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*** Inverted when Eric becomes a major character; Sookie's attraction to him is inversely proportional to how evil he's being at the time, and he loses out to the more family-friendly Bill on every occasion.
** Alcide is a genuinely caring man, and it looked like his relationship with Debbie was going to be it. Then along came Cooter, an idiotic, V-juice addicted leader of a werewolf biker gang. Debbie decides to marry the latter. Later Debbie and Alcide get back together--only for her to cheat on him with the violent, unstable werewolf leader Marcus.
** Jessica dumps loving, kind Hoyt for bad boy Jason.
* [[Aliens in Cardiff]]: Shreveport, the third-largest city in Louisiana, serves most of the urban needs for the setting. This smartly averts the usual problem with fictional towns when they have more institutions and specialized businesses than their size would suggest.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: Tara for Jason, Sam for Sookie, Eric for Sookie, Alcide for Debbie. Although most of them move on in one way or another.
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** Setting up Season 4's major cliffhanger, considering {{spoiler|the parking garage that he was silvered and buried in is now a glorified hole.}}
* [[And This Is For]]: Cooter [[Kick Them While They Are Down|kicking a chained up Bill]] in "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues" for killing some of his pack.
* [[Angry Black Man|Angry Black Woman]]: Tara.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: A pretty tall body count as of Season 4, although to be fair, almost all of the featured players are still around.
* [[Apologises a Lot]]: Sookie.
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** Queen Sophie-Anne [[Hand Wave|hand waves]] this by mentioning that Maryann and her kind indeed started out as human women (even giving an accurate description of how the Hellenic women became absorbed into the Dionysian cult) but through blind faith they became immortal and gained a myriad of other special powers. Also, this could be interpreted as an exaggeration of some myths that maenads gained the ability to perform miracles through worship of their god.
** The Cathholics didn't burn witches in the Inquisition. They don't believe in magic, so anyone claiming to be a witch must be lying. The Protestants believed in witchcraft, and were the ones burning witches.
* [[Artistic License: Biology]]: If {{spoiler|Mavis' baby}} was a newborn when killed, it would not have left behind a skull after decomposing.
* [[Artistic Title]]: Opening credit sequence is one of the creepiest things ever.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: In the books, {{spoiler|Maryann}} showed up to a sex party, checked out the scenery, uttered a few lines and was never heard from again. In season 2 of the show, she was the [[Big Bad]].
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** Sookie, for all her hang ups, is a genuinely nice person and will forgive the people she loves for a lot. But push her too far and she'll {{spoiler|laugh maniacally as she shoves your husband's remains down the garbage disposal. And she’ll make you watch.}}
** An evil example; Russell was, at first, quite pleasant and genial, and his relationship with Talbot was adorable. Even when he started getting sinister, he was still very much [[Affably Evil]]. Then {{spoiler|Eric staked Talbot}} and he [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|lost his temper in a very public fashion. ]]
** [[Nice Guy]] Hoyt sure knows how to hit the sore spots in his ex-girlfriend Jessica after half a season of being played about.
* [[Big Bad]]: The show follows the seasonal big-bad formula.
** In season 1, it's a serial killer who preys on women who sleep with vampires.
** Season 2 has {{spoiler|Maryann, the maenad,}} with the {{spoiler|Fellowship of the Sun}} coming in a competitive (and much more fun) second.
** In season 3, it's {{spoiler|Russell, the 3,000+ year old king of Mississippi and serial interferer with mortal affairs. At first glance, he comes off as Dandy-ish and a bit effeminate. However, between his bizarre hold over the Weres, his Trophy Collection, his age, and his work over the centuries, he's shown to be much more unpleasant than he appears.}}
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** In Season 3, we get a German [[Bilingual Bonus]]
** And Yvetta the Estonian cardiologist-turned-stripper speaks Russian with surprisingly mild accent. Justified, since it would be more logical for Eric and Pam to have learned modern Russian than for them to have learned modern Estonian.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]:
** Lafayette saw through Maryann's facade within seconds of first meeting her. "I don't know what you is, but I'm feelin' you; and you's a soulless ''bitch''."
