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Loads and Loads of Races: Difference between revisions

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* The board game ''Cosmic Encounter'' is all about this, with each alien race breaking the rules in a different way. The original game had 15 races, and nine(!) expansion sets bringing the total eventually up to a whopping 75(!). One of the later publishers was planning an expansion with yet another 35(!) but went out of business before the release.
** The current edition from ''Fantasy Flight'' has released two expansions so far, bring the grand total to a staggering 90 alien races.
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'':
** ''40K'' only has about seven main races (Humans, [[Our Elves Are Better|Space Elves]], [[Our Orcs Are Different|Space Orks]], [[Omnicidal Maniac|Killer]] [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Undead Cyborgs]], [[Hive Mind]] [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Bug Aliens]], [[The Greys]], and [[Demonic Invaders|crazy]] [[Phantasy Spelling|daemons]]) but each has a ton of sub-organizations, groups, and factions. For example, "humans" alone covers the [[Redshirt Army|Imperial Guard]], the [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]], [[State Sec|the Inquisition]] (itself divided into Ordos Malleus, Hereticus and Xenos to deal with daemons, witches and aliens respectively), the [[Amazon Brigade|Sisters of Battle]] and the [[Face Heel Turn|Chaos Space Marines]]. The fluff also mentions a lot of other races, many of whom have been wiped out by [[Designated Hero|the good guys.]]
** ''Warhammer Fantasy'' has no less than 14 (German Humans, French/British Humans, [[Our Elves Are Better|High Elves]], [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|Dwarves]], Chaos Humans, Dark Elves, chaos dwarves, wood elves, lizardmen, ratmen, ogres, mummies, vampires, goblins, [[Our Orcs Are Different|orcs]]).
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* ''[[Talislanta]]'' has several dozen bizarre species to choose from, and even its "human"-analogs aren't necessarily what you'd call normal. Plus, [[Slogans|no elves]].
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' is very much this. Aside from humans there are: Orcs, Goblins, Minotaurs, Elves, Dwarves, Faeries, Merfolk, Treefolk, Mistfolk, Centaurs, Golems, Thrulls, Leonin, Giants, Aven, Nantuko, Cephalids, Vedalken, Loxodon, Viashino, Kithkin, Kitsune, Nezumi, Orochi, Soratami, Saprolings, Thallids, Myr, Phyrexians, Changelings, Slivers, Demons, Angels, Spirits, Dragons, Noggles, Elementals, Hags, Sphinxes, Devils, Werewolves, Vampires... since the game pulls creatures from about 50 DIFFERENT UNIVERSES, it's kind of justified.
** And that's not even counting subraces. Just counting the types of goblins there are [[Too Dumb to Live|Basic Dominarian Goblins]], [[Cannon Fodder|Rathi Moggs,]] [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit|Mercadian Kyren,]] [[Idiot Savant|Mirran Krark-Clan,]] [[Kappa|Kamigawa Akki,]] [[Curiosity Is a Crapshoot|Lorwyn Boggarts,]] [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Shadowmoor Boggarts,]] [[Ax Crazy|Redcaps,]] [[Determined Homesteader|Hobgoblins,]] [[Hufflepuff House|and Spriggans,]] [[Let's Meet the Meat|Jund Dragon Fodder,]] [[Treacherous Advisor|Zendikar Guide-Thieves,]] [[What Is This Feeling?|and Phyrexian Squealstokes.]]
** The card [http://magiccards.info/tsts/en/26.html Mistform Ultimus] is every creature type. [http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/jm54 An article on magicthegathering.com] pointed out just how many creature types this was (over 250 at the time). If this were to be printed out in 10-pt font, it would take an entire page of 8.5x11 paper to list. Since then, errata have been released to significantly cull the herd of single-use creature types (Ali-From-Cairo, anyone?)
* ''[[Duel Masters]]'' too. [http://duelmasters.wikia.com/wiki/Race This] is an unquestionably long list, and still growing. A few (like Starnoid and Pegasus) are exclusive to only one creature.
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