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** "Quagmire's Dad". I didn't really like the episode. Not from a Trans-bashing standpoint (that message was pretty clear too.), but the writing. Is there a writer on the staff who hates Quagmire? It didn't really make sense from a story-telling standpoint. As per the character reactions, I wasn't surprised. I live in Rhode Island, where the show is set, and people's reaction's vary. Even pro gay rights people are uncomfortable with transpeople where I come from.
* There was an episode where Peter and company embark on a journey to find the source of the world's dirty jokes. It was a decent enough episode, still littered with [[Plot Hole|plot holes]], but still moderately enjoyable. That is, until the gang travels to [[Washington DC]], and to the Vietnam War Memorial. There was a poor caricature of a Vietnamese man bragging to the mourners there about 'winning' [[The Vietnam War]]. Now I know that these writers are the kind that pride themselves on the amount of hate mail they get, but this sincerely broke my heart. I thought, how dare they? How dare you! Vietnamese people are barely represented in the media as it is, and the few depictions are the sort of exotic smuggler gang of the week or as a Vietnam War retrospective (think generic flashback into combat in a jungle). How dare you propagate blatant racism on national television? Why cannot you look to us as ordinary humans and not some inane gimmick plot device? Plus it doesn't even [[Fridge Logic|make sense in context]]. The Vietnamese guy is just randomly at the war memorial? Why? Just to brag? And why does he look like he's 30 when he apparently fought in the Vietnam War?
** What made that joke the final [[D Mo S]]DMoS for this troper was the disgusting disrespect Hentemann made toward our servicemen and women. Why Hentemann didn't then show the two veterans beating the living shit out of that man is beyond this troper, but...really, Hentemann? That's the best "Vietnam" joke you could come up with? I mean, seriously, you made Hitler's final days during World War 2 into some of the funniest jokes in Western Animation, and the Simpsons knew how to exploit Skinner's traumatic stint in 'Nam to a laugh every time...and that is the best you could come up with!?
** I didn't like that joke either, but the [[Dethroning Moment of Suck]] in that episode was the ending. A random old man says that he finally got down the perfect dirty joke, and then he suddenly dies due to a heart attack or something like that. Peter then steals his dirty joke and bargains with the Dirty Joke Club or whatever its name was where Peter and his friends leave and in exchange, they hand the group the perfect dirty joke. Peter then burns down the club, killing thousands of people in the process... and the perfect joke was "Guess what? Chicken butt!" That was not only a poor joke that [[King of the Hill]]'s Buckley did about ten or so years earlier, but also yet another completely pointless ending where even I could come up with a better naughty joke! Hell, I bet you that even the Dirty Joke Club or whatever wouldn't like it.
*** I found that the true DMoS was right after that. Paraphrased, Peter said, "Well, you sat through all this, so as a reward, here's a monkey scratching itself. Some charity for cancer kids or something wanted this airtime, but we said screw you." It's like the creators are saying, "We know this episode sucks, but we can't think of a half-decent joke to end it on, so here's some immature stock footage."
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* "New Kidney In Town": After Peter drinks a Red Bull replacement concocted with kerosene after Lois got rid of his supply of the real thing, he has kidney failure and has to go on dialysis treatments to stay alive. He skips an appointment one day, and now he's gonna die if they can't find a donor. [[Creator's Pet|Guess who]] offers Peter one of his kidneys. Yes Brian. The episode is such a giant [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]] attempt it's sickening. Peter, who is one more episode like Family Gay or Family Goy from becoming a [[Complete Monster]] is going to be saved by Brian, who would willing lay down his life to save him. [[Jesus|Hmm, wonder where they got the idea]]? Yep, they tried to make Brian, the worst thing to happen to Atheism since Stalin, into the Jesus of Atheists. Except the Son of [[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal|Athe]] would still be likable! The rest of the episode has the family talking to Brian like his loss (he's a seven year old dog who smokes and drinks by the by) is gonna be like the death of Mother Teresa..and in the end... it doesn't f$$king matter. A hobo dies and the Doctor says, "Oh, we couldn't use your kidneys anyway because you're a dog".
*** This troper stopped watching "Family Guy" some time ago, but to be honest, I'm not a big fan of Mother Teresa (due to her refusal to medicate her patients, allow secular knowledge to reach her patients and fellow nuns, and her habit of [[Kick the Dog|punishing her patients for doing things she didn't like]]), so this didn't really bother me. That being said, I hated this episode; like the above troper said, Brian is one of the worst things to happen to atheists in a long time, and the writers are so desperate to make him likable again that it's painful.
**** Replace Stalin with [[Ayn Rand]] and you can count me in as well. While still thinking that ''Road To The North Pole'' is the worst overall episode, I must say this episode contains the biggest singular [[D Mo S]]DMoS ever in the end, which makes every attempt to save the episode vane, along with turning the doctor into a big [[Jerkass]] after portraying him as sympathetic and professional during the episode.
* In "And I'm Joyce Kinney," there's a news segment about a boy named Angus Reed, who has cerebral palsy. Tom Tucker says that he looks weird, and asks his co-anchor Joyce about the life expectancy of people with cerebral palsy. Her response? "You never see a gray-haired one." The only thing to offend me on this show in twelve years. A lot of people with disabilities live long, meaningful lives. This kind of thing doesn't help them get any further. All of the battles with the Justice Department and local municipalities, and then this? Just...[[Wallbanger|ugh]].
** Personally, I just thought the entire episode sucked! For an episode that has an interesting premise (a Christian mother revealing that she was a porno actress to a news anchor, who soon reveals the secret to all of Quahog), the jokes just fell flat on their ass, the [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] joke just makes me want to groan in pure disappointment, and, wouldn't you believe it, the [[Black Hole Sue]] Brian helps out someone in the family once again. Oh, but wait, turns out another [[Author Avatar]] in Peter gives his two cents on his shit as well. Can we just say that Peter's freakin' [[Mary Sue]] 2.0 of Family Guy here?
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