** That bitch {{spoiler|Daphne}} was working with Maryann all along.
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* [[Black Best Friend]]: Tara.
* [[Black Eyes of Evil]]: "That's Maryann's ''energy inside'' of them!"
* [[Blessed with Suck]]:
** Poor Jessica. She soon discovers that her hymen is going to keep regenerating no matter how many times she has sex. So every time will be like her rather painful (but later pleasurable) first time.
** Vampires in general have superhuman abilities, as well as [[Kryptonite Factor|KryptoniteFactors]]. And older, more powerful vampires become increasingly vulnerable to sunlight, a millennia-old vampireburns to ash within seconds of getting hit by sunlight.
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* [[But Not Too Gay]]: Lafayette does not get a boyfriend until season 3 and has never had a sex scene. Similarly, the idea that most vampires consider gender a footnote at best when picking sexual partners was hinted at throughout the series but never overtly depicted until Season 3.
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Sam gets to do it to ''both'' his biological parents after he discovers {{spoiler|they force his brother who's also a shapeshifter into dog fights.}}
* [[Camp Gay]]:
** Lafayette combines a [[Camp Gay]] wardrobe with a [[Hard Gay]] personality. He manages to be just one of the guys on the road crew and as a short order cook, often while rocking guyliner.
** Averted by Talbot, King Russell's consort. He's clearly the "femme" partner in their relationship, but he behaves more like a politician's hard-nosed wife than a mincing, limp-wristed [[Camp Gay]]. The actor based his performance on his Greek mother.
* [[Cartwright Curse]]: Jason's girlfriends in Season 1 have a high mortality rate.
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** The first time Grandma Stackhouse appears on screen, she's reading the novel the first season is based on. [[Dude, Not Funny|She probably should have skipped to the end]].
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: In the first two seasons Jason Stackhouse was borderline retarded. In the third season he was just pretty damn stupid. After Joining the Sheriffs department and being forced to look after a Hotshot for a little over a year he has been forced to mature and is now fairly intelligent. (He still comes off as a bit dim every now and again but watching season 1 Jason vs season 4 Jason it is almost stunning to see the difference in character.)
* [[Chainsaw Good]]:
** Jason, as he turns road construction equipment into an impromptu arsenal. {{spoiler|Subverted in that the chainsaw doesn't do him much good.}}
** Subverted again with Jessica in S3. {{spoiler|When she gets the chainsaw, there is no corpse anymore.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]:
** Maryann's statue. {{spoiler|According to Maryann, the reason Sam is "the perfect vessel" is because he appeared to Maryann a naked virgin drawn to the statue, which represents the rebirth of Dionysus.}}
** The Greek mythology book Bill was seen reading in a flashback becomes integral in Maryann's defeat.
** The gloves Bill stares at that he later uses to free himself from a silver chain.
** The shotgun with wooden bullets given to Jason from the Fellowship of the Sun's vampire-killing arsenal in Season 2 {{spoiler|is later used by Jason to kill Franklin in Season 3.}}
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]:
** Debbie in season 3 when she goes to kill Sookie.
** Maryanne is frequently seen sporting one of these.
* [[Chew Toy]]:
** Jason Stackhouse is a particularly tasty example of this trope.
** Sam doesn't get a break the entire second season.
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** In the books, Russell Edgington is described as a "gay Hugh Hefner" and is a rather laid-back vampire, although notably his people {{spoiler|attempted to kill Bubba, as they didn't realize that he really was Elvis.}} On the show? Holy. Shit. {{spoiler|He's a magnificent bastard with designs on taking over the vampire kingdom of Louisiana, with a pack of werewolves strung out on his 2,810-year-old blood as his bruisers.}}
** Calvin Norris in the books was the noble patriarch of a backwoods Southern family and had a normal and successful blue-collar job. On the show he is a violent, white trash meth dealer.
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]:
** Sookie indulges in taking matters into her own hands because of her power-related problem.
** When Jason takes the vial of V, he spends hours trying to make his problem go away and ends up having to get the blood drained, he even had a blister on his thumb he had been going so long.
** Tara does while showering {{spoiler|in her dream, after having escaped Franklin.}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Pam and Tara.
** Eric and Kenya are not too bad, either.
** Talbot was well loved by fans for his snarky comments.
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* [[Death by Irony]]: {{spoiler|Maryann cut out the hearts of her victims as offerings to Dionysus; Sam defeats her by ripping ''her'' heart out.}}
* [[Death by Origin Story]]: Eric's father, mother and little sister were all killed {{spoiler|at Russell's behest}}. Interestingly, subverted with Eric himself.
* [[Death by Sex]]:
** The victims of the murders in season one, {{spoiler|except for Adele Stackhouse.}}
** {{spoiler|Talbot}} in Season 3. And killed with {{spoiler|a piece of ancient vampire erotica, no less.}}
* [[Death Seeker]]:
** {{spoiler|Maryann}}, apparently, along with {{spoiler|maenads}} in general.
** {{spoiler|Godric}} too.
* [[Deep South]]: The show manages to delve into many issues plaguing the American South--poverty, racism, homophobia, drug abuse, child abuse, and religious extremism--without demonizing the setting or the people therein.
* [[Deconstruction]]: Franklin full stop. Hot Vampire? Check. Cool calm and collected figure? Check. Mysterious past? Check. Bat-themed detective? Check. His own ''theme music''? Check. Psychopathic, socially-retarded, psychologically-damaged man-child with severe [[Psychotic Lover]] qualities? '''Double''' Check.' Makes you rethink how romantic the phrase "we'll be together forever" really is.
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]:
** It took quite a while until anyone in Bon Temps apart from Sam noticed that Maryann wasn't just a slightly kooky, bohemian social worker.
** {{spoiler|Rene}} was just a friendly local face until the very end when Sookie figured out that he was actually Drew Marshall. Even then, only Sookie knew about him being the serial killer until after he'd been shoveled in the neck.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Any Wiccan worth their athame knows that Samhain is pronounced "sowwen" as it is a Gaelic word. So when a Marnie-possessed Lafayette pronounces it wrong, any knowledgeable neo-pagan would notice it stick out like a sore thumb.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Good lord, if it wasn't before then it certainly is by season 4. As of now there's not a single relationship on the show that doesn't involve one of these: lies, cheating, accidental incest or one of the parties having questionable sanity.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Sam. Emphasis on ''[[Just for Pun|dogged]]''.
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* [[Do Not Adjust Your Set]]: Rusell breaks into a newsroom and rips out the news anchor's spine to show the world what vampires are really like before turning it over to the weather.
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Somewhat. Bill, Sookie and Jason return from Dallas to find Bon Temps in utter chaos due to Maryann.
* [[Double Agent]]: Bill spied on Sookie for Sophie-Anne (revealed in the Season 3 finale "Evil Is Going On") and spied Sophie-Anne and the other monarchies for Nan Flanagan and the AVL (revealed in Season 4's "You Smell Like Dinner).
* [[The Dragon]]: Gabe for Reverend Steve Newlin. "Eggs" for Maryann.
* [[Dramatic Wind]]: "Lo, lo, Enorcheeeeeees..."
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* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]:{{spoiler|Maryann had the most anticlimactic defeat ever.}}
* [[Drop What You Are Doing]]: In S1 Jason drops a vase on walking in and discovering another of his fuckbuddies is dead.
** Pam in 4x03, upon hearing Sookie tell her that Eric {{spoiler|seems to have amnesia}}, drops the phone and is gone from the room leaving Sookie to call "...Pam?" over the now-abandoned phone.
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]:
** Tara, with regard to her alcoholic mother.
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* [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma]]: In "Frenzy," Rosie reminds Jason he did this to Patsy Lyle. His defense: "She was fine when we started!"
* [[Dump Them All]]: {{spoiler|In the finale of True Blood season four, Sookie turns down all three of her love interests. In the case of Bill and Eric, it's a classic "I'm not picking either of you" ending to a Love Triangle. Alcide gets a gentler "sorry, but I don't feel that way about you" rejection. }}
* [[Drunk on the Dark Side]]: Happens to Marnie when {{spoiler|she's invites the spirit of a 400 year old necromancer to possess her}}. However, we already see shades of this during her first couple of appearances; after purposefully hijacking the coven's circle for an experiment into necromancy (briefly resurrecting her dead bird) she immediately seeks to bring back a ''human being''. Lord knows where (or ''how'') she intended to acquire a body...
