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This is a page about the characters appearing in ''[[Fate/hollow ataraxia]]''. Beware of spoilers.
While the cast is almost identical to that of ''[[Fate/stay night]]'', they tend to play different roles. Please do not add tropes from ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' to this page unless they also appear here. For the normal ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' character page, please go [[Fate/Characters/stay night/Characters|here]] instead for the disambiguation page.
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==== Voiced by: [[Noriaki Sugiyama]] (JP), [[Sam Riegel]] (EN) ====
[[File:shirou_emiyashirou emiya.jpg|frame]]
The protagonist of the series, Shirou is a rather untalented magus whose only skill is basic Tracing and Reinforcement magic, which allows him to analyze the physical make-up of an object and then strengthen it. His dream is to become a "Hero of Justice", someone who can selflessly protect the lives of everyone from disaster. He inherited this dream from his adoptive father Kiritsugu Emiya {{spoiler|([[Fate/Zero|who had given up on it]])}} and is extremely naive on what it takes to reach that ideal.
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==== Voiced by: [[Hitomi Nabatame]] (JP) ====
[[File:Bazett_mug_2849Bazett mug 2849.png|frame]]
Bazett is the Master of the mysterious new Servant, Avenger. While the Grail War appears to be going on and she is fighting other Masters and Servants who seem completely unrelated to the main cast, she is also working to both destroy the black wolf monster familiars and discover the identity of the magus who she feels is attempting to disrupt the Grail War. That said, Bazett appears confused as to why Avenger is her Servant and does not remember summoning him, though as a properly qualified Master she knows he is her Servant.
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* [[Groundhog Day Loop]]: This is more of a setting trope, but it's worth mentioning here since {{spoiler|the four day loop is being maintained by Avenger to keep her alive, after all}}.
* [[Hot Chick in a Badass Suit]]: Of course.
* [[Infinite Supplies]]: Averted, she only has a finite amount of [[Counter Attack|Fraga]][[One-Hit Kill|rachs]] in her possession, so she has to plan how to efficiently use them in battle. Of course, because of the loop, she gets a new supply with each new life.
** Until she learns to control it, then she'll be on par of Ciel from Tsukihime.
* [[Love Before First Sight]]: Bazett's had a big crush on Lancer since her childhood. She hadn't actually ''met'' him or anything - she was just a big fan of [[Celtic Mythology|the Ulster Cycle]].
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Her earrings are {{spoiler|a trademark of the Red Branch Knights. I wonder if those earrings Lancer wears are related at all..}}.
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==== Voiced by: [[Ami Koshimizu]] (JP) ====
[[File:Caren_mug_4980Caren mug 4980.png|frame]]
Caren is an impassive young woman who seems to have taken Kotomine's place at the church {{spoiler|(and as Lancer and Gilgamesh's master)}} in the four-day time loop. She enjoys teasing and embarrassing others, but is very forgiving of others' wrongdoings -- shewrongdoings—she goes so far as to actually blame herself for them. Avenger eventually falls in love with her, making her the main heroine of ''hollow ataraxia''.
It turns out that {{spoiler|she is present in the time loop because she's the one who discovered Bazett in the real world and has been nursing her back to health}}.
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==== Voiced by: [[Kana Ueda]] (JP), [[Mela Lee]] (EN) ====
[[File:rin_tohsakarin tohsaka.jpg|frame]]
One of the main Magi of the series, known in the [[Fandom]] for her [[Tsundere]] traits and her Grade-"S" [[Zettai Ryouiki]]. While Tohsaka until recently attended Shirou's school, she moved to the clock tower in London, center of the Mage's Association following a disastrous experiment before the story began and thus is not present for the first half of the story. Before doing so, however, she officially took Shirou as her apprentice to teach him more magecraft. It is hinted early on that she caused the weird continuity issues that occur during the story, based on a failed attempt to replicate Zelretch's True Magic.
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** [[Badass Adorable]]: More relaxed than the stern and stoic Saber, but still more beautiful than cute... {{spoiler|that is, until you meet her [[Magical Girl]] counterpart Kaleido Ruby... so darned cute she's ''beyond'' [[Moe]].}}
* [[Born in the Wrong Century]]: Rin, like most Magi, barely knows what a VCR is, let alone DVD or Blu-Ray. She hates technology with a passion since she can't understand it, although she is learning from Shirou.
** In the Type-Moon April's Fool’s joke (with various Nasuverse characters setting up their own Twitter accounts), Rin has Archer set up her account, and ''starts using that as her secret diary''. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120623052153/http://nrvnqsr.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=5782&page=12 Hilarity ensues (scroll down to reply # 172)].
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: If she's smiling at you, something bad is going to happen.
* [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]]: Rin definitely looks like one when Ayako and Issei walk in right after the [[Magical Girl]] [[Transformation Sequence]].
* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]]: One is displayed on her shirt when she's in her casual attire.
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]: Supposedly a strong advocate of this, but it's a very poor cover for the good natured aid she gives at almost any opportunity.
* [[Expy]]: It's very hard not to see similarities between Rin and [[Tsukihime|Akiha]]. They're both the young female heads of prestigious families involved in the occult with long black hair, blue eyes and essentially the same face. They even have the same [[Tsundere]] "humph!" pose, except that Akiha's lacks the flying hair that Rin has whenever she does it. Both characters are in turn partly based on [[Kara no Kyoukai:|Azaka]] -- young—young Rin and young Azaka look exactly alike. The resemblance to Akiha is even lampshaded where numerous traits they share are mentioned while speaking of Tohsaka, but the character is referred to as Tohno by a Sakura who is trying to hide her jealousy. Note: Both go to a faraway special academy, have flattish chests, act like perfect students at school, are domineering and more are all mentioned outright.
* [[Face Palm]]: Rin does this ''a lot'', often because of Shirou. Though one of her multiple trollfaces also looks like one.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: Not quite in the literal sense. {{spoiler|Rin talks with a possible future version of herself on the phone and finds that she apparently becomes a completely different person that's shamelessly smitten with Shirou. Being [[Tsundere|Rin]], she doesn't accept this and bickers with her future self for a good while about the kind of woman Shirou needs, before destroying the phone in frustration}}.
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== Sakura Matou ==
==== Voiced by: [[Noriko Shitaya]] (JP), Sherry Lynn (EN) ====
[[File:sakura_matousakura matou.jpg|frame]]
Shirou's formerly timid neighbor, now a true [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]. Following the Grail War, she appears to have moved into the Emiya household where she continues doing as much of the domestic work and cookinga round the house as she can. Unlike her older sister, Sakura is quite straightforward in attempts to win over Shirou. Like said sister, she's a talented magus with almost limitless potential and has been learning magecraft from Rider to make up for what she wasn't able to do before.
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Matou, Matô or Matō depending on the source/transliteration paradigm used.
* [[Underwater Kiss]]
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Lives with Shirou and does the cooking and house work. Somewhere between the end of the last story and the start of this one, she took over Matou household without abandoning her [[Nice Girl]] personality.
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* [[Fille Fatale]]: Hasn't given up yet, though she's doomed to failure. Partially subverted by the fact that she's actually older than he is, although her mental age seems to match her appearance pretty accurately.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: She generally prefers being called by her nickname of "Ilya".
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Let's see... [[Parental Abandonment]]? Check. Isolated from the outside world and basically ''raised'' to be a sociopath by her mother's family? Check. Put through agonizing [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] by said family so she could control Berserker and be their representative in the Grail War, despite the fact that she was mentally pretty much still a child? Check and ''check''.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: She just barely reaches her servant's knee.
* [[Hypnotic Eyes]]
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* [[Legal Jailbait]]: Shirou appears quite afraid of being mistaken for a lolicon.
* [[Leitmotif]]: "Die Lorelei" by Phillipp Friedrich Silcher. Notable in being an actual German folk song.
* [[LittleYounger SisterSibling HeroineFetishization]]: Now that her relation to Kiritsugu is known to the cast, she ''really'' plays it up. However, there is still no sex involved, much to her (probable) dismay.
* [[Magical Girl]]: [[Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya|Prisma Ilya]]. Seriously.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: She's actually around 20: Homunculi have strange growth patterns, but hers is nonexistent as she wasn't made to be able to live as a human.
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* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: Played for laughs and she doesn't get to do anything too evil anymore.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: "Ilyasviel" or "Illyasviel".
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli|Token Loli]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* [[Winter Royal Lady]]: Not literally, but certainly she is characterized both by her princess-like looks and character and her affinity with winter.
