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Sliding Scale of Alternate History Plausibility: Difference between revisions

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* Kathleen Anne Goonan's ''In War Times'' and it's sequel in which time travelers arrange for FDR to live long enough for a ffth term during which he [[Sarcasm Mode|apparently acquires a certain other wheelchairbound man's mental powers]] because he persuades Stalin to give back the Eastern European nations back their freedom and not divide Germany into East and West. Then Truman manages to get a Civil Rights Act passed in 1950 which would have required the cooperation of Congress (unlike his desegregation of the armed forces). And then they prevent the assassination of JFK [[Mary Suetopia|after which nothing bad ever happens again]].
* ''[[Children Of The Revolution]]'', an Australian film about the hypothetical son of [[Josef Stalin]] and his rise to political power very nearly resulting in a [[Dirty Commies|communist revolution]] in Australia. [[Rule of Funny]] is strictly in charge for most of the film.
* World E3 in Ian [[Mc Donald]]McDonald's ''Planesrunner'' in which everything is coal powered because there's no oil and the steam engine was never invented because the electric motor was invented first.
* The ''[[Star Trek TOS]]'' episode "The City on the Edge of Forever," where Kirk and Spock going back in time and keeping one particular pacifist activist from dying somehow causes the Nazis to win WWII, because her activism keeps the U.S. out of the war until it's too late. The fact is that that was exactly what ''really'' happened; strong, organized pacifist and isolationist movements were very influential over the American public and many American politicians in the early years of WWII, which is why it took an Axis attack on American soil to get the U.S. to enter the war. But all the pacifist speeches in the world weren't going to make any difference after Pearl Harbor.
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* Turtledove's ''Days of Infamy''; Japan invading Hawaii (considered logistically impossible) pushes this story to Type IV in many minds.
* Spike TV's "Alternate History" special. With a point of divergence that starts with a successful repelling of the Normandy invasion due to an unexplained influx of jet aircraft on the German side, Nazi Germany manages to completely turn the tide of the war, and conquer both the United Kingdom and the United States. The Soviet Union also doesn't seem to exist in this timeline.
* World E2 in Ian [[Mc Donald]]McDonald's ''Planesrunner'' in which Great Britain is a Muslim nation, having been colonized and converted during Islam's great wave of expansion. Plausible enough by itself but what puts it in Type IV territory is the reason: Great Britain, instead of being located north of continantal Europe is located a hundred miles west of the Straits of Gibralter. And Ireland didn't go with it.
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