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* Most rodent creatures in ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' are Green (the color of life) except for rats. All rats are Black (the color of death).
** However, [[Dark Is Not Evil]], and while many rats are in fact pests, some of the Kamigawa block Nezumi are decent, if anti-heroic.
* In ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'', the Skaven are [[Always Chaotic Evil]] rat-men who practice foul sorcery and use chaos-empowered steampunk technology to wage war on everyone else (even the other [[Always Chaotic Evil]] races).
* In earlier editions of ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', wererats were [[Always Chaotic Evil|Always]] [[Lawful Evil]] (along with the [[Chaotic Evil]] werewolves), while most other forms of lycanthrope were good or neutral. With Fourth Edition, this has been changed so all lycanthropes are [[Always Chaotic Evil]].
** And then there's [[Planescape]]'s [http://www.planewalker.com/040101/cranium-rat Cranium Rats] -- one isn't smarter than a normal rodent, but their telepatic abilities bind their little powers and intellects into [[Hive Mind]], so the pack of three dozens can cast minor spells, half-hundred is as smart as an average human, and so on. They're [[Neutral Evil]], and some or all of them are spies of [[Eldritch Abomination|illithid god Ilsensine]].
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