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==== Voiced by: Kazuhiro Nakata (JP), [[Patrick Seitz]] (EN) ====
[[File:soichirou_fsnsoichirou fsn.jpg|frame]]
Rin's former homeroom teacher at school and apparently the only other teacher at the school. He lives in the Ryuudouji Temple and is Issei's older-brother figure. A tall, stern man who [[The Stoic|rarely expresses any emotion at all]], he appears physically intimidating, but is really a gentle soul who does his best to give each student a fair and proper education.
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==== Voiced by: [[Hiroshi Kamiya]] (JP), [[Doug Erholtz]] (EN) ====
[[File:shinji_matoushinji matou.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|''"If you want me to drop the barrier, you'll have to get on your knees and beg."''}}
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==== Voiced by: Masane Tsukayama (JP) ====
[[File:Zouken_298Zouken 298.jpg|frame]]
The head of the Matou family and the cause of a great deal of misery for many characters. While he is still alive and apparently unpunished for his treatment of Sakura, it turns out he's been terrified into submission by her. Thus, he makes no real appearances. For the time being as the senior magus of the region he has grudgingly taken on Tohsaka's responsibilities.
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==== Voiced by: [[Joji Nakata]] (JP), [[Jamieson Price]] (EN) ====
[[File:kirei_kotominekirei kotomine.jpg|frame]]
The former big bad of ''[[Fate/stay night]],'' Kotomine is now very dead. He is occasionally mentioned, though it is bluntly stated that he has no connection to the current happenings of Fuyuki. Because he's dead.
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* [[Posthumous Character]]: It's stated more than once that Kotomine is very, very dead and that he's the only one that's dead.
=== Servants ===
=== Servants ===
== Avenger ==
Originally summoned in the Third Grail War, the Avenger class is considered forbidden because it specifically summons either an [[Anti-Hero]] or [[Villain Protagonist]]-type Servant. The original Avenger -- theAvenger—the only one summoned so far -- wasfar—was Angra Mainyu, [[The Devil]] of Zoroastrianism. At least, that's what the Einzbern family thought.
During the Third Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family summoned him to give themselves an edge, but it turned out that Angra Mainyu himself was nothing more than an ordinary villager who was chosen as a scapegoat to be the source of all the world's evils. He was castigated and ritualistically butchered. This calmed down his confused people, which ironically qualified him as a Heroic Spirit. His actual capabilities as a Servant were very low, meaning that he was killed early on in the Third Holy Grail War. {{spoiler|When his soul was absorbed by the Grail, it granted the wish of his people, and both he and the Grail began to become the ultimate evil.}}
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* [[Fragile Speedster]]: As shown in {{spoiler|his fight with Saber}} Avenger is actually pretty fast. He just has terrible offense and horribly designed weapons.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
* [[I Love the Dead]]: A strange example. Early on, he considers raping Bazett's corpse (not a spoiler) out of boredom and, seemingly, because it's an 'evil' thing to do. This is actually more about him being weird than him being disturbing... though he's that too.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Tsun for Caren, ''very'' Dere for Bazett. {{spoiler|Even more Dere for Caren towards the end}}.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: He's terrible at fighting, but Bazett notes he's absolutely amazing at defensive combat. And by defensive combat we mean holding back as many opponents as he wants with neither side gaining an advantage. Ever.
* [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]]: He regularly makes an idiot of himself around Caren -- thisCaren—this entails flailing when she picks on him, trying to pick on her back (she just [[Moe|pinches his face]] to retaliate!), and [[Victim Falls For Rapist|raping her]]. Initially, he even mistakes this for ''hate''. {{spoiler|After much fail and consternation, he eventually gets it right}}.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: His Noble Phantasm. The ability to project all the pain of an attack back at the attacker? Great. The fact that he has to ''take'' that attack AND stay conscious through the agony of getting the crap kicked out of him in order to do so? Less great. It works in certain situations though, like {{spoiler|taking an attack at full force and then reflecting the injury on the attacker to let Bazett finish them off}}. It may count as a [[Death or Glory Attack]] depending on how you look at it.
* [[Wisdom from the Gutter]]: When he's serious, he can say some pretty insightful things to Bazett.
