad there was a reason that [[Berserk Button|Ash]] [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|was meant]] to be the [[Unstoppable Rage|Chosen One]]....}}.
** Team Nightshade BASK in this trope, hell, they created their major enemies though sheer carelessness. It gets played with when Gary does realise all the horrible things they have done due to their clumsiness, and doubts he and his Team's abilities as an actual rescue Team, an then try to change for the better.
* [[Ninja Maid]]: Diane, who is Fatinana's maid and bodyguard. She wears the traditional [[Meido]] outfit as uniform but also because Butler likes it.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Paul to Ash during the Mt Battle Arc, who, despite his type disadvantage, mangages to remove one of Ash's leg's AND eyes, as well as blowing a hole through his chest, all while being completely unfazed by any attack that Ash threw at him {{spoiler|Due to his immortality}}
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Whatever the hell happened to make him a cyborg, Tarantulas never wants to discuss it again...
{{quote|'''Chobin''': [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene|Big Lipped Feraligatr Moment! Big Lipped Feraligatr Moment!]]}}
* [[No Social Skills]]: Sasha sees no problem with eating Team Aurabolt's latest kills, and is quite cynical about many "civilized" customs.
{{quote|'''Sasha''': See, [[Zombie Apocalypse|this]] wouldn't be a problem if you would just ''eat your dead!''}}
Line 300:
** Lily has [[Abusive Parents|her own issues]] that cause her to have little grasp of social protocol as well.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: {{spoiler|Discussed by the Tarantulas and Chobin, noting one of the Seven Sages of Judgment is an evil looking Hydreigon, who looks like a better fit for their organization. BTW, this Hydreigon is Ghetsis.}}
* [[Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo]]: this is the sequel to [[Latias' Journey]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: Bow, when Marianne unleashes her {{spoiler|Steel Form}}
* [[Oh My Gods]]: Arceusdammit!
Line 309:
* [[Overly Long Gag]]: Close your eyes, scroll to a random point in any given chapter, and there's about 1/4 chance you'll be in one.
** Oh good lord. Fantina and Bellum's "[[Crazy Prepared|I prepared for this]]" exchange is ludicrous.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Lilly's birth mother is one of the [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s mentioned above. The womon she looks up, and who loves her as a daughter, is Fatiana.
* [[Pass the Popcorn]]: Trantalus and Chobinn having a spat is better than soap opera for the mooks in the bridge.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|Dawn}} is in total servitude to Pikachu and will do anything he asks. Not only does the very idea of asking her to go along these lines [[Chaste Hero|not sit well on him]], but she's actively suggested it on multiple occasions and is basically doing everything short of pouncing him to [[Oblivious to Love|get it through his head]].
** Played nauseatingly straight by Paradox the Celebi though, who...well, let's just say she ''really'' enjoys [[Twin Threesome Fantasy|being able to exist multiple times at a single point in time]].
Line 319:
{{quote|'''Uxie''': Every single moment of their passion is engraved into my brain...as well as every moment of every other time they will have intercourse, which, believe me, will be a lot...forever.
'''Azelf''': ...Oh. Um...I...[[Crowning Moment of Funny|sorry]]. }}
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: This is what seperates Goku from the [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|barbarians]].
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: Oh, beautifully done, Aaron.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: [[The Mafia|Don Wigglytuff]] and Chobin.
* [[Porn Without Plot]]: Lorne <ref>The friend for life!</ref> weaponizes a smutfic to use against [[Sam and Max Freelance Police|Sam and Max]]. [[It Makes Sense in Context]], at least as much as anything relating to Sam and Max does.
Line 332:
** Also, Ash gives a MASTERFUL one to the Admiral {{spoiler|who happens to be a now evil Manaphy}}.
** Before that, Oblivion's Shadow gave one to Ash.
* [[Rousseau Was Right]]: Yes there are a lot of complete monsters, but even [[I'm a Humanitarian|Ch]][[Cross the Line Twice|o]][[Anything That Moves|bin]] felt remorse for his actions when Oblivion's Shadow gave him a conscience. This trope is also the basis behind [[Care Bear Stare|Aura Purge]]
* [[Reference Overdosed]]
{{quote|[[I Do Not Own|Disclaimer: I don't own]] anything that doesn't belong to me. I'd list what I've appropriated/referenced/ripped-off, but it would take forever and I'm not sure it's worth it.}}
Line 358:
** Mondo has a spectacular one when he witnesses what the [[Crazy Awesome|Rubber]] [[Beyond the Impossible|Pants]] [[More Dakka|Commandos]] can do.
** Could also happen to ''you'' at pretty much any point in the book.
* [[Scarpia Ultimatum]]: Oblivion's Shadow threatens to kill Misty if Gardevoir won't let him have what is [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|pretty much]] the Psychic equivalent of sex with her.
* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: Bellum did this to her whole family
* [[Seinfeldian Conversation]]: While being ''bombarded'' by an ''enemy fleet''. It almost causes [[Only Sane Man|Pikachu]] to have an an aneurysm.
