Mass Effect 3: Difference between revisions

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** A little boy uses this during the Reaper invasion. The vent is big enough for him to crawl through (though Shepard cannot fit), and the vent is not soundproof, allowing Shepard to detect the kid rather easily. This does not stop the kid from [[Stealth Hi Bye|disappearing behind a corner in the few seconds when Shepard looks away]] a minute later.
** During Liara's introduction, she escapes a pair of Cerberus troops through an air vent. They follow her in and she then ''leaves'' the vent, and uses their vulnerability to unleash biotic hell on them.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]:
** When Shepard {{spoiler|enters the geth consensus, Legion turns the Reaper code removal device into a gun since, as Legion puts it, "we wish to provide familiarity."}} Shepard takes it as a left-handed compliment.
** {{spoiler|The Catalyst appears as the boy from Shepard's dreams.}}
* [[Alien Invasion]]: By [[Abusive Precursors|The]] [[Eldritch Abomination|Rea]][[Sapient Ship|pers]]
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: The Reapers invade the Earth and the other species' various home worlds.
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]:
** In-universe, {{spoiler|Udina's}} exact motive for siding with Cerberus is debated. The codex makes it fairly clear that he was simply a desperate man willing to take extreme measures to protect his homeworld—however futile the effort may have inevitably been.
** Also in-universe, Joker reveals that he subscribed to the [[Fandom Nod|common fan theory]] that the Council believed in the Reapers and were preparing for them, but weren't letting Shepard in on it because "you know, Cerberus." He ends up being disappointed.
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: The Reapers invade the Earth and the other species' various home worlds.
* [[Ancient Astronauts]]: The Thessia mission reveals that {{spoiler|the goddess Athame, one of the oldest asari religions and the goddess that asari characters so frequently swear by, was actually a Prothean. She and her assistants protected the asari from an alien invasion, taught them agriculture and basic mathematics, and used genetic manipulation to grant them biotic abilities. She also left a Prothean beacon on the planet for the asari to find; though they could never fully activate or understand it without the Prothean cipher, their isolated breakthroughs were what allowed the asari to become the most advanced race in the galaxy}}.
* [[And This Is For]]: "That was for {{spoiler|Thane/Miranda/Kirrahe}}, you ''son of a bitch!''"
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* [[Foe-Tossing Charge]] / [[Punched Across the Room]]: Krogans in multiplayer can do this as their 'heavy' attack and will cue [[Oh Crap]] reactions from foes who see them coming.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: In Shepard's dreams, the dream always ends with the boy burning, but the final dream ends with {{spoiler|Shepard seeing him/herself burning alongside with the boy. The Catalyst takes the form of that boy during the ending, all of which feature Shepard burning along with it.}}
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]:
** When Shepard {{spoiler|enters the geth consensus, Legion turns the Reaper code removal device into a gun since, as Legion puts it, "we wish to provide familiarity."}} Shepard takes it as a left-handed compliment.
** {{spoiler|The Catalyst appears as the boy from Shepard's dreams.}}
* [[For Science!]]: Dr. Brynn Cole, a defecting Cerberus scientist, explains that "science must never bow to tyranny." One of the reasons she and other Cerberus scientists left the organization, apart from [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|the Illusive Man's aggresive contract terminations]], was because they wanted to pursue their research as they saw fit.
* [[Fossil Revival]]: One mission has requires searching for fossils to resurrect a once dead dinosaur species called the Kakliosaur. Shepard even says he found the fossil encased in amber.
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** If you sabotage the cure and you completed his family armor quest in the first game, Wrex {{spoiler|rails at you for being two-faced when he confronts you on the Citadel.}}
* [[What You Are in the Dark]]: The Salarian Dalatrass offers the full aide of the Salarian Union in building the Crucible, provided you sabotage the Genophage cure. She specifically points out that nobody will know what you did, as the countermeasures they have in place will initially make it look like the cure was successful, and when the continued presence of the Genophage is discovered it will look like a good-faith error. {{spoiler|Depending on which characters have survived this and past games, and which decisions you make here, your complicity ''can'' be discovered, leading to [[What the Hell, Hero?|a severe criticism of Shepard]].}}
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?]]: Garrus when he sees Kirrahe's sticky grenade launcher.
* [[Where It All Began]]:
** The "From Ashes" DLC pack adds a mission about a Prothean artifact on Eden Prime, the location of the first mission in the original game. Liara flat-out says this is "where it all began" for them.
** The finale {{spoiler|takes place on the Citadel, on the underside of where the first game ended, once again trying to open the arms.}}
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?]]: Garrus when he sees Kirrahe's sticky grenade launcher.
* [[Working with the Ex]]:
** Shepard and Liara / the Virmire Survivor, if you pursued a romance with them and then a different crewmember in the second game.