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* Tish from ''[[The Weekenders]]'' Implied by her having Eastern European parents, getting a type of Bat Mitzva at 12 and 1/2, which is the usual age for girls in reform and many conservative temples (For some reason they don't call it a bat mitzva), and has a great uncle named Moishe (forgive my spelling). Stated in the holiday special, where it is revealed that she celebrates Chanuka.
** It should be pointed out that one early episode has her celebrate Lent, and the fans seem to have a [[Broken Base]] on whether she is Catholic or Jewish.
* Sam from ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' -- her religious identity is only ever mentioned in the [[Christmas Episode]]. It's even worse with her parents who fill the mold of [[Acceptable Targets|stuck-up WASPs]]. Though this can be considered a case of [[Reality Is Unrealistic]] in that there are many Jewish people who act like [[WAS Ps]]WASPs (hence the [[wikipedia:Jewish-American princess stereotype|Jewish-American Princess]] stereotype).
* Arnold from ''[[The Magic School Bus]]''. Once again, a Chanukah mention during the Christmas episode is our only clue.
* Similarly, on ''[[Arthur (animation)|Arthur]]'', the Frensky family's Jewishness didn't come out until ''its'' holiday episode. They're making up for it since; there's been an episode in which Francine vacillates between a relative's Bar Mitzvah and a bowling match, and another in which she mentions playing on her temple's sports team. Plus, she's attempted a Yom Kippur fast.
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