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== Fanfic ==
* [[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|Nobody Dies]] had a particularly weak fourth season, with lots of weird changes to the status quo that really didn't do much to move the overall plot forward and is generally considered the point of where all the stories weak bits began showing. This eventually required the author to {{spoiler|retcon almost the entire season into being a shared dream.}}
* [[Past Sins]] underwent a major rewrite and revamp in order to deal with various characters being out of character and add a few more characterizations.
* In [[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]], Ronan's first decrees as King of the Shinobi include everyone who likes modern music being put to death "[[Rouge Angles of Satin|in less]] [[Double Standard|they r hot chicks]]", and outlaws homosexuality and religion. In the next chapter, he changes the sentence to life imprisonment for modern music fans (but keeps the death penalty for everyone except himself and Sakura), and allows gay people to have sex in their homes but not so much as kiss in public, in response to reviewer complaints about him being intolerant. The chapter after that, Ronan changes the sentence to life imprisonment for modern musicians, and while he orders churches to be bulldozed, says that people can pray in their homes.
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* ''[[Fallout 3]]'s'' ending caused some rather... negative reactions, in no small part thanks to its [[Diabolus Ex Machina]]. The DLC/Expansion pack ''Broken Steel'' changes the ending, allowing the game to remain playable after this. [[Word of God]] says the game's default endings (without the expansion) are [[Canon Discontinuity|non-canon]].
* After many players called out ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' for its extremely loose understanding of basic genetics (as relayed by the main antagonist, Liquid Snake), Hideo Kojima stepped up and established that Liquid himself has an extremely flimsy grasp on the subject and didn't actually know a word of what he was saying. It doesn't explain how a man with a supposed I.Q. of 180 and a fluency in seven languages could get such simple scientific facts wrong, or why Ocelot refers to Solid as the "inferior one".
** ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]'' introduced a Close-Quarters Combat (CQC) system that allows the player to subdue enemy soldiers using various martial art techniques. This combat system is explained in the game's plot as a fighting style that Naked Snake (the protagonist, who later becomes Big Boss) learned from his mentor The Boss. Solid Snake (the protagonist of the previous games and the cloned son of Big Boss) couldn't use this style in the previous ''MGS'' games, so when the CQC system was implemented in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]'', they had to come up with a reason why Solid Snake never used it in previous games. {{spoiler|1=It turns out Solid Snake always knew CQC, but refused to use it because of his disdain for Big Boss, who taught him the style. After the events of Operation: Snake Eater were "declassified" (i.e. ''MGS3'' came out), many soldiers began developing their own variations of the CQC style, leaving Solid Snake with no choice but to use the skills he learned from Big Boss.}}
* ''[[Prince of Persia]]: Warrior Within'' was written [[Executive Meddling|with a mandate from marketing]] to turn the series away from the [[Arabian Nights]] feel and make it [[Darker and Edgier]], complete with emo [[Anti-Hero]] Prince and heavy metal music. The fans bashed the change mercilessly, and the writers answered rather innovatively by working the [[Dork Age]] into the plot of the third, making the ''Warrior Within'' Prince into a manifestation of the hero's irresponsibility and not the real thing. It also acknowledges the selfishness inherent in trying to fix the timeline in order to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]], and when the Dark Prince taunts him with this near the end, he finally realizes that he needs to stop trying to change the past and solve his problems in the present. This qualifies as some pretty damn good [[Character Development]], which is why it was so well received.
* [[Kingdom Hearts]] [[Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2|358/2 Days]] pulls this to [[Retcon]] Axel and Roxas' previously ambiguous [[Ho Yay]] relationship into one of big brother/little brother -- while still leaving plenty of potential [[Ship Tease]] for those who choose to see it that way. Turns out that when Roxas was formed without memories, Axel basically took it upon himself to raise him.
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