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==== Voiced by: [[Ayako Kawasumi]] (JP), [[Kate Higgins]] (EN) ====
[[File:saber_fsnsaber fsn.jpg|frame]]
Following the Grail War, Saber appears to have stablished permanent residence at the Emiya household where she continues to teach Shirou swordsmanship. She is the Servant summoned by Shirou. Being of the Saber class, she excels in many areas of fighting and has a very high magic resistance.
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Adorable]]: While more beautiful and dignified than actually cute, Saber's sincere and honest personality is very endearing.
* [[Bad Liar]]: She's not used to being embarrassed, so when she lies about something embarrassing it's really obvious. Like claiming that she was testing exercise equipment for demonic possession.
* [[Battle Ballgown]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: [[Played for Laughs]]: do not deny Saber lunch or feed her bad food. It does not end well. Also, she's rather touchy regarding the fact that she's young looking, as Lancer and an entire water park discovered.
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: ''[[All There in the Manual|Fate/complete material]]'' gives the official romanization for her name as ''Altria'', while mirror-moon's translation gives ''Arturia''.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: This is rather hilarious, because she can actually [[WalkWalking Onon Water]], since she's got the blessing of the Lady of the Lake.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Saber Alter seems to be back. Sort of.
** [[Big Eater]]: Unlike Saber, Saber Alter genuinely qualifies, but manages to destroy Shirou's pride in his cooking with her attitude about it.
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Rider.
* [[Waif Fu]]: Either justified or an aversion depending on how you look at it. Without buffing herself with magic, she's actually pretty weak.
* [[WalkWalking Onon Water]]: Saber was given this ability by the Lady of the Lake, but as a result she can't swim. Her trip to the water park with Shirou to learn is both hilarious and heartwarming.
* [[Wave Motion Sword]]: "''Excalibur'', The Sword of Promised Victory". She also once possessed Caliburn, which had a similar but lesser effect. However, that sword was broken.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: She seems absolutely horrified by a simple octopus in Shirou's fridge. Her statements of the matter imply she thinks that they're the same abominations summoned by Caster in the Fourth War. Upon seeing what she has been eating up until this point she refuses to eat them anymore, marking the first well cooked food item that she won't touch.
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==== Voiced by: [[Junichi Suwabe]] (JP), [[Liam O'Brien|Liam O' Brien]] (EN) ====
[[File:archer_fsnarcher fsn.jpg|frame]]
Servant of Tohsaka and likewise missing from the first half of the story, Archer is only mentioned in passing and is positioned as a sniper if Shirou ever tries crossing the bridge at night.
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* [[I Hate Past Me]]: He and Shirou still really hate each other.
* [[Image Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSKxSBKxpE "Rise"]
* [[Jerkass]]: [[Badass|Badassery]]ery aside, Archer can be a real dick sometimes.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: As the supplemental materials reveal, Archer's back story had him saving Ilya just like Shirou did in "Fate", only to see her waste away and die a year after the end of the fifth grail war due to her Homunculus body. It's one of the first real dents in his idealism, and the main reason why Archer never considers attacking Ilya directly as an option.
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==== Voiced by: [[Nobutoshi Canna]] (JP), [[Tony Oliver]] (EN) ====
[[File:lancer_fsnlancer fsn.jpg|frame]]
{{spoiler|1=Formerly the Servant of Bazett Fraga McRemitz,}} she was abruptly killed by Kotomine, who in turn took her Command Spell to control Lancer. Lancer is a carefree, laid back Servant always eager to get into a good fight, and will never back down unless commanded. When not being an enemy, he shows a playful attitude and loves to tease. Actually, he does that when an enemy too.
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* [[One-Hit Kill]]: The entire point of Gae Bolg's activated ability.
* [[One-Man Army]]: Literally. As told in the story of his life he tells to Shirou, he was the ''only'' person able to fight for Ulster due to a Geas on the male populace that he escaped via loophole. And he ''won'' the war, killing thousands of people per day or winning every duel he came upon.
* [[Red Baron]]: "Cú Chulainn" means "Culann's hound". In-game, he's also referred to as "Ireland's Man of Light" on top of this. Caren amuses herself by referring to him as "dog".
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: "Cú Chulainn" means "Culann's hound". In-game, he's also referred to as "Ireland's Man of Light" on top of this. Caren amuses herself by referring to him as "dog".
