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''Let the healing begin."'' }}
Meet [[Noah Antwiler]], self-described "terrifying result of a generation raised on [[MTV]] and films by [[Jean Claude Van Damme]] and [[Steven Seagal]] at the height of their popularity." He started out with text reviews of movies, which for a while were published as "A Gamer's Rant on the Movies" in ''[[Knights of the Dinner Table]]''. He was soon inspired by the likes of [[Armake 21]] to make the leap to video reviews about video games, and so created a new identity as The Spoony One, a name borrowed from a [[Spoony Bard|certain line]] in ''[[Final Fantasy IV]]''.
He began with ''[[The Adventures of Bayou Billy]]'', the quintessential [[Nintendo Hard]] title "which probably contributed a great deal to making me the psychological mess I am today," before moving on to the likes of ''[[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (video game)|E.T.]]'' for the Atari 2600 (a review he made while recovering from having his wisdom teeth removed, setting "some kind of [[Macho Masochism|world record for pain]]").
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He is perhaps most famous for his eviscerating reviews of the ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' series, specifically otherwise-beloved titles such as [[Final Fantasy VIII|VIII]] and [[Final Fantasy X|X]], which earned him a spot at [[That Guy With The Glasses]]. Additionally, Spoony garnered attention for his [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]-style [[Let's Play|Lets Plays]] of ''[[Phantasmagoria 2]]: A Puzzle of Flesh'' and ''[[Ripper]]'' (which he slogged through in the dark ages of pre-[[Game FAQs]]).
He has since moved into video reviews of movies and TV shows, including completely off the cuff rants against any new releases he didn't like as soon as he gets back from them (the ones about ''[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]]'' and ''[[Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen]]'' are truly something to behold), as well as similarly improv comments on the state of pro wrestling, which often run as long as the actual ''program'' he's critiquing.
Check it out [http://www.spoonyexperiment.com here].
In addition to his video and game reviews, Spoony also hosts a number of other video series. He has a spin-off site called [http://wrestlewrestle.com/ ''Wrestle! Wrestle!''] that deals with [[Professional Wrestling]], which is updated on a semi-regular basis. He also has the [[Counter Monkey]] series, which recounts stories from his [[Tabletop Game]] days (all tropes for that series should go on its own page). Spoony also has a [[Star Wars: The Old Republic|Star Wars the Old Republic]] guild, [http://spoonyexpendables.com/ The Spoony Expendables].
His live stream is [http://en.justin.tv/spoonyone here], on which he sporadically plays games like SWAT 4, [[X-COM (Video Game)|X-COM]], Ultima Underworld and others. He also did an impromptu Q&A with his fans concerning his stance on originality in Nintendo franchises.
Spoony was also the GM of a weekly D&D game with several other TGWTG contributors, which was livestreamed on Sundays; its page is [[Spoony's Campaign|here]].
A list of things reviewed by Spoony can be found [[Spoony One List|here]].
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* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: The squad in ''[[SWAT 4]]'' have a tendency to hit you with flashbangs, which prompts Spoony to yell [[Running Gag|"YOU FOOL !"]] They also have a tendency to run in front of Spoony's gun while he's trying to fire, getting themselves or Spoony killed countless times.
** [[Memetic Mutation|"You're in my way, sir!"]]
* [[Artist Disillusionment]]: Spoony suffers this every so often, thanks to a large group of posters on his website being incredibly rude to anyone that's not Spoony or his brother Miles.
** ''It Came From Beyond Midnight'', a [[Screwed by the Network|canceled public access TV show]] in which Spoony has a small role. He uploaded it in addition to his own content, only for it to increasingly come under fire by his fans for not being fully Spoony-related content because it bloated the front page of his website every time Spoony uploaded a new segment (seven videos per episode). He got mad about it and called out his fans on Twitter, saying his friends are more important than the opinions of the whiners.
** Fans attacked his then-girlfriend after ''one'' appearance.
** Apparently [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]] and Noah have exchanged stories about the ridiculous [[Fan Dumb]] they've encountered whenever they do a cross-over.
** [[Film Brain]]'s collaboration with Spoony for the live-action [[Tekken]] movie lead to his brief return for the [[Dead or Alive|DOA]] review, where Spoony's fans lay a medieval siege upon Film Brain's home.
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* [[Badass Labcoat]]: Dr. Insano.
* [[Bag of Spilling]]: In his ''Ultima VII, Part 2'' review, he mentions how he hates it when this trope ''just is,'' but he does like it when there's a decent explanation behind it. In that game, you start off with all the goodies from the previous installment as [[A Taste of Power]], and then lose them all to a "teleport storm" later.
* [[The Beautiful Elite]]: After traveling to Washington DC to protest an internet censorship law, Spoony claimed that Capitol Hill's female population is entirely like this, even the police.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Insano ending his ''Dungeonmaster'' review shouting "Where's my ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' [[Dungeons and Dragons (film)|movie?]]"
* [[Berserk Button]]: In ''Swat 4'', "You're in my way, sir" from his AI squadmates, leading to some truly epic rants, including the famous "[[I'm Having Soul Pains|I will punch you in the fucking soul!]]"
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'''Spoony''': ... That works too, I guess. }}
** Invoked in the ''Highlander: The Last of the MacLeods'' video to parody the main villain's [[Narm]]-heavy [[Big No]].
** He and the Sage share one together after a buildup hopefully leading to [[The Scrappy|the fairy girl]] in ''Garzey's Wing'' getting ripped apart but then escaping at the last moment.
** Done over [http://twitter.com/TheSpoonyOne/status/35525987588509696 Twitter] when he learned that the writer of the ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' film would be scripting the ''[[Highlander]]'' [[Re Boot]].
** We get one in ''Microcosm'' when Spoony is unable to finish writing down the continue password before the game resets. The pathos is amplified by music from ''[[Requiem for a Dream]]''.
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*** The final part of his ''FFX'' review featured {{spoiler|1=the original/[[Green Lantern|Black Lantern Spoony]] trying to take the show back again, providing book ends for the review; and culminated with the merging of the original & his clone, providing a book end to the era of the Spoony Clone}}. It also featured several call backs to the final part of his ''FFVIII'' reviews--in the commentary he referenced [[Red Letter Media]]'s clip of George Lucas pretentiously claiming that events in the Star Wars prequels "rhyme" with those in the originals.
* [[Borrowed Catchphrase]]:
** From fellow [[That Guy With The Glasses]] reviewer [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]]: '''I AM A MAN!!''' *PUNCH*
*** He borrows it again in his ''Ultima Underworld 2'' review, but follows it up with a [[Groin Attack|knee to the groin]] instead of a punch.
** There's also his use of [[The Nostalgia Critic]]'s gag of having [[Street Fighter|M. Bison]] appear on screen yelling [[Take Over the World|"OF COURSE!"]]
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* [[Bruce Lee Clone]]: His subject when reviewing the movie ''The Clones of Bruce Lee''.
* [[Bury Your Gays]]: He was particularly incensed by this in {{spoiler|Phantasmagoria}} as it resulted in the death of the only character he actually didn't want to see die horribly.
* [[Buxom Is Better]]: He certainly seems to think so. This trips him up in his Beastmaster and Final Fantasy X reviews and he laments that the actress cast as the female lead in King of Fighters was not buxom like the video game character (though that's only one of a list of things they got wrong about her that he complains about.)
* [[Call Back]]: The Insano Experiment.
** For his "Lords of Magick" review, he says, "Yeah! Let's contact the devil!" and holds up a magic lamp, referring back to his ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]''' review which had Satan in a lamp.
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** When reviewing a foreign or incredibly obscure movie, "... unless you know some especially deranged Hong Kong bootleggers. And I do."
** Spoony has a new one for his show ''Wrestle! Wrestle!'' - "Future endeavors". The WWE uses it as a polite euphemism for "he's been fired"; Spoony uses it to mean "The company's going to screw you up the ass, quit while you still have your dignity".
** ''[[Critical Research Failure|"How do you fuck that up!?"]]''
** The ''[[Ultima]]'' retrospective has given us "I'm the goddamn Avatar!"
** "Betrayal!" Started with X-Com but has now carried over to Ultima IX - So much so that it's the signal for the revitalized plot hole counter. (and we're apparently going to hear it A LOT in this review.)
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* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: After being driven to madness by the inanity of TNA in what would become the first "Wrestle! Wrestle!" vlog, he suggests that he should force the people watching the vlog to watch TNA.
* [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch]]: [[Lampshaded]] in that he's never actually played ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'', beyond maybe two hours, but avoided it ''solely'' because he hated the art style, and hadn't been paying any attention to the first two hours, since he wrote Zidane off as an "androgynous-whiny-pansy-ass character". He also admitted that "it was likely that [he] was being fiercely unfair" to ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' on judging it by its art style, especially when the game was specifically targeted at fans of the NES and [[Super Nintendo]]-era [[Final Fantasy]] games like him, but he just couldn't get over it.
** He elaborated in his Q&A at MAGfest, and admitted his reasons for avoiding it were entirely childish, and he really can't stand the art style so much that he simply can't make himself keep playing.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: [[Played for Laughs]] During his ''[[Ultima IX]]'' review, he pretty much is oblivious to the fact that the Avatar asks questions he should know ''specifically'' to prevent [[Continuity Lock Out]], without even pointing out that [[As You Already Know|they did this a different way in past games]].
* [[Contemptible Cover]]: Seeing the [[Wing Commander (film)|Wing Commander]] DVD cover causes some 30 seconds of Spoony [[Screams Like a Little Girl|screaming at high pitch]].
* [[Collectible Card Game]]: Spoony [http://akuoreo.deviantart.com/gallery/?q=Spoony appears] in the [[MSF High]] Collectible card game.
** A deck designed to counterpoint his, besides the Linkara deck, is [https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/msf-high-card-game:-omeganek this one].
* [[Cool Versus Awesome]]: Spoony enjoys the last ten minutes of the show [[Deadliest Warrior]] for this reason, where the anachronistic warriors actually square off; but condemns most of the rest of the show on general [[Did Not Do the Research|research issues]] such as ignoring much of the circumstances of how various warriors would fight; a pirate, for example, wouldn't just be walking around, he'd be with 50 other pirates, ''on a pirate ship,'' and there's no way you'd ever be fighting just ''one'' Spartan.
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* [[Creator Breakdown]]: July 2009 was not an easy month for him. His equipment was fucking up, his site was fucking up, and on top of that he was in the process of moving out of his parents' house. All this while trying to film the final ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' video. Fortunately, it all worked out well in the end.
** Parodied in his review of ''Mazes and Monsters'', after a line about the need to go to MIT as soon as possible strikes too close to home.
** 2011 as a whole was also not kind to Spoony, as in addition to his health problems, he and his girlfriend (who was also in charge of a large portion of the technical stuff on the site) split up, and he did some soul-searching after PAX East got him questioning his capability as a journalist (citing his fanboying during an interview regarding ''[[Portal 2]]'' as proof that he couldn't be objective). And even after PAX, Spoony was dealing with depression and issues with sleeping, making it hard for him to do videos other than V-logs and Counter Monkeys. His V-log of Breaking Dawn Part 1, while funny, was pretty much the low point of the year, where he had actually [[I Need a Freaking Drink|resorted to drinking]] and needed [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]] and [[Jew Wario]] to get through the V-log.
** Luckily, 2012 seems to be going much better so far.
* [[Crossover]]:
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* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]:
{{quote|"Oooooh! I just [[Groin Attack|kicked]] [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Q]] in the [[Unusual Euphemism|joy department]]! That can't be smart! ... Let's do it again!"}}
* [[Different in Every Episode]]: Spoony does most of his reviews just sitting in his green chair where you can see posters hanging on the walls in the corner directly behind him. In almost every review he does, he changes those posters to reflect something relevant to the review itself, usually a movie poster or wallscroll of the movie or game he's reviewing. If it's anything ''[[Highlander]]'' related, it'll usually be a poster of that movie. Anything Japanese game related, expect to see wallscrolls of the game or of ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]: The Movie''.
* [[Disposable Sex Worker]]: During ''The Lords of Magick'', the [[Big Bad]] sorcerer tempts one of the protagonist to do a [[Face Heel Turn]] by telling him to go after whores, one of whom he then kills. This prompts Spoony to call his lawyer, complaining that this proves he shouldn't have taken the insanity plea when he told the court that [[A Wizard Did It|a wizard made him kill those hookers]].
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: In his ''Final Fantasy X'' review, he rants at one point about how Rikku is nothing more than a fanservice character and is only 15, until a picture of a cosplayer dressed as Rikku appears on-screen.
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* [[Drop in Character]]:
** Dr. Insano and Spencer D. Bum.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]:
** As a [[Running Gag]], whenever he makes a really dark joke or reference, the camera cuts to [[Stock Footage]] of a crowd booing at a rally.
{{quote|'''''Darkest sketch! Darkest sketch! Darkest sketch!'''''}}
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'''Spoony:''' '''[[Sanity Slippage|AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH]]''' }}
* [[Foil]]: Noah's brother Miles, who's considerably calmer than his brother.
* [[Follow the Leader]]: Subverted in real life. He had intended to start a [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] style show (which explains his blue robot pal Burton} but couldn't get it together with his friends so he started this show with the AV equipment he'd already bought. He does eventually get to live out his original dream with his own Rifftrax offerings.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: He ended his review of Strike Commando with the claim he was going to find an "American Reb Brown movie, made by Americans...in America!" Two months later he reviewed the two Captain America movies, the second of which ended with an appearance from [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|The Gatekeither]].
** His Clones of Bruce Lee review ended with the Spoony Bum inviting Noah and Dr. Insano to play boardgames with him. Among the stack of games he holds up is Nightmare, which Spoony reviewed for Halloween a few months later.
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** He and Linkara [[Oh Crap|learn the hard way]] that Kristanna Loken is actually very perceptive when it comes to interviewers trying to humiliate her for her role in Bloodrayne.
* [[The Ghost]]: Dr. Insano's nurse.
* [[Giftedly Bad]]: Spoony presents actor Reb Brown and director Bruno Mattei as examples of this. Also [[Uwe Boll]] to some extent, but only in his movie commentaries rather than the movies themselves.
* [[A God Am I]]: Terl claims godhood due to his amazing ability to [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|instinctively know how high above sea level any location is, without help.]]
* [[Go-Karting with Bowser]]: Spoony allows Dr. Insano to join him in reviewing ''The Clones of Bruce Lee'', despite the fact that Insano {{spoiler|hired Squall to kill him in the previous episode}}. They even live together now.
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** Later on, he lambasted [[Nintendo]] for cashing in by re-releasing ''[[Ocarina of Time]]'' on the 3DS, and then immediately turned tail to gush about the upcoming ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater|Snake Eater]]'' remake on the same system, calling himself out yet again.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]:
** "I knew grown men who admitted to openly weeping at [[All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game"|the bit where Aeris dies in ''FFVII''.]] What a bunch of pussies." * Cut to a [[Flash Back]] of him in 1994, shedding [[Manly Tears]] over the opera scene in ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]''*
*** And later on he starts tearing up every time he mentions Aeris' death.
** "A robot puppet? How lame is that?"
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* [[Licked by the Dog]]: Happens with Dr. Insano after his attempt to create a world-eating monster out of cyboplasm [[Squick|and his own splooge]] only produces a fluffy pink [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]].
* [[Like a God to Me]]: Says that [[Ultima|Richard Garriot]] is "a god among nerds".
* [[Lord British Postulate]]: As well as demonstrating the [[Trope Namer]] in his Ultima Retrospective, Spoony discusses the trope in his Counter Monkey series when he unwisely gave Darth Vader a cameo in a Star Wars RPG and the adventurers promptly derailed the campaign out of obsession with trying to kill Vader.
* [[Love It or Hate It]]: [[In-Universe|He describes]] ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' as this right off the bat during its review. While some of his fans love it, Spoony... doesn't.
* [[Lying Creator]]: Possibly. He announced the storyline of being banished to the Black Hole by the Gatecleaner if he didn't review a series of VCR board games within a year was being cancelled... only to pick it up again after that year had passed, with the Gatecleaner not being too happy that he failed to review them.
** Wouldn't be the first time, especially after he repeatedly denied that ''Spooning With Spoony 2'' was never going to happen during the TGWTG charity drive...barely an hour after ''Spooning With Spoony 2'' had been shot.
* [[Lyrical Dissonance]]: The theme song, ''"Break Me"'' by The Irresponsibles. While being a rousing piece of [[Crowning Music of Awesome]], it has rather dark lyrics you might notice on first hearing it. Lampshaded by Spoony in a commentary where he said he loved the song but it was "basically implying that I'm a girl who likes to be domestically abused."
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* [[Mathematician's Answer]]: Spoony's take on the changes to Yuna between [[Final Fantasy X]] and [[Final Fantasy X 2|Final Fantasy X-2]].
