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Timeline of the Marvel Universe: Difference between revisions

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* Creation Of The Universe — A previous universe collapses into a “cosmic egg” that later explodes, creating the current universe. This is apparently a [[Eternal Recurrence|cyclic event]], overseen by [[Cosmic Being|Cosmic Beings]].
** The last living man of the previous universe is absorbed by the egg, and becomes [[Galactus]] billions of years later.
* Life begins on Earth.
** The first gods appear, but eventually turn into [[Eldritch Abominations|demonic creatures]] after they begin eating each other for power. To stop them, [[Mother Earth|Gaea the Earth Goddess]] gives birth to Atun the Sun-god who, in his own [[Super-Powered Evil Side|demonic form as Demogorge the God-Eater]], destroys most of them. Some of them escape but [[Sealed Evil in a Can|become trapped]].
*** One of them, Cthon, leaves behind [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|The Darkhold]], a set of parchments of evil magic that will cause many terrible events.
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== Pre-Historical times: ==
* [[Atlantis]], humanity’s first great civilization, arose. One of its most notable rulers was [[Conan the Barbarian]]’s ancestor, King Kull. (Yes, this is still canon despite Marvel no longer having the right to use the Conan characters. They just [[No Celebrities Were Harmed|never use the exact names anymore]].)
** Humanity spreads over Earth and develops several cultures (many of these become the ancestors of later civilizations eg. The Egyptians).
* The Darkhold -now bound into a book- was used in Atlantis to create [[Vampire Monarch|Vecna, the first vampire]].
* Eventually, Atlantis developed technology even more advanced than present-day Earth’s. Unfortunately, its use in a war with The Deviants’ empire (on Lemuria, a similar island in the Pacific) led to their mutual destruction (when The Celestials got dragged into it.)
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* A [[Portal Network|major space warp]] within our solar system brings many [[Ancient Astronauts|alien races]] to Earth. One of them was The Kree, who experiment on some primitive humans, creating what would (eventually) become [[The Inhumans|The Inhuman race]].
== The Time of Myths: ==
* Beings of great power are worshiped as gods. Most were immortal, super strong [[Human Aliens]] from [[Another Dimension|other dimensions]] (this applies to most current Earth Pantheons eg. [[The Mighty Thor]]’s.)
** Many Eternals were mistaken for gods and other mythological figures. The [[Greek Mythology|Olympian Gods]] even explicitly arranged for some Eternals to represent them among humans in exchange for permitting them to keep their invisible city hidden in Mount Olympus.)
* [[Ancient Egypt]] is temporarily ruled by Pharaoh Rama-Tut, actually [[Conqueror From the Future|a time traveler from the future]]. He will later assume several identities, including Kang The Conqueror. (Note: none of the futures Kang comes from are part of the main Marvel Universe's timeline.)
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* 1910: Kang The Conqueror establishes the small town of Timely, from which he shares his superscientific knowledge with certain individuals (such as the creator of the Human Torch android) for his own purposes.
* The first hero team, The Freedom's Brigade, forms to fight the Germans in World War I. Its most notable member is Britain's [[Wearing a Flag on Your Head|Union Jack]].
* Kang The Conqueror (see
* The Existence of superhumans has been known openly since the 1940’s, since Namor the [[Sub-Mariner]]’s first attack on New York city.
** Unfortunately this led to hate mongers spreading fear about [[Mutants]] that is still strong to this day.
** The [[Ridiculously Human Robot|android Human Torch]] is the first superpowered hero.
** Namor, The Torch, [[Captain America (comics)]], Union Jack and other heroes join forces to battle Nazis as "The Invaders". They become the All-Winners Squad after the war, but break up soon after.
* From the fifties and on, the American government tried to either take control of the costumed heroes or shut them down, for example the [[Agents of Atlas]].
** A secret team of heroes, ''The First Line'' , operates outside of public knowledge. They all die preventing a Skrull invasion of Earth during the 1980's. [[The Greatest Story Never Told|The public at large never finds out]].
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