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* [[Obstructive Zealot]]
* [[Our Presidents Are Different|Our Ministers Are Different]]: Starts off as Minister Buffoon and Minister Focus Group, but becomes Minister Corrupt/Scheming.
* [[Pointy-Haired Boss]]: He's definitely there by the fifth book, though Hagrid's remarks about him in the first book suggest that he was never a particularly effective leader. Even before he [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass|takes his level in jerkass]], he is willing to send Hagrid to Azkaban on the mere ''suspicion'' of having opened the Chamber of Secrets just so that the Ministry appears to be taking action, and considering the nature of Azkaban, that's not a very nice thing to do.
* [[Put on a Bus]]
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Fudge's overall stupidity on Voldemort's return ends up being a subversion of this trope. Voldemort realizes that it's actually in his own best interst to leave Fudge alone and allow him to continue to misrule the Ministry and persecute the people who'd stand the best chance against Voldemort.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: At first, he was a kindly, generous old man who relieved Harry of being punished without a second thought. Then Voldemort came back and he became a...well, yeah.
* [[Turn in Your Badge]]: The beginning of the Sixth Book reveals that, thanks to his discovery that Voldemort has in fact returned, Fudge resigned in disgrace, and introduces the Prime Minister of Britain (Muggle Britain) to his successor.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: A pretty major character for 5 of the 7 books, we hear nothing at all of him in Book 7, even though Voldemort's coup of the Ministry would undeniably have affected him one way or another, since he still worked there.
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The [[Black Sheep]] of the Weasley family. At the start of the series, Percy is a pompous, ambitious prefect with [[No Sense of Humor]]. Oh wait, did we mention he's a prefect? Well, he's a prefect, in case that hadn't been mentioned. He's [[The Dutiful Son]] who thinks himself the "respectable" one in the family. His self-important manner made him the target of teasing from his younger siblings, making him a bit of a [[Butt Monkey]]. Molly continuously failed to make the twins, Ron, and Ginny view Percy as a role model, but not through lack of trying. Basically, his portrayal in the early books was that of an officious twit, but this was [[Played for Laughs]] and he was mostly a sympathetic character.
After finishing Hogwarts, he joined the Ministry of Magic, and this is when he [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]. When Voldemort returned, he chose to believe Fudge over Harry, leading him to become estranged from the rest of the family. Even after the Ministry acknowledged Voldemort was back, Percy continued to give his family the silent treatment and seemed to have become an unthinking cog in the Ministry's machine. At the end of ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'', he pulls a [[Changed My Mind, Kid]] and returns to his family and to the side of good.
[[Running Gag|Also, he was a prefect. We mentioned that, right?]]
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* [[Running Gag]]: Half of Fred and George's teasing came from the fact that Percy would never shut up about being a prefect, or Head Boy, or his work for Mr. Crouch at the Ministry.
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]]: Chooses lawful, but switches to good at the last minute.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: Though he gave back the level right before the Battle of Hogwarts.
== '''Pius Thicknesse (Guy Henry)''' ==
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