* [[Emergency Transformation]]
* [[Emotion Eater]]: Maryann feeds on the lust, anger and pride generated by those around her.
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* [[Fake American]]: The actors who play Sookie ([[Anna Paquin]], from New Zealand via Canada), Jason (Ryan Kwanten, from Australia), Bill (Stephen Moyer, from England), as well as some recurring characters such as the magister (Željko Ivanek, from Yugoslavia) and Marnie (Fiona Shaw, from Ireland).
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Bill has sex with Lorena and then breaks her neck and ''turns her head 180 degrees'' while still humping her! Don't worry, she's a vampire, so not only does she live, ''she enjoyed it!'' Quite possibly the most hilariously unappealing sex scene in the history of television.
* [[Fan Service]]:
** Eric's fanservice was ''off the charts'' in the Season 3 opener. His first appearance featured him completely naked having wild sex with a tied up woman and then calmly discussing {{spoiler|Bill's abduction}} with Sookie while still completely naked and ''then'' he has a conversation with Pam with a robe he decided not to close all the way. [[Female Gaze]], anyone?
** The fanservice is kicked up several more notches by Alexander Skarsgard confirming in Rolling Stone that he was genuinely naked in every nude scene.
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** The Fellowship of the Sun is a religious movement that can't condone killing vampires but sure does cheer when it happens.
* [[A Fate Worse Than Death]]: Russell's fate: {{spoiler|after being sunburned to near death and listen how the remains of his lover are drained and shredded, he winds up incapacitated with silver and buried in concrete by Eric, Bill and Alcide.}}
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: '''Sookie'''. She runs headfirst into any problem boasting that she can take care of herself, but the number of times Sookie has gotten herself out of a mess she put herself in or got into by accident can be counted on one hand. People are ''constantly'' saving her and yet she still acts like the sassy [[Action Girl]] she believes herself to be.
* [[A Fete Worse Than Death]]: Maryann's sacrificial rituals consist of orgy raves. Her attempted sacrifice of Sam plays out like a festive white wedding.
* [[Fetus Terrible]]: Arlene's baby with Rene survives a [[Magical Abortion]] and seemed to give her nightmares afterwards. Then things got even weirder and creepier, and Arlene worried that the baby was being possessed by the ghost of its father. {{spoiler|It turned out that there ''was'' a ghost communicating with the baby, but it wasn't Rene, and all of the trouble it caused was unintentional.}}
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* [[Flash Back]]: Lots of Sookie thinking on her past. And Tara on hers. Sam gets a bit in season 2. Bill and Eric had some both as humans and as vampires, and both Bill and Lorena have been reminiscing more or less [[Squick|fondly]] about their mutual past.
** Eric and Godric also had [[The Dung Ages|a]] [[Those Wacky Nazis|few]].
* [[Foot Focus]]: Sookie washing Eric's feet early in the fourth season, {{spoiler|after he's turned into an amnesiac [[Woobie]] by the witches in Shreveport. It's never explained what happened to his shoes and shirt, but half-naked Eric is always a welcome sight.}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: A lot of things from later books have already shown up.
** After Miss Jeanette is killed, Tara's mom tells her "There's something evil out there that wanted her soul. If you're not careful, it'll come for yours." Right then, Maryann shows up and pulls Tara into a hug.
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* [[I See Dead People]]: Lafayette seems to develop this.
* [[It Got Worse]]: Most of the story arches on the show involve a situation that starts out as moderately horrible and then gradually escalates to such a point that you're surprised the characters come away from it without post traumatic stress disorder.
** What's worse, the audience usually sees the bad things coming before the characters do, making watching the show a little like watching a suspensful horror movie.
* [[Jerkass]]:
** Eric, both [[The Sheriff|doing his job]] and occasionally, in his spare time. Naturally, not everyone agrees with this categorization. He's a [[Love It or Hate It|polarizing character]].
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** Sam towards the latter end of series 3 becomes this, in the shows attempts to give him and [[Darker and Edgier]] backstory
** Tara is loyal to Sookie, but in general she is a very unpleasant person.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Bill attempts this on seeing Lorena at Russell's house.
