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* In ''[[Transmetropolitan]]'' the police are pretty corrupt and oppressive to begin with, carrying riot shields with SUBMIT printed on them and stomping of protestors' faces. When the Smiler takes over it gets worse, culminating in the City getting put under martial law.
* In the [[What If]] story of ''[[Captain America (comics)]]'', the USA is turned to this because Cap awakened from the popsicle way later than expected. When Cap noticed what happened, he's ends up really furious and interrupts a parade done by his impostor and then chews out the whole country. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|And it awesomely works]].
* ''[[Superman: Red Son]]'' involves virtually the whole world becoming Communist thanks to Superman solving various economic problems. The US in an exception: its economy is on the verge of collapse and there is a mention of tanks in the streets of New York to suppress food riots. There's also a mention of a [[Take That|President Friedman]].
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* In Sinclair Lewis' ''It Can't Happen Here'' a fascist government gets voted into office and proceeds to turn the country into an oppressive dictatorship.
* In [[Robert Heinlein]]'s novella "If This Goes On-", the U.S. has become a theocratic police state.
* ''[[The HandmaidsHandmaid's Tale]]'': The fascist, theocratic Republic of Gilead is (one of?) the [[Fallen States of America|USA's successor states.]]
* In Allen Steele's ''[[Coyote]]'', the United States has degenerated into the fascist and theocratic "United Republic of America" where intellectual dissidents are rounded up with their families and carted off to forced re-education camps.
* Strongly implied in ''[[Illuminatus]]'', and would naturally come up in any work of fiction where [[The Illuminati]] (or similar) are the ones REALLY running the country.
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== Web Original ==
* The [[Alternate History]] ''[[Decades of Darkness]]'' is about the development of the United States into this. The [[The War of 1812]] spills into [[Divided States of America|a much earlier civil war]] that sees every state north/east of Pennsylvania seceding and forming the Republic of New England. The remnant US, dominated by the [[Deep South|southern states]] and their slave-holding elite, becomes an imperial power built upon white supremacy, expanding across Latin America and co-opting the local white elites while keeping the black, indio and mestizo masses in slavery and peonage. New England also goes through a period of authoritarianism in the 1920s and early '30s after badly losing a war with the US.
== Western Animation ==
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