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* [[Accentuate the Negative]]:
** Just like [[The Angry Video Game Nerd|AVGN]] with ''M.C. Kids'', Irate admitted that he didn't ''hate'' the ''Yo! Noid'' game despite its being a licensed title to Domino's Pizza.
** Bores has stated in interviews that: "It doesn't matter if the game is good or bad, I just look for flaws to exploit for comedy".
* [[Acting for Two|Acting For Several]]: Chris plays every character on the show except for the Wise Sage and the Genie (the latter has had only one appearance).
* [[Alternate Timeline]]: His reviews of ''Mario's Time Machine'' and ''[[Mario Is Missing]]''.
* [[American Accents]]: He has one of the thickest Ohio accents ever, mixed with a slight speech impediment. The accent is most noticeable in the way he sometimes sticks L's where they don't belong (e.g. "bolth" instead of "both", "Jawls" instead of "Jaws", "drawlback" instead of drawback").
* [[Anachronism Stew]]:
** IG goes back to 1987 to "prevent" the ''[[Back to The Future]]'' game. Apparently LJN had access to cordless phones and flat-screen monitors in the 80s.
** In a joke, IG claimed one obstacle to dodge in Space Race were [[Star Wars|Imperial TIE Fighters]]. Space Race came out in 1973, ''Star Wars'' came out in 1977.
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* [[Animation Age Ghetto]]: According to his thoughts on ''WALL-E'' and ''[[Toy Story 3]]'', Bores heavily believes this.
* [[Arc Welding]]: In his ''Gyromite''/''Stack-Up'' review, R.O.B. tried to kill him. In his ''[[Predator]]'' review, a Predator tried to kill him. The ''[[Monster Party]]'' review revealed that both incidents are connected to the Evil Gamer.
* [[Art Evolution]]: Tony went from being a ''[[Maple Story]]'' sprite to being hand drawn.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: He seems to notice much of the memes associated with him, like "Bores n' Doors".
* [[Aside Glance]]: Used very often. He seems to use this as an indication to the audience, telling them "this is where you're supposed to laugh."
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* [[Big "What?"]] & [[Flat What]]: The Genie's memetic line from the ''Aladdin'' episode.
* [[BLAM Episode]]: The Order Up video, the [[Evil Twin|Evil Gamer]] hosted the review. Then he vanished for a while. When he reappeared, the Order Up review was never mentioned.
* [[Bowdlerization]]:
** Done in a revision of the TMNT review, where he censored some of the cussing.
** Done again with the remastered version of History of Video Games Part 1 by removing the foul language.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Many of his complaints about games stem from common [[Informed Flaw|"problems"]] found in '''many''' games.
** He complained that...
*** ''[[Zombies Ate My Neighbors]]'' only gives you 3 lives and passwords and that the game gets harder in later levels.
*** ''The freaking boss life bar'' in his ''[[Sonic Unleashed]]'' review, never mind there have been hundreds of games before this that have that.
*** That ''[[Kirby's Epic Yarn|Kirbys Epic Yarn]]'' was intended for kids. Well yeah, the [[Kirby]] series was always intended for younger gamers. How is this any different? Besides, being intended for kids doesn't mean it's bad.
** The green circles. Very often he would circle things that are in plain sight. Notably main characters, enemies, and items that everyone can see. In the Kool-Aid Man review, he circled the playable characters, the objective, and the power-ups.
** You could create a drinking game for each instance where he complained that the game's later levels get harder.
** See [[The Irate Gamer/Quotes|the Quotes page]] to read his [[Captain Obvious]] sayings.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: The [[Evil Twin|Evil Gamer]] in his first appearance.
* [[Continuity Reboot]]: What he's seemingly been doing ever since the show went HD.
* [[Cowboy Bebop at His Computer]]:
** In the ''[[Guitar Hero]]: Van Halen'' review, he complained about how there were other artists beside Van Halen, such as Weezer, Foreigner, Third Eye Blind and '''Billy Joel'''. The game doesn't have Billy Joel, it has Billy IDOL.