* [[Kiss of the Vampire]]: Though by Sookie's reaction, the bite ''hurts'', she says the pain was only temporary.
* [[Klingon Promotion]]: {{spoiler|As of the season four premiere, Bill has killed Sophie Anne and is now king.}}
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* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: Maryann and Lorena.
* [[Marriage to a God]]: Maryann's master plan is to wed herself to Dionysus by sacrificing the "perfect vessel". Said vessel happens to be {{spoiler|Sam.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]:
** Maryann's surname is Forrester. Maenads live in the woods.
** Eric Northman. He is, in fact, a former Viking.
** Crystal. Guess what kind of drugs her pounce is involved with?
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: Godric. {{spoiler|He killed himself for his sins.}}
* [[A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read]]: Sookie hears a lot of things that she'd rather not.
* [[Mind Over Manners]]: Sookie can't help hearing the thoughts, but she's heroic and nice, and will defend even her [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|brother]].
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: A shop assistant sees Bill with Eric and comes to the wrong conclusion, somewhere at the start of season 2.
* [[Mistaken for Murderer]]: In season 1, 96% of Bon Temps was convinced that Jason Stackhouse was behind all the recent, mostly-sexual-related killings, including {{spoiler|the death of ''his own grandmother.''}}
** After an "anonymous" tip, Sam is discovered at Merlotte's by police {{spoiler|minutes after finding Daphne's dead body.}} They think he's guilty, even after Andy Bellefleur tries to intervene on his behalf.
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* [[Modesty Bedsheet]]: Used rather blatantly after Sookie and Eric have sex. Borders on [[Fridge Logic]] since Sookie was on full display moments ago.
** Arlene keeps her nightie on for sex in "I Hate You, I Love You".
** Deborah Ann Woll obviously has a no-nudity clause in her contract. The measures ''True Blood'' takes to keep Jessica's nipples hidden in sex scenes while showing almost every other square inch of her body are heroic.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Jason's best friend, Hoyt.
* [[Monster Fun Facts]]: And how!
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* [[Monster Mash]]: Russel's alliance with (some of) the Weres of Mississippi.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Russel's speech to the world after he kills a news anchor on-air. See [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] below.
** Eric is fantastic at this because he does it twice in "Evil is Going On". After Sookie has told off all the vampires in Fangtasia and Bill is glaring at Alcide, which prompts Eric to say: "Well, if you two are finished eye-fucking each other, we can go." The second time occurs in that same episode after {{spoiler|Eric tattles to Sookie that Bill had manipulated her into falling for him and Sookie kicks him out of her house.}} While Bill lies on the ground, emotionally ravaged, Eric looks at him and says: "I want my phone back."
* [[More Than Meets the Eye]]: Bill of all people. Looks like a nice enough vampire who's gone home to mainstream. As of season three we learn from the Vampire of Mississipi that Bill is an upcoming player in vampire politics. And that he may or may not be a valued agent of the Vampire Queen of Louisana.
** Season Four reveals that {{spoiler|he has been working as an agent for the American Vampire League since the 80s and is part of a conspiracy to take over the vampire power structure}}
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** They live in a sunlit realm full of trees and flowers and crystalline ponds.
** They enjoy sunshine, swimming, dancing, and being naked while doing any of these things.
** As of season four, it seems that {{spoiler|all of the above is an illusion created to keep the half-humans they've lured into the fairy realm under their control. Real fae are inhuman, angry, dirty, and live in a barren wasteland as a result of the vampires hunting them down. Their attitudes are more like [[The Fair Folk]].}}
** They can enter the human realm and interbreed with humans.
** Their blood is addictive to vampires, and as a result they hate and fear them.
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** Vampires can appear in mirrors and are unaffected by crosses and holy water.
** With some exceptions (Bill, Eddie, Godric, Jessica), the vampires treat humans like pets at best, and snacks at worst.
