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* Possibly the [[Older Than Radio|oldest example]] and best example of this is [[Sherlock Holmes]].
* ''[[Misery]]'' is one of the most known fictional examples. And surely the [[Nightmare Fuel|scariest one]].
* Referenced in the ''[[Thursday Next]]'' books - in this case, it isn't that the fans want Emperor Zhark to not be [[Killed Off for Real]], but Zhark himself visits the author from the fictional universe and... persuades him not to do it.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* During Season 5 of ''[[Mission: Impossible]]'', the producers tried to write out the strongman character Willy (who had been around since Season 1 but was increasingly out of place on the cerebral show) and replace him with a doctor named Doug, played by Sam Elliott. Fan outcry resulted in Doug going away and Willy not only remaining but getting a bigger role.
* According to rumors, ''[[Power Rangers]]'' have tried to off Tommy in the same fashion as his predecessor [[Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger|Burai]]. However, the combination of this trope and the fact that [[Power Rangers]] is [[Lighter and Softer]] most of the time, they just depowered Tommy, enabling him to come back [[Got the Call on Speed Dial|many, many times]]. This was actually used to try and save Burai, but Toei refused, trying to instill the aesop of "Even heroes CAN die."
* Inverted by ''[[Lost]]''. {{spoiler|Nikki and Paolo}} were loathed by fans. The writers were very much aware of this, and soon had them killed off with extreme prejudice.
* Carson Beckett from ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]''. So much that fans [[Torches and Pitchforks|mounted a protest outside the studio]] near Vancouver, BC and ended up making the local news. And it worked.
* Spike from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' was going to last only five episodes, but proved so popular that he was spared and went on to become the show's [[Breakout Character]].
* Helo from the remade ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'' was only supposed to appear in the pilot episode and get left behind on Caprica. Fan response to the character ensured that he began a main character in the series, to the point of being part of one of show's most important [[Story Arc|Story Arcs]]s.
* Methos from ''[[Highlander the Series]]'' was only supposed to be around for part of season 3, but the fans liked him so much he was kept.
* Barnabas Collins from ''[[Dark Shadows (TV series)|Dark Shadows]]'' was brought in only as a temporary villain to attempt a revival of the show's ratings. He became incredibly popular with fans, went from [[Jerkass]] to [[Badass]] (or sometimes [[Woobie]] or even [[Jerkass Woobie]]) and is essentially now the face of all permutations of the franchise.
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* If he hadn't been so wildly popular, [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Shadow]] would still be dead by now. He showed up in ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'' as a [[Criminal Doppelganger]] and became a [[Dragon with an Agenda]] to [[Big Bad|Dr Eggman.]] He was also a badass who pulled a [[Heel Face Turn]] and sacrificed himself to [[Heroic Sacrifice|save the world.]] Then, Sega [[Sonic Heroes|brought him back]] and [[Broken Base|split the fanbase again.]]
* Axel from the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' series was supposed to die at the end of ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'''s prologue. But he had a lot of fans (including many members of the development team) and he wound up surviving and taking a [[Demoted to Extra|small role]] in the main storyline of the game.
* In ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'', Bioware originally planned for {{spoiler|Imoen to become [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] due to Irenicus' torture in ''Shadows of Amn'', forcing CHARNAME to [[Mercy Kill]] her.}} When this information was leaked, fan outcry convinced them to spare {{spoiler|her}}.
* Once fans of ''[[Tekken]]'' heard that Kazuya had been killed in the third game's backstory (the game hadn't really come out yet at this point, mind you), clamors for his restoration apparently began very quickly, very strongly. Ultimately, Namco acceded to this demand by revealing Kazuya's continued existence in Eddy's ending for the Playstation version. Then he returns full blown in Tekken 4 and has been a mainstay again.
* [[Mega Man X]] was going to be the villain of the first ''[[Mega Man Zero]]'' game instead of a [[Cloning Blues|copy]]. This concept was scrapped during the last month before release because the developers thought X becoming a villain and being killed by Zero wouldn't sit well with the kids who played his games and thought he was a hero.
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Subverted in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]''. Not only does Brian make it clear that {{spoiler|Black Belt}} is dead forever, he does so in a thinly veiled, particularly spiteful [[Take That]] against his fans demanding his return.
* In ''[[College Roomies from HellCRFH]]'', during the Blue Mushroom arc, Dave's soul was stolen by the devil. Fan outcry on the forum was so great that the cartoonist invented the Miraculous Shotgun in order to save him.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Mottis, the creator of ''[[Bunny Kill]]'', has stated this to be one of the possible ways {{spoiler|Ruby}} can return.
* [[The Cinema Snob]] created [[Eighties80's Dan]] as a one-off gag for his ''[[Caligula]]'' review, but fans really took to him, and he ended up appearing in an episode of ''Brad Tries...''
** Eighties Dan has his own show now.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Angel, a character from ''[[Lilo and& Stitch: The Series]]'', was only intended to be a one episode character. However, once the executives realized she was one of the most popular characters, they brought her back for two more episodes, and they were right to do so, as leaving her on the [[Put on a Bus to Hell|bus to Hell]] she was put on at the end of her first episode would've [[Broken Aesop|broken the main theme of the series]] into tiny little pieces.
* Kenny from ''[[South Park]]'' after he was supposed to be [[Killed Off for Real]]. Additionally, Kyle was originally the one to be killed off.
* Waspinator from ''[[Beast Wars]]'', who was slated for death to make room for a [[Merchandise-Driven|new toy]]. Online popularity saved him, [[Butt Monkey|or alternatively]], ''[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|prolonged his suffering.]]''
* ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode ''Three Kings'' contains a parody of ''Misery'' in which Stewie obliges Brian to bring back the character of Snuggly Jeff back from the dead.
* The [[Evil Knockoff|Rowdyruff]] [[Spear Counterpart|Boys]] from ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]''. Intended to only be one shot villains. But the fans loved em so the writers eventually brought em back in the fifth season.
* Not saved from death, but [[Deadpan Snarker|Noah]], [[Dogged Nice Guy|Cody]], [[Homeschooled Kids|Ezekiel]] and [[TedSmall BaxterName, Big Ego|Tyler]] were all brought back for ''[[Total Drama World Tour]]'' because of their major [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] status.
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