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Grey and Gray Morality: Difference between revisions

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* The Jet/Zuko conflict in the later half of season 2 of [[Avatar: The Last Airbender]], since both are former villains seemingly on the road to redemption, there's really no way to give one moral superiority. However, since Jet was the aggressor, and the show had spent most of the season building up Zuko's eventual [[Heel Face Turn]], [[A Lighter Shade of Gray|he came off as more in the right]].
** On the other end of the spectrum, the Fire Nation wasn't portrayed as entirely evil. There were plenty of nice people, even many who actively helped out the heroes. Iroh was always shown as benign, and even when Zuko was a villain, he was always very sympathetic. Mei and Ty Lee were only aiding Azula because they feared her, and had some feelings of friendship for her that they eventually realized she wasn't going to return. Even by the end, Ozai was really the only villain to be shown in "black" morality, with {{spoiler|Azula clearly having issues and having a mental breakdown by the end}}.
* ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy]]'' is chock full of this. KevinThe iskids evilare incruel with the eyesEds; ofbut Eddy,they whousually istry actuallyto prettyscam cruelthem for himselfmoney, who is viewed as merely ignorant by Double-D,so who is seenthe as"good" aguy talkingor encyclopediathe to"bad" Ed,guy whoactually is[[Depending seenon asthe aWriter|depends completeon idiotthe byepisode]]. SarahHowever, who is seen as the greatestseries heroinechange byinto Jimmy,[[Black butand isGray otherwiseMorality]] seen as an annoying and violentwhen {{spoiler|[[TheComplete ScrappyMonster|Scrappy]] by everyone else. And thatEddy's not even covering theBrother]]}} [[MinimalistKnight of CastCerebus|entireshows castup]].
* ''[[Daria]]'': Despite some of the shallow natures and flaws of characters, few characters are truly malicious and at some points prove to be decent people (such as DeMartino and Britney). Daria, while mostly moral, can often become petty and cold towards others.
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