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* Basically every present-day character in [[Fate/stay night]], although you can somewhat include many of the Servants as well. Where to begin. Shirou is schoolmates with Rin, Sakura, and Shinji. Shinji's younger sister is Sakura, {{spoiler|whose real older sister is Rin}}. {{spoiler|Shirou's adoptive father Kiritsugu is Illyasviel's biological father}}. Kirei was Rin's father's apprentice, {{spoiler|and Caren is his estranged daughter}}. {{spoiler|Rin's, Shinji's and Illya's ancestors were all partners who started the Holy Grail War together}}. Shirou's only friends at school are Issei and Shinji, who both happen to be the school's cool kids (as a side note, Issei has an old rivalry with Rin and Shinji has a crush on her), while Shinji {{spoiler|is Rider's temporary Master}} and Issei lives with and is soul brothers with {{spoiler|Kuzuki, Caster's Master}}. Shirou's Servant, Saber, {{spoiler|was Kiritsugu's Servant previously}}, during which time {{spoiler|she met and was proposed to by Gilgamesh}}, {{spoiler|who was originally Rin's father's Servant}}. Shirou was formerly in the Archery club with Shinji, Sakura, and Ayako, and Ayako happens to be Rin's old, close friend. Taiga is simultaneously Shirou's neighbor, childhood friend, guardian, homeroom teacher, and former club adviser, and her grandfather is an old acquaintance of Kiritsugu who lets Shirou do his bike maintenance. And I shouldn't even need to mention {{spoiler|[[Future Badass|Archer]] [[Future Me Scares Me|actually]] '''[[My Future Self and Me|is]]''' [[I Hate Past Me|Shirou]]}}, should I?
** And that's just the characters important enough to get face time.
** And ignoring the relations to characters in [[Nasuverse|Nasu's]] [[Tsukihime|other]] [[KaranoKara no Kyoukai:|works]].
* Infinity series
** In [[Ever 17]] {{spoiler|Hokuto and Sara are Tsugumi and Takeshi's children. You is the mother of her clone. You and Coco's father worked together in Lemu and are the reason both are there. And may have designed Sora and are therefore her 'father' in a sense. Sara and You went to the same high school.}} But {{spoiler|Kaburaki}} is just some {{spoiler|guy.}} {{spoiler|Unless, [[Fanon|as some believe]], he and the older You had a relationship of some sort going.}}
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