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** Subverted when {{spoiler|they get to Fishman Island and the Fishman Princes are looking for them, but not to arrest them, to deliver a message from their mutual friend Jinbe and invite them back to the Royal Castle.}}
* Joey Wheeler from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'' has had several amazing victories over cheaters, put up a tremendous fight against the duelists he lost against, and helped save the world several times. Yet, everyone treats him like a joke or has no idea who he is.
* In the first season of ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'', this is somewhat a [[Running Gag]] for the main character Kotetetsu T. Kaburagi, aka Wild Tiger. Despite being a veteran Hero whose [[The Cape (trope)|only wish is to save people]], he tends to get little to no respect from the citizens of Steinberg or his fellow Heroes for being a [[Destructive Savior]] and is very low on the Hero food chain. Whenever he does do something impressive, most people tend to credit his partner, [[Always Someone Better|Barnaby Brooks Jr]]. [[Hanging a Lampshade|Lampshaded]] at one point when Barnaby is receiving all of the praise for killing {{spoiler|Jake Martinez}}, despite the fact that it was Kotetsu who {{spoiler|figured out that Jake had the second ability of mind reading and [[Batman Gambit|tricked both Barnaby and Jake with a flash bomb, which caught Jake off-guard and gave Barnaby the opening to defeat him]] and then it was Kotetsu who caught Jake during his attempted escape which led to Jake's accidental death}}:
{{quote|'''Barnaby''': Don't tell me you actually want some praise, too!}}
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*** Granted, most people presumed him to be dead. After all, nobody had seen him for the past decade {{spoiler|(he was playing babysitter for Tidus in Dream! Zanarkand)}} and guardians {{spoiler|and summoners}} very rarely came back after finishing the journey.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]'' has players build up their reputation in cities to staggering amounts, and be lauded as a hero... and go to an NPC in said town to discover that they have no damn clue who you are. ould you stir up any trouble... like everyone who didn't do this quest in the first place.
* In ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]]'', your exploits in the previous game are well-known throughout the entire world, and you even get a cool title to go with it. But that doesn't mean you can expect any actual respect for bringing about a global renaissance. In one particularly egregious case, you can get run out of your own birthplace for being on friendly terms with a rival faction.
* After a dozen ''Zelda'' games, you would think that people in Hyrule would have the common sense to understand that this guy with a green hood and the Master Sword represents [[One-Man Army|99.9% of their country's military might]], and is the only thing to have saved them from slavery to [[Big Bad|Ganon]]; but no they keep treating him like dirt. Some of the games can justify this with explanations that the Master Sword is usually hidden away somewhere to protect it so most don't even recognize it or believe it's the real deal, as well as other reasons<ref>In [[Ocarina of Time]] the outfit is only worn by a hidden group of Forest Spirits and he's just a kid for most of it, in [[Wind Waker]] the outfit is only worn by people on one island and the Master Sword isn't fully restored until late in the game, in [[Skyward Sword]] (aside from being the earliest chronologically) all the knights get a one color tunic and it's vaguely suggested that the other knights are often the [[Hero of Another Story]], so Link's nothing special to those that don't know the full story</ref>, but the worst offender is ''[[Zelda II: The Adventure of Link|Zelda II the Adventure of Link]]'', when the protagonist is the SAME Link from the first game. You can understand that people might ask him to save a kidnapped child or help the citizenry; after all, that's what he is supposed to do. But to refuse to let him cross a bridge, or to ask him to fetch some '''water'''? Not only did this guy save the country from the local [[Evil Overlord]], but he is the envoy of the ''ruler'' of said country.
** The skepticism directed at Link in some of the games is better understood if it's considered in context of the religious significance surrounding the Hero myth in Hyrule. Initially, people would likely be skeptical to the claim that a Hero was among them, given the reverence devoted to the legacy.
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== Webcomics ==
* The page quote from ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' is basically what every video game hero ever ''should'' be saying. It loses its effect however considering that the person Thief is talking to ''didn't even want his help in the first place'' (Thief, in a moment of misplaced [[Genre Savvy]] simply walked up to a random NPC ''assuming'' he had some inane sidequest for him). Not to mention the protagonists of ''8-Bit Theater'' are [[Comedic Sociopath|anything]] [[Villain Protagonist|but]] [[Ax Crazy|heroes]].
* Used for humor [http://www.cheercomic.com/?date=2009-02-06 in] ''[http://www.cheercomic.com/?date=2009-01-30 Cheer]'', when a military enthusiast finds herself in her RPG-obsessed friend's dream.
* ''[[Tales of the Questor]]'': [http://www.rhjunior.com/totq/ WHAT'VE I GOTTA TO DO TO GET SOME RESPECT AROUND HERE!]
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