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Fate Nuovo Guerra/Characters/Lucca Secundus: Difference between revisions

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''General tropes for Masters.''
* [[Glass Cannon]] - Compared to Servants at least.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]
* [[Full-Contact Magic]]
* [[Functional Magic]]
* [[Kid with the Leash]] - The Servants are almost always stronger then the Master. The Master is in control. Most of the time.
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]
* [[Magic Knight]]
* [[Mundane Utility]] - Some spells are used like this.
* [[Razor Wind]] - If they are a Wind Magus, it is unlikely they WON'T have this.
* [[Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training]]
* [[Squishy Wizard]] - Averted and played straight. Averted with how some Masters practice and know melee combat in some form as well as being able to take a hit (or dozen). Played straight in that even with all their skill they'll still die if they try to fight a Servant straight on.
* [[Status Buff]]
* [[Supernatural Martial Arts]]
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* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Expy]] - You get three guesses of who and the first two don't count.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
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* [[Red Baron]] - 'Besheniy'
* [[Meaningful Titles]] - Same as above
* [[Earn Your Title]]
* [[Slasher Smile]] - When fighting and excited
* [[Badass Biker]]
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* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]] - Not that he'd ever admit it, but it's his greatest desire.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Rant-Inducing Slight]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Blow You Away]] - Researched by her family in their early years, before they shifted their focus to Spiritual Invocation and Consciousness Manipulation
* [[Blue Blood]] - Noble, but her family doesn't really care about the perks of their blueness as long as they're left to do their research.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]] - So lazy (or at least liking of the principle) that she spent ten years doing what she hated most just to invent a familiar that could do all her reading for her <ref>In the Nasuverse, familiars are usually remote controlled, rather than automated, not to mention the regular automated ones being their own people rather than loyal servants.</ref>.
* [[Chaotic Neutral]]
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]] - Her Rank in the Association is Black. She wears black. You get the idea.
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* [[Familiar]] - Combined with her family specialties, she has created a type of familiar capable of reading things for her, and then downloading all that they've read into her brain, as if she experienced them herself. And if that's not special enough, she has three of them (though one is "defective" and only ever plays a banjo).
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]] - Studied Combat Sambo.
* [[Potential Applications]] - The Clock Tower awarded her with a Color for developing a familiar that could potentially boost magical research exponentially within a single generation. She actually invented it so that she didn't ''have'' to read stuff to research.
* [[Powered by a Forsaken Child]] - Her familiars are each powered by the soul of a child <ref>one from a [[Littlest Cancer Patient|terminal patient]], another from a girl who got caught in an accident, and the last from an [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|illegal immigrant]]</ref>, which is normal for high-level familiars, such as [[Tsukihime|Len]]. Being able to use a soul in such a way is proof of her talent as a magus. To be fair, they were already dying anyway, so it would be better to recycle their souls rather than kill someone who wasn't going to die yet.
* [[Rank Inflation]] - The Association Ranks you from 7 to 1 with 7 being the lowest. If you come up with some really special stuff, you get a color i.e. Black.
* [[Rebellious Princess]] - Somewhere between this and [[Spirited Young Lady]].
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** A bit of a [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Haruhi]] [[Expy]], with some differences.
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* [[Fan Girl]]
* [[Fearless Fool]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]
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* [[Shrinking Violet]]
* [[The Promise]]
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]
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* [[All Myths Are True]] - Except when it involves their gender, apparently.
* [[Badass Abnormal]]
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] - Comes standard.
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]] - Happens on occasion.
* [[Gender Bender]] - The "Arturia Syndrome" is in full effect here.
* [[Guardian Entity]] - Servants must keep their masters alive, lest they die and the Servant die with them. Not always the case, mind you.
* [[Hot Dad]] / [[Hot Mom]]- Many servants have had children in their past lives.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]] - All Servants are Heroic Spirits given form by the Holy Grail.
* [[Pride]] - Many servants are prideful to the point that it's a recurring character flaw.
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* [[Anti-Magic]]
* [[Cool Sword]]
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
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** [[The Power of the Sun]] - See above. Also, as the hour reaches noon, his power rises to [[Rule of Three|three times]] its normal levels.
* [[Failure Knight]]
* [[Knight Errant]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Lawful Good]]
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]] - Has an NP based around making a shield out of ''anything''. Additionally, his signature NP is his true shield, which gives him a [[Status Buff]].
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** [[Shield-Bash]] - Once he draws his true shield, his sword is sealed off and he must resort to this. This is actually something he's famous for, by the way.
* [[Red Baron]] - Knight of the [[Meaningful Name|Sun]], Gwalchmai
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]] - Because Lancelot had that affair with Guinevere (Adultery), effectively stealing her from Arturia (Treachery), and killed Gawain's brothers, who happened to be guarding her execution (Murder), Lancelot effectively broke three big rules of chivalry. As Gawain could not forgive this, he refused to call for Lancelot's help for the Battle of Camlann, leading to the tragic end of Camelot and the Round Table. As he died, he realised that being ''too'' Lawful was a bad idea, and that he needed more Good. <ref>Fortunately for him, he gets a second chance, which is ''not'' something most people with this kind of realisation get.</ref>
* [[Useless Useful Skill]] - His power triples at around noon time. Too bad nobody fights during the day.
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* [[Flaming Sword]] - Dyrnwyn
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]
* [[Hot Dad]] - Through magic.
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]
* [[Pyromaniac]]
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* [[Action Mom]]
* [[Anything That Moves]]
* [[Badass Cape]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
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The greatest hero of [[The Trojan War]]. A Lancer-class Servant partnered with [[The Mafiya|mafiya]] Sub-Boss Sergei Cherstvennikov, Achilles is a demi-god responsible for a lot of Trojan (and Greek) deaths in the war, most notably of Troy's greatest hero, Hector. Achilles is armed with both the god-forged shield from the Homeric poem, and Statius' Stygian invulnerability, making her one of the toughest opponents in the war. She fights to be reunited with her lover, Patrolcus, and not just as ashes in the same urn.
* [[Achilles' Heel]] - Being the [[Trope Namer]], this is par for the course.
* [[Samus Is a Girl|Achilles Is A Girl]] - Second victim of "Arturia Syndrome"
* [[Anti-Magic]] - Rank B
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Lemony Narrator]] - Achilles herself isn't a [[Lemony Narrator]], but her RPer writes her scenes in a way that fits the bill. At one point the narration goes off on a bizarre tangent, with the narrator [[Lampshade Hanging|apologising for it]] before going back on course.
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]] - Not because of any mystic armor, but because she has no concept of death, or concept of injury except at her [[Achilles' Heel]]. Basically, if Shiki Tohno were to look at her, the heel would be the only part of her body with lines.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Red Baron]] - "Godlike Achilles"
* [[Stone Wall]] - Achilles has both the [[Nigh Invulnerable|invulnerability]] ''and'' the [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|Shield of Achilles]], which basically means she has God Hand (minus the extra lives), A-Rank Endurance, ''and'' Rho Aias. Furthermore, her high AGI means she doesn't have to rely on these two that often. Her spear is average at best, however (it doesn't even have a full-power attack), and once her identity is discovered, that [[Achilles' Heel]] is going to be a pain to protect.
* [[Tsundere]] - Type A. [[Achilles in His Tent]] was used as an example.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
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* [[That One Boss]]/[[Dual Boss]] - When she combines her powers with her brother.
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Twincest]] - Wishes this would happen.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* {{spoiler|Yandere - For her brother}}
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* [[Hot Mom]]
* [[Miko]]
* [[Older Than They Look]]
* [[Physical God]] - Believed to either be the avatar of Amaterasu or the goddess’ daughter.
* [[Really 700 Years Old]] - 600+ years old.
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* [[Anti-Hero]]
* [[Arch Enemy]] - With Kenshin.
* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Bottomless Magazines]] - His guns make more ammo.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[The Determinator]] - Oh so very much.
* [[The Devil]] - He calls himself "Dairokuten maou", lit. "Devil King of the Sixth Heaven," which is essentially the same as calling himself Satan.
* [[Historical Villain Upgrade]] - He was the person this trope was made for.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] - He's a really nice guy, but he's also horribly evil.
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* [[Visionary Villain]] - "My dream cannot die. It must not die..."
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] - Tried to unify Japan and was willing to kill thousands to do it.
* [[You Have Failed Me]] - Historically known for doing this. Sadly he has no mooks to destroy in his evil rages.
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* [[Crazy Awesome]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Status Buff]]
* [[Winged Humanoid]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Back Stab]]
* [[Career Killers]]
* [[Dirty Coward]] - What other classes consider them to be.
* [[In the Back]]
* [[One-Hit Kill]] - What they try to accomplish.
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== The Church ==
== Other ==
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