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Warhammer 40,000/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** More to the point, it explains why the Inquistion has never cracked the code. Binary would be brutally easy to crack with a calculation machine, but 1337 would be uncrackable without AI or a human involved. Given that they feed the 1's and 0's in to the machine, and get nothing a machine can read as a language out of it...
== The Emperor is Kane from [[Command and& Conquer]]. ==
Highly charismatic, possibly immortal, manipulation of various ideologies to achieve Nod's max appeal, born thousands of years before Christ. Plus the whole abrahamic Cain & Abel thing going on could be a nice bit of backstory. Plus the setting's already grimdark, and there's a lot of nice proto-Baneblades.
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* One word: Adamantium.
* The Hulk becomes da Orkz. Please, don't make them Waaagh. You won't like them when they Waaagh.
* [[Captain America (comics)|Super Soldier Serum]] + [[Iron Man|Tony Stark's armor and weapons]] = Space Marines.
** Alternatively, Fio'O To'ni St'ark was one of the finest minds of the Tau Earth Caste. Abducted by a radical Inquisitor's retinue and forced to recreate Tau technology for them, he instead built [[Powered Armor]] and used it to escape captivity. Voila! The Battlesuits were born.
** ...[[Memetic Mutation|In a CAVE!! From a box of SCRAPS!!!!!]]
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Emperor help us, when the Chaugle, God of Chairs arrives. CHAIRS FOR THE CHAIR GOD, THRONES FOR THE THRONE THRONE!
* And he was [[The Tick (animation)|Chairface Chippendale]] before his ascension.
** They already did it. Malal(now Malice) is back. In pog form.
*** Clearly, the next army list will be the missing primarchs' legions, corrupted into the most grimdark faction in the galaxy. The Pog Marines shall rise...
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