** Apparently, the older vampires get, the more susceptible they are to sunlight: {{spoiler|Bill, at 170, withstood the sunlight for several minutes, whereas Godric, at 2000, ignited in blue fire within a few seconds of exposure.}}
** Vampires have some sort of psychic connection with people who drank their blood directly from the source - they sense their emotions and can find them anywhere, the person in question has [[Erotic Dream|Erotic Dreams]] of them.
** Similarly, makers seem to have some connection with their progeny, which means they can find them, mentally call them - and feel when they die.
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* [[Plucky Girl]]: Sookie [[Character Development|gradually develops into this]] over the course of the seasons, arguably taking the bravery part of the trope a bit too far.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: The show goes back and forth on this, but mostly the police are just completely outclassed when dealing with supernatural entities, and sometimes seem a bit clueless.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]:
** Not kills per se, but this show would be much shorter if Sookie, Sam, and Tara sat down and compared notes on how their days went, and were up front about the supernatural stuff they ran into.
** Andy acting as a witness to Maryann's orgy. [[You Have to Believe Me|"A bull! In a dress! With claws!"]]
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* [[Property of Love]]: The series {{spoiler|at least until the third season}} has this as one of it's basic premises. Sookie have given herself to Bill out of love, without being hypnotized like so many other fangbangers. Also, being his makes her off-limits to other vampires.
* [[Plot Armor]]: Sookie. She should be dead about fifteen times over by now.
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]:
** The vampires vs the witches. The vampires raped and murdered Antonia and her coven in the past, and in the present they attack and terrorize Marnie and her coven. But in the end, it's Antonia and Marnie who are the villains.
** Bill really does not seem to care about the welfare of humans very much. He has no moral qualms about fucking with their minds, and in season four he tells Sookie that killing innocent humans is justified if it keeps ''vampires'' safe. He kidnaps Marnie and holds her prisoner back when she's still harmless. When he arranges a peace talk with Antonia, he promises to go alone and breaks his word since he fully intends to kill or capture her rather than work something out. But since he's always nice ''to Sookie'', he's supposed to be a good guy, or at the very worst an [[Anti-Hero]]. Similarly, Eric has murdered and brutalized people in situations where it was in no way necessary. He kidnapped tortured Lafayette and several others based on the possibility that they may have had something to do with his maker's disappearance when he could have simply glamored the truth out of them, then he forced Lafayette to work as his personal V-dealer on pain of death. Later, he attempts to kill Marnie because she doesn't immediately obey when he tells her to disband her coven when, again, he could have just glamored her to get her to do what he wanted. He also ripped out the throat of one of the Wiccans who as present at the meeting between the vampires and Marnie's coven, completely unprovoked, and this was while still had amnesia--the amnesiac Eric is supposed to be the ''good'' Eric, mind you. But, like Bill, all his actions are supposed to be seen as morally ambiguous at worst just because he has feelings for Sookie.
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Franklin: Don't say that. Women say that, everything goes black, and I wake up surrounded by body parts. }}
* [[Psycho Sidekick]]: Roy, one of the witches in Marnie's/Antonia's coven, who {{spoiler|tries to goad Tara into shooting Sookie and gets excited when he sees Bill's commandos gruesomely killed by three vampires.}}
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]:
** Eric, most notably in the third season.
** {{spoiler|At the end of the season three, Bill is revealed to have been playing this trope pretty straight.}}
* [[Punny Name]]:
** "Eggs" Benedict.
** The name of Eric's and Pam's club, "Fangtasia", also fits. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by Bill, who tells Sookie that many vampires are fond of puns, due to them formerly being regarded as high humor.
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* [[Rape Tropes]]:
** [[Attempted Rape]]: Sookie is almost raped by {{spoiler|Gabe}} before {{spoiler|[[Badass|Godric]]}} intervenes. {{spoiler|By killing him.}} And again, in 3x03. This time she's rescued by Alcide.
** [[Rape as Drama]]:
*** Franklin and Tara -- in this case, Franklin is insane and has convinced himself completely the sex is consensual when Tara is only not fighting back because he's an insane vampire who can kill her without thinking about it.
*** And in Hotshot with Crystal, Jason, and the other females {{spoiler|wherein one bursts into tears when Jason fights her and tells her to get off him. She cries because it was the first time she'd ever had sex ''she'' enjoyed}}.
*** And in S4E6, in [[Flash Back]], we see Luis raped Antonia during the Inquisition.
** [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)]]: Averted. When Arlene realises that she and Terry had sex during the black-out caused by Maryann's spell, she becomes deeply concerned that she may have coerced him (Terry had previously avoided physical intimacy because of his PTSD), saying "I think I might have done something terrible."
{{quote|Tara: [[Crowning Moment of Funny|"Are you telling me you date raped Terry Bellefleur?"]]}}
** Also averted with Crystal and every nubile female in Hotshot, as they {{spoiler|line up for their turn with Jason, who is wounded, feverish, strapped to the bed and under the effects of iagra. He did NOT enjoy it}} and the scene is creepy as all hell.
*** Not quite so averted. The director of the episode, David Petrarca, and Alan Ball have basically said that [http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2011/07/true-blood-if-you-love-me-why-am-i-dyin.html he deserved it].
* [[Real Song Theme Tune]]:
** "Bad Things" by country music singer Jace Everett. Yes, ''country music'' singer.
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* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: See [[And I Must Scream]]. {{spoiler|Invoked when Eric mentions how Russell should be effectively contained for at least 100 years in concrete and silver, which Russell laughs off as "a nap" for him, swearing that he will get out.}}
** {{spoiler|It takes him just over a year, but he does get out.}}
* [[Sequel Hook]]: Subtly done with Jesus and Holly revealing their magical abilities towards the end of season 3, implying that witches would be a significant factor in season 4.
* [[Serial Killer]]: {{spoiler|Rene}} had some issues.
* [[Sex Equals Love]]: Hilariously subverted when Sarah Newlin was ready to leave her husband after two sexual encounters with Jason...and then thinks he's a spy sent to prey on her, and she can no longer justify what was really just lust.
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** There's a copy of Bram Stoker's [[Dracula]] in Eric's office hilariously enough.
** In season two, Sam interrupts Andy who is in the midst of watching [[Dirty Jobs]] when he needs a place to hide from Maryann.
** In the season four episode ''She's Not There'', it is revealed that Marnie Stonebrook, {{spoiler|the head witch}} played by Fiona Shaw ([[Hey, It's That Guy!|better known as Aunt Petunia]]), [[Harry Potter|has a bird named Minerva.]]
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: Two straightforward examples: Jessica with Hoyt and Arlene with Terry. Ironically, due to [[Fantastic Racism]], the 2 women can't stand each other.
* [[Sinister Minister]]: Reverend Newlin. He's a creepy little weirdo.
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* [[Supernatural Elite]]: The vampires operate on a feudal system. A Vampire King/Queen claims a territory and appoints sheriffs to administer it for him/her. Usually the most powerful and/or oldest vampire becomes the monarch, however, the position can be reached if a vampire is politically connected with the Authority who seem to be a governing council above the monarchies.
* [[Surprise Incest]]: Bill finds out too late that the Bellefleurs--including his would-be girlfriend Portia--are his descendants. She actually gives him a laundry list of reasons why their relationship is technically harmless--the two being consenting adults, several generations removed, and unable to produce children--but Bill still can't get over the fact that he is having sex with his granddaughter, and glamours her into breaking up with him.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: Bill and Eric have repeatedly clashed over "ownership" of Sookie, who seems to be having trouble making up her mind. In a Season 4 dream sequence, Sookie suggests [[OT 3OT3|an interesting solution]].
{{quote|Sookie: "I’m proposing that the two of you be mine."}}
* [[Take That]]: In Season 4, Bill delivers a ''delicious'' one when he discusses how Vampires have infiltrated and controlled powerful institutions throughout history, such as the Catholic Church in the 1600's, and in the modern day, Google and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Fox News.]] This moment also counts as a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
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* [[Teens Are Short]]: Tommy and [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|Godric]].
* [[Tenchi Solution]] / [[Three-Way Sex]] / [[A Threesome Is Manly]]: Sookie's [[Erotic Dream]] in Season 4's "Run".
* [[Thank Your Prey]]: Blitzed on vampire blood and in the midst of sex with Jason, Amy turns and slurs that they ought to thank their supplier/kidnapping victim Eddie "for the gift he's given us." Eddie replies with a "Fuck ''you.''"
