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'''Fighter:''' Yay!<br />
'''Sarda:''' [[Guilt by Association Gag|He's a casualty.]]<br />
'''Black Mage:''' ''(as Fighter pouts)'' [[With Friends Like These...|Yay]]!|''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]''}}
A [[Token Evil Teammate]] is someone in the team whose lesser principles stick out like a sore thumb. A Token Good Teammate is someone whose greater principles do the same. A typical example might be a [[Justified Criminal]] forced to [[Going Native|go native]] among real criminals, perhaps because of deliberate persecution or simple error by [[The Government]].
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If both he and the [[Token Evil Teammate]] are in the same party (and you ''know'' authors won't want to miss the chance) there will be at least one huge display of verbal fireworks per episode, lots of almost (and actual) [[Let's You and Him Fight|Lets You And Him Fights]], and perhaps an eventual [[Vitriolic Best Buds]].
Alternatively, though, a [[Token Good Teammate]] can be found amongst a group of dastardly villains, in order for the show to make sure that the antagonist side does not go too black in terms of morality. Perhaps this character [[Even Evil Has Standards|shows restraint in doing atrocious evil]], or [[Forced Into Evil|is forced against his/her own will to be a bad guy]] (due to a hostage or some other leverage held by the bad guys, for example), or [[Not in This For Your Revolution|has other goals that are noble, but require him/her to be on the bad guys' side]], or [[My Master, Right or Wrong|is merely just following orders from the higher ups]] [[My Country, Right or Wrong|that he/she has sworn loyalty to]] ([[Honor Before Reason|high honor standards can cause such]]). This character has a high chance to become a sympathetic [[Anti-Villain]] that the audience can root for. They may also be the [[Team Face]] by virtue of not being an asshole. The other members will trust him more than each other and have him talk to the [[Muggles]] when needed.
Compare [[Token Wholesome]]. Related to the [[Fish Out of Water]], the [[Only Sane Man]], and [[The Heart]]. See also [[The Messiah]]. For the types of 'good guy amongst evil villains', see also [[Anti-Villain]] ([[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|especially Type IV]]) and [[Noble Demon]].
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* ''[[Code Geass]]:'' Euphie and Suzaku are this for Britannia in season one; in season two, it's {{spoiler|Nunnally.}}
* ''[[Keroro Gunsou]]'': Dororo is less interested in taking over Earth and more interested in [[Green Aesop|protecting its environment]]. Far more obvious in the manga, and [[Lampshade Hanging|pointed out]] several times.
* Seras Victoria, [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]], is the only character on [[Hellsing]] with a fully functional moral compass.
** ''Anderson'' plays this role for the Vatican side- he may love fighting monsters, including [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire|Seras]], but he does stick to his sense of right and wrong even as his faction reaches new lows- {{spoiler|culminating in his destruction of Maxwell's anti-zombie shelter when he realizes the latter has gone [[Complete Monster|entirely around the bend]].}}
* Starrk and Harribel of the Espada in ''[[Bleach]]'' could count. While for the most part, the Espada's members are arrogant, violent, and thoroughly evil followers of [[Big Bad|Aizen]], Starrk and Harribel are both [[Martial Pacifist|Martial Pacifists]] that don't like fighting but believe in [[True Companions]] and [[The Power of Friendship]].
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* [[Emotionless Girl|Maria]] of ''[[Eyeshield 21]]''''s [[Opposing Sports Team|Hakushuu Dinosaurs]] is this to [[Manipulative Bastard|Marco]], [[The Juggernaut|Gaou]], [[In Love with Your Carnage|Kisiragi]], and [[Dirty Coward|Tengu]]. She actually tries to slip information to other teams in the interests of preventing casualties. Unfortunately for her Marco's drive to win ([[Love Makes You Evil|in order to impress her, might we add]]) outweighs anything she might try to do.
** [[Nice Guy]] Panther of the Pentagram, where he plays alongside showboat Bud Walker, [[Dumb Muscle]] Tatanka, [[Jerk Jock]] Clifford, and the thoroughly monstrous [[The Juggernaut|Mr. Don]].
* Jugo from ''[[Naruto]]'' qualifies as this [[Jekyll and Hyde|most of the time.]] While his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] has allegedly caused a massive amount of destruction in the past, Jugo's dominant personality is a calm, level-headed and non-violent man who [[I Just Want to Be Normal|would rather not have the incredible superpowers that drive him insane from time to time.]] He acts as the [[Token Good Teammate]] given that his friends are: Suigetsu, a [[Blood Knight]] [[Serial Killer]]; Karin, a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] [[Hot Scientist]] and willing former servant of [[Complete Monster|Orochimaru]], and [[Rival Turned Evil|Sasuke]].
* In ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'', {{spoiler|Sasaki}} turns out to be the only decent person in the [[Evil Counterpart|Anti-SOS Brigade]]. {{spoiler|She even joins up with Kyon to stop her nominal teammates.}}
** That is, until {{spoiler|[[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Kyouko]]}} pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* ''[[Daphne in the Brilliant Blue]]'' has Maia who is kind to ''everyone'', even her kidnappers. Thus she is a contrast to [[More Dakka|gun obbessed]] Gloria, [[Destructive Savior|property damage causing]] Yu, and [[Manipulative Bitch|ruthless]] Rena.
