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== [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?|Clamburg]] is in Massachusetts! ==
Okay, I'm sorry for all the crazy, crazy theories I've been posting here lately, but I swear, this one might actually be true.
* Clamburg is a costal town that is implied to be close to Canada.
* Malachi is explicitly stated to be a Puritan on his Nickelodeon page bio; Massachusetts was originally settled by Puritans.
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== Every Secondary Character Will Get an Episode Dedicated to them ==
* Think about it, Marion, Marvin and Mr Milk all got an episode specificly about them such as new best friend, Marvin the middle manager and Toupee! so it's not that far a strech to believe that Maggie, Malachai and Mort would get their own episodes.
== Making Fiends is an alternate universe version of [[Nineteen Eighty-Four|1984]] ==
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== Charlotte and Vendetta both suffer from delusions ==
Charlotte was so frustrated her parents died, that her brain made an alternate reality, a perfect one. That's why she moved to Clamburgh, to escape. Charlenne, Charlotte's grandmother, played along with Charlotte's "game". Now, Charlotte hears what she wants to hear. Rude comments are bleeped out of her mind,and she only hears vague comments like "Go away" gently, and Vendetta's "stupid girl" comments in a warm tone. This can explain why she's so destructive. Also, Vendetta is so stressed by Charlotte that she sometimes delusions her worse then she is, as seen in the journal-diary episode.
== Charlotte and Vendetta are alternate world versions of [[Wicked (theatre)|Glinda and Elphaba]] ==
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== Clamburg is purgatory, or possibly [[Death Note|Mu]]. ==
Some general facts about Clamburg:
* Clamburg itself is [[Crapsack World|a very horrible place to live]].
* The elementary school sign has been bitten off to read "Mu Element".
* Vendetta is abnormally intelligent and diabolical for a child her age.
* Everyone in Clamburg is tortured regularly, even Vendetta.
Clamburg is the Mu to which the Death Note rules refer. Everyone in Clamburg was a Death Note user in their past lives, and must now suffer the constant torment of Charlotte, Vendetta, and the fiends. Memories of a time without Vendetta and the surrounding towns of Molding and Tinspit are false.
== Vendetta is a [[Spider-Man|Symbiote]]. ==
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== Charlotte is not actually a ball of sweet dumbness, but either a vigilante or a Super-Evil level person actively trying to make Vendetta go mad ==
Every action Charlotte does seems to only make Vendetta angrier: insults and death threats bounce off her like rubber, her fiends either fail miserably or fall for Charlotte when she pits them against her, and her homicide attempts fail miserably. When Charlotte took the "Are you evil" test in the beginning of the series, she was actually either answering truthfully or actively attempting to get the result most likely to drive Vendetta to fits: the "Super Evil" answer, one step of villainry above Vendetta herself.
== Charlotte is an angel. ==
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Her parents aren't on a spaceship, they're in heaven. And the reason fiends react to her is because she can help redeem them, and the ones that can't be redeemed are hurt by her holy powers.
== Charlotte is delusioning everything ==
She is so frustrated over the death of her parents that she either fell into a coma or began delusioning herself into a "perfect" world.
== Vendetta is the Reincarnation of [[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Black Mage]]. ==
And the universe still exists to torture him/her, which is why Charlotte exists.
* Charlotte is Fighter. Tell me it doesn't fit.
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== Charlotte's parents are dead ==
It seemed obvious. The whole "They're in space" deal seemed like an elaborate lie by her grandmother to shield Charlotte from the tragedy - or maybe Charlotte does know but they keep it a secret.
== Charlotte is Finn's sister ==
The idea is Charlotte is a blond with blue eyes, like Finn. Both have a ton of optimism, and love puppies. Charlotte and Finn could have been separated at birth, and Finn got sent to another dimension, and Jake was Finn and Charlotte's puppy from when they were babies.
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