* [[Theme Song]]: Jace Everett's "Bad Things". Which is [[So Cool Its Awesome|awesome]].
* [[There Are No Adults]]: With cops and outside law enforcement agencies.
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: Debbie vs Sookie in season 3. "GET OUTTA MAH' HOUSE BITCH!"
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** Who can forget Queen Sophie Anne and Eric in Season three, Episode One?
{{quote|'''Sophie Anne''': *after screaming in rage, has Eric pinned to the wall* "With all due respect? I am due A LOT more respect than that, Mr. Northman. And I'm sorry to compromise your manhood like this, but hell hath no fury like a vampire queen broke. Move. The. Blood."}}
* [[Time Skip]]: A small one at the end of the first season, with a couple of months passing between {{spoiler|Rene's death}} and the discovery of {{spoiler|Miss Jeannette's body.}} There's a second one between the end of season three and the start of season four, {{spoiler|with Sookie thinking she's only been in the fairy realm for a few minutes, when it's actually been over a year.}}
* [[Title Drop]]: "Tru Blood" is the blood substitute that vampires drink so they don't have to kill people. Russell Edgington delivers a Title Drop in exactly the opposite spirit (see [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] above).
* [[Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe]]: Despite being a small Louisiana town, a lot of crazy shit happens in [[Weirdness Magnet|Bon Temps]]. Queen Sophie-Anne even [[Lampshade|lampshades]] this in Season 2 by saying how random it is that a maenad would be there ([[It Makes Sense in Context]], though she wouldn't have a way of knowing that).
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** {{spoiler|It turns out that they were right to wonder, Bill fed her his blood explicitly so that she would want him and was only interested in her because the Queen wanted him to get close to her. But in all fairness, he abandons his mission after coming to genuinely care for her. But the damage was done.}}
** It's stated in show that she finds being with Bill ''peaceful'' because she ''can't'' hear his thoughts. It would probably put you off your stroke to hear what your partner was ''really'' thinking.
* [[What the Hell Is That Accent?]]: As expected for a show set in a rural area with an extremely specific accent. Made worse by the extensive [[Fake American]] in the cast. The only one who consistently manages to even hit "Louisiana" is Sam Trammell, who is ''from'' Louisiana.
** In the fourth Season, the Mexican and Spanish accents can get this from native speakers. The normal mispronunciations that English speaking actors do are not present, and inded sometimes reverse (the lack of rolling "r" sound in words is exchanged for an exageration of said sound) which make it hard to know where the actors are from and where they learned Spanish. Doubled by the fact that 400 year old Spain Spanish is spoken in a very similar accent to modern day Mexican Spanish.
* [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?|Where The Hell Is Bon Temps]]: While the show generally treats it as a distant suburb of Shreveport, the contradictory specifics of its location and travel times to other cities tend to confuse Louisiana natives.
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* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: Vampire Queen Sophie-Anne LeClerq, who outright states that she loves to see two men together.
* [[Year Outside, Hour Inside]]: Sookie enters the fairy realm in the season three finale. At the start of season four, she realises that time passes more slowly in the fairy realm {{spoiler|and she returns home to find she's been gone without a trace for a year. Her grandfather is also there, believing a matter of hours has passed when it's been twenty years in reality.}}
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: In "Release Me", {{spoiler|Maryann has a zombified Eggs kill Daphne, right after kissing her on the cheek and sweetly thanking her for her service.}}
** Karl getting shot in the head:
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* [[You Have to Believe Me]]: Andy throughout season two. Granted, the things he's talking about would be hard to make sense of at the best of times, but he never even seems to consider how unhinged he sounds. "A bull! In a dress! WITH CLAWS!"
** Although sometimes he's claiming something that's relatively legit. Ergo, "PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG!"
** And near the conclusion of season four it's happening to him again, after his encounter with a fairy.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Steve's [[Freudian Excuse]] for becoming a [[Sinister Minister]].
** In the Season Three episode "Trouble", Eric finds evidence that {{spoiler|Russell and his werewolves}} killed his father. And his mother. And his ''infant'' sister.
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