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* [[The Anime of the Game]]: Manga for this matter, ''Dragon Quest: Tenkuu Monogatari'' is a 12 Volume manga, released in 1997, centered on Bianca and The Hero's children, named Sora (Sky) and Ten (Heaven) in this adaptation, adding a [[Theme Naming]] for the ''Heavenly Bride'' title of the original game, it serves more as an [[Adaptation Expansion]] for the children since they venture through many original adventures not present in none of the games while their parents are [[Demoted to Extra]]. Unfortunately, Tenkuu Monogatari (Sky Tales) was [[No Export for You|not released outside Japan]], and has no [[Fan Translation]] to boot.
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: 3 in the original, 4 in the remake.
** And the number can be pushed up to 8 when you have a caravan, though you can't bring it everywhere and some enemies will prevent you from swapingswapping members. But those in the caravan still get full experience from battles.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: {{spoiler|Your dad is a king of a kingdom, and later on you are also crowned king. Your son and daughter are the prince/princess of said kingdom, and your wife is the Queen. While granted, you still level up as usual, Pankraz is tough as nails at the start of the game, being able to attack twice per turn and has twice as much health as his level, and by the time you are properly crowned royalty, so are you.}}
* [[Badass Family]]: {{spoiler|The player-character, his wife, and their children during the endgame.}}
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** Earlier than that, we have the "Harry's been kidnapped" plotline. {{spoiler|Turns out the kidnappers are on the [[Religion of Evil|Order of Zugzwang's]] payroll.}}
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: {{spoiler|''You!''}}
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: The Metal King Sword you can get at the Casino in Fortuna really IS [[Infinity+1 Sword|the most powerful sword in the game]]. And you can get as many of them as you want if you don't mind a bit of slot machine grinding. Plus, alota lot of people can equip the sword, even the Slime! It's stronger than the [[Sword of Plot Advancement|Zenithian Blade]] and every casino carries a unlimited number of them. With some [[Save Scumming]], you can get the 50K tokens needed to buy one.
** Not only that, but get the Caravan and recruit a Golem, equip it on him and you already got a damned tank which can more or less just replace your hero.
*** Those two examples border on [[Game Breaker]], and the Golem is gotten a fair bit too late to be considered a DON. For some straighter examples that also fall under [[Crutch Character]], two monsters recruitable near the beginning are the Rotten Apple, which has amazing stats for that point in the game, but caps at level 20 (though is still fairly good for a while longer), and the Slime Knight, which is pretty much a second Hero for the party, though its stats tend to falter later on (when the Son fills the same role anyways, and is much better at it).
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* [[First Girl Wins]]: Bianca, if (when) you choose her.
* [[Five-Bad Band]]: the Order of Zugzwang's main leadership.
** [[Big Bad]]: Grandmaster Nimzo, the human turned demon ruler of the Dark World. WorshippedWorshiped as a god by the Order.
** [[The Dragon]]: Bishop Ladja, Nimzo's apparently Russian right hand who is [[Complete Monster|more evil than his boss]].
** [[The Brute|The Brutes]]: Kon and Slon, Ladja's personal bodyguards/enforcers.
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** For the record, Sancho uses Mexican Spanish in the Spanish translation.
** Villagers of the small village called Hay speak the way that it's too painful to read or to understand at all. Granted, even in the original they were [[Kansai Regional Accent|kansai to a ludicrous degree]].
** Subverted in the case that you're traveling the world, and meeting many different people with many different accents. Of course you're going to run into some people you can't understand thiertheir accents.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Pankraz and Mada. Also Korol, shockingly enough.}}
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Instead of "as long as you both shall live" marriage vows are sworn "for so long as you both shall be resurrected from death in the church".
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** An unusual case in that for once her type is significantly ''less'' popular among the Japanese fanbase than her romantic rival. Largely due to the [[Guilt Based Gaming]] of the original version.
** Debora mentions this trope by name, but refuses to fall into it.
* [[Random Encounters]]: In lieu with the first ''[[Dragon Quest]]'' games, ''Dragon Quest V'' for [[SNES]] was no different, the random encounter rate is just absurd, making [[Level Grinding]] absolutely unecessaryunnecessary for average players; the [[Nintendo DS]] and [[PlayStation 2]] versions thankfulythankfully toned down the encounter rate, they were released in times where [[Random Encounters]] became a [[Discredited Trope]], so no reason to piss off modern and old frustrated gamers.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Order of Zugzwang.
* [[The Remake]]: It got two: