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== Debuted in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ==
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Phoenix's 'lovable' loser classmate. A very over-the-top, downright idiot playboy-wannabe, who always try to get a girlfriend and fails to keep one, either they dumped him or they get killed (the very first case of the series has his girlfriend murdered). He seems to attract trouble wherever he goes, thus earning him the saying, "When something smells, it's usually the Butz".
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: In 1-4, right as Edgeworth is declared guilty, Larry rushes in, yelling for the judge to wait, and demands to testify, and sheds new light on the case in the process. This provided a large hole in Von Karma's case, which, in the end, cost him the trial. Due to this, he also saved Edgeworth's life. He pretty much saved the entire case for Phoenix, really.
** {{spoiler|Ace Attorney Investigations}} spoiler: {{spoiler|And then he and Oldbag burst in in 5-5 with decisive evidence, helping to bust Alba for good.}} He's almost as good at this as Gumshoe!
* [[Blush Sticker]]
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* [[Spanner in the Works]]: He derails the [[Big Bad]]'s plans in two different games. In the first game, Edgeworth states that he's the first witness Von Karma was unable to manipulate in advance, and thus the first unplanned element in his 40 years of prosecution.
** In the manga, by getting arrested as the suspect in Turnabout With the Wind by various things he does to make himself seem suspicious (calling Bright Bonds to demand that he back out of Belle's life, and running from the cops), {{spoiler|Belle ends up having to prove his alibi, and ends up incriminating herself with her own testimony}}.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: In one of the cases in [[Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth|Investigations]], Miles must prove that he couldn't have been the murderer after a lengthy discussion with Agent Lang. After that, '''Larry''' questions your theory and you have to play another discussion to convince ''him'' that he couldn't have been the murderer, while he tries to prove you wrong. ''In front of Lang.''
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: {{spoiler|Sent Iris a blackmail letter as a means of inviting her to a date,}} though the [[What the Hell, Hero?]] he got when he was busted was [[Played for Laughs]].
** Though it seems to be less malicious intent, and more him just being really really ''bad'' at {{spoiler|writing a love letter.}}
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** Phoenix even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this.
{{quote|'''Phoenix''': Proof enough for you, Mr. Sahwit? Or should I say... Mr. Did It!}}
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: Practically the master of this in [[AAI 2]]. The whole Logic Chess battle against him pretty much consists of waiting for him to make one and catching him out on it.
* [[Warmup Boss]]
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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|The piece of paper he used to pin the murder on Maya becomes an important evidence to prove his guilt; then it's implied that the list that Mia had Phoenix read in court that got Redd to confess is a list of people he's blackmailed.}}
* [[Information Broker]]: Bluecorps provided enough dirt on just about everyone for White to use it as blackmail material and force everyone to do as he pleased.
** [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: One of his victim was the Chief Prosecutor. This made Blanco Nino a man above the law.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Large Ham]]: [[Incoming Ham|"Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage!"]]
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* [[Apologises a Lot]]
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: {{spoiler|Jack Hammer was his role model. Hammer accidentally killed someone and, while trying to kill Dee Vasquez, tried to frame Will Powers for it out of jealousy}}.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: At one point Dee Vasquez notes that he's so ordinary looking, he's sometimes left behind by mistake when the rest of the company comes back from a trip.
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: Apparently nobody has linked his [[Carpet of Virility|chest hair]] to that of [[Austin Powers]]'.
* [[Face of a Thug]]: Poor guy.
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* [[Gonk]]
* [[Leet Lingo]]: His speech is littered with emoticons, LOLs, and 1337s.
** He even manages to speak a ":(" at the thought of having not been able to eat a t-bone steak.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: He's as sickening as salmonella. "Takuya" comes from "[[Otaku]]", and "Uzai" means "annoying".
* [[Otaku]]
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* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Funny Afro]]: In the second game, she asks if you remember her name. "Lotta Hair" is one of the possible answers.
* [[Going for the Big Scoop]]: This is Lotta's ONLY reason for being on ANY of the crime scenes she shows up at.
* [[The Idiot From Osaka|The Idiot From The South]]
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]
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* [["Silly Me" Gesture]]
* {{spoiler|[[Surgical Impersonation]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sympathetic Murderer]]}}:{{spoiler|While not as much as Acro. If what she said is true (heavily implied), then it was Grey who killed Ini}}.
** YYMV, since {{spoiler|Grey had a point in that he had no real motivation for doing so and was in fact trying to bring her ghost back to clear his name, which would probably be a bad idea if she'd just accuse him of her murder instead. Also, she seemed to kill him because he was about to reveal that she was still alive, not out of any apparent desire for revenge}}.
* [[Valley Girl]]: Says "like" a lot, ditzy, seemingly unable to function by herself-pretty much a checklist.
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* [[Woman Scorned]]: During the credits of ''Trials & Tribulations'', she says {{spoiler|that she sent poisoned food to Tigre in jail. And when you think about it, him eating that food would be [[Karmic Death]] [[Up to Eleven]].}}
* [[Yakuza Princess]]
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Her [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] bit at the end of T&T implies this; see the [[Woman Scorned]] comments.
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** Yes it does. {{spoiler|They seem to be roughly the same size.....}}
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: He was supposed to be a ''biseinen'' (pretty man). You can see how that turned out for him.
* [[Scrolling Text]]: Not as bad as Wendy Oldbag, however.
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* [[Intrepid Reporter]]
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: He describes the events of case 4-4 as a tangled cobweb; it starts off pretty good, but then he loses Phoenix at "biggerer".
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Looks like a person out of [[Looney Tunes]] next to the rest of the [[Animesque]] cast.
** [[Gonk]]: Not exceptionally ugly, but there are a number of things that are really off about him. For example, he blinks with only his lower eyelids.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: "Reporter Frequently Speaks In Headlines! Talking To Him Is A Chore!", end quote.
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* [[Chick Magnet]]: His father thinks so, but while he does have a cute girlfriend (whom he doesn't hesitate to betray), the only other girl [[Trouble Entendre|supposedly interested in him]] is [[Loan Shark|Viola Cadaverini]].
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. As shown above, he orchestrated his own kidnapping to pay off a debt.}}
* [[Dramatic Wind]]: He somehow has the ability to summon one when he makes a point.
* [[Indy Ploy]]: {{spoiler|Lance wound up with a body after the kidnapping at the haunted house went sour. Out of thin air, he crafted an elaborate plan to pin the blame of the murder on his girlfriend Lauren, starting by convincing her he was still alive.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: {{spoiler|He orchestrated his own kidnapping to get money from his worried father, threatened to harm his own girlfriend to get help from her father and tried to get her sentenced for the death of said father... which he, of course, caused himself (accidentally, or so he claims).}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: {{spoiler|He really doesn't care about his girlfriend at all and tries to pin the killing on her. It's also suggested that he roped Oliver into the whole affair by threatening to harm Lauren if he didn't play along.}}
* [[Talks Like a Simile]]: He even berates Edgeworth for not understanding what he meant by saying he was "left behind like an unwanted mutt".
* [[Tears of Remorse]]: {{spoiler|As part of his [[Villainous Breakdown]]}}.
* [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]]
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* [[Nice Guy]]: {{spoiler|[[Red Herring|This can easily fool anyone into thinking he's the murderer.]]}}
* [[The Pollyanna]]: His country is not doing well, his embassy is even worse off, and {{spoiler|the one person he'd come to depend on to fix everything is dead and a crook.}} Yet Palaeno is, for the most part, genuinely cheerful and optimistic.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Stands as one of the all-round nicest guys in the whole series.
