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** This was also how his first meeting with Mr. Popo went.
** This trope is the bane of the human Z-Senshi's existence. It's entirely possible that Krillin, Yamucha, and Chaozu might be able to keep pace with the Saiyans in terms of actual fighting ''skill'', but the uber-powerful foes the Z-Senshi face mean that the humans typically end up as benchwarmers, or are simply beat up as per [[The Worf Effect]]. Even if it's only anime [[Filler]], Tenshinhan, Yamucha, and even Chaozu did get their own personal [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] when they faced the Ginyu Force while being trained by King Kai. North Kai's training methods, which were so good they allowed Goku to utterly thrash [[The Dragon|Nappa]] when he returned to Earth, proved just as effective for the humans in that it allowed them to keep pace with Frieza's elite troops, and come out on top.
* Yugi Mutou, from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'', seems an ineffectual wimp who, in spite of being a gutsy little mite, would be about as much use in a fistfight as a squashed watermelon. But in a universe where Card Games are [[Serious Business]], Yugi reigns supreme. (Regular Yugi fits this trope better since the Other Yugi has [[Hard Work Hardly Works]] going for him, whereas Yugi slowly but surely develops his abilities to the point at which he {{spoiler|can and ''does'' actually defeat the pharaoh.}}
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', Red and Green's main Pokémon have levels that range from the 80s to 90s, while only Blue's main powerhouse Pokémon has the level of 80 and everyone else is around 60-70 (her Granbull is only in its 20s). However, she rarely engages in direct combat as her victories are contributed to her skilled use of [[Gambit Index|gambits]].
** Yellow counts too, when she's not using her [[Super Empowering|level-booster powers]]. By base level alone, she is by far the weakest of the Dex Holders. She can think up of a few sound strategies during battle to make up for her lack of strength (since overusing her powers rapidly exhausts her), but the flaws of this trope are pointed out to her when she works out a complicated scheme to get past Lance's primary defense but is unable to actually break through his secondary one due to simply not having enough power.
* ''[[Ookiku Furikabutte]]'' - [[Playing with a Trope|Invoked]] - Momome points out that although Tajima is supernaturally quick, he just doesn't have the build to be a power hitter in baseball.
* Clare from ''[[Claymore]]'', despite being in theory the weakest of all the warriors, has learned every trick and tactic there is to kill Awakened Ones. Normally, she's [[Crippling Overspecialization|cripplingly overspecialized]], but as the series progresses, Awakened Beings start coming out of the woodwork. {{spoiler|And then subverted horribly when she finally meets up with Priscilla after years of searching. Priscilla is by far the strongest character currently in the series and all the skill in the world can't put a scratch on her}}.
* Until he [[Took a Level In Badass]], Yuki of ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'' usually just let his [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] [[Action Girlfriend]] do most of the fighting for him. However, he is arguably the most skilled at utilizing the power of his Diary, using it to anticipate moves in combat or finding very specific information from the future.
** Said Girlfriend is the polar opposite of Yukki, but still manages to fit this trope. She is very strong and skilled, but her Diary is the weakest, only being able to predict one persons actions and her own Dead End.
* ''[[Initial D]]'' gives us Takumi and his AE86 Trueno. Although his Trueno pales in comparison to more powerful cars like the RX-7s and Skylines, his skill with the Trueno is what allows him to, to the shock of those who haven't seen him in action yet, hold his own against such more powerful cars.
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* [[Infinite Stratos]]: Maya Yamada, the assistant homeroom teacher, goes up against two students in Ace Customs, using a training IS... and effortlessly curbstomps them.
** In the same vein, Charles {{spoiler|aka Charlotte}} Dunois. Having explicitly stated to pilot an outdated 2nd Generation IS Rafale Revive II (the same type that Yamada-sensei uses), albeit customized, she can and has gone toe-to-toe with more modern 3rd generation machines such as Blue Tears and Schwarzer Roegen.
