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* [[The Scrappy]] - Mary-Lou is disliked by a good few fans for being a self-righteous goody-two-shoes (particularly when she's a prefect), and getting away with talking smack to the teachers because 'it's not cheek, it's Mary-Lou' (see [[Double Standard]] above). It doesn't help when EBD makes Kathie Ferrars look like an unreasonable bad guy when she - quite understandably - has a problem with Mary-Lou's over-familiarity in ''A New Mistress at the Chalet School''. Merryn Williams evidently hated her, judging how she made Mary-Lou behave towards Len in ''The Chalet Girls Grow Up''.
* [[Stay in the Kitchen]] - usually, when any serious problems come up, the female characters have to stand aside and let the male characters take over. Particularly jarring when you consider how few male characters there are compared to female ones.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]] - Margot Maynard around the time of ''Theodora and the Chalet School''. She goes from temperamental and merely mischievous to blackmailing Ted, throwing a bookend at another girl's head and knocking her out, and bullying her charges. Presumably this is to make her eventual vocation as a nun even more dramatic.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]] / [[Values Dissonance]] - where do we begin? (Consider that the series began in the '20s and ended in the early '60s.)
** Girls are expected to give up their jobs once they marry and become housewives. For instance, one character, Julie Lucy, is a barrister, and when she gets engaged, another character remarks that she'll have to give it up as she won't have time 'as the wife of a housemaster'.
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