* {{spoiler|[[Red Herring]]}}: His [[Eyes Always Shut|eyes]], [[Hand Rubbing]] gestures, way too wide smile and ingratiating personality serve to make him look sleazy and suspicious early on, {{spoiler|but he proves to be genuinely amiable as the case wears on.}}
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: He keeps up his smile, even while talking about how his embassy is ruined. Edgeworth even notes it in his thoughts. It's almost as he was happy his embassy was in trouble. {{spoiler|Although later on, you can see it's only a habit of his of his words not matching his facial expressions.}}
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The bodyguard of a private security company hired by Zheng Fa's president, Teikun Ō. Wears a neck brace and is fond of his revolver and playing chess. He got involved in the investigation and it turned out that he {{spoiler|killed Gai Tojiro, the head bodyguard out of jealousy}}. Also, he and {{spoiler|Sōta}} were childhood friends. They grew up together {{spoiler|after their fathers abandoned them}}. Manosuke lost {{spoiler|most of his memory when he nearly froze to death}}. His friend was the one who suggested {{spoiler|making a fake assassination attempt.}} Manosuke was {{spoiler|imprisoned for his crime}}. Sōta then made sure he was {{spoiler|killed by the prison director}}.
* [[Animal Motif]]: His design is based on a horse.
* {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do NOT claim Tojiro was a better bodyguard in front of him. De Killer presses this a lot perhaps as a way of {{spoiler|hinting he knows about the murder.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Monster Clown]]}}
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[People Puppets]]: When Money the Monkey appears, he immediately starts to control Sōta's arms using his hair.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: He is usually seen with a pink hoodie and shoes on. At the circus, he wears a pink and purple clown costume and has pink makeup on.
* {{spoiler|[[Right-Hand-Cat]]}}: He uses one as part of his {{spoiler|[[Slouch of Villainy]] pose}}.
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* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Meaningful Name]] / [[Punny Name]]: His full name is a pun on "ori no naka shūjin", which means "prisoner in a cage".
* [[Mugged for Disguise]]: {{spoiler|He even mugged another guy just to have someone to pin it on.}}
* [[Noodle Incident]]: It's never explained exactly what he's in for. {{spoiler|He can get quite violent when provoked}}, and {{spoiler|threatens to kill Edgeworth}} on at least one occasion, which could imply something. But then again, Ryōken says {{spoiler|several of the inmates were falsely accused}}, so you never know.
* [[Shipped in Shackles]]
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* [[Bald of Evil]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. He may be an assassin, but he's [[Noble Demon|not completely evil]].}}
* [[Professional Killer]]
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]/[[Red Herring]] : [[Zig Zagged Trope|Zig-zags repeatedly between the two.]]
** You first meet him after a very ominous buildup, and upon seeing him he's practically the definition of [[Obviously Evil]]. But you don't really get much worthwhile information out of him. But later, after finding out the victim was {{spoiler|seemingly}} killed by a {{spoiler|dog}}, the player begins to suspect him. By the time you confront him again, Edgeworth is utterly convinced he's the killer. {{spoiler|He isn't}}. Later subverted again when you find out {{spoiler|though he didn't commit the murder, he was the indirect cause of it}}.
** As if that wasn't enough, in Case 5 you find out he was hired to kill {{spoiler|the ''real'' president of Zheng Fa 12 years ago, so his body double could pull a [[Dead Person Impersonation]]}}. Said {{spoiler|double}} turns up dead in the present. Surely he's the killer this time. {{spoiler|Nope. But he does provide the final piece of the puzzle Edgeworth needs to work out who the real mastermind is}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Disk One Final Boss]]}}: Of Case 2. A very notable case, in that {{spoiler|Even Edgeworth is convinced he's the killer, and the scene is even set up just like a final confrontation}}.
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* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: A father figure to {{spoiler|Sōta.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He is fond of his dog Kuro {{spoiler|and he also rescued Manosuke and Sōta when they were children, being a father figure to Sōta.}}
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* [[Big Eater]]: She snacks on the other contestants' works. It depends how much she snacks on them but {{spoiler|Kazami doesn't seem to take kindly to that habit}}.
* [[Character Tic]]: Most of the time, you'll see her stirring in her bowl or holding it.
* {{spoiler|[[Cheaters Never Prosper]]}}: She apparently {{spoiler|cheated her way into the competition}} so she can do her job: {{spoiler|never let Tenkai's works go public}}. That's one more reason {{spoiler|for the murderer to attempt to frame her}}.
* [[Frame-Up]]: {{spoiler|Kazami tried to frame her by placing the murder weapon in her room. She only becomes a suspect for a short while as a result}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Napoleon]]}}: Only part of it though. She's {{spoiler|not evil}} but she can get angry real fast when you insult her.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: To everyone. Including Manfred Von Karma.
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Her eyes look different from the rest of the Act Attorney characters but of course, no one comments on it.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Multiple layers of it, in fact! When Gregory first exposes the fact that {{spoiler|she doesn't know the first thing about cooking and her contest entries are just props}}, she claims {{spoiler|she is just a [[Big Eater]] who entered the contest on a whim because she loved sweets, and never expected to get all the way to the finals.}} Naturally, it's much more complicated than that, and when you meet her in the present it's clear she's much smarter than she acts. {{spoiler|She's able to produce irrefutable evidence clearing her name when accused}}, for one.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Her exact age is unknown but she claims to be very old. It's a running joke in the case.
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* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]}}: Carves a dough effigy of himself with his bare hands, {{spoiler|then slices it in half}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Wake Up Call Boss]]}}: His testimony is considerably harder to crack than anything beforehand. {{spoiler|And even then, he still has the Statute of Limitations on his side...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]}}: {{spoiler|You prove his motive, means and opprtunity and then, in a shock subversion of the series' normal conventions, he proceeds to '' flat-out admit everything you said is true'' and gives a full confession. It seems like it's all over... until he goes [[Laughing Mad]] and reminds you of the Statute of Limitations.}}
=== '''Tōko Mutō''' ===
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A 13-year old boy. He's a middle school actor, often mistaken for an elementary school student. He has a starring role in the upcoming Borumosu movie, which is being filmed by the Global Studios. His mother, Ami, died a few years ago so her cousin, Hakari Mikagami now takes care of him. {{spoiler|He is the son of the real Teikun Ō.}}
* [[Animal Motif]]: Based around the cow theme.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]
* [[Cheerful Child]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Sinister Silhouettes]]}}: Although it's revealed pretty early in the story. Only her face is hidden but you can still see her clothes.
* {{spoiler|[[Woman Scorned]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere (disambiguation)]]}}
=== '''Biddy Tenniman''' (''Yone Ootsuka'') ===
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* [[Ice Queen]]: But not without a few soft spots, such as when she cries and comforts her daughter after the true killer of her husband is revealed
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: Subverted. She did sent Lira to shut off the main breaker for Robin and he dies anyway.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Subverted. She's the only one who calls Bobby "Robert" while everybody else just calls him Bobby.
=== '''Lira Wolfe''' (''Sara Komori'') ===
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* [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Little Brother]]: Mr. Wolfe essentially [[Driven to Suicide|drove Eddie to suicide]], {{spoiler|so he sought revenge}}.
* [[Confess to a Lesser Crime]]: {{spoiler|He admits to setting fire to Wolfe Manor when it looks as though Bobby might get off, after Edgeworth tricks him into confessing. He claims that he's doing this to catch a murderer, although he's hoping to avoid being revealed}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Person Impersonation]]}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]/ [[Shout-Out]]: He and his brother Eddie’s names, combined, form “[[Spider-Man|Eddie Brock]]”, also known as [[Venom]].
* [[Muscles Are Meaningful]]: {{spoiler|After all, he was the only one who could lift all the furniture of the Den of Spiders up onto the ceiling.}}
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* [[Absent-Minded Professor]]: He neglects to mention that the elevator in the Den of Spiders only carries one person.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't question him about his knowledge of spiders.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Of a sort. He initially begs Phoenix to defend Bobby, but then testifies for the prosecution after claiming Edgeworth convinced him that Bobby is guilty.
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Phoenix has to wonder how much Thomas cares for Bobby, especially considering that he doesn’t stand up to Robin. In the end, though, Bobby gets a job working for Spitzer and caring for his spiders, and is considerably happier as a result.
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* [[Saying Too Much]]: A case in which it isn’t immediately obvious that he had even made a mistake. His yelling at Julie for biting her nails after finding Flip dead like she did in the show indicates that {{spoiler|he was turned around inside his costume, thus validating Phoenix’s theory that the killer wore his costume backwards to open it from the inside, stabbed Flip (who was himself wearing his costume backwards) , then turned himself back around}}.
* [[Serious Business]]: His view on Sparklestar, from yelling at Julie for biting her nails to {{spoiler|killing Flip for being chosen as his replacement and framing Julie over her biting hernails}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Sinister Silhouettes]]}}: If you look at the intro, you {{spoiler|can see part of his hair before he stabbed Chambers.}}
=== '''Buck Montana''' (''Hosaku Futogayama'') ===
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A long-time Sparklestar fan who has taped every show.
* [[Character Tics]]: He has a habit of saying "Umm..." a lot.
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: Although it's just squinting.
* [[Fan Boy]]: He's been recording Sparkestar shows since he was 3 years old.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]
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* [[Hair Decoration]]: She has a hairpin.
* [[Kubrick Stare]]
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: She visited Oracle to try to stop Cytherea's prophecy.
=== '''Moira Cytherea''' (''Mariko Kirameki'') ===
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* [[Compressed Hair]]: {{spoiler|She's really a blonde.}}
* [[Fortune Teller]]
* [[Hidden Eyes]]: Most of the time, her hat covers her eyes.
* [[Neat Freak]]: She claims it's necessary for her hands to be clean during her communication with the Venutian. {{spoiler|In that case, her hands would have been dirty from the red ink from Maya's hand, which was dirty from Wally Flores's ink.}}
* [[Never Bareheaded]]: {{spoiler|She takes off her hat after she confesses.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Phony Psychic]]}}: Her predictions about the Lord of Death {{spoiler|were there to make it look like she's a reliable psychic.}}
* [[Prophecies Are Always Right]]: Her prediction about the Lord of Death taking over Russi's body came true. {{spoiler|Because of her meddling, of course.}}
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: Well, she 's the one who made one. She predicted that the Lord of Death will possess Russi so she tries to stop that by visiting Oracle. {{spoiler|Of course, it only came true because Cytherea made it happen.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Tears of Remorse]]}}: {{spoiler|She does this as, in a rare occasion, she actually apologizes to the person she was trying to frame}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]}}: Oracle's Nether World Prophecies was {{spoiler|becoming so famous that Oracle didn't need Cytherea anymore.}}
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The substitute for Hans Future Simon, the fortune teller who specifies in palm reading. He's the personal general affairs manager of YY Company. {{spoiler|He reappears in Turnabout Gurgitation as Caliente del Fuego / Kaen Homura}}
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]: He has noticeably more paler skin than the other fortune tellers.
* [[Fortune Teller]]
* [[Jump Scare]]: He hides under the witness stand during his testimony.
* [[Kubrick Stare]]: This is what he said while he stares like that:
{{quote|'''Wally Flores''': If you don't take at least two minutes washing your hands, you won't get all the germs off of them.}}
* [[My Card]]
* [[Neat Freak]]: Well, he does have serious germaphobia.
* [[Nice Hat]]: More like a headband.
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Well, in terms of clothing for fortune tellers, his is the oddest since he wears a suit. Justified as he's just a replacement.
* [[Fleeting Passionate Hobbies]]: He's only going to do palm reading until the usual palm reader gets back. {{spoiler|Of course, after the case, Fortune Circle is closed down so he went back to his original job.}}
* [[Terrified of Germs]]: Phoenix accidentally had his thumb touch his hand and it made him all freaked out so much that he had to go to the bathroom for two or three minutes to wash his hands. {{spoiler|That's enough time for him to supposedly go through the ventilation and kill Oracle Hecate but he's not the killer.}}
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