** In his 2008 Top 10 Summer Movies video, he called the Hulk's alter-ego Rex Banner instead of Bruce Banner (or even David Banner, which was his name in the TV show). Rex Banner was a one-time character on ''[[The Simpsons]]''.
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* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Used at the end of his Monster Party review. Yet, he dropped plenty of f-bombs in this video, it doesn't make sense why he would do that.
* [[Cutaway Gag]]: Irate Gamer had done a number of these, like the time his ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (video game)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' review ended with a random scene of him battling [[Donkey Kong]].
* [[Dan Browned]]:
** An example of this is found in his ''[[Super Mario Bros. 2]]'' video. He claimed the reason Nintendo didn't release the real ''SMB 2'' due to the game being a [[Mission Pack Sequel]], neglecting to mention the real reason was the over-the-top [[Nintendo Hard]] difficulty.
** He complained about the fact that Nintendo supposedly never said anything about the whole real ''SMB 2'' thing in America even though it was all over [[Nintendo Power]] when ''Super Mario All Stars'' was released as a major selling point of that game, and it was even mentioned before that, in a feature on the history of the ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' series Nintendo Power ran during the lead up to the launch of the SNES (and its launch pack-in title, ''[[Super Mario World (video game)|Super Mario World]]'').
* [[Dem Bones]]: A recurring character is Ronnie, a chatty skeleton who spoke in [[Informed Judaism|a stereotypically]] Jewish way. [[Unfortunate Implications]] or just a bad [[Woody Allen]] impression? You decide.
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: In-Universe: One of his complaints about ''[[Indiana Jones]] and the Temple of Doom''. He seemed to think that they cause you to think your game is glitched at first.
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]
** His review of the last episode of ''[[The Sopranos]]'' is called "The Sopranos '''Final Last Episode''' review"
** See [[The Irate Gamer/Quotes|the Quotes page]] to read his large list of [[Department of Redundancy Department]] sayings.
** He would often say "NES System" when talking about that console. So he's playing the "Nintendo Entertainment System System?"
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]:
** In his Kool-Aid review, where he killed the Kool-Aid man ''for constantly destroying his wall''. Yeah, it doesn't sound like much, but the fact that he killed a character for doing ''what he's practically known for.'' He's the Kool-Aid man, of course he's going to do that!
** IG couldn't get into Ubisoft's E3 2011 conference, so what's his response? Blow up their office with a fake special effect.
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** The [[Face Palm]] running gag from his ''Kirby's Epic Yarn'' video. When he does it, he adds a voice and caption to make sure we know what he's doing. He does this again in his ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'' review, but mercifully, doesn't add the voice and caption.
** After calling R.O.B. "ROB-o-Cop" after [[RoboCop]], he proceeds to show both names in text in case we didn't get the pun the first time.
* [[Dull Surprise]]:
** His reaction to the third boss in ''[[Contra]]''.
** His reaction to a genie appearing in his house in the ''[[Aladdin]]'' review. "Whoa, a genie!"
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** When reviewing the first Ninja Turtles game, the footage he showed while complaining about the difficulty had him blatantly running into enemies and standing around letting them run into ''him''. Also, in the underwater level he was deliberately swimming into the electric plants. He was spending more time in the plants than the water.
** Exaggerated in his ''[[Contra]] Super C'' review where he claims it's harder then the first game and to prove this, kept jumping into enemies and not firing his gun. Anyone that's played ''Super C'' can tell you it's much easier then the first ''Contra''.
* [[Flanderization]]:
** The Kool-Aid man is depicted as always saying "Oh YEAH!," "Oh kay," and "Oh no." But in the commercials and comics, he actually speaks in full sentences.
** Some of his haters think the Irate Gamer himself is falling into this, believing that he's portraying himself as the mockery seen in countless parody videos.