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: A number of people (the artist behind the ''Fate'' manga in particular), have declared him "The sexiest man in the game". Just look at his super tight outfit. It feels like he's wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! ''Nothing at all!''
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
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==== Voiced by: [[Yuu Asakawa]] (JP), [[Karen Strassman]] (EN) ====
[[File:rider_fsnrider fsn.jpg|frame]]
The [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|tall, dark, silent, gorgeous]] Servant of Sakura, Rider seems to have relaxed greatly after the Grail War. While a very nice person, Rider's first priority is still Sakura and would [[Poisonous Friend|absorb the entire town using Bloodfort Andromeda to keep her safe if necessary.]] Her identity and backstory as Medusa is expanded on as compared to ''[[Fate/stay night]].''
Rider is physically the strongest of the female Servant and has something of a complex about both it and her height. She's also incredibly agile and Shirou is attempting to pick up some of her fighting style, which does not go over well with Saber.
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==== Voiced by: Tadahisa Saizen (JP), [[Michael McConnohie]] (EN) ====
[[File:berserker_fsnberserker fsn.jpg|frame]]
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* '''[[The Berserker]]''': Well, obviously.
* [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: Referred to in-game as an ''axe''-sword, and for good reason.
* [[Character Alignment]]: In-universe alignment is chaotic insane, which probably pegs him under [[Chaotic Neutral]]. He lacks the rationality to make moral judgments, but apparently under normal circumstances he would be [[Chaotic Good]].
* [[Gonk]]: Somewhat. The whole "Berserker" thing has some effect on his physique, notable after things like his head explodes, re-grows, and looks somewhat normal for a moment.
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* [[Protectorate]]: '''DO'''. '''NOT'''. mess with Ilya.
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Ilya herself acts as this for him, which says a lot about how powerful she must be in order to keep freaking Heracles on a short leash.
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: To the point that he punctuates practically ''every other blow'' with a roar.
* [[The Voiceless]]: While insane, he only roars -- androars—and the visual novel makes a point of emphasizing the wordlessness of his roars by always denoting them with "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!". No "GRAAHH", no "RRAAARR", no any of the usual "stock" SFX for screaming/yelling/roaring. Just '''blank rectangles'''.
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Being incapable of any strategy more complicated than [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] usually doesn't matter when you can shatter buildings with a single blow and move faster than the human eye can follow. [[The Worf Effect|In theory, anyway]].
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==== Voiced by: [[Atsuko Tanaka]] (JP), [[Tara Platt]] (EN) ====
[[File:caster_fsncaster fsn.jpg|frame|[[Beautiful All Along|Yes, that's Caster without the hood]]]]
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==== Voiced by: [[Shinichiro Miki]] (JP), [[David Vincent]] (EN) ====
[[File:assassin_fsnassassin fsn.jpg|frame]]
A Servant summoned by Caster to guard the gate of the Ryuudouji Temple. Assassin is a solemn character who delights nothing more than having a good fight and hitting on pretty girls. He is, however, an incomplete Servant, thus he is still linked with the gate and cannot travel further than the areas in the vicinity of the gate.
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* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: His Monohoshizao, which is 170  cm long.
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: Now that there's no fighting going on, he's extremely bored. He's still stuck at the gate of the temple, so unlike the other blood knights like Lancer he can't even pick up any hobbies.
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==== Voiced by: [[Tomokazu Seki]] (JP - adult), [[Aya Endo]] (JP - child), [[Grant George]] (EN) ====
[[File:gilgamesh_fsngilgamesh fsn.jpg|frame]]
Most likely the strongest character in the series as well as the biggest jerk, Gilgamesh got tired of all the nonsense going on and drank a youth potion. Thus, he has reverted to how he was as a child, meaning he's a natural leader, talented and all around a wonderful child. He appears rather regretful of how his adult self acted.
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==== Voiced by: [[Miki Ito]] (JP), [[Julie Ann Taylor]] (EN) ====
[[File:taiga_fujimurataiga fujimura.jpg|frame]]
Shirou's English teacher and older sister figure. Her grandfather is a [[Yakuza]] boss who Kiritsugu was acquainted with, and thus, she and Shirou have known each other since he was a child. Although she's ostensibly his caretaker, she has no domestic skills, relying on Shirou to cook for her. Taiga was the star of the kendo club when she was in school, and might have become famous across Japan were she not disqualified from official tournaments for having a tiger strap.
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==== Voiced by: [[Mitsuaki Madono]] (JP), [[Lex Lang]] (EN) ====
[[File:issei_ryudoissei ryudo.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|''"What’s so good...? What’s with you doing all this for nothing?!"''}}
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: He's noted as not liking girls much, tends to blush around Shirou, is rather possessive of him, somewhat jealous of Tohsaka and seems to be thought of as part of Shirou's harem by the school. However, with Issei's character it's entirely possibly that this means nothing.
* [[Bishonen]]: Popular with the girls due to his looks despite the story stating outright that he has a boring personality.
* [[Cross DresserCrossdresser]]: Caster mentions being disappointed at having no one to dress up in pretty clothes and Shirou mentions that she could always use Issei, leading to a brief imagine spot as she considers the idea. Granted, we only see Shirou's imagination of what he might be wearing... But it's [https://web.archive.org/web/20170918235510/http://imgh.us/fha_issei.png awfully frilly].
* [[First-Name Basis]]: With Shirou
* [[Gay Option]]: Toyed with. He is one of the only men Shirou talks to, and the only one that isn't an enemy at some point. And he blushes a lot, especially while he's worrying over Shirou. And he grabs Shirou's arm and drags him away from Rin several times. When people are discussing Shirou's harem, Tohsaka, Sakura, Saber, Rider... and then Issei are all mentioned.
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==== Voiced by: [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP) in ''Realta Nua'', [[Shizuka Ito]] (JP) in ''Unlimited Codes'' ====
[[File:Luviagelita_Edelfelt_2805Luviagelita Edelfelt 2805.png|frame]]
Luvia is the head of the Finnish Edelfelt family and in good standing in the [[Wizarding School|Clock Tower]] Academy. She's currently in the running for [[Student Council President]]. Although we almost always see her acting like a [[Rich Bitch]] since she's usually around Rin, she's actually a very proper, generous person. Rin just sets off her [[Berserk Button]] as a rival partly since her family was defeated in the Third War in Tohsaka territory, and she's looking to avenge the loss. Besides knowing almost exactly the same kind of magic Rin does, she's also a celebrated ''pro-wrestler''.
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* [[Princess Curls]]: And as you might expect, they fit quite well.
* [[Professional Wrestling]]: I bet you didn't see that coming with her character type, but then, neither did Rin. Technically the "Lancashire-style of martial combat", but just play ''Unlimited Codes'' and you'll see the truth.
* [[Red Baron]]: Known as the "Hunting Dog of the Ring" and "Forklift Lady" for her pro-wrestling skills.
* [[Rich Bitch]]: She does treat "commoners" well, but she doesn't hesitate to rub her pedigree and wealth in Rin's face, while putting down Rin as a rube from the "backwater" of Japan.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Known as the "Hunting Dog of the Ring" and "Forklift Lady" for her pro-wrestling skills.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Some people call her Luvia Zeritta instead of Luviagelita.
* [[The Rival]]: To Rin, oh so very much.
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== Sella and Leysritt ==
[[File:SellaLeysritt_5712SellaLeysritt 5712.jpg|frame|Yup, they look like this under that [[Meido]] outfit.]]
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* [[Ice Queen]]: Sella is rather cold to anyone not named Ilya.
* [[Immortality]]: According to Sella, standard homunculi like herself are essentially immortal, though she implies that she does not have a soul and that her life is less meaningful than a human's.
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: As noted in the Tiger Dojo they're drawn somewhat differently than the main cast.
* [[Ninja Maid]]: Not actual ninjas, but Leysritt at least has [[Super Strength]].
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Sella has excellent magical ability, but she's rather frail.
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* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: So much it's the plot of the sidestory "Love Detective Himuro", in which the three of them try to figure out the complicated relationship among all main characters.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: Yukika gets along oddly well with Assassin of all people.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Kaede likes to be called the "Black Panther of Homurabara".
* [[Those Two Guys|Those Three Girls]]: They do make a few appearances individually, but for the most part they are together when they show up.
* [[Smitten Teenage Girl]]: All three of them have a very obvious attraction to [[Memetic Sex God|Archer]] as soon as they see him. They also apparently have crushes on [[Chick Magnet|Shirou]], but not quite to the "smitten" extent.
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