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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** I don't know about other Federation stations, but DS9 was somewhat of a special case. At the beginning of "Emissary", Starfleet wasn't completely taking over the station, but helping out Bajor after the occupation as a facilitator. The Starfleet crew early on was nearly a skeleton crew: you had your doctor, your chief engineer, your head science officer, and a few other crewmen scattered here and there to fill gaps, but the rest of the station personnel were mostly members of the Bajoran militia (such as Odo's entire staff). This wasn't exactly a plum assignment, or even much of an important one; Bajor wasn't strategically important, the station wasn't exactly a major hub for starships, or any traffic, for that matter (remember, it wasn't named ''Deep Space'' Nine because it was in a major traffic zone), and the station was still technically Bajoran with a token Federation presence. Perhaps Starfleet just didn't see it as important enough to send a captain in. It was only after the discovery of the wormhole that suddenly Bajor and the station became important to both the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant as a whole, but by then Sisko had already been placed in the position of Emissary by the Bajorans, and the Starfleet higher-ups probably thought it would weaken their relationship with Bajor to bring in somebody else above Sisko at that point.
** No doubt Sisko has special training and experience that makes him appropriate for such an administration job (and it's easy to forget that, at the beginning of the series, Sisko is a mid-level administrator). I think spending so much time aboard starships throughout most of [[Star Trek]] fosters a "captain or nothing!" mentality in most audiences, but realistically a commander is more than experienced enough for most command situations.
** Even before ''Deep Space Nine'' started, the EU had established that starbases were generally overseen by Commanders. It's considered an administrative position designed to get someone used to paperwork and some amount of drudgery mingled with a certain amount of autonomy and being in command, as the final seasoning some officers need before being promoted to Captain and given their own ship.
== Vital ability to see tiny indistinguishable specks? ==
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