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In TV Land, whenever a famous musician or actor (or any kind of celebrity really) ventures out in public, there is good chance they will be descended upon by a horde of screaming fans who will pursue, attempting to get their autographs, rip their clothes off, etc. The celebrity will probably find themselves forced to tactics such as hiding in garbage bins or donning ridiculous disguises to escape the [[Groupie Brigade]].
Very much [[Truth in Television]], versions of this trope have probably existed as long as there have been celebrities. However, it reached its apex in the 1960s and 70s as result of Beatlemania. These days it is something of a [[Dead Horse Trope]] as most celebrities have security too tight to allow anything like this to happen, and fans must content themselves with flinging their underwear at their idols and other such shows of affection.
Compare [[Instant Fanclub]]. Can become an [[Angry Mob]] if someone expresses disdain for the focus of the group's adoration. See also: [[Celeb Crush]] which can result in [[Groupie Brigade|Groupie Brigades]].
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** Hiruma Youichi once uses this to his advantage.
{{quote|"Well, let's get rid of Sakuraba at least, using a simple missile."}}
* Despite not being a really "famous" person," Yuki Sohma of ''[[Fruits Basket]]'' is regularly stalked by a vast brigade of obsessive fangirls.
* Rukawa's fangirls in ''[[Slam Dunk]]''.
* In ''[[Skip Beat]]'', Kyoko has to get Ren by a groupie brigade.
* ''[[Kamichama Karin]] Chu'''s [[Idol Singer]] Kuga Jin is often surrounded by hordes of fangirls. Karin has had to fight her way through the crowd to talk to him more than once.
* ''[[Macross Frontier]]'' is the originator of the trope pic, [[Idol Singer|Sheryl]] [[Ms. Fanservice|Nome]] has this group stalking her in High School. Yes she is in that room, yes that room is a shower, and yes that is a guy with a [[Panty Shot|conspicuously angled camera]].
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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* One of these kicks off the action in the New Zork chapter of ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', as the four turn a corner and unexpectedly come face to face with a line of kids waiting to win free “Beagles” tickets. (Keep in mind, it's 1954, so they're hardly expecting to be recognized.) Given their various means of escape, Ringo gets the worst of it by far, being thrown off a garage roof by a fan trying to get him down to his friends. And the Groupie Brigade stuff doesn't end there:
** Although Ringo escapes those fans by accidentally teleporting to the Plaza Hotel, he gets trapped there because it's under siege by more fans.
** Paul manages to lure the Groupie Brigade around the Plaza into swamping the “Hitler Youth” trying to detain him, because one of them is wearing a “Beagle” wig.
** When John leads the harveys in their peaceful protest, they're surrounded by fans, but he's protected by layer upon layer of giant rabbits.
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** [[Gene Kelly]] sort of reprises this scene in the all-star comedy ''What a Way to Go!'' as a huge movie star who gets trampled to death by a stampede of crazed fans (with rogue elephant sound effects!)
* ''[[A Hard Day's Night]]''
** Amusingly inverted in their next movie ''[[Help!]]'' - the Beatles pull up to their homes, and the only girls around are a couple of middle-aged housewives, one of whom needs to be coaxed to wave.
*** A similar scene occurs in ''Confessions of a Pop Performer'', where Sid and Timmy find a rock band they want to promote, and at their first concert, have to bus in some middle aged women who have to be encouraged to scream and wave.
* ''[[The Rutles]]''. There's a rather surreal sequence at the start of the film, where they hop from limo to limo to escape the hordes of fans.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[The Monkees]]''
** Although situations like these were more than plentiful in the real life mid-60’s era of Monkeemania, rarely is this trope actually seen, because, in their wacky TV show universe, the Monkees are not famous at all...in fact, they're [[Starving Artist|Starving Artists]].
** One notable exception would be the documentary episode “The Monkees On Tour” and, to a much different extent, “The Monkees In Paris.”
* Played with in ''[[Power Rangers Ninja Storm]]'', in which the [[Big Bad]] casts a spell city-wide to cause this to happen, and the conveniently immune Rangers nearly get trampled to death by stampeding fans.
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* Semi - [[Lampshaded]] in ''[[Animaniacs]]'', where the Warner Brothers and the Warner Sister Dot are in the middle of a parody of ''A Hard Day's Night'', and sing "We are running from our fans".
* On ''[[Rocko's Modern Life]]'', Rocko gets an insane squealing brigade when he becomes famed underwear model Wedgie Boy.
** Producer Ralph Bighead gets an army of psychotic fans that take pieces of his car, his clothes, and his scalp as souvenirs in "Wacky Delly."
* In ''[[Metalocalypse]]'', this (just like everything else in the series) is taken to ridiculous extremes... including the mass suicides among female fans after lead singer Nathan Explosion got a girlfriend. And then more female fans breaking out into open warfare upon hearing that he's single again.
** Dethklok's fans are easy to rile, though; The Louvre was nearly destroyed by marauding fans after Murderface said he didn't like any of the art in it. Oh, and they resort to acts of terrorism with minimal provocation, defacing Mount Rushmore and committing mass murder to persuade Dethklok to perform songs from their album Dethwater live.
** And, you know, ''[[Metalocalypse]]'' owes a lot to ''[[A Hard Day's Night]]'' and ''[[This Is Spinal Tap]]'' to begin with.
* In one episode of ''[[Johnny Bravo]]'', with Luke Perry IIRC.
* One episode of ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' focused on this when Danny Phantom (by this point, a well known hero and celebrity) is on the run from screaming teenage fans; most of which come from his own school. He had to [[Secret Identity|secretly turn human]] to get away from the crazed mob.
* Homer acquires one of these (made up of elderly female opera fans!) in ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "Homer of Seville".
* Checkmatey, the rapping chess master of X Middle School, has one in the ''[[Fillmore]]!'' episode "Of Slain Kings on Checkered Fields".
* Carl and (C2) acquire one in the "Spotlight on Carl" two-parter in ''[[Carl Squared]]''.
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' "[[Avatar: The Last Airbender/Recap/Book 1/04 The Warriors of Kyoshi/Recap|The Warriors of Kyoshi]]", Aang acquires a groupie brigade of young girls on Kyoshi Island. Then he loses them when they get bored with his half-hearted attempts at showing off.
** And then in season three, ''Avatar'' goes meta, and [[Estrogen Brigade Bait|Zuko]] gets a [http://piandao.org/screencaps/ep49/ep49-262.png literal horde of fangirls.]
* On ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', Fluttershy ends up getting one after becoming a fashion model in the episode "Green Isn't Your Color".
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