Line 369:
* [[Serious Business]]: Bow is very determined to make Marianne pay for ruining her birthday cake. {{spoiler|It's then subverted when it's revealed that Bow's best friend was hiding in the cake as a surprise, and was killed when Marianne ruined it.}}
* [[Serial Escalation]]: Whether your jaw dropped first at the [[Squick]] or the absurdly epic fight sequences, don't bother picking it up from the floor. It just keeps getting [[Moment of Awesome|better]] and worse.
* [[Shapeshifter Showdown]]: Chapter 34 is [[Lampshaded|actually called this]] and contains the team's fight with {{spoiler|Brodie}}.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: In contrast to the first book, Ash and Misty are not a couple early on -- oron—or at least they vocally claim not to be, in spite of three Pokemon who consider them in quite specific terms to be their parents.
** Pikachu and the ninja Buneary get this a lot too.
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Looks like Briney's trying to push Leo and {{spoiler|Lily}} together, not to mention Pikachu and {{spoiler|Dawn}}. Possibly because he considers it "[[It Amused Me|fun]]." [[Cool Old Guy|Oh that crazy old bastard...]]
Line 376:
** Similarly, Pikachu and ''[[Everyone Can See It|the entirety of Pokemon Square]]'' were shipping Ash and Misty.
** Briney's probably the only one shipping Leo and {{spoiler|Lily}} though. Everyone else is honestly a little [[Dysfunction Junction|frightened]] [[Cloudcuckoolander|of]] [[Talkative Loon|the]] [[Raised by Wolves|possibilities]].
** [[Olympus Mons|Darkrai]] is apparently shipping all of the above too. {{spoiler|He gives Dawn a healing spell for her voice that will only kick in when she's happy enough to evolve, confirms for Leo that his [[Intimate Healing|idea]] to sever Lily's slavery to Giratina can work, and is very glad to assure Ash that Misty is alive.}} So basically despite the whole nightmares and terror thing, he's kind of a [[WAFF|WAFFy]]y guy at heart.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Many. Many many. Several in particular to [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]].
{{quote|'''Sabrina''': That's right. I can break necks with my mind.}}
** The Zero Isle arc seems to be one big excuse to make ''[[Monkey Island]]'' and ''[[Lost]]'' or ''[[Suspiciously Similar Song|Misplaced]]'' jokes.
*** The chapters of the Zero Isle arc are even NAMED after the games in the Monkey Island series!
** Then there was the [[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail]] bit in the Turtle Town arc...
{{quote|'''Random Townsperson''': [[Blatant Lies|She ate me just last week!]]...I [[Unexplaied Recovery|got better.]]}}
** The despotic, ruthless, [[Social Darwinist]] Gal, who has a thing for [[Playing with Fire|fire]] is called the [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Fire Lord]].
** [[That Guy With The Glasses|SANTA CHRIST exists in this world]]
** One of many to the various Pokemon games.
{{quote|'''Ash''': Stantler have always existed. [[Accidental Truth|It's not like they were spontaneously discovered some time afterwards along with a hundred other new species of Pokémon and then everyone pretended that they'd always known about them and they'd been around forever or something]], that would be silly. }}
*** [[Chrono Trigger|Chrono]] of Team Quantum. {{spoiler|And now it's been revealed that Paradox and Aeon's real names are Marle and Janus (Magus). And Hubie's is Glenn}}
Line 395:
** Leo renacting the [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us|famous scene]] from [[Zero Wing]]
** [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Discord and Celestia]] make an apperance to aid Mewgle and Mie respectively. Even the theme song is refered to as a 'catchy song about ponyta'.
** [[Shadow of the Colossus|some guy tried to kill the collossus guarding Fichina thinking it would revive his dead girlfriend.]] He got stepped on. Darkrai called him a loser.
** Gooey invokes Grahf from [[Xenogears]] when he recruits allies in his revenge quest against Team Nightshade.
** ''Many'' to [[Power Rangers]].
** [[This Is Spinal Tap|Amp Zord turns its dial up to eleven]]
** Surely it's no coincidence Ash and Misty's [[Our Angels Are Different|Togetic]] daughter is named [[Tales of Symphonia|Collette]]?
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Someone tampering with {{spoiler|Latias' divine intervention}}.
* [[Species Surname]]: Surprisingly averted; each (Pokemon) character has a given name rather than being called by his / her species name. Pikachu plays it straight, however.
Line 407:
** Alot of the stuff Oblivion's Shadow and Team Quantum do. Have fun trying to properly fight a person that can explode your head with zero effort and use Dark Aura to a horrific degree, to the point of being able to stop a ''Void Pokemon'' at limited power. With Team Quantum, Paradox can use her powers to basically render every action taken against her null and void, as well as unleash [[Bullet Hell]] through time portals. Crono can inflict wounds IN YOUR PAST to you. And Aeon can suck you into his portal and make you suffer a [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. Both Ash and Wes' group each suffered a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] at the hands of Shadow and Quantum respectively when they were ''holding back''.
** As mentioned before, there's a lot of [[Holding Back the Phlebotinum|good guy phlebotinum being meticulously held back]] in the form of multiple deities.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: {{spoiler|Maren}}. Shortly after it's revealed to the reader, most of the secondary characters in that arc either find out or [[Gaydar|guess]].