** Before Maia joined, Shizuka might count since she doesn't cause the same damage as the above. However, she never has a problem with what they do either.
* ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'' has Acqua of the Back, the only truly noble member of God's Right Seat, who genuinely wants to help and protect the world.
* In an excellent example of having both a [[Token Good Teammate]] and a [[Token Evil Teammate]] on the same team, the [[Black and Gray Morality]] world of [[The Slayers|Slayers]] has Amelia and Xellos respectively. The rest of the team tend to be selfish jerks (especially Lina), but Xellos admits to being evil and tags along because a.) he's under orders to, and b.) it's just fun. Amelia, on the other hand, is [[Wrong Genre Savvy]] and thinks she's in a [[Magical Girl]] show, even going so far as to trying to cure Xellos of being evil through the power of love. The rest of the team swings back and forth along the spectrum of good vs evil.
* To some degree Togusa in [[Ghost in the Shell]] counts. The rest of Section 9 is fighting terrorism and organized crime, and even government corruption at times, and are devoted to protect the citizen from major threats. However, Togusa is pretty much the only one who would risk the trouble of apprehending armed criminals alive and see that they are properly tried. Everyone else [[Combat Pragmatist|strikes first and starts looking for any survivors]] that can be questioned after the dust has settled.
* As revealed eventually in the latter stages of ''[[Brave 10]]'', [[Hattori Hanzo]]'s group seemingly consist of people who are only in for simple megalomania and conquering the world. The only exception is {{spoiler|Anastasia, just fresh [[Face Heel Turn|after betraying the Braves]], as her motive of serving Hanzo was only [[Not in This For Your Revolution|to reclaim her family heirloom that Hanzo held]]. Despite being a Type V [[Anti-Hero]] herself.}}
* Though everyone from the Sabertooth guild in ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' is cocky, Rogue is the only one to actually voice his distaste at how they humiliated and expelled one of their members over a single loss. It's an incredibly stark contrast with his close companion Sting's amusement over the poor girl's weakness.
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* Piffany in ''[[Nodwick]]''. While Nodwick [[Word of God|is also good-aligned]], he is too subservient to have much effect on the group's actions. Piffany is [[Failed a Spot Check|oblivious to Yeagar and Artax's more questionable actions]], or sometimes [[Selective Obliviousness|willing to rationalize]]. Ironically, she's also Yeagar and Arthax's [[Morality Pet]], and the two would probably be even ''more'' reprehensible if she wasn't a party member, however ineffectual she is at stopping what they do try with her around. {{spoiler|One plotline concerns a [[Bad Future]] without Piffany, where Yeagar and Arthax become [[The Dragon]] and [[The Evil Genius]] under an evil god without her around.}}
* Sandman of [[Spider-Man|The Sinister Six.]]
* [[Dark Avengers|Victoria Hand]]. Out of everyone on the team, she's the one person who ''isn't'' a homicidal maniac. So much that when {{spoiler|[[Captain America (comics)]] is appointed to Osborn/Stark/Fury's old position he makes her his New Avengers liason}}
* Jolt of ''The [[Thunderbolts]]''. She was an actual hero (technically a hero wannabe) among the [[Villain with Good Publicity|villains pretending to be heroes]] Thunderbolts. Her presence helped foster the already-forming [[Heel Face Turn|Heel Face Turns]] of Songbird, Atlas, and Mach-1.
** In a later incarnation of the team composed mainly of unrepentant criminals, the good teammate was Songbird. In the version of the group after ''that'', Norman Osborn's private black ops task force, the good teammate was Paladin, though he wasn't so much "good" as "not bad." Eventually the Headsman, Ant-Man, and the Ghost joined him -- though it was Ghost who made it all possible.
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* Though she only appears briefly in one scene in the original novel, Bree Tanner is this for Victoria's newborn army in the Twilight series. The film adaptation expands her role significantly and especially emphasizes this aspect of her character.
** Although her actions in her novella make this a case of YMMV. Arguably Freaky Fred is closer in that story, seeing as he's the only newborn who actively refrains from the fighting between newborns and defends Bree from them.
* Rana Sanga is the Token Good general of the Malwa empire in [[Belisarius Series]], being a noble and brave Rajput [[Warrior Prince]].
* Thomas Raith qualifies as the token good member of his family in the early [[The Dresden Files|Harry Dresden books]], as the only Raith with anything resembling morals. Then he leaves the family.
* Subverted with great gusto in The Blending series by Sharon Green. The team of [[Psycho Rangers]] set up in contrast to the main characters appears to have a token good member and [[Only Sane Man]] in the person of their [[The Empath|Spirit]] wielder... until he reveals he's been using his power to control the other members of their team and is probably the ''most'' evil of the five - not to mention the most ambitious - just a lot smarter and less obvious about it.
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* ''[[Drowtales]]'': Kel'Noz to Quain, Vaelia to Ariel.
* White Mage, and possibly Fighter in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]].''
** Fighter ''is'' this Trope.
*** [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/03/20/episode-822-too-many-light-warriors-spoil-the-npc/ Maybe not?]
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