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So Bad It's Good/Film: Difference between revisions

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* The Lou Ferrigno version of ''Sinbad Of The Seven Seas''. How else would you describe a movie where [[The Incredible Hulk]] escapes prison by escaping on a chain of snakes?
** John Steiner's performance in this film. Why? One exclamation: "HA!" Also..."For the last time: I command you, in the name of all that is evil...Budge! BUDGE!"
* ''[[The Wizard (film)]]''. A film about an autistic kid who wants nothing more than to play video games. 90 minutes of [[Product Placement]] for [[Nintendo]]'s finest (''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'', ''[[Double Dragon]]'', and ''[[Super Mario Bros 3]]'', which hadn't even come out in America at the time yet) and, uh...not-so-finest ("I love the Power Glove, it's so bad.") Don't make fun of us for adding the entry to this list. It's very hot...* KO punch*
** This classic bit of dialogue:
{{quote|'''Haley:''' [http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}nAJk_gdXwrs "AHHHH! HE TOUCHED MY BREAST!"]}}
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* ''[[Stan Lee]]'s Harpies'': Bad acting, ridiculous plot, and the most cheesiest special effect in town. Screams TV movie.
** The Romanians of several centuries ago in the film somehow speak American-accented English.
** Most [[Sci Fi Channel|Syfy]] Original Movies in general shoot for the So Bad It's Good Trope.
* ''[[Ben 10]] Race Against Time'': The TV show was cliche enough but as a live action flick its fall flat on it cliche ridden fridge logic face. Least it had some decent SFX. And then there's Lee Majors as Grandpa Max.
* [[Prom Night 2008|The 2008 remake]] of the 1980 slasher flick ''[[Prom Night]]'' is hilariously bad. First off, it's a ''slasher flick'' rated PG-13. As if that wasn't bad enough, the movie plays out almost every possible applicable cliché, but in a tremendously boring way. The plot is lousy, the acting is bad, even for this genre, the suspense is as exciting as watching grass grow, and the teenage melodrama bullshit is pathetic.
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** In that same vein, a film called "Seven Deadly Shipmates," a US Navy training film from the 70s, in which seven people do rather silly things (most of them, like removing air-caps from a breathing-mask manifold, rather inconsequential) that ultimately result in the sinking of a ship due to fire; other things, like stacking garbage in the middle of a passage-way, resulting in hilarious panicked-sailor pile-ups, seemed like very funny common sense issues to avoid (but it is the military, after all). They were still playing it in boot camp as recently as April 2009. Seriously, ''nobody'' saw that hatch open?
* ''Babylon A.D.'' is notable for Vin Diesel dragging a [[The Load|shrieking, flailing, judgemental psuedo-Messiah]] across post-apocalyptic Russia, only to find out {{spoiler|she's pregnant with psychic babies. Yeah.}}. It has one of the most poorly explained/edited [[Gainax Ending|Gainax Endings]] this side of Japan, but it's still an entertaining Vin-Diesel-punches-people movie.
* The 2005 [[Sy FySyfy]] channel original movie ''Alien Apocalypse'', starring [[Bruce Campbell]]. Astronauts return to Earth after 40 years in suspended animation to find it conquered by alien termites who have enslaved humanity to... harvest wood? Cue [[La Résistance]], cheesy special effects, Dr. Ivan kicking ass, bad acting, and lots of green ichor.
** Nearly everything on the [[Sy FySyfy]] channel is this trope. And what a great channel it is!
* The obscure kids' movie ''Napoleon'', which seems to be ''[[Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey]]''-inspired. Where to start? The [[Random Events Plot]] filled with [[Wacky Wayside Tribe|Wacky Wayside Critters]]? The very loud musical score? The fact that the animals seem to have not so much been trained to act as placed on the sets and filmed doing whatever they feel like until something close enough to what's in the script happens? The fact that it was re-dubbed in America despite being [[Mad Max|made in Australia]]? Here's the kicker: It came free in a box of cereal.
* ''Beyond The Valley of the Dolls''. A Hollywood camp-fest about a band of female musicians, taken to the Nth power and waaay beyond. Infamously, Roger Ebert helped write the script.
{{quote|"This is my happening, and it freaks me out!!"}}
* The original ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' movie. She's blonde, she's a cheerleader, and she slays vampires.
* The [[Sci Fi Channel|Syfy]] original film ''Vampires: Los Muertos'' starring Bon Jovi as a surfer/vampire slayer. He tries to stop a vampire takeover with the help of a naive teenage boy, a half-turned woman, a priest {{spoiler|Or is he?}} and a big black guy with a machine gun.
* So ''[[Dragonslayer]]'' was groundbreaking in its day. That doesn't stop it from being absolutely friggin' ''hilarious''. The part where the evil knight gives a (completely logical) rant about how stupidly credulous everyone's being about the wizard? And the wizard asks him to stab him if he truly thinks he's powerless? And when he does, the wizard keels over and dies? Priceless.
* ''[[Tokyo Gore Police]]'', a movie about a virus that has people getting limbs cut off and growing back weaponised, includes gun barrels coming out of someone's eye sockets, a stripper with her legs replaced by the top and bottom of a crocodile mouth with vagina in between, a cannon penis, an amputee gimp that walks on four swords placed on each of her stumps. There is lots of blood-colored water. Everywhere.
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