* Kisiragi of ''[[Eyeshield 21]]'' is a weak pretty-boy with little stamina and only average speed. Yet he manages to be [[Co-Dragons]] to [[Manipulative Bastard|Marco]] alongside the [[Unskilled but Strong]] [[The Juggernaut|Gaou]] due to his ability to knock the ball out of a reciever's hand just after they get their hands on it. With only this skill, and his own stubborness, Kisiragi shuts down Monta, the best Wide Reciever in-series, and helps his idol, Gaou, take down Hiruma, possibly the smartest Quarterback around.
* The [[Our Homunculi Are Different|Homunculus]] [[Tranquil Fury|Wrath]] {{spoiler|a.k.a. King Bradley}} in ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]''. Not only he cannot [[Healing Factor|regenerate]] like the other Homunculi, nor does he have their enhanced physical abilities, he's also turning sixty, something he likes to remind us often, downplaying his combat performance as well as the effectiveness of his [[Evil Eye|Ultimate Eye]]; a [[Combat Clairvoyance|skill]] that lacks the sheer power of, say, Lust's [[Wolverine Claws|Ultimate Lance]] or Greed's [[Made of Iron|Ultimate Shield]]. Finally, [[Guns vs. Swords|he uses swords in a world where firearms]] and [[Functional Magic|long range alchemic attacks]] are fairly common. All in all, he shouldn't pose a significant threat to our heroes, right?...[[Badass Grandpa|W]]-[[Implacable Man|R]]-[[Implausible Fencing Powers|O]]-[[Hero-Killer|N]]-[[One-Man Army|G]].
* ''[[Samurai Champloo]]'': While Jin is definitely not physically weak, he's a lot more reliant on technical skill than his rival Mugen. This trope is most evident in the fight against {{spoiler|Kariya}}; Jin's actually very close in skill with him, but outclassed in sheer power and Ki-Attacks.
* Kuroko of ''[[Kuroko no Basuke]]''. He doesn't have the talent or the build for basketball, but because of his highly refined and practiced skill at misdirection, he was able to be considered the "Phantom Sixth Player" of the legendary Generation of Miracles, his middle school team which took the national championship three years in a row.
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* [[Squirrel Girl]], who has the powers of [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|talking to squirrels while having squirrel agility]], takes down Marvel powerhouses, including the Cosmic Powered Thanos, by [[Weaksauce Weakness|exploiting their one weakness]], being just that good, or having [[Plot Armor]].
** [[Rule of Funny]] is also a factor.
** This trope probably applies to the entire [[Great Lakes Avengers]] team. They get no respect from the other superheroes, and their powers are...weird. Yet they still save the day now and then.
* Averted in ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]''. Calvin once attempted to use this on Moe the school bully -- or at least explain its mechanics -- only to be beaten as easily as usual.
* This is Karate Kid's (''[[Legion of Super-Heroes (comics)|Legion of Super-Heroes]]'') entire schtick: although he technically doesn't possess any super-powers, he can still hold his own against Superman thanks to his knowledge of every martial art in existence.
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* This is pretty much the schtick of Reed Richards of the [[Fantastic Four]]. He's physically the weakest member, but his mind makes him the most dangerous by a long shot.
* [[Hellblazer|John Constantine]] is, by his own admission, terrible at fighting. He will more often than not lose out in a straight-up fist fight and doesn't really use any magic outside of rituals, and then only when absolutely necessary. Regardless, anyone who decides to piss him off better watch their backs, because chances are that he will be arranging some spectacularly terrible fate for them somewhere down the line.
* On paper, [[Captain America (comics)]] isn't all that impressive. He's listed as the height of human potential, but a good chunk of his enemies are ''way'' beyond that. Unfortunately for most villains, he's more than skilled enough to make him one of the top A-list heroes in Marvel. On at least one occasion, he's actually beaten [[The Hulk]].
** In one instance Captain America lost the strength and agility that was given to him by the Super Solider serum, turning him back into that skinny kid from Brooklyn. While being intimidated by some newly super-powered thugs, Cap tells them that while the serum gave him physical strength, his skills are the result of years of training and discipline. [[Curb Stomp Battle|He then demonstrates.]]