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{{quote|'''Irate Gamer:''' "It’s unclear as to why they copied [''[[Doki Doki Panic]]''], but [[Did Not Do the Research|some speculated]] that [''[[Super Mario Bros the Lost Levels]]''] was [[Mission Pack Sequel|too much like the first game]]. I guess that’s understandable since having two of the same thing can get stale and repetitive."<br />
'''Evil Gamer:''' "Yep, stale and repetitive." }}
* [[I Am Not Shazam]]:
** He refers to Pit as ''[[Kid Icarus]]'' during the ''[[Super Smash Bros|Super Smash Bros Brawl]]'' review, even when the game itself announces Pit's name.
** When talking about ''[[Gyromite]]'' in his R.O.B. video, he keeps calling the main character, Professor Hector, "Professor Gyro".
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** For actual IG episodes, he never credited the Wise Sage until Aladdin, and even in subsequent appearances he still doesn't credit.
** We still have no clue who played the Predator in that episode.
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"]]:
** Chris tries to make it clear that his last name is pronounced "Bor-is" not "Boars," though in some videos (Such as the 2011 E3 Ubisoft video) he pronounces it as "Boars."
** While looking for a game to play in ''[[RoboCop]]'', he sees Rygar but pronounces it "Ray-gar".
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* [[Let's See You Do Better]]: Inverted in his ''[[Watchmen]]'' film review when he said "If I was directing this movie I would cut an hour off and put the flashbacks in linear order." This makes it painfully obvious that he never read the book. He did admit that with "I'm not really sure how the plot was revealed in the comic book," though.
** Also in his ''[[Zombies Ate My Neighbors]]'' review when he said the title should have been ''Monsters Ate My Neighbors'' because it had enemies other than zombies.
* [[Manipulative Editing]]:
** A variation of this is found in his ''Super Mario Bros 2'' review, when complaining the star is too slow. Not only did he do it in the area where it would naturally take the most time, but he ''actually slowed down the footage''.
** As part of a "gag" in his ''Mario's Time Machine'' review, he noted that the Sledgehammer item was placed in 1989 because of [[Peter Gabriel]]'s Sledgehammer Tour, and Bores manipulated it to be so. In actuality the Sledgehammer represented the fall of the Berlin Wall. [[Unreliable Narrator|And the song Sledgehammer came out 3 years prior to 1989.]]
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* [[Negative Continuity]]: The Kool-Aid Man returned in his ''[[Cool Spot]]'' review, despite having already been killed off in a previous review.
* [[Ninja Editor]]: In the original ''MUSCLE'' review, he said there were no special moves. The system for them was kind of dumb, but it existed. The ''remastered'' review removed that line.
* [[Nominal Importance]]:
** Not once did he refer to the main character of ''[[Brutal Legend]]'', Eddie Riggs, by name.
** He never referred to Bert by name in ''[[Monster Party]]'', just calling him "The Monster".
** "Tetris was created by a guy in Russia" You mean Alexey Pajitnov?
** During his Iron Man 2 review, Rhodey was reduced to "Tony's friend".
* [[Orphaned Series]]:
** ''Chris and Scottie Road Trip''
** ''I Rate the 80s'' and ''Haunted Investigators'' were originally considered this, but the former came back in a big way with a multitude of episodes and Bores announced the return of the latter.
* [[Orwellian Editor]]: If he makes a mistake in a video, he will sometimes reupload the review with said mistake eliminated. Sometimes. Other times, he just [[Don't Explain the Joke|explains]] jokes more.
* [[Pac-Man Fever]]:
** Whenever the camera is on IG, he shakes the controller all over the place, similar to TV shows that portray game-playing as "violently shaking the controller without pressing buttons."
** He was button mashing while playing ''Mario is Missing''. A game where you ''can't die and nothing hurts you.''
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** In his ''MUSCLE'' review, he attempted a Continuity Nod to his first video exclaiming "I'll have to go back in time again, and take care of business". He shouldn't remember doing that because he was erased from time.
** It's clear that IG keeps trying to establish a storyline between his videos, yet he screwed that up when the Kool-Aid Man somehow comes back to life (as seen in his Cool Spot review).