* [[The Strategist]]: {{spoiler|[[Annoying Younger Sibling|Max]] orchestrated his sister's infiltration, uncovering, and downfall of Ford's scam during the [[Tournament Arc]], as well as [[Xanatos Speed Chess|working Ash and company into the plan]] on the fly. We're to assume he's about ten or younger.}}
* [[Summon Bigger Fish]]: Summoning Surtrit. If Fatiana hadn't been there, he might not only have kept the Flame Plate but replaced Shivhel as their primary enemy at the momment and turned Dusty Ditch into Muspelheim instead of Niflheim.
* [[Sweat Drop]]
* [[Take a Third Option]]: {{spoiler|When Team Aurabolt discovers that the monster that's been plauging Turtle Town is actually a necromantically raised Garchomp that's only extorting the townsfolk to feed her children and eats people in order to keep herself 'alive so she can feed them, they're reluctant to kill her and condemn her babies. Leo comes up with a solution that he raises to her; have Turtle Town raise her babies! The turtles of the town are skeptical at best, until Tiamat reveals that the skeletons under her command (the dead bodies of adventurers, mercenaries and the townspeople's relatives) retain their souls and personalities when she lets them. The deal is thus: 'Raise my babies, and you get your relatives back'. It [[Rousseau Was Right|works]].}}
Line 423:
* [[Troperiffic]]: Sometime between ''[[Fan Fic/Latias Jourey|Latias Jourey]]'' and here, Ri2 became a troper. It shows. Considerably.
** On a equally meta note, Leo is a troper too. He's directly referenced many of the above tropes, as well as predicting half the plot turns thus far.
* [[Tsundere]] Outlaw {{spoiler|Once she's revealed to be a transfomer}} she makes it clear that she does not care about the 'meat bags' in her seats ''while she's protecting them''. She's distraught about lossing Max to Bellum but, as is standard for the trope, denies and makes exuses.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]] {{spoiler|There is a reason Chobin has been cloned repeatedly, especially when he does things like jump into a swarm of ravenous robo spiders....}}
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Any recurring member of the cast has basically dual-classed permanently to [[Badass]].
* [[Transforming Mecha]]: {{spoiler|THE DESOTO. A Decepticon to be exact. We are as surprised as you. }}
* [[Twitchy Eye]]: Several characters when assaulted by gratuitous weirdness, but most notably [[Only Sane Man|Pikachu]].
Line 437:
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: Mewgle and {{spoiler|Mie/Molly Hale's}} duel through the most epic game ever of {{spoiler|Scrabble}}.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Two examples: One when Misty berates Ash for whining that [[I Just Want to Be Normal|he does not want his life to always have him needed to save the world]] when {{spoiler|Annihilation is destroying every living being in sight}}, and pretty much the entirety of the Ash vs Oblivion's Shadow fight, where Oblivion's Shadow constantly calls Ash out on becoming obsessed with killing him.
** Paradox and Chrono give one to Aeon when he puts Team Ebony through an utterly ''horrible'' [[Training Fromfrom Hell]].
* [[World of Badass]]: Let's face it. A Ctrl-F search on "badass" yields 14 things on this page at last count, so if you read this far down, you were probably thinking it. You're right.
* [[World of Ham]]
Line 445:
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Not sure if it counts but the unwinnable boss fight comes to mind
** Technically it counts, but [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]] is more appropriate. Chobbin's tale of Tarantlus trying to induce a pyschic link in nonpsychic pokemon; he place two halves of a brain in two bodies but only succeeded in driving them insane. Despite the failure, he remembers it fondly because [[For the Evulz|it was fun.]]
** Another example is Darkrai's [[Loophole Abuse]]; regardless of what Oblivion's Shadow did at that point, Darkrai stood to gain something.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: ''The whole cast''. {{spoiler|Max}} was running a pretty impressive game behind the entire [[Tournament Arc]]. In relation to everything else, every faction involved is balancing a delicate game of screwing each other over and spying on each other (even if they end up being on the same side), and Team Rocket is trying to sway the war such that the world is saved but they control it at the end.
** Bellum and Fantima manage to have an utterly spectacular moment of this.
* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: {{spoiler|In chapter 53, Ash and Dawn come inches away from killing Articuno and Paul respectively, only for the ice wave to freeze them and Bellum to take them away before they can do the job. When Lily has Bellum on the ropes, she's tricked into letting Bellum go as well to save them.}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Pro Tip: Don't fail Oblivion's Shadow. He won't KILL you if you still have use, but he will make you wish for death.
** Weirdly, inverted for the most part -- thepart—the Nihilators being an apocalypse cult and all, Oblivion's Shadow ''does'' kill you if you ''succeed.''
* [[You Never Asked]]: Lily initially forgets to mention several important plot points, including the identity of one of the Big Bads.
* [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Subverted when Ash and company use Aura to project their spirits into {{spoiler|Dawn's}} heart. Leo assumes this trope is in effect, and Ash's response is along the lines of, "What? No, that's stupid. Why in the world would the Aura Guardians set up their ''own'' advanced technique that way?"
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