Prince of Persia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Commands]]: "Speed Kills" in ''Two Thrones''. More on the trope page.
* [[Action Girl]]: Farah in ''The Sands Of Time''.
* [[Actionized Sequel]]: ''Warrior Within'' was tautedtaunted as having a more complex combat system than its predecessor, as is implied by its title.
* [[Affably Evil]]: The Dark Prince in ''Two Thrones'' is often little more than a [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]; it never actually ''lies'' to you, since he's just the shadow of the Prince brought to life by the sands of time. Nor does it seem particularly malicious until much further into the game.
* [[Alternate Ending]]: In ''Warrior Within'', if you get all the life upgrades, you are able to acquire the Water Sword, {{spoiler|which turns out to be the only weapon that can even harm the Dahaka, who turns out to be the [[True Final Boss]]. By defeating it, the Prince is able to save both him and Kaileena from their fate -- but regardless of the ending the end shows Babylon under attack by a prototypical version of the Dark Prince and Farah being held captive}}. In this case the [[Broad Strokes|basic story]] of the alternate ending is the canon for the next game, which Kaileena [[Lampshade Hanging|acknowledges]] in the opening narration.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Averted in ''The Sands of Time'' videogame, since according to the description the events take place in 9 century Persia. [[Qurac|The rest of the games, and the movie, on the other hand...]]
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: in Sands of Time, Farah surely had known about the dagger's time-twisting power before the adventure began, but {{spoiler|after the [[Reset Button]] is pressed, she believes that the whole story told by the Prince could be nothing but a fairy-tale.}}
* [[Armor Is Useless]]: In ''Sands of Time'', the Prince takes the same amount of damage both before and after he removes his armourarmor.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The Dagger of Time.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: A 17 year old John Romero [ wrote] 21 year old Jordan Mechner a letter about the original game.
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* [[The Corruption]]: The Sands of Time.
* [[Counter Attack]]: Plenty of it in the ''Sands of Time'' trilogy. In combat, the Prince is able to counter most enemy attacks and deal them a devastating blow. However, enemies can sometimes counter the counter attack, forcing the Prince to block or counter the enemy's counter attack. There are instances where the Prince and his opponent will exchange half a dozen counter attacks before one misses their timing and gets hit.
* [[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: The Prince is able to grab hold of specific ledges and bars to move around the area. In certain cutscenes, though, he is shown to be capable of much more elaborate manueversmaneuvers. This style was actually moved into ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' made by the same people, where you can literally grab onto almost anything.
** ''Sands of Time'' features the worst example, where in one cutscene the Prince runs ''down'' a wall to survive what would otherwise be a [[No One Could Survive That|fatal drop]]. [ Seen here]
* [[Damage Over Time]]: In ''Warrior Within'' and ''The Two Thrones'', the player slowly loses health while playing as the Sand Wraith or the Dark Prince.
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* [[Dramatic Chase Opening]]: In ''Warrior Within'', the Prince is running away from the Dahaka.
* [[Dramatic Wind]]: There's always ''some'' wind blowing in the land of the Ahura.
* [[Dual World Gameplay]]: Just in ''Warrior Within'' on the Island Of Time, it had to be explored in the past and present with decay changing pathways and accesibilityaccessibility and the characters present.
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: Both inverted and played straight in ''The Sands of Time''. The Prince loses the Dagger of Time, meaning no more rewinding, but does get a sword that [[One-Hit Kill|One Hit Kills]] all enemies.
* [[Enemy Within]] + [[Enemy Without]]
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: The Prince and the Empress of Time seem to play tennis with it in ''Warrior Within''.
* [[If I Had a Nickel]]: Recurs in the form: "If I had some sands for every time someone said that to me..."
* [[It's a Wonderful Failure]]: In the first two games, you can play to the end of the game after running out of time, only to find that the princess has died (or been married to JaffarJafar). The only true [[Game Over]] in these games.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: The Prince in ''The Sands of Time'' also qualifies, more [[Jerkass]] with less (but still present) gold in the second game and, finally, ''both [[Jerkass]] and [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] at once'' in the third. With both voice actors.
* [[Joke Item]]: