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His initial attempts to "fix" the "problem" are perceived in-game by the NPCs as brutal, ridiculously overpowered monsters and warships that do not seem to be bound by in-game physics. When that doesn't work, Luther takes more drastic measures. During Star Ocean 3's final battle with Luther's in-game avatar, he gets desperate enough to delete the entire Eternal Sphere program.
After the final battle, Fayt is left in a blank void in which he perceives nothing. This is because Luther did delete the entire Eternal Sphere program from the server; there isn't anything left for Fayt to do but think to himself. His father's hack rendered Fayt, Maria, and Sophia independent of the Eternal Sphere program, which protected them from Luther's "delete everything" command; but the rest of the Eternal Sphere universe was gone. When it returns, it's because Blair's faction took control away from the defeated Luther and restored the Eternal Sphere from backups. They now run the Eternal Sphere on a closed server and prevent "players" from logging on, allowing Fayt's universe to continue to exist without interference from the outside world.
== A better explanation for Fayt's power of 'Destruction' ==
Compared to Maria's and Sophia's powers of Alteration and Connection, it does not seem like Fayt's powers were explained properly, leading many people to wonder exactly what was so special about him. This is easily rectified if one actually bothers to go to the extensive dictionary which gives explanations for all the terminology in the game. Specifically, it reveals that, in addition to heightened battle prowess, Fayt's Destruction gene warps the laws of physics (in a certain radius around Fayt) to match those found in the Eternal Sphere. This means that Video Game Physics can apply no matter where Fayt is. Most importantly, this means that the party can use Symbology (the Eternal Sphere's "Magic System," if you will) in real life, where normally something like that would be impossible.
To recap, Sophia makes it possible to travel to 4D Space, Maria allows them to exist there and Fayt makes it so that they don't devolve into ordinary human beings. The game doesn't make this readily apparent to most people, and few players realize that nothing else uses Symbology in 4D Space (the closest being hyper-advanced teleportation technology) to understand that the party's use of Symbology is a big deal (exceptions abound in the Bonus Dungeon, Sphere 211, but that doesn't really count).
== Welch Vineyard is the player avatar of a 4D being ==
She first shows up as the spokesperson for the Invention System in the third game and then is added as a potential party member in the remakes of the first two games. She mentions in one of the FAQs that she has access to cool equipment because she's a 'Creator.' Given the time frame between the three games, it's the only explanation that makes sense.
* And Puffy, who is in all three games.
* She's in the fourth game, too. And its set hundreds of years before any of the others.
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== The Morphus are Nedians ==
They created their planet 3.7 billion years ago after their homeworld was ravaged by a civil war. They refuse to reveal anything else about their history. Psynards and the four sacred gems are present in the sanctuary on En II. They look like elves and have a natural aptitude for symbology. Most likely, they're descended from a group of nedians who thought it would be better to remain in contact with the rest of the galaxy, to keep anything like the events with the Ten Wise Men from happening to another planet. En II is likely short for Energy Nede II.
* To further drive the point home, a remix of the [[SO 2]] battle theme even plays on En II.
* Wasn't this explicitly stated ingame? Perhaps it was just obvious enough that it simply seemed that way. But yeah, this seems to be the case.
** No it wasn't. The main game says nothing about their origins. The only thing the dictionary says is that their homeworld was destroyed in a civil war 3.7 billion years ago. So yeah, pretty obvious, but it still requires the player to figure it out for themselves.
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== The Missing Procedure was a computer virus that had infected the Eternal Sphere ==
And it created duplicates of things in order to confuse antivirus programs enough that deletion of the virus would be impossible. The whole "all are one" "new universe" thing was a way of saying that the virus was going to completely take over the system. Presumably, all would be one using the Eternal Sphere servers to send 4-dimensional spam email.
* As evidence that the Missing Procedure was a virus and not an in-game event, Welch (the only person in the game that is without a doubt a 4-D being) is completely baffled by the goings on.
* Also, if it was an in-game event, a ''lot'' more PCs (any by PCs, I mean 4-D beings playing on the Eternal Sphere, who would show up as NPCs in our Star Ocean game) would have made it <s> through the shooting level boss</s> <s> cinematic thinggy</s> into the final dungeon- its unlikely such a major boss would have been restricted to players from the ENII server plus hero units. The fact that so few went in implies a lack of higher design.
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Oh and {{spoiler|fake earth}} was a surprise twist in the campaign, and that reaction of Edge was a real 4D responce. It was all over 4D Youtube the next day. 4D Edge never saw the end of it.
* There are several problems with this. First, if it is an event part of an in-game expansion, why is Welch (the only one who is a Player for certain) so baffled by it? Second, why is access to the final dungeon so limited? The only people to get in are the party, and NPCs/players from the ENII server. If it were a dungeon, wouldn't access to it be open to any and all adventuring parties from multiple servers?
** How about "its instanced for some reason".
*** Extremely doubtful. Remember, Eternal Sphere has all the internal continuity of an actual universe. Instancing an event would mean they would have several hundred groups claiming to have singlehandedly saved the universe and received the same single group of rewards and promotions for it. That works in a low-tech game, where NPCs are primitive enough to not notice the problem, but in Eternal Sphere, the NPCs would notice something like that. Eternal Sphere players and programers can interact with the game all they want, but most of the real-world unrealistic make-the-game-more-convenient workarounds can't really be feasibly implemented without making the NPCs notice a "glitch in the matrix" and risking a [[Turned Against Their Masters]] moment long before the events of 3.
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== Welch Vineyard isn't just a Creator, she's ''the'' Creator, Renegade Time Lady ==
Throwing out the events of Star Ocean 3 (and with them, the only canon explanation for Welch), this is the only other way she can apparently have such advanced technology with no regard for the UP3 in the remakes of Star Ocean 1 and Star Ocean 2, and how she can go on to change her appearance completely, depart some hundreds of years into the past, and take up a job as Edge's support from Earth.
== Lymle Lemuri Phi and [[Touhou|Sukia Ibuki]] are somehow related. ==
Both of them are [[Older Than They Look]], have a similar personality, and even look very much alike.
== Lucifer Lansfeld's attempt to delete the Eternal Sphere had no hope of working. ==
[[Word of God]] has said that all Lucifer succeeded in doing was destroying the link between 4D and ES. This may look like a cop-out, since nothing is concretely said to anything like this effect in-game, but once you realize the parallels to Gnosticism, it becomes pretty clear. Lucifer is the stand-in for Ialdabaoth, a proud, sadistic creator who is utterly ignorant of the original, spiritual realm of the aeons (Ialdabaoth himself is a sort of mutant offspring of the aeon Sophia's ill-advised attempt at creating something all by herself), and thus fails to realize that he's ''not'' the infinitely highest entity in existence. He creates his own heavens and earth to have something to rule over (and thus something that will forever fluff up his ego), but doesn't realize that the souls he created are actually hapless spirits from the aeons' realm that somehow got stuck with him. So when the aeons send messengers (e.g. the Serpent of Eden, Jesus) to help enlighten humanity and give it the potential to escape this decaying-from-imperfection (inevitable from Ialdabaoth's own imperfect soul), grossly matter-bound world, he reacts... violently. He has his "angels", the archons (usually just as nasty as, or in forms of Gnosticism where Ialdabaoth is not sadistic, just a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], ''worse'' than him), throw everything they've got in ''keeping'' his creations in their "proper"-from-and-to-all-eternity place and driving off these [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|alien usurpers]]. If you've fought Lucifer, a good deal of why he has the archons do what they do should sound familiar.
The important part about the certain failure of Lucifer's attempt at plane-cide is why the aeons are going to lengths to rescue the imprisoned souls--their spiritual reality. Despite what Ialdabaoth thinks, those humans are ''not'' his creations; that's just their gross physical shells. The actual souls/minds/essences come from beyond. Translating the scheme to [[SO 3]]SO3, Lucifer was essentially aiming ''at the wrong part''. He destroyed the 4D portion, but the "real", unique-to-ES portion was impervious. (Any deaths his Proclaimers and Convictors ''did'' cause would be everlasting, though, because that was essentially attacking spirit with spirit, rather than trying to attack spirit with matter.) The program was essentially like a metal-casting mould, which the spiritual-substance denizens and objects took the shape of. Lucifer mistook everything for being just the "mould". This would be like Ialdabaoth constantly and stupidly thinking he was succeeding so long as he had acquiescence from the material vectors, not realizing that the spiritual substance was anything but acquiescent (or even ''there''). So, while from 4D it would look like he achieved the destruction, the cast object was pretty much intact, despite what he obliquely made it do to itself with his angel programs/spirits.
Also, taking the point about Fayt being able to make a small 4D space conform to ES principles (for the purpose of thumping 4D's archons and their machinations) at the very top, Fayt is obliquely the same kind of bringer of salvific wisdom that Gnosticism held the Serpent and Jesus to be. That is, spiritual/ES principles that would triumph over the shackles of matter/4D.
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== From the perspective of 4D, the canon order of the first three games is 1-3-2 ==
By all rights, Nede creating the Wise Men should have brought an even ''more'' ferocious response from Sphere than the [[SO 3]]SO3 heroes did. And yet...nothing. Not even a peep from 4D. However, the in-game encyclopedia points out that part of Lucifer's genius was allowing ES's players to choose multiple time frames. If all these time frames were still going up until ES was severed from 4D, then it's pretty likely that there were null spaces in between. If both Wise Men events happened in these null areas, then we have an explanation for why 4D didn't take notice; they hadn't happened yet.
== Eternal Sphere rebelling against Lucifer was [[Inherent in the System]] ==
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