{{quote|'''Spoony:''' Quite a long way from the traditional kimono she wore before, and her previous characterization as a kind, demure, religious care-giver with a tragic fate. But is this huge change in outfit and characterization because of the radical cultural shift in Spira because of the exposure of Yevon as a maniacal, genocidal cult run by the undead bent on world domination... or just because japanese perverts want to see some cleavage and her cute ass in boy's shorts? Good question... The answer is "Yes".}}
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: He uses clips from his infamous ahum, criticism, of the [[X Com]] remake as sound effect for his running counter of plot holes in [[Ultima]] 9, and it's inconsistency with the previous games. There's so many that we've heard '''"Betrayal!"''', '''"Betrayed me!"''' and "This game '''sucks!'''" more than 90 times in just part 1 of the review.
* [[Mid-Review Sketch Show]]: Spoony tends to include vaguely related comedy skits with his reviews from time to time, the most elaborate of which by far were the "Predaborg" skits filmed by Ed Glaser of Dark Maze Studios, as a comedic pastiche of the film Spoony was reviewing, ''Robowar''. His skits tend to receive a mixed reaction, with some fans being exceedingly upset by how characters like Dr. Insano hog up so much screen time from his reviews, and others asking for more comedy (Chuckles the Jester's appearance in a recent video seems to be directly inspired by the latter group).
* [[Mind Screw]]: The "Madness of Roland" video.
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** Averted with Chuckles, who claims he's not a clown because "clowns get paid."
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]: Doctor Insano, natch.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: "You're in my way sir."
** Tidus in general, Tidus' forced laugh more specifically.
* [[MS Ting]]: Spoony's weapon of choice. To wit:
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** Spoony himself has said "I find it funny people are trying to figure out the continuity at work in this vid. You know what, there ''is'' no continuity, there is only Insano."
* [[Nightmare Face]]: [[media:spoony_face.png|The end of the Madness of Roland review.]]
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]:
** About ''[[Ultima I]]'':
{{quote|"Richard Garriot's tabletop ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' game must have been just about the most glorious thing in human history. This game takes ''D&D'', ''[[Star Trek]]'', ''[[Star Wars]]'', ''[[Doctor Who]]'' among many other things, throws them in a blender and hits the puree switch. And ''my god is it beautiful''. This guy is a god of nerds."}}
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{{quote|'''Dr.Insano:''' "Note to self: have my nurse destroyed."}}
* [[Off-the-Shelf FX]]: The "Time Compressor" looks an awful lot like an X-Box remote control. Dr. Insano insists it's not one!
* [[Oh Crap]]: In the end of ''[[Final Fantasy X 2]]'' review, {{spoiler|[[Final Fantasy VII|Sephiroth]] appears to actually save from death at Yuna's hands. Spoony freaks out thinking he would be the next but it turns out that he likes his show and let him alive. For the time being.}}
* [[One Steve Limit]]: "Okay, any team with two Jeffs on it I automatically write off as a complete joke."
* [[Overly Long Gag]]: The entire 8 minute or so part 2 of the ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' is Squall drawing 2 spells, to underline [[Accentuate the Negative|how maddening the game can be]].
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* [[Out of Focus]]: Burton the Robot. Still listed in the opening credits, still part of the title card, and still sitting in the background next to Spoony, but when was the last time he ever actually ''did'' anything?
** Ultima VI: "Burton! Death ray! Now!" And he delivered.
** Mostly justified because, although Burton was created to be a sort of [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] style puppet, the 'bot is still horribly fragile and difficult to work with, making it not worth the effort to integrate into Spoony's videos in any real capacity.
** More recent videos have not just given more of a role to Burton but are suggesting something BIG and diabolical involving the [[Robot Buddy]] is coming...
* [[Outrun the Fireball]]: The ending of the ''Final Fantasy VIII'' review, which is just [[Rule of Cool]]. {{spoiler|Subverted given that the fireball outran ''him'' and annihilated him down to the lump of protoplasm Linkara found after the time lapse}}.
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* [[Reference Overdosed]]: Especially his ''Phantasmagoria2'' [[Let's Play]], where much of the humour comes from the way he crams in a reference to a film/game/internet meme in practically every sentence.