*** In the same video, Chris was willing to give away his Magnavox Odyssey for a free pizza. However when he saw it was his evil twin he told him to go away. Either that was a really good pizza or Bores never proofreads his scripts.
** In a flashback, it was revealed him, Wise Sage, and Tony went to High School... The Contra review is where they ''actually'' first met.
* [[The Problem with Licensed Games]]: His in-universe reaction to almost every licensed game.
* [[Product Placement]]: Parodied in his ''Yo! Noid'' review, yet still played straight as he ended the sequence with a promotion for his own T-Shirt.
* [[Read the Freaking Manual]]:
** The Irate Gamer refused to read the ''Contra'' instruction manual for the story during his review of the game in question (even if the US localization suffered from [[Cut and Paste Translation]]), so he believed the game took place in a straight modern war setting in the likes of ''Rambo''. He is then caught by surprise once the aliens started showing up later in the game.
** Happens in the ''Goonies II'' review. When he gets to the end of the game, he expresses surprise that [[Damsel in Distress]] Annie is a mermaid. Never mind that this is mentioned on the ''very first page'' of the manual. Not having the manual isn't an excuse, as the whole thing's been posted online.
* [[Rouge Angles of Satin]]:
** "The Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde Princible"
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: His in-universe reaction in the breakfast rant, and the ''I Rate the 80s'' episode on Kool-Aid flavors.
* [[Rule of Three]]:
** Played straight in the ''Tetris'' review (the Tetrimino, the Thwomp, and the bomb), subverted in the ''Kool-Aid'' review (the Kool-Aid Man burst through his wall '''four''' times).
** Rule of Three gags are used rather often in Neo videos.
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]:
** Happens quite a bit, but his Odyssey review particularly stands out. He complains about age-old technology being "rare" and doesn't think about what looked good in 1972, calling the console very crude in design. He also says "[[Critical Research Failure|It might have been possible that they were trying to market the Odyssey as a board game rather than a video game]]."
** This continued in his complaints about the Fairchild Channel F, saying that every game on it sucks.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: Bores made a joke in which he called for his friends to play the 2-player mode of ''Contra'', and was met with dead silence.
* [[Serious Business]]: Considering that the AVGN/IG controversy revolved around crappy NES games, the [[Fan Dumb|fans]] of both sure take it seriously.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Claimed this in the ''History Of Video Games'', despite the reviews showing otherwise.
* [[Sock Puppet]]: Quite obviously [http://www.youtube.com/user/iratefanboy345 iratefanboy345].
* [[Sound Effect Bleep]]:
** As part of an experiment, the Irate Gamer posted two versions of his ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'' review where one of them had all the swearing bleeped out.
** In a sketch video, he bleeped out Satan saying "motherfucker".
** In [[RoboCop]] Part 2, he lets out a long string of bleeped cursing.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: His theme song, as well as the music he used in his video trailers, are rather serious and "epic" considering they were for a video game review show. Probably the worst offender is his ''Home Improvement'' review trailer, which has a deadly-serious orchestra and [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]. It's ''Home Improvement'' on the SNES! How serious could it possibly be?
* [[Special Edition Title]]: The title sequence in the ''Order Up'' review is played backwards to reflect the [[Hostile Show Takeover]]. The ''[[Zombies Ate My Neighbors]]'' episode also had a special Halloween [[Theme Tune]].
* [[Spin-Off]]: ''Irate Gamer NEO'', which reviews more recent games, among others.
* [[Take That]]:
** In his review of ''TMNT: Turtles in Time ReShelled'', he said that when updating something, some elements have to remain the same, or else "they’ll be shitting all over the source material. [[Transformers (film)|Right]], [[Michael Bay]]?" Cut to a photo of Michael Bay photoshopped into his room going, "Uhh..."
** He attempted one towards his haters in the ''Top 5 NES Games'' video. When he mentioned that he liked using [[Game Genie]] while playing ''[[Kid Icarus]]'', he brought up that "some elite gamers" will likely criticize him for cheating and responded "You know what? Fuck 'em!" This immediately backfired when he followed-up with "even with a [[Game Genie]], this game is really difficult".