* [[Empowered]] has shown signs of this. While her supersuit really is pretty powerful, it is easily damaged and rendered useless, making her an extreme [[Glass Cannon]]. However, unlike 99% of the other superheroes in her universe, she actually thinks, and this has allowed her to beat villains that others were not able to. She also notes that as cool as throwing a car looks, you'll do much more damage [[Car Fu|by just driving it into them.]]
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* In ''Forbidden City Cop'', Ling Ling Fat inherited a position in the imperial bodyguards, but doesn't actually know any martial arts. Instead, he's a clever [[Renaissance Man]] who uses his wits and inventions to outfight his enemies.
* ''[[Zatoichi]]: The Blind Swordsman''. He's old, blind, feeble, and homeless. He practically hobbles up to his opponents, and then cuts them down.
* Hit Girl of ''[[Kick-Ass]]'' is an 11-year old girl, but is capable of killing multiple adult opponents due to her superior training in martial arts, weapons and firearms [[MST3K Mantra|(just go with it)]]. Notably, in unarmed combat against an opponent who is an equally skilled martial artist, his significant advantage in terms of weight means that she actually has trouble keeping up with him.
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* One of the 'viewpoint' protagonists in the light novel series ''[[Fate/Zero]]'', Emiya Kiritsugu, is presented as this. While he is an [[Cold Sniper|expert marksman]], most of his successes come from [[Combat Pragmatist|exploiting]] [[Shoot the Hostage|his targets' weaknesses]] and [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|generally fighting very methodically]]. Whenever he is in a direct confrontation, he will ''always'' be the one running away, while waiting for the best time to put his plans into action.
* In ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'', Mat Cauthon outfights two stronger and more practiced opponents at the same time, while recovering from a serious illness. He's ''really'' good with the [[Simple Staff|quarterstaff]].
** Mat is also a [[Reality Warper|Ta'veren]]...a low grade reality warper. Further, he had 3,000 years of battle data crammed into his head by beings from an alternate dimension.
* Jasmine from ''[[Deltora Quest]]'' is tiny, and basically has this as her fighting style throughout the series, even winning a fighting tournament with it in the fourth book. Lief also uses it to an extent, he's at least average in size and strength, but most opponents are still bigger and stronger.
* David from [[The Bible]] ([[David Versus Goliath|in his fight against Goliath]]) is the [[Trope Codifier|quintessential]] weak but skilled character.
* [[Elric]], until he acquires Stormbringer
* Subverted in the Detective's Story in [[Dan Simmons]]' [[Hyperion]], where the protagonist notes that while [[Weak but Skilled]] is sometimes good enough, it can't stand up to Strong And Skilled.
* Hrathen from ''[[Elantris]]'' is hardly ''weak'', being a [[Badass Preacher]] ''par excellence'', but he's nowhere near as physically powerful as a magically-enhanced Dakhor Monk. He's still able to hold his own against them because he's an incredibly skilled swordsman, while their power has made them arrogant and sloppy.
* In ''[[Dark Rendezvous]]'', Scout is a Jedi Padawan. The Force is weak with her; she makes up for it with determination, quick thinking, and endless training. She's got [[Heroic Resolve]] in spades and bloody-minded determination, and in a book full of concern about almost every other character maybe one day turning to the Dark Side, no one believes Scout will, not even herself, because she fights so hard to be the best Jedi she can be. Just to drive home the point of how good she was: she survived [[The Purge]] that killed most of the full Knights and Masters of the Jedi order. In her non-Dark Rendezvous appearance the author had other Jedi look down on her for having weak powers, but it only takes one line to see that that author was just not doing the research.
{{quote|'''Yoda:''' "Too few Jedi have I already. But even had I a crop of thousands, small one, I would not let you go without a fight. Spirit and determination you have. Between the stars, so much darkness there is. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|Why would I throw away one who burns so bright?]]"}}
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** Most salarian soldiers do this. Salarian are not a strong race, so they use their heads to fight.
** Shepard in the original ''[[Mass Effect]]'' was a regular, ordinary human, who ''still'' managed to take down Krogan, Thresher Maws and even Reapers. Technically this makes them ''more'' badass than they are in the sequels, as the Lazarus Project meant they were now [[Made of Iron]].