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: "[http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/2009/05/18/spooning-with-spoony/ Spooning with Spoony]" is so offensive and disgusting, it warps all the way back around to hilarious and awesome. According to Spoony's commentary, the original was going to be worse. Spooning With Spoony II carried on the trend.
* [[Rewind, Replay, Repeat]]:
{{quote|'''[[Ultima|The avatar]]:''' [[As You Know|What's a paladin?]]<br />
'''Spoony:''' Again.<br />
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'''Spoony:''' ''[[Berserk Button|Again!]]'' }}
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: Son of Insano. "Riki-tee!"
* [[Robot Buddy]]: Burton, a Mystery Science Theater-style puppet, made of a dust bin and a handheld vacuum cleaner, who spends most of his time sitting behind Noah's chair and looking on silently. He is apparently triggered to self-destruct if Spoony is gravely injured or dies.
** Also has voice operated functions, such as DEATH RAY, which Spoony used on Chuckles the jester as he was threatening him to shove a DVD up his ass. However, Spoony still had to manually turn Burton's head towards its target.
** He created Burton because he originally wanted to do his own [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] style show.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: In his review of [[Metroid: Other M]], Spoony devotes a decent length of time to thoroughly explain why he thinks the series has suffered permanent damage thanks to the game's characterization of Samus.
** Likewise, his review of ''[[Highlander: The Source|Highlander the Source]]'' explains the many ways this movie pissed on the grave of the franchise dug and buried by everything following the original film.
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** He takes his [[Professional Wrestling]] very seriously and is the quintessential IWC Elitist Smark
* [[Sexophone]]: In Spooning With Spoony.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]:
** Spoony, while being completely intoxicated on pain killers, drenched in sweat, and oozing just a little blood, does some sort of dance sequence in his underwear after reviewing the ET video game.
** He also goes shirtless for a moment in the game reviewing convention panel with [[The Angry Joe Show|Angry Joe]] and Birdman.
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* [[Skyward Scream]]: His scream of "BETRAYAL!" in E3 over the reboot of "X-Com".
** Repeated in E3 2011.
* [[So Bad It's Good|So Bad It's]] [[Crazy Awesome]]:
** His review of "[[Yor, the Hunter from the Future]]" sums the movie up as this.
** He later clarifies this in his "Robowar" review as "Things don't have to be ''good'' to be ''awesome!''"
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* [[Strange Minds Think Alike]]: Both he and Maffew of [[Botchamania]] feel that the only thing [[John Cena]] [[No Sell|sells]] [[Memetic Mutation|is merchandise]].
** [[Screw Attack]] debuted a video series, ''DEATH BATTLE'', a few days after Spoony unveiled ''Deadliest Character'' at the 2010 TGWTG Donation Drive, with a similar concept to ''Deadliest Character''. In his commentary for ''Deadliest Character'', Spoony mentions ScrewAttack's video & notes that whilst it's suspicious that their series debuted after his & was clearly put together quicker & with less effort than ''Deadliest Character'', he's going to put it down to this trope for the time being, rather than [[Follow the Leader]].
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: He expressed this same sentiment in the first part of the ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' review in regards to a Rikku cosplayer (which wasn't about gender so much as [[Hypocritical Humor]] in regards to her [[Stripperiffic]] costume).
{{quote|"Stupid sexy cosplayers."}}
* [[Stupid Statement Dance Mix]] Well, not a dance mix, but someone online took his BETRAYAL shout of ''[[X-COM (Video Game)|X-COM]]'' [[First-Person Shooter]] and turned it into a metal song.
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* [[Stylistic Suck]]: According to Noah's commentary, the Dragonzord's sudden appearance in ''Deadliest Character'' was done to imitate ''[[Deadliest Warrior]]'''s habit of having a previously unmentioned factor come in out of nowhere and decide the fight, often in contradiction of the research team's earlier conclusions.
* [[Suckiness Is Painful]]: This is the point of his "Experience Bij" segments. "Bij" being some Klingon thing where they test manliness by determining how much utter suffering they can go through. In this particular case, Spoony shows off videos that are ''intensely'' annoying.
** He's actually stated in several TNA reviews that he thinks Impact is so bad that it causes him ''actual'' physical pain. He even gives a small demonstration where watching the Knockouts proceeds to give him a headache.