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* [[The Teaser]]: The "Temple of Doom" scene in the ''Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom'' game review is treated as such in the DVD version (the early episodes were produced before the [[Title Sequence]] was introduced). Subsequent episodes sometimes have their own teasers.
* [[The Tetris Effect]]: The Irate Gamer suffered this during his review of ''Tetris''.
* [[This Loser Is You]]:
** His constant use of Game Genie and other cheat devices. Made even worse when he doesn't admit he cheated (''[[Final Fantasy III]]'' review) or that he was proud of using them (Top 5 NES Games).
** Heck, there's a whole [http://irategamersucks.blogspot.com/ blog] dedicated to showcasing his constant failure at everything.
** Aside from his reviews, he had been the target to many jokes, rants and comments from internet personalities including [[That Guy With The Glasses]] and [[Retsupurae|Diabetus, Khad, and Slowbeef]].
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: In one review The Irate Gamer had a ''gas line'' in his room. And in one timeline in the review it caused his death.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]:
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** In his review of ''[[Dante's Inferno (video game)|Dantes Inferno]]'' he said that it was accurate to the [[Divine Comedy|book it was based on]], even though it wasn't a book and it butchered its source material. It didn't help when he claimed to have actually read it. He also thought the original poem was called ''Dante's Inferno''; when in fact, the ''Inferno'' was one section of the longer work which was called ''Commedia'' until Boccaccio added ''Divina'' to the name some years after Dante's death.
** In the second part of his ''Mario's Time Machine'' review, he says that there are 1 or 2 alternate endings, when there are actually 3 endings.
* [[Verbal Tic]]:
** He says "pretty much" in pretty much every review. And that's pretty much it.
** Just about any time he announces a new video/review, that announcement will begin with something like "a lot of people have asked me to review this game," or "a lot of people have asked what the next review will be."
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* [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]]: Complaining in the ''[[Mission Impossible]]'' video about his characters being arrested when innocent people are killed by the bombs he's setting off in the street.
* [[Video Review Show]]
* [[Viewers Are Goldfish]]:
** You see the cracked pipe [[Viewers are Morons|labeled "Gas Line"]]? Bores showed it again and again and again to make sure you get the joke. From the same episode, whenever the scene switched between timelines, Bores reminded us what game he's playing. He shouldn't be doing this since it gives the idea that he's aware there are two timelines going on, which he shouldn't.
** In his video on Microsoft's E3 2011 conference, most of the video is highlights from the conference and the last minute of the video is him recapping said highlights he just showed us.
* [[Viewers are Morons]]:
** Chris seems under the impression that the people watching have never played a video game... ever!
** Any time he circles something that's blatantly obvious. The playable character, the enemies, the objectives...
** He expected people not to notice the graphical differences in his Ghosts 'N Goblins review, despite the clear distinction between an NES and an arcade.
* [[Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma]]:
** "Fustrated" is one of his [[Egregious]] mispronounciations, along with "emenies," "a-static," "fustrating," etc. He is also prone to double negatives ("they don't even make no sense at all", "I can't take it no more!"), and grammar failure ("Most hardest games for the NES"). Other times he uses the wrong word, like saying "infamous" for "famous" and "predecessor" for "successor."
** In The first episode of ''Chris And Scottie's Road Trip'', he says "designation" instead of "destination".
** In ''[[RoboCop]]'', he says the ED-209 "does not go down with a fight". Huh?
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]]:
** A strange in-universe example of this in his ''Dante's Inferno'' review. He warned parents watching (just go with it) that this game might not be for kids due to some nudity. So, it wasn't the immense bloodshed, the religious symbols, or the screams of the damned that warned him it wasn't for kids, it was the digital tits. Seemed like he didn't know about the ESRB.
** In his ''[[God of War]] III'' review. He dedicated a good chunk of this already short review telling "parents" that this game had violence, harsh language, and sex. It's Rated M for Mature, that meant it wasn't intended for people under the age of 17.
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