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[[Duck Amuck|Ain't I a stinker.]]
== Deadpool will fix everything. ==
Realizing that all the recent stories have derailed the Marvel universe he will go down to the comic book store buy all the issues of House Of M, One More Day, Civil War, The Xorn Storyline, whichever one said that the spider that bit peter was magic, and start crossing words out, replacing them. And he replaces the words "No more mutants." with the words "No more immortals" and will then find the issue where Xorn killed Jean Grey cross her out and doodle himself in her place and die and be dead happily ever after, reunited with death. And it will be take place in a one-shot issue called 'Deadpool Saves The Marvel Universe' and it will be awesome.
** Can he trade Deaths with [[Captain America (comics)]] instead of Jean? She'll find a way back on her own she's done that before (only once but that's still more experience escaping the afterlife than Cap has).
*** He's all ready due to come back to life. And besides if he undoes Civil War that'll retcon Cap's death.
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== Bullseye will do a [[Heel Face Turn]]. ==
The more he fights Deadpool, the more he gets to like him, even though he's been hired to kill him. Eventually, he might even become an [[Anti-Hero]] and take up the mantle of Hawkeye for real, leading up to a limited series where he teams up with Deadpool to take down Osborne.
* Actually they're already friends however since they're mercs. Bullseye is always willing to kill even his friends. Since Deadpool's unkillable, he's a challenge and Bullseye sees murder as ripping good fun so what better sport then THE UNKILLABLE. It quickly degresses into a rivalry when Bullseye can't kill him. Now he's given up seeing as he's a tad afraid of Deadpool, but as soon as his legs are back in commission he's going for Pooly. Also there's no way he's biting Norman's hand he has free reign under his Dark Reign. * snicker*
* Somewhat Jossed now that Dark Reign has ended and {{spoiler|Bullseye died in Shadowland}}, but I could actually see Bullseye {{spoiler|coming back to life}} and instead of being a bad guy, just hanging out with Deadpool. Deadpool & Bullseye... could be awesome.
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** When he's not hitting on Axel and/or Tifa.
** And then he'll go to the ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' universe and hang out with Captain Jack, whose hair he will envy with a fiery passion. They shall win the Black Pearl back from Barbossa and he and Ragetti will have a philosophical discussion of some sort.
*** And he will win the Black Pearl by either betting it on something Barbossa would think a sure thing--"Hey, I bet I can take more bullets to the head than you!"-- or by simply out-HAMMING him.
**** Someone write this. NOW.
** If he goes to the ''Tron'' Universe inside the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' one we would get such lines from the game grid as "We are in a game, in a computer world, which is on a planet of characters from other games, in side a universe made of games and movies, all on some disc in someones console."
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No I'm not. Err... I mean... Gottagobye!!!
== The Deathstroke ripoff created by [[Rob Liefeld]] and the crazy fourth-wall-breaking Deadpool aren't the same character. ==
During the time in the Justice League/Avengers crossover that the Marvel and DC universes temporarily merged, the original Deadpool died offscreen. He was instantly brought back to life since [[Death Is Cheap|nobody stays dead in superhero comics]] but due to some sort of weird paradox caused by his being a [[Captain Ersatz]] of Deathstroke and the two of them co-existing in the same temporarily-merged universe, he came back as a completely different person with a different [[Backstory]]. This sudden [[Retcon]]-induced loss of identity coupled with [[Multiple Choice Past|contradictory memories]] fucked with his sanity to the point that he realized that he was a character in a comic book and none of what had happened was even real. Thus, crazy fourth-wall-breaking Deadpool was born.
* This would also explain all the confusion with T-Ray. The original, darker Deadpool that was more recognizably a Deathstroke rip-off came back to life after the universes split back into Marvel and DC. When he went to reclaim his place, he found someone else claiming to be him and took on the name T-Ray.
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* Sure am! Wait... how did YOU find that out? You been spying on me? Again?
** It MIGHT have something to do with ''writing your own trope page''.
*** Oh yeah. Well now that we've got that outta the way, allow me to announce that I'm currently accepting applications for new members of the Deadpool Corps.
**** Arf arf woof
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== My mental disorder is... ==
New and undocumented.
* Imagine you know someone in real life, who constantly acts like the world is a series of fictional works. Sometimes you hear him talking to himself about "yellow boxes". Sometimes, when he gets hurt, he makes a remark about having more HP or wishing he'd used a savestate. You ask how old he is, and he tells you that he's been around since Issue #16—which makes no sense to you. This person is Deadpool, and he is insane. The fact that he's actually right about being in a fictional universe is merely coincidence.
== Old age will not kill me. ==
My healing factor comes from the fact that my cells keep destroying and rebuilding themselves. Because of that, I should be quasi-immortal. My healing factor is also based on the DNA of Wolverine, who is now over a hundred years old and still inspiring fangirls.
* [[The Other Wiki]] also says you've been "Cursed with Life" by Thanos, which is part of the freaky [[Love Triangle]] with Death they have going.
** That's wrong. The resurrection was one-off; Thanos just promised he would bring him back every time to stop him from bumping uglies with Death. Thanos is dead now, so he might not be able to keep his word. (He has more important things to do.)
*** On the other hand, it might just mean it'll be easier for him to kick Deadpool out of the afterlife any time he actually gets offed...
* In ''Messiah War'', X-Force was in the far future when they run into Deadpool... who had locked himself in a refrigerator for 400 years. He's been awake for a hundred years or so, as evidenced by his costume having numerous bullet holes and roughly-stitched repairs. Though he claims to have known Domino "A thousand years ago".
** He never was good with math.
*** Don't get us confused, it was just an expression. On the other hand, even authors have no idea how long he spent in a fridge. Some say 400 years other say 800....
*** Or 10 minutes.
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== Deadpool from ''X-Men Origins: Wolverine'' and comic Deadpool are different people. ==
Well duh! Silent Deadpool with eyeblasts and adamantium? Really? Maybe he fits the whole Super-soldier gone wrong, but that isn't good enough. No cancer, no yellow boxes, no sex.
== The Deadpool spin-off movie will take place after the Wolverine: Origins movie ==
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== Movie!Deadpool is not really Deadpool but Headpool before his decapitation. ==
Exactly what it says on the tin!
== Movie Deadpool is his larval state. ==
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== The sequel to the Deadpool movie... ==
* Will have Cable in it as an antagonist who I'm forced to team up with. [[They Fight Crime|We fight crime!]] And it will end with us on a beach and me asking if he has any suntan lotion...
* Will have the story-arc-thingy where I'm supposed to be the messiah who kills the evil thing to stop it from killing the good thing except the good thing turns out to be evil and I kick Captain America in the balls.
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