* [[Take That]]:
** His whole Ultimate Warrior parody character, which is mostly a spoof of the man's spastic incoherency.
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* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: Yor the Hunter remains his yardstick for masculinity.
** He's the man!
** Until [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u84cH_bmTA this]. Motherfucker suplexed '''A TRAIN.'''
** Another Reb Brown clip from ''Mercenary Fighters'' allegedly tops them all:
{{quote|'''[[Our Lawyers Advised This Trope|Disclaimer]]:''' Warning. What follows is the manliest thing ever recorded on film. Your balls may drop of in shame at the mere knowledge that you will never in your entire life do something half this manly.}}
* [[Tethercat Principle]]: In the ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' review, Spoony apparently spent the ''entire'' two-month-long break between installments hammering the X button to farm potions from an infinitely deep chest. And he has the beard to prove it.
* [[That One Level]]: His playthrough of SWAT 4 has level 11 titled "I Die A Lot". That he does, and even lets you guess in the video how many times he does in fact die. {{spoiler|59}}. The final level he beats right out of the box.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Spoony's does this in the Warrior #1 review, believing that Warrior can't be nearly as bad as Dr. Insano says it is, then screams in terror from ''one look at the cover'', and yes the comic really was that horrible.
** On his [[Final Fantasy X 2]] review, he comments on Yuna's ability to [[Standard Status Effects|blind]] people by dancing:
{{quote|Yes, she dances so poorly it causes people to go blind. Who could ''possibly'' do a dance so horrifying it ''blinds'' people?<ref>Cue another guest appearance by Benzaie.</ref>}}
* [[There Was a Door]]: In ''Tekken: Blood Vengeance'' he's particularly exasperated when Jin and Kazuya separately punch out the walls of a room within seconds of each other and throws up his hands. He also [[Fridge Logic|wonders]] how awkward it would've been if either them of them accidentally punched out the wall Heihachi was hiding behind instead.
{{quote|Anyone else? Anyone else want to punch out a wall, we've got two left!}}
** This is followed by Randy Savage's Slim Jim commercial where he does this as well as the Kool-Aid Man.
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== U-Z ==
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: In-universe, Spoony has expressed distaste for films that rely too heavily on CG characters and effects. In his review of [[Avatar (film)|AVATAR]], he compared the film to Jackie Chan's movies, stating that watching Jackie Chan and other real actors do the stunts and fight scenes gives weight to the performance that he's never felt watching computer-generated characters like the Na'vi.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Brings up in ''Mercenary Fighter'' that despite his supposed moral problems with killing the African villagers, Reb Brown's character doesn't protest a word as several of them are gunned down in cold blood, and instead protests shooting one white reporter.
* [[Unobtanium]]: Dr. Insano's inventions are powered by [[Ratchet and Clank|raritanium ore]].
* [[Uranus Is Showing]]: Appears in his review of ''[[Ultima II]]'', which is followed by an immediate lampshading:
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** In his [[Let's Play]] of ''Phantasmagoria 2'', whenever the game dwells on the protagonist's banal mundane affairs for long periods and fails to live up to its horror theme ([[Running Gag|which is often]]), Spoony yells "PHANTASMAGORIA! A PUZZLE OF THE FLESH!"
*** A similar joke in ''[[Tekken: Blood Vengeance]]'', where he yells the title dramatically in response to the film focusing on the mundane affairs of the two teenage girls.
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?]]: Spooning with Spoony. The man himself had this to say in his commentary:
{{quote|'''Noah:''' "You probably think that I'm going to blame this on drugs or alcohol. I probably should. But nope, we were all stone-cold sober when we made this."}}
** His E.T. review was a straight-up aversion, but it was justified: the drugs in question were painkillers, which he was taking following surgery to remove his wisdom teeth.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Spoony's reaction to the fact that [[TNA]] showed Samoa Joe being kidnapped by [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja|ninjas]] and then promptly forgot that he existed, with not so much as a single reaction, going on a month since the kidnapping. This also happens to be the moment when, after enduring the entire TNA broadcast, he [[Crowning Moment of Funny|finally snaps]]:
{{quote|'''Spoony''': "But he was abducted by ninjas! NINJAS! CALL THE COPS! There are ninjas kidnapping people on TV! THE COPS! Did no one get a license plate? Do ni - NINJAS! KIDNAPPING! TV!"}}
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