* Another pair from [[BioWare]]: [[Knights of the Old Republic|Mission Vao and T3-M4]]. They have the lowest hit points in the party, but they're the best when it comes to disabling mines, hacking computers, picking locks, or turning the security systems against your enemies. Mission also has a nasty sneak attack ability while T3-M4 can be equipped with stun guns and flame-throwers in addition to blasters.
* You as Gene in ''[[God Hand]]''. Sure, between the [[Super Mode|Unleash]] and the [[Limit Break|Reel/Roulette]] you do have a lot of power, but the other 80% of the time when you're building up to the former, even simple mooks can tear you a new breathing hole very fast. Dodging and knowing when and how to retaliate are very important. It's a [[Nintendo Hard]] game, folks.
* ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'''s Spy class is [[Fragile Speedster|one of the weakest classes in a straightfoward fight]], however, if you [[Difficult but Awesome|learn to play him to his stealth genre strengths in this otherwise FPS]] a Spy is the stuff of your opponent's worst nightmares, being [[Magnificent Bastard|a silent killer who's like a lethal version of Batman, instilling fear and terror into the enemy as they breath their last breaths.]]
** It can be argued that the Sniper is shades of this trope as well. While the Spy has [[Cloaking Device|invisibility]] and [[Paper-Thin Disguise|disguises]] to aid him, the Sniper has only his rifle, his wits, and his marksmanship to take down his opponents. And more often than not, he does.
* The Swordmaster Class of the [[Fire Emblem]] series, at least in the games they appear, tend to be this, but the class that epitomizes the trope would be the even rarer class, Assassin. Swordmasters have high speed and skill with a relatively low strength cap, but also gain a boost anywhere from 15% to 30%, depending on game, to their critical chance. Assassins tend to have the lowest strength cap in any given game they're in for final class promotions, but also have the highest skill cap, and are the only class with a one hit kill move that deals death even if they'd normally not even do damage with a normal attack.
* This Trope is played ''very straight'' in the ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' series. With a proper usage of [[Status Buff|status buffs]], [[Useless Useful Spell|instant death spells]] and [[Attack Its Weak Point|exploiting your opponent's weakness]], you can easily trumph over a more powerful opponent. Of course that, being [[Nintendo Hard]], the same principle applies to your enemies.
* ''[[Blaz Blue]]'' gives us [[Highly-Visible Ninja|Bang]] [[Rated "M" for Manly|Shishigami]]. "Weak" as in being one of the few pure humans in the series, and thus having no genetic or eldritch empowerment, he also lacks an empowered weapon with which to do battle with these beings. {{spoiler|He actually has a powerful Nox Nyctores, but has no idea how to use it and that thing has been in dormant state.}} "Skilled" as in his long years of ninja trainings which includes various ninja skills, including the hidden technique [[Super Mode|"Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan"]] (yes, that can be attained through training) and most importantly creative uses of them... especially the last one, since with that, he could survive against two high-class [[Complete Monster]] on [[Villain Sue]] levels (it does help that everyone else underestimates him). And with all those skills, he can handle himself just fine against various superpowered other characters in the game.
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== Real Life ==
* Strip naked and fight a bear. Chances are, you're already dead. Fast forward a couple thousand years later, we came from flint-tipped spears to laser-guided missiles. NOW fight the bear. You won't even need to see him.
* Increased efficiency is sort of the point of martial arts.
* The Gracie family used this principle to win several of the early UFC and other NHB tournaments despite being generally smaller, lighter and weaker than many of their muscular powerhouse opponents through proper application of techniques with which the other fighters were unfamiliar, and in fact Royce Gracie was chosen to represent the family in the early UFC for this reason (as opposed to a larger relative). When the rest of the world became familiar with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu the advantage disappeared.
** Roger Gracie both subverts and plays this trope straight; while he is renowned for his skill and technique, some observers and opponents believe that his physical attributes -- specifically a mix of his long limbs (he's 6-foot-4) and functional strength -- play a substantive role in his ability to implement them. Also, only one of his losses in the 21st century was to a grappler in his own weight class; all of his other known losses were to lighter opponents.
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