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* [[Anvilicious]]: Since the list was getting ridiculous, we now have a whole [[Glee/Theme|separate page]] dedicated to listing every episode's hard-to-miss theme.
* [[Arc Fatigue]]: Some people feel that the Dalton arc--when Kurt transferred to Dalton Academy to get away from bullying--was drawn out too long, and that Kurt was being [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|overshadowed by Blaine and the Warblers in his own storyline]]. It was ''supposed'' to make a point about gay bullying, but for the most part amounted to little more than a few [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|big lipped alligator moments]] and [[Yaoi]] scenes. According to [[Word of God]], the Warblers were only supposed to appear for two episodes of the second season, but their immense popularity led to them staying on the show much longer, possibly into the third season. Until "Born This Way", when Kurt finally returned to McKinley, it felt entirely possible that he would be staying there indefinitely.
** Which makes this a case of [[Frige Brilliance]]: it emphasises how being in [[Mc Kinley]]McKinley stresses his individuality, instead of being part of the Warblers, who are extremely coordinated and sticklers to tradition.
* [[Ascended Fanon]]: The creators have admitted that the idea of Brittany/Santana as a serious, [[Official Couple]] started with the fans, that they never planned for them to be more than a one-off joke until they saw that the fans wanted more.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: In "Furt", Finn makes a speech about Portmanteau Couple Names in the school.
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